<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SODA </p><p>SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO HELD FEBRUARY 1ST, 2012.</p><p>MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY KIRK L. HANSEN, MAYOR.</p><p>ROLL CALL SHOWED THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: KIRK L. HANSEN, MAYOR</p><p>RANDALL E. PRESCOTT, PRES.</p><p>MITCHELL J. HART</p><p>LYNDA LEE TODD B. SMITH</p><p>EXCUSED:</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Mark Steele</p><p>Alan Skinner, Director</p><p>CHAT TV Staff</p><p>Tausha </p><p>Vorwaller, Clerk</p><p>Austin W. Robinson Clyde Nelson, </p><p>Attorney</p><p>Kathy Robinson</p><p>Mr. & Mrs. Austin Robinson</p><p>The invocation was given by Austin W. Robinson, Mayor Hansen then led everyone in the </p><p>‘Pledge of Allegiance’. </p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes from the last meeting and the payroll and accounts payable. Councilmember Prescott moved to dispense with the reading of the January 18th, </p><p>2012 minutes and approve them as written along with the payroll and accounts payable for</p><p>January, 2012. Councilmember Smith seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED PAYROLL & ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTERS FOR DETAIL)</p><p>Director Skinner reported back from the Parks and Recreation Committee regarding the </p><p> proposed park hours ordinance. The proposed ordinance would specify hours for the use </p><p> of all City parks. The Parks and Recreation Committee members are in agreement with setting the hours if it will help reduce vandalism. They suggested that different hours may </p><p> want to be set for winter and summer. Councilmember Prescott suggested that the Police </p><p>Chief review the proposed park hours. Mayor Hansen agreed and asked Councilmember </p><p>Prescott to forward the proposed ordinance to the Chief and report back.</p><p>Director Skinner presented a request from resident Bruce Lind of 10 Cammack Drive </p><p> asking the City to install asphalt paving in front of his house attaching to River Drive. </p><p>Director Skinner explained that Mr. Lind’s property lies outside the Neff Subdivision at the </p><p> southwest corner and the area he wants paved is private property. Mr. Lind is offering the City an easement across his property in exchange for the improved road. Director Skinner </p><p> explained that there is only private property behind Mr. Lind’s property and the City has no</p><p> use for an easement. Councilmember Smith pointed out that even in a subdivision the </p><p> roads are paved by the developer before the City takes ownership and maintenance. The </p><p>Council and Staff reviewed and discussed the forming of the subdivision and the </p><p> snowplowing issues. Mayor Hansen mentioned that he has viewed the area and </p><p>ST FEBRUARY 1 , 2012</p><p>PAGE 2 understands Mr. Lind’s concerns about the gravel and cinders deposited on his property by </p><p> the snowplow. The Mayor suggests that the City back in and plow that area of the City </p><p> street out away from Mr. Lind’s property. The Council agreed.</p><p>Attorney Nelson presented the Mayor with a proposed decision regarding the termination </p><p> of Anthony Stuckey. Attorney Nelson drafted the decision based on the items reviewed and</p><p> discussed at the appeal hearing. The Mayor and Council acknowledged that they fully </p><p> considered all documents and evidence presented at the hearing requested by Officer </p><p>Anthony Stuckey on his termination from employment, together with the proposed decision. Councilmember Hart moved that the City Council approve, adopt, and issue said </p><p> decision, that Mayor Hansen execute the same on behalf of the City, and that Officer </p><p>Anthony Stuckey be terminated as an employee of the City of Soda Springs, Idaho, effective </p><p>January 6, 2012. Councilmember Prescott seconded the motion. All in favor, motion </p><p> carried. </p><p>Director Skinner updated the Council on the status of the Water Planning Study that was </p><p> being done by Keller Associates with a grant from the Idaho Department of Environmental </p><p>Quality. The plan is 90% complete but was put on hold due to the litigation situation. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) after first review requested several changes </p><p> or additions to the Environmental Information Document (EID) and because this was not </p><p> promptly addressed DEQ gave notice of possible termination of the grant. Director Skinner</p><p> explained that he has responded to DEQ explaining the situation and setting a timeline for </p><p> completion of the project. He has also been in contact with Keller Associates who have </p><p> agreed to get the updated EID to the City for submittal to DEQ. </p><p>Director Skinner reminded the Mayor and Council of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) </p><p> that the City advertised for Energy Performance Construction Services to possibly do a power generation feasibility study. The seven companies that responded to the </p><p> advertisement were from Pocatello, Boise, Salt Lake and one from Phoenix. Two of the </p><p> companies attended the mandatory meeting held on December 19th and only one, </p><p>McKinstry, submitted their RFQ by the deadline today at 4pm. Director Skinner suggested </p><p> having representatives from McKinstry attend the next Council Meeting and give a </p><p> presentation regarding their qualifications and the type of studies that could be pursued. </p><p>Mayor Hansen recommended limiting the presentation to 30 minutes and encourage them </p><p> to bring a detailed outline of their information. The Council briefly discussed the scope of a</p><p> proposed study and a study done for Nampa in regards to a municipal waste incinerator which the Caribou County Commissioners expressed interest in. Director Skinner will </p><p> invite the Commissioners to attend the presentation. Director Skinner explained that the </p><p> next step would be to select an Energy Performance Construction Service company to </p><p> identify opportunities, prioritize the City’s needs, provide a summarized scope of services </p><p> and a preliminary project schedule. This phase would cost the City anywhere from $15,000</p><p> to $30,000. </p><p>ST FEBRUARY 1 , 2012</p><p>PAGE 3 Director Skinner reviewed with the Council change order #2 for the Wastewater Treatment</p><p>Plant (WWTP) project. The change order is for two hydraulic secondary clarifier rake </p><p> mechanisms and electrical controls. The change order was already approved, the updated </p><p> amount is $106,996 and Director Skinner presented the document for the Mayor’s </p><p> signature. The payment requests were reviewed. A progress payment for Edstrom the </p><p> construction contractor for grading and decking to cover trenches. The total spent to date </p><p> is $990,636. The headwork’s portion is on schedule and should finish under $1.1 million. </p><p>Councilmember Hart moved to approve the progress payment for Edstrom Construction. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>The next phases of the WWTP project were reviewed. Phases 1 & 2 are the headwork’s. </p><p>Phases 3 through 8 will all be bid out to a General Contractor. Phase 3 will be installing </p><p> temporary lines around the Westside of the project site, phase 4 is removal of the primary </p><p> clarifier, contact basin for chlorine, ABF tower and installing the UV system. Phase 5 will be</p><p> to construct the building that will house the clarifiers, aerators, basins and secondary </p><p> clarifiers and also installation of the new UV system. Director Skinner mentioned that the </p><p> new building will be 195’ x 85’ and 33’ above ground level at the peak. Phase 6 is demolition of the existing basins and secondary clarifiers and phase 7 will be the </p><p> construction of the tertiary filtration building for phosphorus removal. The Council </p><p> reviewed the plans in detail and discussed how everything will be enclosed in the building </p><p> and will be very clean and ventilated. Director Skinner asked if the Council wanted a more </p><p> detailed review of the plans or an open house before approving to move forward and </p><p> submitting to DEQ for approval? Mayor Hansen suggested moving forward. The Council </p><p> agreed that the City needed to keep things moving as quickly as possible. Councilmember </p><p>Lee moved to approve moving forward with phases 3 through 8, completing the plans and </p><p> submitting to DEQ. Councilmember Prescott seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. The estimated project schedule has all the new secondary treatment equipment </p><p> installed by the end of 2012 and the phosphorous removal equipment in by April of 2013 </p><p> with final process implementation and testing done by December 2013. </p><p>The Council considered the request from the Soda Springs Lions Club to sponsor this year’s </p><p>Distinguished Young Women’s program. Councilmember Smith expressed his support of </p><p> the great program and moved to approve a $400 sponsorship. Councilmember Prescott </p><p> seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. The upcoming meeting schedule was discussed. Councilmember Lee will be absent for the </p><p> th February 15 meeting and Councilmember Hart may also be absent. Councilmember Hart </p><p> will verify his schedule as soon as possible. </p><p>Councilmember Prescott reported on the Association of Idaho Cities Capitol Day event held </p><p> in Boise. It was a good meeting discussing topics on storm water, the local option tax </p><p> initiative, the personal property tax exemption for large industry, State video </p><p> franchising and an increased cigarette tax to encourage people to stop smoking. Also</p><p>ST FEBRUARY 1 , 2012 PAGE 4</p><p> discussed was the legislative district boundaries and making sure city’s zoning is in place to</p><p> protect against the placement of natural gas and oil facilities.</p><p>Councilmember Prescott moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:55pm, seconded by </p><p>Councilmember Smith. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>TH PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS 15 DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2012.</p><p>______</p><p>Kirk L. Hansen, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______</p><p>Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk</p>
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