Find your place at Bear River Bear at place your Find www.lsa.umich.edu/bearriver HEMPEL Y AM For more information or to download a registration form, please visit our website. website. our visit please form, registration a download to or information more For uest G Special Special James Cyan photosby imagefrom Chen;Background photo:Kenneth Hempel Amy refunded upon request if you do not wish to enroll in an alternate workshop. alternate an in enroll to wish not do you if request upon refunded themselves and their words. words. their and themselves first serve basis. In the unlikely event of a workshop cancellation, your entire payment will be be will payment entire your cancellation, workshop a of event unlikely the In basis. serve first it offers community members a hiatus from daily routine and the chance to find a space for for space a find to chance the and routine daily from hiatus a members community offers it Workshops will be assigned on a first come come first a on assigned be will Workshops Register early to secure your workshop choice: workshop your secure to early Register participants and faculty. and participants natural and creative worlds. Populated by an eclectic collection of writers of all levels of experience, experience, of levels all of writers of collection eclectic an by Populated worlds. creative and natural northern Michigan is not simply backdrop for the session, but inspiration for the creative work of of work creative the for inspiration but session, the for backdrop simply not is Michigan northern Monday, is defined by its own particular geography, situated as it is at the intersection of the the of intersection the at is it as situated geography, particular own its by defined is Monday, conference for those who prefer greater privacy: $575 per person per $575 privacy: greater prefer who those for conference writing. The conference is deeply embedded in the natural world and the striking landscape of of landscape striking the and world natural the in embedded deeply is conference The writing. The Bear River Writers’ Conference, which runs from dinner on Thursday through breakfast on on breakfast through Thursday on dinner from runs which Conference, Writers’ River Bear The area. In addition, there are many hotels and motels available within twenty minutes of the the of minutes twenty within available motels and hotels many are there addition, In area. lunch, and more conversation, about the morning’s achievements and their various passions for for passions various their and achievements morning’s the about conversation, more and lunch, Includes tuition and all meals, but not lodging for those who live in the Petoskey Petoskey the in live who those for lodging not but meals, all and tuition Includes Plan B: Plan at Sarah Lawrence. Sarah at After an intense morning of creative dialogue, participants shuffle back to the dining halls for for halls dining the to back shuffle participants dialogue, creative of morning intense an After the first time. first the (Single bunk bed in a 4-bunk bedroom shared with 1-3 others/shared bath with 1-3 others) 1-3 with bath others/shared 1-3 with shared bedroom 4-bunk a in bed bunk (Single showcases the work of participants, with some students performing their work to music, often for for often music, to work their performing students some with participants, of work the showcases Bennington College and and College Bennington $650 per person per $650 Bunk room: Bunk to these hours. these to Center. The conference’s creative endeavors culminate on the final night in a special reading that that reading special a in night final the on culminate endeavors creative conference’s The Center. $725 per person per $725 Private room and shared bath: bath: shared and room Private from the group. The atmosphere is alternately relaxed and avid, laughter a familiar punctuation punctuation familiar a laughter avid, and relaxed alternately is atmosphere The group. the from venture away from the campgrounds to enjoy an evening of words and music at Crooked Tree Arts Arts Tree Crooked at music and words of evening an enjoy to campgrounds the from away venture $775 per person person per $775 Private room and private bath: private and room Private York City and teaches at at teaches and City York night’s inspiration. Fiction writers contemplate their newly minted pages and invite suggestions suggestions invite and pages minted newly their contemplate writers Fiction inspiration. night’s fireplaces and work filling the blank pages of their notebooks. On Saturday, many participants participants many Saturday, On notebooks. their of pages blank the filling work and fireplaces listed below. listed of writing, process and products. Poets squint at their journals, deciphering lines from the previous previous the from lines deciphering journals, their at squint Poets products. and process writing, of under the thrall of the day’s creative energy, find a quiet spot in front of one of the camp’s many many camp’s the of one of front in spot quiet a find energy, creative day’s the of thrall the under Includes tuition, lodging and all meals. Lodging options and pricing for Plan A are are A Plan for pricing and options Lodging meals. all and lodging tuition, Includes Plan A: Plan others. She lives in New New in lives She others. fireplaces and begin the work of the day. Conversation quickly condenses into an intent discussion discussion intent an into condenses quickly Conversation day. the of work the begin and fireplaces participants bring stories and instruments and gather around the campfire down by the lake. Some, Some, lake. the by down campfire the around gather and instruments and stories bring participants W E twelve. With their coffee cups and notebooks, writers gather around tables and in front of of front in and tables around gather writers notebooks, and cups coffee their With twelve. creative work of their teachers. Faculty readings carry the conference to twilight. Later, some some Later, twilight. to conference the carry readings Faculty teachers. their of work creative , and many many and , , The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction Short of Anthology Norton The Stories Short have questions, please email us at [email protected] or call (734) 764-4139. (734) call or [email protected] at us email please questions, have orkshop slips into motion around 9am, the breakfast crowd dispersed into small groups of of groups small into dispersed crowd breakfast the 9am, around motion into slips orkshop vening at Bear River and participants once again disperse, to read, to write, to listen to the the to listen to write, to read, to disperse, again once participants and River Bear at vening minus the $150 deposit is 50% refundable. After May 18, there will be no refunds. If you you If refunds. no be will there 18, May After refundable. 50% is deposit $150 the minus paid in full, the conference balance is due by May 18. Before May 18, the conference fee fee conference the 18, May Before 18. May by due is balance conference the full, in paid 2006. Her stories have been anthologized in the the in anthologized been have stories Her 2006. Best American American Best if credit card payment) with your deposit or full payment to the address on the form. If not not If form. the on address the to payment full or deposit your with payment) card credit if registration. Please fill out both pages of the registration form and mail them (or fax them them fax (or them mail and form registration the of pages both out fill Please registration. and the Ambassador Book Award for Best Book of Fiction of of Fiction of Book Best for Award Book Ambassador the and our website (see address below). A nonrefundable deposit of $150 is due at the time of of time the at due is $150 of deposit nonrefundable A below). address (see website our of the everyday the of … … outside … on available are form registration downloadable a and information pricing and Registration of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a USA Foundation Fellowship, Fellowship, Foundation USA a Fellowship, Guggenheim a of Conference Registration Information Registration Conference was a finalist for the PEN/Faulkner Award. She is the recipient recipient the is She Award. PEN/Faulkner the for finalist a was named one of the New York Times Ten Best Books of the Year and and Year the of Books Best Ten Times York New the of one named hall to relax with one another over a satisfying meal and relive the day’s highlights. day’s the relive and meal satisfying a over another one with relax to hall came out in 2006. It was was It 2006. in out came The Collected Stories Collected The S ’ empel H Y M A edges down toward the horizon, participants return again to the comfortable space of the dining dining the of space comfortable the to again return participants horizon, the toward down edges participants. many its of voices individual the of attractions in Petoskey, Boyne City, Harbor Springs, Bay Harbor and East Jordan. As the sun sun the As Jordan. East and Harbor Bay Springs, Harbor City, Boyne Petoskey, in attractions all welcomes that community diverse of place a is River Bear nature. and words of worlds the for Some participants elect to spend the afternoon reading or writing. Others investigate the nearby nearby the investigate Others writing. or reading afternoon the spend to elect participants Some loves, twin from woven conference the of fabric the — River Bear of experience singular the is This the camp, go flyfishing or take a canoe and explore the calm of Walloon Lake.
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