<p>Supplementary material for Gosper and Vivian-Smith: Tables 1, 2 and 3</p><p>Table 1 Average fruit and seed morphology measurements and main dispersal agents of vertebrate-dispersed alien plants Bird- Bat-</p><p> disperseddispersed</p><p> b b</p><p>Fruit Pulp Seed Wet wt Dry wt Sp Fruit Fruit wet wetPulp dry Seed Seed Total Total Fruit length/ pulp/ pulp/ RY (dry eci length width weight weight weight number width seed wet seed dry length/width width seed seed% water% water pulp/ fruit es Fruit colour a (mm) (mm) (g) (g) (g)per fruit (mm) wt (g) wt (g) ratio ratio ratio ratio in pulp in seed wet wt) Family n Anacardiaceae Sc 30 R 4.43 5.04 0.027 0.009 0.007 1.00 4.18 0.018 0.015 0.88 0.85 0.75 0.69 19.33 14.82 0.25 X hi nu s te re bi nt hif oli us</p><p>Sc 30 PB 7.04 8.29 0.237 0.120 0.043 10.47 3.21 0.117 0.076 0.85 1.89 1.11 0.60 63.12 35.41 0.18 X X he ffl er a ac tin op hy Araliaceae lla</p><p>Sy 30 O 25.04 20.77 7.094 4.128 1.502 1.00 14.48 2.985 2.400 1.21 1.67 1.40 0.63 63.98 19.69 0.21 X X ag ru s ro m an zo ffi an Arecaceae a</p><p>Asparagaceae As 40 R 7.67 8.88 0.381 0.302 0.050 1.15 4.51 0.075 0.047 0.87 0.93 4.16 1.17 82.71 37.80 0.14 X As 40 O-R 5.62 6.49 0.175 0.131 0.036 1.08 3.96 0.044 0.036 0.87 0.94 3.05 1.04 72.44 18.37 0.21 X pa ra gu s af ric an Asparagaceae us</p><p>As 30 O 4.73 4.96 0.066 0.028 0.011 1.10 3.87 0.038 0.028 0.96 0.92 0.75 0.42 56.00 27.68 0.17 pa ra gu s vir ga tu Asparagaceae s</p><p>Asteraceae Ch 50 PB 6.50 6.20 0.170 0.110 1.00 3.80 0.060 1.05 1.58 2.02 83.70 X r y s a n t h e m o i d e s</p><p> m o n i l i f e r a</p><p>O 10 R 44.04 33.09 23.048 20.534 2.263 52.90 4.54 2.514 1.440 1.34 1.26 8.12 1.53 89.15 42.64 0.10 pu nti a to m en to Cactaceae sa</p><p>Caprifoliaceae Sa 35 PB 4.86 5.04 0.074 0.059 0.008 4.80 1.46 0.014 0.005 0.97 1.92 4.41 1.56 87.21 64.35 0.10 X m bu cu s ca na de ns is</p><p>Sa 35 O 9.07 10.37 0.648 0.368 0.088 1.00 8.74 0.279 0.136 0.88 0.75 1.32 0.65 75.87 51.11 0.14 ns ev ier ia tri fa sci at Dracaenaceae a</p><p>Lauraceae Ci 30 PB 9.95 9.87 0.676 0.504 0.099 1.00 6.37 0.194 0.142 1.01 1.08 2.50 0.70 77.56 26.24 0.15 X nn a m o m u m ca m ph or a</p><p>Eu 31 R 18.21 23.16 4.999 4.102 0.431 1.23 11.95 0.863 0.401 0.79 0.77 5.70 1.31 89.48 55.42 0.09 X ge ni a un ifl or Myrtaceae a</p><p>Ps 5 Y 50.58 47.21 69.064 62.015 7.166 310.60 3.04 7.049 3.741 1.05 1.34 9.01 1.92 88.13 46.44 0.11 X X idi u m gu aj av Myrtaceae a</p><p>Oc 30 PB (+R) 7.53 6.05 0.127 0.048 0.025 1.00 4.97 0.081 0.059 1.24 1.34 0.72 0.57 47.60 27.61 0.21 X hn a se rr ul at Ochnaceae a</p><p>Oleaceae Li 30 PB 7.49 6.27 0.149 0.068 0.018 1.30 3.75 0.062 0.033 1.21 1.82 1.04 0.57 74.70 46.35 0.12 X X gu str u m lu ci du m</p><p>Li 30 PB 5.25 4.54 0.069 0.044 0.014 1.00 2.83 0.026 0.015 1.16 1.50 2.29 1.40 65.82 45.59 0.22 X X gu str u m si ne ns Oleaceae e</p><p>Pa 30 Y-O 20.35 17.90 2.077 1.602 0.214 28.87 3.16 0.475 0.294 1.14 1.60 3.68 0.80 86.46 37.38 0.11 X X ssi flo ra fo eti Passifloraceae da</p><p>Passifloraceae Pa 30 PB 9.52 10.66 0.643 0.399 0.028 20.77 2.73 0.244 0.084 0.89 1.35 1.74 0.43 92.14 65.68 0.05 X ssi flo ra su be ro sa</p><p>Ph 31 PB 4.30 6.60 0.119 0.080 0.012 6.39 2.30 0.039 0.020 0.65 1.14 2.55 1.11 85.47 52.97 0.10 X yt ol ac ca oc ta nd Phytolaccaceae ra</p><p>Ri 30 R 4.40 4.23 0.024 0.024 0.002 1.00 2.01 0.004 0.003 1.05 1.05 6.50 0.82 90.26 33.26 0.08 X vi na hu mi Phytolaccaceae lis</p><p>Rosaceae Eri 31 Y-O 28.59 24.48 10.422 8.132 1.442 1.58 12.84 2.130 1.023 1.17 1.31 3.84 1.47 81.07 51.63 0.15 X X ob ot ry a ja po ni ca</p><p>Rh 40 PB 7.48 8.12 0.371 0.203 0.0529 1.03 6.44 0.168 0.095 0.93 0.88 1.28 0.58 73.38 42.88 0.15 X ap hi ol ep is in di Rosaceae ca</p><p>Co 30 R 14.79 13.41 1.490 0.856 0.208 2.00 8.42 0.634 0.329 1.10 1.42 1.37 0.64 75.25 48.20 0.14 X ff ea ar ab ic Rubiaceae a</p><p>Rutaceae M 40 O-R 12.42 10.13 0.674 0.505 0.101 1.73 5.92 0.178 0.111 1.23 1.35 3.14 1.12 79.22 39.15 0.15 X u r r a y a</p><p> p a n i c u l a t a</p><p> c v .</p><p>E x o t i c a</p><p>Ce 35 PB 7.91 5.28 0.113 0.083 0.019 2.89 2.54 0.028 0.014 1.50 1.82 3.67 1.50 77.05 45.98 0.17 X str u m pa rq Solanaceae ui</p><p>Solanaceae So 33 PB 6.26 6.99 0.182 0.158 0.017 62.51 1.07 0.025 0.018 0.90 1.27 6.78 1.17 87.65 28.05 0.09 X la nu m a m eri ca nu m</p><p>So 32 Y-O 13.18 13.97 1.572 0.954 0.301 247.34 2.13 0.554 0.424 0.95 1.19 1.89 0.73 69.64 23.35 0.19 X la nu m hi sp id u Solanaceae m</p><p>So 32 Y 12.69 13.26 1.363 1.130 0.239 173.28 1.60 0.233 0.154 0.96 1.25 5.18 1.63 78.92 33.96 0.17 X X la nu m m au rit ia nu Solanaceae m So 30 R 9.39 10.05 0.491 0.318 0.025 22.03 2.60 0.173 0.046 0.93 1.29 2.40 0.74 91.48 72.25 0.06 X la nu m se af or thi an u Solanaceae m</p><p>Ce 30 O 6.96 6.31 0.167 0.133 0.080 1.00 4.19 0.067 0.060 1.10 1.20 2.01 1.45 36.91 10.66 0.43 X X lti s si ne ns Ulmaceae is</p><p>D 30 O 9.26 7.81 0.275 0.221 0.046 3.97 2.82 0.054 0.036 1.19 1.39 4.17 1.29 74.84 32.76 0.18 ur an ta er ec Verbenaceae ta</p><p>Verbenaceae La 45 PB 5.56 5.46 0.113 0.085 0.015 1.00 3.44 0.028 0.017 1.02 1.44 3.06 0.89 82.73 40.54 0.13 X nt an a ca m ar a</p><p>Mean 12.22 11.59 3.972 3.358 0.470 30.31 4.68 0.608 0.364 1.03 1.30 3.17 1.00 74.98 39.30 0.15</p><p>Significance *** *** *** *** NT NT NT *** *** *** *** *** NT NT NT NT</p><p>Note: The ‘fruit’ refers to the reproductive unit consumed by vertebrates, and the ‘seed’ to the hard inner structure(s) in the fruit (see methods for more detailed definitions). a Fruit colour: R = red, Y = yellow, O = orange, PB = purple-black. Conspicuous colours of non-edible parts of the fruiting display are shown in parentheses. b Dispersal by birds was derived from the literature sources listed by Gosper and Vivian-Smith (2009a); for bats from Markus and Hall (2004) and Parry- Jones and Augee (2001). Fruit colours and dispersers of other study species: Morus alba R-PB, bird- and bat-dispersed; Lantana montevidensis PB, no dispersers known. *** = P < 0.001; NT = not tested due to heterogeneous variances Table 2 Pulp nutrient composition of vertebrate-dispersed alien plants</p><p>Ash Mn Cu Fe Zn Na P K Ca Mg Family Species Nitrogen (g/100g) (g/100g) Fructose (g/100g) Sucrose (g/100g) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)</p><p>Asparagace ae Asparagus aethiopicus 0.11 1.6 5.1 0.0 <0.1 0.5 3.4 <2 1900 160 6000 73 130</p><p>Asparagace 0.59 2.8 12.4 0.0 10.0 3.3 14.0 4.7 2800 850 11000 1100 600 ae Asparagus africanus 0.93 8.3 13.3 0.0 26.0 8.1 30.0 17.0 640 2000 43000 1400 450</p><p>Asparagace ae Asparagus virgatus</p><p>Asteraceae 0.02 3.7 0.0 146</p><p>Chrysanthemoides monilifera</p><p>0.11 0.8 2.5 0.0 20.0 1.4 2.2 <2 190 61 2000 880 580</p><p>Cactaceae Opuntia tomentosa</p><p>Lauraceae Cinnamomum camphora 0.16 1.5 0.8 0.0 11.0 1.4 5.4 <2 110 310 7100 650 390</p><p>0.14 0.4 2.5 0.0 1.5 1.3 8.4 4.2 <100 310 1700 99 150</p><p>Myrtaceae Eugenia uniflora</p><p>1.04 1.3 0.7 0.0 64.0 13.0 48.0 21.0 200 1100 5000 560 960</p><p>Ochnaceae Ochna serrulata</p><p>0.18 2.3 3.2 0.0 2.0 3.0 34.0 3.1 430 410 9700 590 280</p><p>Oleaceae Ligustrum lucidum</p><p>Passiflorac Passiflora suberosa 0.34 1.1 1.4 0.0 <0.1 0.5 6.1 <2 82 300 5500 190 200 eae</p><p>0.42 0.9 1.5 0.0 4.9 1.5 8.3 <2 140 500 4000 270 240 Phytolacca ceae Rivina humilis</p><p>0.40 2.1 6.6 0.0 6.3 1.1 9.6 4.5 <100 660 9700 1200 470</p><p>Rutaceae Murraya paniculata cv. Exotica</p><p>0.32 1.5 5.4 0.8 1.6 4.6 16.0 3.6 210 410 6200 500 100</p><p>SolanaceaeSolanum mauritianum</p><p>0.51 2.1 2.0 0.0 1.1 3.7 7.1 <2 210 300 9600 140 100</p><p>SolanaceaeSolanum seaforthianum</p><p>0.58 4.4 16.4 0.0 21.0 3.0 18.0 32.0 160 1700 11000 2400 6300</p><p>Ulmaceae Celtis sinensis</p><p>0.29 1.6 2.6 0.0 6.9 3.6 9.6 40.0 110 640 6500 520 600 Verbenace ae Duranta erecta</p><p>0.27 0.9 5.2 0.0 6.6 5.3 6.3 <2 36 410 3900 370 520 Verbenace ae Lantana camara Mean 0.38 2.1 5.0 0.0 11.4 3.5 14.2 14.5 516 604 8869 684 754</p><p>Note: All measurements are per wet weight of pulp</p><p>Table 3 Fruiting phenology of vertebrate-dispersed alien plants Site Peak fruiting Fruiting Fruiting Abundance Family Species n season Total fruiting season synchrony a intensity a index a</p><p>Anacardiaceae Schinus terebinthifolius 3 Jun-Sep All year 0.46 0.34 +++</p><p>Asparagaceae Asparagus aethiopicus 1 Jun-Sep Jan-Nov 0.69 0.15 +</p><p>Asparagaceae Asparagus africanus 2 Jun-Oct All year 0.55 0.34 ++</p><p>Asteraceae Chrysanthemoides monilifera 2 May-Jul; Dec All year 0.56 0.39 NA</p><p>Cactaceae Opuntia tomentosa 1 Feb-Apr Feb-Aug 0.66 0.45 +</p><p>Caprifoliaceae Sambucus canadensis 1 Nov-Jan Nov-May 0.68 0.23 +</p><p>Lauraceae Cinnamomum camphora 2 Mar-May Feb-Sep 0.72 0.42 ++</p><p>Moraceae Morus alba 2 Sep-Oct Sep-Oct; Jan 0.83 0.60 +</p><p>Myrtaceae Eugenia uniflora 1 Dec-Jan Dec-Jan 0.90 0.68 +</p><p>Myrtaceae Psidium guajava 2 Mar-May Feb-May; Aug-Nov 0.70 0.63 ++</p><p>Ochnaceae Ochna serrulata 2 Oct-Jan Sep-Mar 0.75 0.70 +++</p><p>Oleaceae Ligustrum sinense 2 Jul-Sep Jun-Nov 0.63 0.42 ++</p><p>Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida 2 Mar-Jul Mar-Aug 0.81 0.36 +</p><p>Passifloraceae Passiflora suberosa 2 Mar-Jun Nov-Sep 0.62 0.39 ++ Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca octandra 1 Sep-Oct All year 0.74 0.44 +</p><p>Phytolaccaceae Rivina humilis 1 Feb-May All year 0.74 0.32 +++</p><p>Rutaceae Murraya paniculata cv. Exotica 1 Jul-Oct Jun-Nov 0.67 0.34 +</p><p>Solanaceae Cestrum parqui 2 Apr-Nov All year 0.57 0.29 +</p><p>Solanaceae Solanum americanum 2 All year All year 0.60 0.28 ++</p><p>Solanaceae Solanum hispidum 2 Jan-Mar All year 0.39 0.41 +</p><p>Solanaceae Solanum mauritianum 2 Jun-Nov Jun-Jan 0.69 0.27 ++</p><p>Solanaceae Solanum seaforthianum 3 Apr-Aug All year 0.61 0.30 ++</p><p>Ulmaceae Celtis sinensis 2 Jan-Apr Nov-Jul 0.74 0.50 +++</p><p>Verbenaceae Duranta erecta 2 Feb-Aug All year 0.77 0.20 +</p><p>Verbenaceae Lantana camara 3 Jan-May All year 0.55 0.25 +++</p><p>Verbenaceae Lantana montevidensis 1 Jan-May Dec-Jun 0.78 0.21 + a See methods for procedures for calculating synchrony, intensity and the index of abundance</p><p>Additional reference</p><p>Parry-Jones KA, Augee ML (2001) Factors affecting the occupation of a colony site in Sydney, New South Wales by the Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus (Pteropodidae). Austral Ecol 26:47-55.</p>
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