DIRECTORY 2016 DUTCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SINGAPORE TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Message 3 Messages 4-5 - Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 4 The DutchCham Directory 2016 - Managing Director, Singapore Economic Development Board 5 is published by the Dutch Chamber Our Strategy 6-9 of Commerce (Singapore) 50 Years of Dutch Milestones in Singapore 10-11 50 Years Ahead - Dutch Long-term Vision 12 Dutch Areas of Excellence 13-20 Executive Director/Editor - Collaborative Innovation 15 Nele Cornelis - Water & Maritime 16 - Sustainability 17 Business Manager/Co-Editor - Food & Nutrition 19 Ruth Viëtor - Logistics & Supply Chain 20 Admin Officer/Co-Editor Winsemius Awards 22-25 Saskia Kops Event Highlights 26-37 Editorial Economic Overview 39-47 Katrijn de Ronde - Singapore - the Netherlands Comparison 40-41 - Direct Investment 42 Design & Layout - Merchandise Trade & Trade of Services 43 Virginie Huyghe - AEC and other Free Trade Agreements 44-47 Committees 48-53 Dutch Chamber of Commerce Role of the Embassy 45-55 (Singapore) c/o Netherlands Embassy Strategic Partners 56-59 541 Orchard Road Board and Advisory Council 60-64 Liat Towers #13-01 Directory 65-95 238881 Singapore - Orange Members 67-71 T: +65 653 677 50 - Corporate Members 73-93 E: [email protected] - Professional Members 94-95 Useful Contacts 96 DutchCham Directory 2016 1 WELCOME MESSAGE would like to thank its PRESIDENT OF THE ORANGE MEMBERS BOARD for their continuous support Mieke De Schepper Dear Members and Friends of DutchCham, Dear Readers, It is with great pleasure that I present to you ter for the Environment and Water Resources the 2016 edition of the Annual Directory of the Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, His Excellency Mr Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. Jacques Werner, Ambassador of the King- dom of the Netherlands and former minister DutchCham’s mission is to stimulate business Professor Dr Pieter Winsemius, son of Mr Lee for our members, Dutch companies and pro- Kuan Yew’s dear friend and long-time eco- fessionals based in Singapore and Singapo- nomic advisor to Singapore, Dutchman Albert rean companies interested to work with Dutch Winsemius. companies, and represent their interests to lo- cal stakeholders. In 2015 our membership has DutchCham plays a pivotal role in the Dutch grown to 150 members. I would like to take business community in Singapore, with close the opportunity to express our appreciation collaboration with the Dutch Embassy, other for the support from both professionals and Dutch organizations, like the Association companies in the past year. I want to welcome of Dutch Business people (ADB), as well as our new members. We look forward to work- with the EuroCham and Singapore business ing together. partners such as the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) and the Eco- DutchCham is a member-driven organization nomic Development Board. and without our expanding league of Orange members, corporate members and profes- As the DutchCham board, we continually sional members the Chamber would not be gather feedback and reflect on the needs of ”As the DutchCham able to offer our current range of services and the Dutch business community to reinvent our activities, nor would we be the key platform to offering to our members. We are always open board we continually promote Dutch-Singapore business. to hearing your feedback and suggestions. gather feedback and In 2015 we founded the DutchCham advisory I would like to thank my fellow board mem- council, to strengthen our ties within the Dutch bers for their passion, commitment and effort reflect on the needs business community in Singapore and receive to deliver value to our members. Furthermore, regular advice from some of the most senior we would not be able to deliver the Dutch- of the Dutch business Dutch business leaders to ensure relevancy of Cham quality without our executive team: Nele the DutchCham activities and focus. Cornelis, Ruth Viëtor and Saskia Kops. community to reinvent our offering to our In April we organized the first DutchCham I look forward to another year of collaboration Winsemius Awards Gala to recognize and with our DutchCham members, our partners, members.” celebrate the long-standing commercial ties the business community and governmental between the Netherlands and Singapore. stakeholders in Singapore in 2016. Over 40 companies were nominated and the event was attended by Guest of Honor Minis- 2 DutchCham Directory 2016 DutchCham Directory 2016 3 MESSAGES MESSAGES AMBASSADOR TO MANAGING THE KINGDOM OF DIRECTOR SINGAPORE THE NETHERLANDS ECONOMIC IN SINGAPORE DEVELOPMENT BOARD Mr Jacques Werner Mr Yeoh Keat Chuan Dear Members and Friends of DutchCham, Dutch companies have played an instrumen- roadside infrastructures. This joint initiative will Dear Readers, tal role in the development of the Singapore help support our vision to make Singapore a economy. As at the end of 2013, the stock of global innovation hub for intelligent transport The times, they are always changing, as the ductory meetings and organized a high-level foreign direct investment from the Netherlands systems. great Bob Dylan said. Once upon a time, networking and matchmaking event. Such was in Singapore topped S$84.4 billion, making it diplomats were observers in foreign countries, the energetic buzz of the evening that not only the largest investor from the EU. With a bilat- Looking ahead, we believe that Dutch compa- listening, watching and reporting back to the Micanti but several other guests found their eral trade totalling S$15.19 billion in 2014, the nies will continue to play an important role in home office. Nowadays, the diplomatic ser- business interests aligned. Netherlands is also Singapore’s second largest our economic growth. We are committed to vice has changed and proactively supports trading partner in the EU. partnering Dutch companies to establish high Dutch companies and organizations. In Singa- The Embassy’s way is a broad approach. We value manufacturing, R&D as well as regional pore, our main mission is to help Dutch trade might make a call or an introduction, ask a Today, there are approximately 1,200 Dutch and global functions in Singapore. In addition and innovation and to attract Singaporean question, provide background information. companies in Singapore. Some are here be- to our business-friendly environment, Singa- investments to the Netherlands. These are small actions. But pushing the right cause we are a reasonably affluent market as pore is well-positioned to support the growth button at the right time may set wheels in well as a lead market for certain sectors. Many of Dutch companies in Asia with our diverse The companies in this directory exemplify the motion that were not turning before. It may more are in Singapore to deliver services and talent base, leading research institutes and strong entrepreneurial spirit, the innovative prevent a dispute from going to court, intro- manufacture products that are exported glob- universities and strong IP protection. thinking, and the good business sense that duce an idea for an academic collaboration or, ally and to the region. In so doing, these com- the Dutch are famous for. We work to support in the case of Micanti, provide an entry point panies contribute to the diversity and vibrancy As Dutch companies continue to expand their you and your efforts, by sharing our network, to the market. We also create opportunities of our economy. operations, capitalizing on the opportunities contacts and expertise. pro-actively for Dutch entrepreneurs in Sin- in Asia, it is our hope that these companies gapore by initiating projects, organizing trade Dutch companies’ activities in Singapore have will continue to find Singapore to be an ideal Take the story of maritime supplier Micanti. missions from the Netherlands and matching “The Netherlands grown in depth and breadth alongside our partner to support their long-term success in In 2014, this Dutch start-up came to Asia to Dutch companies to Singaporean partners. capabilities. For example, Unilever established the region. introduce its innovative product, an envi- is known for its its presence in Singapore over 50 years ago as ronmentally sustainable anti-fouling foil that The Netherlands is known for its collaboration, a trading company for its detergent and ed- About the EDB protects vessels from bacteria and barnacles, for the working together of different people, collaboration, for the ible fats business. This has since grown to a The Singapore Economic Development Board ensuring fuel and cost efficiency. But despite organizations and businesses. Together we strategic global hub for Unilever, housing key (EDB) is the lead government agency for plan- their best efforts, they did not find a willing become our best selves, and innovation is working together members of its senior leadership team. In ad- ning and executing strategies to enhance partner. born. In Singapore, the Embassy is part of the dition to managing some of its leading global Singapore’s position as a global business cen- “Partnering Singapore government end of the triple helix of business, of different people, brands from Singapore such as Lux and Pond’s, tre. EDB dream, design and deliver solutions The Oranje Handelsmissiefonds, founded by knowledge institutions and government. This Unilever also established its global leadership that create value for investors and companies to grow in Asia.” KLM, ING, MKB Nederland and the Dutch is an important responsibility. Further on in organizations and development centre here to nurture future in Singapore. Our mission is to create for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and dedicated to this directory, you can read about the different businesses. business leaders through providing exposure Singapore, sustainable economic growth with bringing Dutch innovative entrepreneurs to aspects of the economic team at the Embassy and valuable insight to Asia’s consumers. vibrant business and good job opportunities. the international stage, believed in Micanti and how those can benefit the business com- Together we become and its sustainable product.
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