Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03822-6 - State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of Theōriā and Theōroi Ian Rutherford Index More information Index Citations of literary texts 4 26, 162 Achaeus of Eretria 29, 159, 163 , 208 TGF1.20F3–5, 53n , 342 Androtion, FGrH324 Achilles Tatius F24, 181n 2.15, 350 F36, 215 , 307n 7.12, 174n , 178n , 350 Antikleidas, FGrH140 7.14, 350 F14, 232 8.17, 350 Apollodorus, FGrH244 8.18, 350 F353, 121n A e l i a n A p p i a n NA11.4, 57n 2 (Ital.) fr.8.1, 116 VH 3.1, 173 , 183 9 (Mac.), fr.11.3, 253 Aelius Aristides Aristophanes Eleusinian Oration Birds 7, 54n 188–93, 185 Isthmian Oration regarding Poseidon Lysistrata 31, 110n , 201n 1128–34, 68n , 266 Panathenaicus Peace, 343–5 363, 184 714, 110n 372, 252n 827, 54n , 64 Sacred Tales 871–80, 190n , 304 , 343 3.38, 98n 873–6, 305n To the Th ebans concerning the Alliance 879, 343n 1.37, 98 886–9, 344 Aeschines 905–8, 344 2.12, 186n Ploutos 648–770, 191 2.134, 92 Wasps 3.116, 119 1005, 52 , 152 3.124, 68n , 260n 1186–7, 190 3.255, 260 1187, 162 Aeschylus 1187–8, 215 Eum. 1188, 53 12–4, 183 1188–9, 157 31–3, 274n 1382, 53 fr.289R, 145n Fragments Septem , 857, 348 Amphiaraus, 343 Th eoroi 342 , 143 fr.1 (Aiolosikon), 132 Anaxagoras fr.177 (Gerutades), 132 DK59A1, A29–30, 324 frr.487, 494 (Skenas Katalambanousai ), Anaxandrides of Delphi, FGrH404, F1, 112 343 Andocides Aristotle 1 Ath.Pol. 132, 216 08.1, 229n 495 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03822-6 - State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of Theōriā and Theōroi Ian Rutherford Index More information 496 Index Aristotle (cont.) 17, 246 11.1, 335 17.130–2, 297n 44.1, 107n 54, 156n , 305 , 344 , 395 Callimachus 56, 170n fr.67–75, 349 56.3, 159 , 180 , 216 fr.75.57, 297 61.7, 181 fr.87, 183 62.2, 166 fr.103, 182n EE fr.114, 314n 1.5.7, 1216a1, 326n fr.178, 23ff ., 198n 1.5.9, 1216a11, 324n Epigrams 46pf., 413 8.3.16, 1249b, 17–21, 326 Hymns fr.443, 181n 4 : 296–9, 172n ; 305, 239 ; 314–15, fr.485, 130n 181 fr.533, 88n 6 : 74–5, 82n fr.631, 198n Chaeremon Met. fr.10 van der Horst, 325 1.982b–983a, 326n fr.11 van der Horst, 325 NE Cicero 1.5.3, 1095b20, 326 De legibus 4.2.1, 1122a22–5, 244 3.20, 138 10.7.8, 1177b–78a, 326–7 Cratinus 10.8.7, 1178b22–3, 326 Trophonios, 343 Pol. 5.10.5, 129 , 138 D e m o c r i t u s Protreptikos, 325 , 329 VSB195, 143 Arrian Demosthenes Anab. 18 1.12, 347 091, 111n 2.24.5, 276n 141, 306n Epict. 287, 243n 1.6, 330 19 Athenaeus 128, 166, 190 , 228, 252 3.112d–e, 132n 21 4.173e–f, 198 053, 252n 4.173f, 183n 115, 158n , 213, 217 5.194c–195f, 270n Ep. 3.30, 166 5.195a, 270 n Dinarchus 5.216b, 157n fr.XLIII, 167 6.234e–f, 314n In Dem. 8.331f, 206n 82, 164 , 253n 8.362b, 341n 103, 253n 9.407a–b, 213n Dio of Prusa 9.408d, 341n 5.24–7, 187 13.560c, 170n Diodorus Siculus 13.604f–605d, 114n 4.60, 184n , 187n 13.605a, 172n 8.21, 98n 13.606ab, 143n , 162n , 174n 13.74, 163n 13.607b, 43n , 162n 14.109, 40n , 187n , 267n 14.2.614ab, 143, 333n 15.49, 60n , 121n 16.66.5, 178n Bacchylides 17.115.6, 44n 9.30, 208 18.8, 253n 10.20–8, 208 19.2.2, 101n 10.28, 148n 20.37, 268n © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03822-6 - State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of Theōriā and Theōroi Ian Rutherford Index More information Index 497 Diogenes Laertius 3.5.4–5, 354 1.72, 333n 4.20, 54 , 211 1.118, 333n Hellanikos of Lesbos, FGrH 4 8.53, 333n F23, 296n 10.120, 333n Heraclides Ponticus fr.88Wehrli, 325 Ephorus, FGrH 70 Heraclitus F31b, 184 , 186 VS22B93, 94 F79, 127n Hermippus of Smyrna, F119, 237n FGrH 1026 Epicharmus F8a, 88n fr.68–9, 340–1 F14, 335n Eumelus Herodotus PMG696, 242n 1.18–21, 104n Euphron 1.19, 98n , 274n PCG5.288, fr.7, 175n 1.29–30, 149 , 324 , 335 Eupolemus, FGrH 723 1.47–55, 274n F2, 277 1.54, 197n , 209n Euripides 1.59, 53n Andr. 1.67, 100n 1086–8, 150 1.67–8, 139 1100–5, 195, 201 1.167, 97n , 274 Antiope, 326n 2.44, 398 Bacch. 2.69, 152n 965, 206 2.148, 152n 1047, 206n 2.160, 265n El. 3.47, 130n 795, 204 3.57, 113 fr.627 (Pleisthenes), 104 3.139, 150 fr.910, 324 4.32–6, 110 Hipp. 4.33ff ., 172n 25, 349 4.35, 31 , 297n 806–7, 174 4.76, 149 , 335 Ion 4.145, 349 285, 306 4.179, 28n 301, 145n 5.22, 43 , 265 551, 195 5.82, 110n Pho. 5.83, 134n 282, 130n 5.93, 97n 6.27, 41 – 2 , 157 , 170 , Favorinus, FHGIII .577 241 fr.3, 333 6.34, 183 6.57, 96n , 99 Gorgias 6.66, 97n VS82B8a, 266 6.87, 63 , 304 – 5 6.127, 39 Hegesias of Magnesia, FGrH 142 6.138, 349 F21, 182n 7.118, 129n Heliodorus, Aith . 7.140–2, 105 1.22, 54n, 391 8.26, 53n 2.24, 54 8.66, 199n 2.34, 203n, 351 , 353n 8.111, 199n 2.35, 353 8.144, 264 , 266n 3.1, 353 8.211–6, 268n 3.4–5, 352 9.33–6, 89n © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03822-6 - State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of Theōriā and Theōroi Ian Rutherford Index More information 498 Index Hesiod 19.10, 54n , 203 , 218 Aspis 478–80, 186 Istros, FGrH 334 Op. 655, 71 F42, 36n Hesychius F52, 232n s. ἀγρεταί, 233–4 s. ἀστραπὴ δι’ Ἅρματος, 177n Kallisthenes of Olunthos, FGrH124 s. ἀχάνας, 307n F1, 170n s. θαυσίκριον, 131n Kleidemos, FGrH 323 s. θεωρίδες, 342n F22, 110n , 307n , 318 s. θεωρικῶς, 110n , 174n s. Θεώριος, 136n L i v y s. θυωρεῖσθαι, 51n 5.15–28, 116 s. ἱεράγγελοι, 72n 22.57.6, 48n s. ἱερόμαος, 366n 28.45, 12, 48n s. φρυκτὸς δελφίς, 103n 42.44.4, 24 Hippocratean Epidemics 45.5.3–12, 3 , 284 1.15, 129 45.32.8, 48n, 270n Homer 45.32.9, 270 Il. Lucian 2.680, 82 Alex. 20–1, 109 2.749, 351n De dea Syra 56, 83n 16.173–8, 351 Icaromenippus 33, 91n 16.233–4, 289 Phalaris 2, 187n Catalogue of Ships, 71 Timon. 50, 158n Od. L u k e 6.164, 28 23.48, 5 19.178–9, 36n L y c u r g u s Homeric Hymn to Apollo fr.XIV, 116n , 167 141–8, 286 Lysias 156–64, 238 33 (Olympic Speech), 267 Hyperides Lysimachides, FGrH 366 4.14, 103n F9, 145n 4.24–5, 118 4.36, 203n Maccabees 2 Deliakos, 150 , 201n 4.18–19, 277 Epitaphios Maximus of Tyre 07, 151 Or. 22.4, 352n 18, 68n Menander Epitr. 451, 349 Isaios Trophonios, 343n 7.28, 307 Myrsilos of Lesbos, FGrH 477 8.16, 218 F1a, 124n fr.150Tur., 216n Isocrates Nikolaos of Damascus, FGrH 90 04.46, 319n F52, 298n 04.182, 267 05.142, 151n Pausanias 08.82, 255 1.31.2, 169n , 305n , 329n 15.224, 150n 1.36–7, 183n 16, 163 1.37.6, 185n 16.34, 189n 1.43.4, 172n 17, 276 1.47.7, 93n 17.4, 149 , 334 2.10.3, 300n © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03822-6 - State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of Theōriā and Theōroi Ian Rutherford Index More information Index 499 2.15.1, 36n , 187n F111, 182n 2.29.6, 134 Philostratus 2.96.8, 245 Gymn. 2.31.6, 136n 5–6, 205 2.31.6–9, 176n Her. 2.35.5, 57n 53.5–7, 123–5 3.16.1, 119n 55.3, 353 4.9.3–4, 98 , 99 , 100 55.8–23, 346 –9 4.12.8–9, 104n VA 4.31.8, 301n 2.37, 98n , 103n 5.2.1, 36 , 187n 4.16, 347n 5.6.7–8, 146n 4.23, 347n 5.13.4–6, 89n 4.6.6, 201n 5.15.11, 117 VS 5.15.12, 31n 2.1.7, 184 5.20.1, 88n Phlegon of Tralles, FGrH 257 5.25.2, 187n , 235n F1, 3–8, 88n 5.27.9, 113n F40, 51n , 54n , 203n 6.3.7, 365 Pindar 6.4.2, 365 Epinicia 6.20.8–9, 146 , 209n Isthmians : 2.23 , 72n , 2.23–4, 88 ; 5.16, 327 7.5.13, 28n Nemeans : 3.29 , 188 , 3.67–70, 131 , 133n ; 8.15.9, 123 3.79, 91 ; 4.47 , 130n ; 7, 132 , 7.64–5, 134n 8.27.2, 295n Olympians : 10, 187n , 10.49, 204n 9.17.4–5, 348 fr.29–35, 232 10.4.3, 319 fr.52o (Prosodion), 51 , 353 10.9.3–4, 113 fr.137, 154 10.9.10, 162n Paeans 10.10.1–2, 230n , 318n 2 .
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