Nature Religions (Animism, Polytheism & Shinto)

Nature Religions (Animism, Polytheism & Shinto)

<p> WORLD RELIGIONS (Regents Questions, 2000 – 2013)</p><p>NATURE RELIGIONS (ANIMISM, POLYTHEISM & SHINTO) </p><p>Which two belief systems teach that there are spirits in nature?</p><p>1) SHINTO AND ANIMISM</p><p>2) Hinduism and Confucianism</p><p>3) Judaism and Christianity</p><p>4) Islam and Buddhism</p><p>Which pair of belief systems shares a belief that spirits reside in natural objects and forms?</p><p>1) Hinduism and Confucianism</p><p>2) Islam and Judaism</p><p>3) SHINTOISM AND ANIMISM 4) Christianity and Buddhism</p><p>One similarity between animism and Shinto is that people who follow these belief systems</p><p>1) practice filial piety</p><p>2) WORSHIP SPIRITS IN NATURE</p><p>3) are monotheistic</p><p>4) are required to make pilgrimages</p><p>One similarity between Japanese Shintoism and African animism is the belief that</p><p>1) EVERYTHING IN NATURE HAS A SPIRIT AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED</p><p>2) only one god exists in the universe</p><p>3) people's moral conduct determines their afterlife 4) religious statues should be erected to honor the gods</p><p>Which belief is shared by an African who practices animism and a Japanese who practices Shinto?</p><p>1) only one god rules the universe</p><p>2) periodic fasting is essential to spiritual purity </p><p>3) SPIRITS EXIST IN BOTH LIVING AND NONLIVING THINGS</p><p>4) all suffering is caused by desire and selfishness</p><p>Shintoism and animism share a belief in the importance of</p><p>1) reincarnation</p><p>2) SPIRITS IN NATURE</p><p>3) holy books 4) missionaries</p><p>Which action is most closely associated with polytheism?</p><p>1) praying in a synagogue</p><p>2) accepting the eightfold path</p><p>3) WORSHIPPING MANY GODS</p><p>4) reading the Koran</p><p>A similarity between Shinto in Japan and animism in African societies is that both </p><p>1) use the Torah to establish law codes</p><p>2) stress the importance of the eightfold path</p><p>3) BELIEVE THAT SPIRITS EXIST IN NATURE 4) base social rank on a caste system</p><p>What is one way in which animism, Shinto, and Daoism are similar?</p><p>1) EMPHASIS ON HARMONY WITH NATURE</p><p>2) monotheistic belief systems</p><p>3) belief in the idea of nirvana</p><p>4) reliance on the teachings of the Vedas</p><p>CONFUCIANISM</p><p>Which Chinese philosophy best completes this graphic organizer? 1) Maoism</p><p>2) Daoism</p><p>3) Legalism</p><p>4) CONFUCIANISM</p><p> Showing Respect for Parents</p><p> Maintaining Family Honor</p><p> Honoring All Elders</p><p>Which term is most closely related to these three actions?</p><p>1) nirvana</p><p>2) animism</p><p>3) FILIAL PIETY 4) hadj (hajj)</p><p>Filial Piety and the five relationships are most often associated with</p><p>1) Hinduism</p><p>2) Daoism</p><p>3) Animism</p><p>4) CONFUCIANISM</p><p>In China, Confucianism emphasized the idea that</p><p>1) equality should exist between all members of society</p><p>2) salvation could be attained by prayer meditation, and good deeds</p><p>3) individual goals should be placed ahead of the needs of the needs of the group</p><p>4) HARMONY COULD BE ACHIEVED BY THE PROPER BEHAVIOR OF EACH MEMBER OF A FAMILY OR SOCIETY The five relationships taught by Confucius encouraged people to</p><p>1) improve their position in life</p><p>2) MAINTAIN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ORDER</p><p>3) respect and worship nature</p><p>4) serve the needs of religious leaders</p><p>In China, the development of civi l service examinations and a belief in filial piety reflect the influence of</p><p>1) Shinto </p><p>2) Jainism</p><p>3) CONFUCIANISM</p><p>4) Buddhism </p><p>Which belief system was the basis for the civil service exams given during the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties? 1) Legalism</p><p>2) Daoism</p><p>3) Buddhism</p><p>4) CONFUCIANISM</p><p>Confucianism had a strong impact on the development of China mainly because this philosophy</p><p>1) Established a basic structure for military rule</p><p>2) PROVIDED A BASIS FOR SOCIAL ORDER</p><p>3) Contained the framework for a communist government</p><p>4) Stressed the importance of the individual The illustration shows the relationship between individuals in a society according to the ideas of </p><p>1) CONFUCIUS</p><p>2) Moses</p><p>3) Mohammed</p><p>4) Siddhartha Gautama</p><p>Which Confucian principle is reflected in this statement?</p><p>1) THE RULER MUST SET AN EXAMPLE FOR THE PEOPLE</p><p>2) Respect for elders is the foundation of civilization</p><p>3) Virtue increases with education 4) Compassion and sympathy for others is important</p><p>Prince Shotoku's statement indicates the influence of the ideas of </p><p>1) CONFUCIUS</p><p>2) Muhammad</p><p>3) Genghis Khan</p><p>4) Emperor Hirohito</p><p>Which belief is most closely associated with the philosophy of Confucianism?</p><p>1) Nirvana 2) Reincarnation</p><p>3) Prayer</p><p>4) FILIAL PIETY</p><p>Which quotation from the teachings of Confucius is most similar to the Golden Rule from Judeo-Christian teaching?</p><p>1) "If a ruler is upright, all will go well without order"</p><p>2) "By nature, men are pretty much alike, It is learning and practice that set them apart."</p><p>3) "While a father or mother is alive, a son should not travel far"</p><p>4) "DO NOT DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU DO NOT WISH FOR YOURSELF"</p><p>Which philosophy is most closely associated with the development of the Chinese civil service system ?</p><p>1) Legalism</p><p>2) Buddhism</p><p>3) Daoism 4) CONFUCIANISM</p><p>HINDUISM</p><p>Believers of Hinduism are expected to </p><p>1) FULFILL THEIR DHARMA FOR A FAVORABLE REINCARNATION</p><p>2) Complete a pilgrimage to Mecca</p><p>3) Obey the Ten Commandments</p><p>4) Follow the Eightfold path to achieve enlightenment.</p><p>The terms Brahma, dharma, and moksha are most closely associated with which religion?</p><p>1) Judaism</p><p>2) Islam</p><p>3) HINDUISM 4) Animism</p><p>A person who practices Hinduism would most likely</p><p>1) BELIEVE THE VEDAS ARE SACRED</p><p>2) Worship in a synagogue</p><p>3) Pray facing Mecca</p><p>4) Make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem</p><p>"Just as a man, having cast off old garments, puts on others, even so does the embodied one, having cast off old bodies, </p><p> take on other, new ones."</p><p>Which belief or practice is expressed in this quotation</p><p>1) rigid class structure</p><p>2) REINCARNATION 3) monotheism</p><p>4) fasting and prayer</p><p>Which concept is illustrated in this diagram?</p><p>1) manorialism</p><p>2) apartheid</p><p>3) CASTE</p><p>4) encomienda</p><p>Which religion or belief system is most closely associated with the social class system illustrated in the diagram? 1) HINDUISM</p><p>2) Daoism</p><p>3) Catholicism</p><p>4) Animism</p><p>BUDDHISM </p><p>According to Buddhist principles, believers can end personal suffering by</p><p>1) doing good deeds</p><p>2) ELIMINATING SELFISH DESIRES</p><p>3) making pilgrimages to Mecca</p><p>4) relying on divine help</p><p>What belief is shared by Hindus and Buddhists?</p><p>1) Everyone should have the same social status 2) People should pray five times a day</p><p>3) THE SOUL CAN BE REINCARNATED</p><p>4) Material wealth is a sign of the blessing of the gods</p><p>Which religion includes the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and nirvana?</p><p>1) BUDDHISM</p><p>2) Hinduism</p><p>3) Judaism</p><p>4) Christianity</p><p>The diagram illustrates the key concepts of which religion 1) Islam</p><p>2) Christianity</p><p>3) Hinduism</p><p>4) BUDDHISM</p><p>This statue is most closely associated with which religion?</p><p>1) BUDDHISM</p><p>2) Islam</p><p>3) Jainism</p><p>4) Christianity Which belief system is most closely associated with the terms Eightfold Path , Four Noble Truths , and nirvana?</p><p>1) BUDDHISM</p><p>2) Christianity</p><p>3) Judaism</p><p>4) Shinto</p><p>Which belief is most closely associated with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama [Buddha]?</p><p>1) People are born into a specific caste</p><p>2) Believers must follow the Ten Commandments</p><p>3) Followers must fast during Ramadan</p><p>4) PEOPLE CAN OVERCOME THEIR DESIRES BY FOLLOWING THE EIGHT-FOLD PATH</p><p>The religious terms Four Noble Truths , Eightfold Path , and Nirvana are most closely associated with</p><p>1) Judaism 2) Islam</p><p>3) Shintoism</p><p>4) BUDDHISM</p><p>Which values are most closely associated with the fundamental principles of Buddhism?</p><p>1) competition and financial success</p><p>2) maintaining the caste system and providing education for all people </p><p>3) PRACTICING NONVIOLENCE AND GIVING UP WORLDLY DESIRES</p><p>4) self-determination and democracy</p><p>Which belief system is described in this passage? 1) BUDDHISM</p><p>2) Christianity</p><p>3) Islam</p><p>4) Confucianism</p><p>MONOTHEISM (ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY & JUDAISM)</p><p>Muslims’ references to Christians and Jews as “People of the Book” demonstrates they all shared a belief in</p><p>1) The pope</p><p>2) The five relationships</p><p>3) MONOTHEISM</p><p>4) Dharma</p><p> Fasting during Ramadan  Praying five times each day</p><p> Giving charity to the poor</p><p>Followers of which religion engage in these practices?</p><p>1) Christianity</p><p>2) Buddhism</p><p>3) ISLAM</p><p>4) Judaism</p><p>Base your answer on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies</p><p>The situation described in the passage led to the 1) Pogroms in Russia</p><p>2) Fall of Constantinople</p><p>3) DIVISION OF SUNNIS AND SHIITES</p><p>4) Tensions between Protestants and Catholics</p><p>A goal of modern-day religious fundamentalism is to</p><p>1) Combine the religious teachings of Islam and Christianity</p><p>2) MAINTAIN TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS VALUES IN SOCIETY</p><p>3) Encourage the practice of other religions</p><p>4) Adopt secular attitudes instead of religious beliefs. </p><p>Which practice is most closely associated with a person of the Islamic faith?</p><p>1) Refraining from eating meat on Fridays 2) PRAYING FIVE TIMES A DAY</p><p>3) Following the Eightfold Path</p><p>4) Worshipping many gods</p><p>Which text is essential to the practice of Islam?</p><p>1) New Testament</p><p>2) Analects</p><p>3) Torah</p><p>4) QUR’AN (KORAN)</p><p>Which belief system is considered monotheistic?</p><p>1) JUDAISM</p><p>2) Shinto 3) Confucianism</p><p>4) Animism</p><p>Which belief system is considered monotheistic?</p><p>5) Jainism</p><p>6) Daoism</p><p>7) JUDAISM</p><p>8) Shinto </p><p>This passage describes the experience of a follower of</p><p>1) Christianity 2) ISLAM</p><p>3) Hinduism</p><p>4) Judaism</p><p>Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in</p><p>1) papal supremacy</p><p>2) teaching of the Koran (Qur'an)</p><p>3) reincarnation and the Four Noble Truths</p><p>4) AN ETHICAL CODE OF CONDUCT AND MONOTHEISM</p><p>Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are similar in that they ask their followers to</p><p>1) believe in reincarnation</p><p>2) strive for nirvana 3) FOLLOW A CODE OF BEHAVIOR</p><p>4) practice polytheism</p><p>The doctrines of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant churches are all based on the</p><p>1) Concept of reincarnation</p><p>2) PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIANITY</p><p>3) Teaching of Muhammad</p><p>4) Leadership of the pope</p><p> "Most Gracious, Most Merciful"</p><p> "Master of the Day of Judgment"</p><p> "Thee do we worship, And Thine aid we seek"</p><p>This translated quotation from the Qur'an [Koran] refers to 1) Buddha</p><p>2) Shiva</p><p>3) ALLAH</p><p>4) Muhammad</p><p>The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock, and the Western (Wailing) Wall are religious sites in Jerusalem. </p><p>These sites symbolize the</p><p>1) Roman domination of the Mediterranean region in the 1st Century</p><p>2) CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF THE MIDDLE EAST</p><p>3) limited architectural skills of builders in the Middle East</p><p>4) geographic isolation of the city What is the main idea of this passage?</p><p>1) The Torah and the Bible were rejected in Muslim Spain.</p><p>2) Arabs, Jews, and Christians shared houses and places of worship in Muslim Spain</p><p>3) RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE IN MUSLIM SPAIN ENCOURAGED THE GROWTH OF A RICH AND DIVERSE CULTURE</p><p>4) Spain was troubled by deep-rooted religious conflicts</p><p>Which belief system requires fasting during Ramadan, praying five times daily, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca?</p><p>1) Judaism</p><p>2) Christianity</p><p>3) ISLAM 4) Hinduism</p><p>Which concept is best reflected in this passage?</p><p>1) Baptism</p><p>2) Karma</p><p>3) MONOTHEISM</p><p>4) Animism</p><p>THE SPREAD OF RELIGIONS </p><p>The introduction of Buddhism into Japan and of Christianity into Africa are examples of</p><p>1) Modernization </p><p>2) Ethnic conflict 3) CULTURAL DIFFUSION</p><p>4) Isolation</p><p> Buddhism is introduced into Japan around A.D. 1200</p><p> Islam extends from the Middle East into Spain by A.D. 732</p><p> Catholic and Protestant missionaries bring Christianity to Africa in the 1800s</p><p>Each of these statements reflects the concept of </p><p>1) CULTURAL DIFFUSION</p><p>2) urbanization</p><p>3) civil disobedience</p><p>4) isolationism  Buddhist temples are found in Japan</p><p> Most Indonesians study the Koran</p><p> Catholicism is the dominant religion in Latin America</p><p>These statements illustrate a result of</p><p>1) Westernization</p><p>2) CULTURAL DIFFUSION</p><p>3) Economic nationalism</p><p>4) Fundamentalism</p><p>The practice of Islam throughout much of West Africa is evidence that</p><p>1) ISLAM SPREAD BEYOND THE BORDERS OF THE ARABIAN PENINSULA</p><p>2) Chinese trade carried Islamic beliefs to West Africa 3) Islam originated in West Africa and spread it to the Middle East</p><p>4) Europeans encouraged Islamic beliefs during the colonial period</p><p>The spread of Islam into the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali resulted from</p><p>1) Imperialism</p><p>2) Ethnocentrism</p><p>3) CULTURAL DIFFUSION</p><p>4) Self-determination Which concept is most closely associated with this map of Asia?</p><p>1) Nonalignment</p><p>2) Urbanization</p><p>3) Colonization</p><p>4) CULTURAL DIFFUSION</p><p>Which area was most affected by the spread of both Islam and Buddhism in the period from 200 B.C. to A.D. 1450?</p><p>1) INDIAN SUBCONTINENT</p><p>2) Japanese Islands</p><p>3) Arabian Peninsula 4) Coastal China</p><p>What is the best conclusion based on the information provided by this map?</p><p>1) ISLAM HAS BECOME THE DOMINANT RELIGION IN MANY DIVERSE CULTURES OVER TIME</p><p>2) Islam was very slow to expand from its original development in Persia</p><p>3) Islam spread to regions that had cultures similar to those of Arabia</p><p>4) Islam’s influence is rapidly decreasing in the modern world</p><p>According to the map, by A.D. 750 Islam had spread from</p><p>1) Mecca to Asia Minor</p><p>2) Cairo to Tours 3) Senegal to India</p><p>4) THE INDUS RIVER TO SPAIN</p><p>MORAL CODES</p><p>One way in which the Eightfold Path and the Five Pillars of Faith are similar is that these rules</p><p>1) REPRESENT CODES OF BEHAVIOR</p><p>2) restrict social mobility</p><p>3) stress the spiritual being in all natural objects</p><p>4) suggest a deep respect for nature and reincarnation</p><p>One way in which the Five Relationship, the Ten Commandments, and the Eightfold Path are similar is that they</p><p>1) Promote polytheism</p><p>2) Establish gender equality 3) PROVIDE CODES OF BEHAVIOR</p><p>4) Describe secularism</p><p>The Ten Commandments, the Eightfold Path, and the Five Pillars of Faith each serve to </p><p>1) PROVIDE FOLLOWERS WITH A GUIDE FOR LIVING</p><p>2) Establish systems of justice</p><p>3) Establish distinctions between social classes</p><p>4) Provide regulations for government workers</p><p>Which speaker is expressing an idea from a polytheistic religion 1) A</p><p>2) B</p><p>3) C</p><p>4) D</p><p>Which speaker refers to the establishment of Islam? </p><p>1) A</p><p>2) B</p><p>3) C</p><p>4) D</p><p> Sunnis and Shiites have different views about who should lead the Muslim faith.</p><p> Today some Hindus follow caste rules more closely than others do  Most Buddhists belong to one of two main sects</p><p> Christianity is practiced by both Catholics and Protestants</p><p>Which generalization is supported by the information in these four statements?</p><p>1) IN MANY RELIGIONS, A RANGE OF BELIEFS OFTEN EXISTS</p><p>2) A belief in a god is common to all religions</p><p>3) A hierarchy of leadership exists in all religions</p><p>4) Religion is becoming less important to people</p><p> The Ganges is sacred to people practicing Hinduism</p><p> Shinto shrines are usually located near mountains or lakes</p><p> The Jordan River is a site of many Christian baptism</p><p>Which conclusion is most valid based on these statements related to belief systems? 1) The Middle East was the birthplace of these belief systems</p><p>2) WATER PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN THESE BELIEF SYSTEMS</p><p>3) Pilgrimages to mountainous regions are encouraged by these belief systems</p><p>4) Understanding nature is a requirement of these belief systems. </p>

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