1959· CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 6059 By Mr. MINSHALL: By Mr. HOLTZMAN: . oil from nations friendly disppsed toward H.R. 6428. A bill to amend title 14, United H.R. 6437. A bill to authorize appropria­ the United States, which was referred to the States Code, in order to correct certain in­ tions for the Federal-aid primary system of Committee on Ways and Means. equities in the computation of service in the highways for the purpose J of equitably re­ Coast Guard Women's Reserve; to the Com-· imbursing the States for certain free and mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. toll roads on the National System of Inter­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. MULTER: state and Defense Highways, and for other H.R. 6429. A bill to provide for disaster purposes; to the Committee on Public Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private loans to small business concerns which suffer Works. bills and resolutions were introduced economic injury due to federally aided high­ By Mr. MULTER: and severally referred as follows: way construction programs; to the Com­ H.R. 6438. A bill to authorize appropria­ By Mr. CRAMER: mittee on Banking and Currency. tions for the Federal-aid primary system of H.R. 6440. A bill for the relief of the es­ By Mr. RIVERS of Alaska: highways for the purpose of equitably re­ tate of Samuel Grier, Jr., deceased; to the H.R. 6430. A bill to provide for the grant­ imbursing the States for certain free and toll Committee on the Judiciary. ing of mineral rights in certain homestead roads on the National System of Interstate By Mr. FOGARTY: lauds in the State of Alaska; to the Commit­ and Defense Highways, and for other pur­ H.R. 6441. A bill for the relief of Arsene tee on Interior and Insular Affairs. poses; to the Committee on Public Works. Kavoukdjian (Arsene Kavookjian); to the By Mrs. SULLIVAN: By Mr. ROONEY: Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 6431. A bill to amend section ~(a) of H.R. 6439. A bill to authorize appropria­ By Mr. FOLEY: the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, tions for the Federal-aid primary system of H.R. 6442. A bill for the relief of Vincent to provide for the regulation of futures highways for the purpose of equitably re­ J. Reilly; to the Committee on the Judiciary. trading in coffee; to the Committee on imbursing the States for certain free and toll By Mr. GUBSER: Agriculture. roads on the National System of Interstate H.R. 6443. A bill for the relief of Donald By Mr. TEAGUE of Texas (by re­ and Defense Highways, and for other pur­ P. Sevrens and W. A. Busch; to the Com­ quest): poses; to the Committee on Public Works. mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 6432. A bill to modernize the pension By Mr. BURNS or Hawaii: H.R. 6444. A bill for the relief of Lee Ee programs for certain veterans and their de­ H.J. Res. 339. Joint resolution to authorize Ai; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pendents; to the Committee on Veterans' the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain By Mr. IRWIN: Affairs. war-built vessels; to the Committee on Mer­ H.R. 6445. A bill for the relief of Miss By Mr. THOMSON of Wyoming: chant Marine and Fisheries. Anna Gentile; to the Committee on the H.R. 6433. A bill to plaee in trust status Judiciary. certain lands on the Wind River Indian By Mr. FOGARTY: H.J. Res. 340. Joint resolution requesting H.R. 6446. A bill for the relief of Luciano Reservation in Wyoming; to the Committee Soto y Carballal; to the Committee on the on Interior and Insular Affairs. the President to proclaim the month of Au­ gust 15, 1959, to September 15, 1959, inclu­ Judiciary. By Mr. ALBERT: By Mr. LANE: H.R. 6434. A bill to amend · the Agricul­ sive, as National Allergy Month; to the Com­ mittee on Judiciary. H.R. 6447. A bill for the relief of Mrs. tural Act of 1949, as amended, the Agricul­ Maria Luisa D. Furtado; to the Committee tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, By Mr. GEORGE P. MILLER: on the Judiciary. and Public Law 74, 77th Congress, as H.J. Res. 341. Joint resolution to authorize By Mr. MONAGAN: amended; to the Committee on Agriculture. the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain war-built vessels; to the Committee on Mer­ H.R. 6448. A bill for the relief of James By Mr. BURLESON: Joseph Shaker; to the Committee on the H.R. 6435. A bill to amend section 105 of chant Marine and Fisheries. Judiciary. By Mr. THOMPSON of Louisiana: the Legislative Appropriation Act, 1955, with By Mr. MOORE: respect to the disposition upon the death H.J. Res. 342. Joint resolution to authorize of a Member of the House of Represen ta-· the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain H.R. 6449. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Vir­ war-built vessels; to the Committee on Mer­ ginia Miles; to the Committee on the Judi­ tives of amounts held for him in the trust ciary. fund account in the office of the Sergeant chant Marine and Fisheries. at Arms, and of other amounts due such By Mr. PELLY: Member; to the Committee on House Ad­ H.R. 6450. A bill for the relief of Roland ministration. MEMORIALS Mishutani; to the Committee on the Ju­ By Mr. COOLEY: diciary. H.R. 6436. A bill to amend the Federal Under clause 3 of rule XXII, H.R. 6451. A bill for the relief of Mary Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act· Mr. LANE presented a memorial of the Miharu Takahashi; to the Committee on the so as to include nematocides, plant regula-· General Court of Massachusetts memorializ­ Judiciary. tors, defoliants, and desiccants, and for ing the President and the Congress of the By Mr. SISK: other purposes; to the Committee on Ag­ United States to enact no legislation re­ H.R. 6452. A bill for the relief of Antonino riculture. stricting the .further importation of residual Catania; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS ·OF REMARKS Business in the 86th Congress needed at less c~t and in less time. He interferences that may come from extra­ also has illustrated what needs to be neous issues, and the delays in enacting legis­ done in furtherance of this purpose. lation that may result. Or I might discuss EXTENSION OF REMARKS what business can expect from the 86th Con­ OF There is a nationwide demand for gress-what laws we will pass with reference water, and there is no one better quali­ to income taxes, life insurance, trucking, HON. CARL HAYDEN fied than the Senator from New Mexico water development, atomic energy, and al­ OF ARIZONA to state, as he did in his address, the lied subjects. Finally, in view of the great IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES progress which has been made toward number of investigations already under way meeting this imperative demand. or about to be authorized, my theme might· Wednesday, April15, 1959 All the Senator from New Mexico said well be "Who Gets the Business, Why, and Mr. HAYDEN. Mr. President, the Where." in Phoenix was informative, and to make Naturally I will have a little trouble re­ Senator from New Mexico [Mr. ANDER­ his remarks available to a wider audience straining myself on my favorite theme. soN J, a good neighbor of Arizona, de­ I ask unanimous consent that they be. Rather steadily these past few months, I livered an address to the Western High­ printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. have been talking and wl"iting about the way Institute convention in Phoenix, There being- no objection, the address atom, its place in the home, its role in in­ Ariz., on April 6, which is recommended was ordered to be printed in the REcoRD, dustry, its effect upon our laws and our law­ t·eading for anyone who wants informa­ as follows: yers, and the general problem of fallout; tion as to the march of population and BUSINESS IN THE 86TH CONGRESS and today I could try to tune you in on what industry in the great Southwest. Your program committee gave me an easy I regard as one of the most fascinating sub­ In it is an accurate summary of what topic for this noontime talk: "Business in the jects now before the people of the earth. the Congress has done to develop a high­ 86th Congress"-easy because it admits of Perhaps I might better start with a few way system which has for its objective many different treatments. I might confine words about what the 86th Congress has been the movement of persons and things my talk solely to the way the 86th Congress doing these first 3 months, particularly as from where they are to where they are is likely to conduct its own business, the its actions relate to business. 6060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - · HOUSE April 15 Of first importance is the passage of the . "What's going on?" they want to know. Maybe I am a pessimist, but I do not look Hawaiian statehood bill, the addition of a "Is Khrushchev bluffing? What will happen f_or any quick and easy" relii~f frotn the ten­ 50th star to the fiag. Today we are in the i.n May? If my children go to Europe this sions that now grip ·the world. Today it is State which gave the 48th star to the fiag summer, will they be caught in a nuclear ~erlin; yesterday it was Lebanon, and the and for 47 years held the distinction of be­ disaster? If war starts, how long will it day before that it wa·s Quemoy.
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