ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN SUPERVIA NOVEMBER 2008 Project Name: Rio de Janeiro Mass Transit Project II Project ID: P111996 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SuperVia is implementing a comprehensive Environmental Management System to improve waste management and reduce environmental impacts from its operations. Some of the programs developed under the EMS by SuperVia include: Environmental Education Programs – Environmental Education Programs and training workshops are being developed by Supervia with the objective of raising awareness among staff, contract employees, users, and communities on the railway vicinity about the importance of environmental conservation. As of today, with the support of SuperVia, 2300 employees have received environmental training, about half a million users are exposed to educational messages on screens and posters on trains and stations, and more than 160 volunteers in eight communities are working for the improvement of the environment and awareness of the population on environmental related issues. Solid Waste Management Programs – SuperVia has incorporated guidelines for Solid Waste Management within their daily operations. The 3R program which includes Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, and the 5S program (Sort, Straighten, Scrub, Standardize and Sustain) have allowed them to efficiently incorporate housekeeping values in the workplace and at the same time reduce the flow of residual waste into landfills. Dengue Control Along the Railway – In collaboration with health authorities from eleven municipalities, SuperVia has established a fumigation program along the railway with the purpose of eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites. Reforestation Programs – SuperVia is implementing a reforestation program which objective is to decrease summer temperatures and beautifying railway corridors. During the last year SuperVia has planted 5,500 trees along four of its lines. Environmental licenses – SuperVia is actively working with the state environmental agency through FEEMA for the acquisition of its required environmental licenses. Vegetation Control – SuperVia is working on environmentally friendly methods to control vegetation growth along tracks. Mainly through chemical and mechanical methods that have no adverse human health impacts, SuperVia has managed to control vegetation growth and maintain operational safety and visibility along the track. Work Related Accident and Injury Prevention Programs – Focusing on identification, prevention, reduction, and elimination of risks at work, SuperVia is carrying on various activities to reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace. Some of these activities include hazard identification and analysis workshops in the workplace; fire prevention and fire management training programs; and development of safety training seminars for Supervia staff and contract employees among other activities. Accessibility and Mobility in Stations – SuperVia is carrying out a program to bring train stations and cars to acceptable accessibility standards for the mobility-impaired. This program includes in-train audio and visual communication systems for passenger information and wheelchair accessible elevators and ramps in stations. Installation of Low-GHG emitting rolling stock cars - SuperVia is contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions generated by its trains by replacing conventional electro-dynamic rheostatic trains with new cars that use regenerative breaking technology. The regenerated electrical energy reduces the consumption of an equivalent amount of grid electrical energy, therefore reducing global emissions. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY______________________________________________________ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS_______________________________________________________ 4 TABLE OF FIGURES_________________________________________________________ 5 1. Gestão Ambiental da SuperVia _________________________________________________ 7 2. Educação Ambiental para os Funcionários e Terceirizados da SuperVia _______________ 7 3. Educação ambiental para os Usuários da SuperVia_________________________________ 8 4. Educação Ambiental nas Comunidades Lindeiras à SuperVia ________________________ 9 4.1. Formação de Multiplicadores Ambientais _____________________________________ 10 4.2. Mutirões _________________________________________________________________ 12 4.3. Blitz Ambiental ___________________________________________________________ 13 5. Educação Ambiental nas Escolas _______________________________________________ 15 5.1. Programa Reciclagem na Escola é Legal_______________________________________ 15 6. Ação Social _________________________________________________________________ 16 6.1. Ações Sociais realizadas nas comunidades _____________________________________ 17 7. Gerenciamento de Resíduos ___________________________________________________ 19 7.1. Destino de alguns resíduos gerados na SuperVia ________________________________ 19 7.2. Índices do Descarte de Resíduos de janeiro até outubro/2008______________________ 20 7.3. Implantação do 5S e 3R_____________________________________________________ 20 8. Controle da Dengue na Linha Férrea ___________________________________________ 21 9. Programa de Reflorestamento _________________________________________________ 25 10. Licenças Ambientais _______________________________________________________ 28 11. Tratamento do Esgotamento Sanitário ________________________________________ 28 12. Controle da Vegetação _____________________________________________________ 29 13. Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho na SuperVia ______________________________ 30 13.1. Realizar diálogo de segurança nas Oficinas de Deodoro e São Diogo________________ 31 13.2. Treinamento de segurança em oficinas e ao longo do trecho ______________________ 31 13.3. Treinamento de operação de ponte rolante e empilhadeira _______________________ 32 13.4. Treinamento de proteção e combate a incêndio _________________________________ 33 13.5. Treinamento de brigada de incêndio __________________________________________ 33 13.6. Manter permanente relacionamento com a CIPA, apoiá-la, treiná-la e atendê-la conforme NR 5 __________________________________________________________________ 34 4 13.7. Fazer análise de risco das atividades desenvolvidas nas áreas para reconhecer e identificar os riscos _______________________________________________________________ 34 13.8. Recomendar e especificar os equipamentos de proteção individual. ________________ 34 13.9. Inspecionar e substituir extintores de incêndio em estações, oficinas, prédio da administração, subestação e cabines de TUEs _________________________________________ 34 13.10. Inspecionar e auditar os ambientes de trabalho e propor melhorias através de relatórios 34 13.11. Treinar os funcionários e terceirizados nas instruções de serviços relativas à Segurança do Trabalho_____________________________________________________________________ 34 13.12. Treinar os funcionários e terceirizados no curso básico sobre a Norma Regulamentadora – NR 10_________________________________________________________ 34 14. Acessibilidade e Mobilidade nas Estações ______________________________________ 34 15. Installation of Low GHG emitting rolling stock cars in rail system _________________ 41 TABLE OF FIGURES Figura 1 Palestra de Educação Ambiental no refeitório do Centro de Manutenção de Deodoro. 8 Figura 2 Distribuição de material educativo para os Usuários da SuperVia .................................. 9 Figura 3 Comunidade Curral das Éguas ....................................................................................... 10 Figura 4 Comunidade Vila Vintém............................................................................................... 11 Figura 5 Multiplicadores Ambientais em atuação ........................................................................ 11 Figura 6 - Modelo de prospecto educativo distribuído nas comunidades..................................... 12 Figura 7 Blitz Ambiental no Município de Nova Iguaçu ............................................................. 13 Figura 8 Blitz Ambiental em Turiaçu no Município do Rio de Janeiro ...................................... 14 Figura 9 Blitz Ambiental em Madureira no Município do Rio de Janeiro ................................... 14 Figura 10 Blitz Ambiental no Município de São João de Meriti.................................................. 15 Figura 11 Oficina de reciclagem no CIEP Costa Barros .............................................................. 16 Figura 12 Dia da Criança na Comunidade de Vila Vintém .......................................................... 17 Figura 13 Dia da Ação Social na Comunidade Chácara de Del Castilho..................................... 17 Figura 14 Dia da Ação Social na Comunidade Chácara de Del Castilho..................................... 18 Figura 15 Dia da Ação Social na Comunidade do Jacarezinho.................................................... 18 Figura 16 Dia da Ação Social na Comunidade do Jacarezinho................................................... 19 Figura 17 Coleta de papel no Programa 5S cujo montante foi doado para a Cooperativa de Santo Cristo............................................................................................................................................. 21 Figura 18 Ação dentro da Comunidade CCPL (Agentes de Saúde do Rio e Voluntários da SuperVia) .....................................................................................................................................
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