AANWINSTE Saamgestel deur Tessa Caroline, Assistentdirekteur Q 793.21 PAR BOOKS BOEKE Partytjies is pret.- Tafelberg, 362.293 FER Q 641.5 PAR 2005. NON-FICTION Ferguson, Melinda. Smacked.- Parker, Shanaaz. Fusion.- 796.333 KRI Oshun, 2005. Anderson Pub., 2005. VAKLEKTUUR Krige, Corne. The right place at 363.61 AGE Q 641.5946 COO the wrong time.- Zebra, 2005. General The Age of commodity.- Earth- Cooking Spanish.- Murdoch Bks., 799.12 UYS Algemeen scan, 2005. 2005. Uys, Tim. Vir vis en vaderland.- 371.425 MAN 641.5954 NAR Lapa, 2005. 005.43 EZO Mannion, James. The everything Narshi, Parvati. The masala Ezolt, Phillip G. Optimizing alternative careers book.- cookbook.- Struik, 2005. Literature Linux performance.- Prentice Adams Media Corp., c2004. Letterkunde Hall PTR, 2005. 641.5968 LEK 372.41 WOO Die Lekkerste lekker.- Human, 821.914 PRE 005.43 FEH Wood, Tracey. Teaching kids to 2005. Press. Karen. The canary’s song- Fehily, Chris. Windows XP. 2nd read for dummies.- Wiley, c2004. book.- Carcanet, 2005. ed.- Peachpit P., c2005. 641.6384 DEW 384.8097 STE DeWitt, Dave. The spicy food 821.92 BAD Philosophy and Psychology Stewart, James B. Disneywar.- lover’s bible.- Stewart, Tabori, Baderoon, Gabeba. The dream Filosofie en Sielkunde Simon, 2005. 2005. in the next body.- Kwela, 2005. 391.09 CUM 649.123 RIC Travel 153 LEA Cumming, Valerie. Understand- Richardson, Ann. Koester jou Leaf, Caroline. Skakel jou brein ing fashion history.- Batsford, kleurter.- Metz P., 2005. Reisbeskrywing aan.- Tafelberg, 2005. 2004. 650.096 SHE 910.453 WIL 158.1 REA 391.09 EWI Shelley, Steve. Doing business in Willers, David. In search of the Ready, Romilla. Neuro-linguistic Ewing, Elizabeth. History of Africa.- Zebra, 2004. Waratah.- Highveld, 2005. programming for dummies.- J twentieth century fashion. 4th Wiley, c2004. 650.14 JAC 915.4792 MEH ed.- Batsford, 2005. Jackson, Tom. The perfect CV. Mehta, Suketu. Maximum city.- Religion 398.22 BAR Updated ed.- Piatkus, 2005. Review, 2005. Godsdiens Barber, Richard William. The 658.87 MIL 915.97 KEA Holy Grail.- Penguin, 2005. Miller, Michael. Absolute Keay, John. Mad about the 232.908 SEC beginner’s guide to launching an Mekong.- HarperCollins, 2005. Secrets of the code.- Orion, Science eBay business.- Que, c2004. 2005. Wetenskap Q 916.8712 WAR Warren-Brown, Gillian. Cape 248.8431 FUL Arts and Recreation 523.18 SIN Town uncovered.- Double Fuller, Cheri. Die ma wat jy Singh, Simon. Big bang.- Harper Kunste en Ontspanning Storey Bks., 2005. graag wil wees.- Lux Verbi. BM, Perennial, 2005. 2005. 741. 509 JON 918 GUE 573.3 STR Jones, Gerard. Men of tomor- Guevara, Ernesto. The motor- Social Science Stringer, Christopher. The com- row.- Heinemann, 2005. cycle diaries. [New ed].- Ocean Sosiale Wetenskap plete world of human evolu- 745.5941 COM P., c2004. tion.- Thames, 2005. Compendium of cardmaking 306.8742 MYD Biography techniques.- Search P., 2005. My dad - by South African Applied Science Lewensbeskrywing sons.- Two Dogs, 2006. Toegepaste Wetenskap 746.432 LOC Lochner, Martie. Brei.- Human, 920 DEB 306.8742 SLA 616.834 MUL 2005. De Blasi, Marlena. A thousand Slaan vir my ‘n masker, Vader.- Multiple sclerosis. 3rd ed.- Class days in Tuscany.- Virago, 2005. D Ferrus, c2006. Q 748 BEV Pub., 2005. Beveridge, Philippa. Warm 920 LAM 306.8743 LIN 616.8521 RET glass.- Lark Bks., c2005. Burton, Sarah. A double life.- Linde, Colinda. Kry balans in jou Retief, Yvonne. Healing for Penguin, 2004. lewe.- Metz P., 2005. 780.92 DAP trauma in the South African Holden, Anthony. The man who 920 NAU 326.968 VAN context.- Struik Christian Bks, wrote Mozart.- Weidenfeld, Ryan, Colleen. Beyers Naude. Van der Ross, Richard Ernest. c2005. 2006. 2nd ed.- D Philip, 2005. Up from slavery.- Ampersand Q 635.7 MCV P., 2005. 780.92 HEN 920 POO McVicar, Jekka. New book Lawrence, Sharon. Jimi Pool, Hannah. My father’s 337 ISA of herbs.- Dorling Kindersley, Hendrix.- Sidgwick, 2005. daughter.- H Hamilton, 2005. Isaak, Robert A. The global- c2004. 791.43 TAR 920 PRI ization gap.- Financial Times Q 636.108 HIL Prentice Hall, c2005. Smith, Jim. Tarantino.- Virgin, Treglown, Jeremy. VS Pritchett.- Hill, Cherry. Horsekeeping on a 2005. Pimlico, 2005. 362.1969 LEV small acreage. 2nd ed.- Storey, Levin, Adam. Aidsafari.- Zebra, c2005. 791.4309 WIL 920 SAM 2005. Wilder, Gene. Kiss me like a Shakib, Siba. Samira and Samir.- stranger.- HarperCollins, 2005. Century, 2004. Kaapse Bibl., Jan/Feb 2007 29 EZONGEZELELWEYO 920 SPA J 534 RIL Sparks, Nocholas. Three weeks Riley, Peter D. Sound and with my brother.- Time Warner Hardy, Justine. The Wonder Ragen, Naomi. The covenant.- vibrations.- F Watts, 2005. Bks., 2005. House.- Atlantic Bks., 2005. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2005. J 535 RIL Q 920.68 TUR Heller, Mandasue. The game.- Robotham, Michael. Lost.- Time Riley, Peter D. Light and colour. Turok, Karina. Life and soul.- Hodder, 2005. Warner Bks., 2005. F Watts, 2005. Double Storey, 2006. Horn, Shifra. Ode to joy.- Rushdie, Salman. Shalimar the J 551.576 MIL Piatkus, 2005. clown.- Cape, 2005. History Miles, Elizabeth. Clouds.- Horton, Lesley. Devils in the Sheldon, Jeremy. The smiling Heinemann, c2005. Geskiedenis mirror.- Orion, 2005. affair.- Cape, 2005. J 553.8 MER 940.5421 PLE Hyde, Elisabeth. The abortion- Sington, Philip. Zoia’s gold.- Mercer, Ian. Gemstones and the Pleshakov, Constatine. Stalin’s ist’s daughter.- Macmillan, 2006. Atlantic Bks., 2005. environment. New ed.- F Watts, folly.- Weidenfeld, 2005. 2004. Irving, John. Until I find you.- Sittenfeld, Curtis. Prep.- Picador, 940.5486 MIL Bloomsbury, 2005. 2005. J 598.0723 BUR Miller, Russell. Codename Burnie, David. Bird watcher.- Iweala, Uzodinma. Beasts of no Slot, Owen. The proposal.- Tricycle.- Seckcer, 2004. Dorling Kindersley, 2005. nation.- J. Murray, 2005. Hodder, 2005. 952.19 WAL JT 612 WIN James, Phyllis Dorothy. The Svit, Brina. Death of a prima Walker, Stephen. Shockwave.- Winston, Robert. What makes lighthouse.- Faber, 2005. donna.- Harvill, 2005. J Murray, 2005. me me?- Dorling Kindersley, Joss, Morag. Puccini’s ghosts.- Thompson, Harry. This thing of 967.304 PEA 2004. Sceptre, 2005. darkness.- Review, 2005. Pearce, Justin. An outbreak of J 759.972 KAH peace.- D Philip, 2005. Kalogridis, Jeanne. The Borgia Troyan, Sasha. The forgotten Winter, Jonah. Frida. - F Lincoln bride.- St Martin’s Griffin, 2005. island.- Bloomsbury, 2005. Children’s Bks, 2005. AFRIKAANSE Kelly, Jim. The moon tunnel.- Tucker, Lisa. Shout down the J 839.3615 BAR VERHALENDE LEKTUUR Joseph, 2005. moon.- Simon, 2005. Barker, Cicely, M. Die blomme- Kennedy, Douglas. State of the Tulloch, Jonathan. Give us this feetjies.- Human, 2005. Van der Vyver, Marita. Stiltetyd.- union.- Hutchinson, 2005. day.- Cape, 2005. J 839.3616 JAC Tafelberg, 2006. Kerley, Jack. The death collec- Van der Vyver, Marita. Short Jacobs, Jaco. Wurms met tors.- HarperCollins, 2005. circuits.- Tafelberg, 2005. tamatiesous, en ander lawwe ENGLISH FICTION Khoury, Raymond. The last Van der Vyver, Marita. Time rympies.- Lapa, 2005. templar.- Ziji, c2005. out.- Tafelberg, 2005. J 914.15 BAR Barclay, Alex. Darkhouse.- King, Jonathon. A killing night.- Wakefield, Lou. Sleeping part- Barnham, Kay. The changing face HarperCollins, 2005. Orion, 2005. ners.- Hodder, 2005. of Ireland.- Hodder Wayland, 2005. Becka, Elizabeth. Trace Kinsella, Sophie. The undomes- evidence.- Orion, 2005. tic goddess.- Bantam P., 2005. JUVENILE NON-FICTION Carver, Caroline. Beneath the Maisela, Letepe M. The empow- JEUGLEKTUUR snow.- Orion, 2005. ered native.- Sizwe, 2004. JEUGVAKLEKTUUR Doyle, Arthur Conan. Die Crawford, Kirsty. Other JT 294.5 PRI Mankell, Henning. The man who avonture van Sherlock Holmes.- women.- Orion, 2005. Prime, Ranchor. Hinduism.- smiled.- Harvill, 2005. Human, 2005. Crombie, Deborah. In a dark Chrysalis Children’s, 2005. Marias, Javier. The man of Rossouw, Kowie. Grootword house.- Macmillan, 2005. JT 364.1066 BRO felling.- Vintage, 2005. is nie vir sissies nie.- Protea Brook, Henry. True stories of Cusk, Rachel. In the fold.- Faber, McCall Smith, Alexander. Boekhuis, 2005. 2005. gangsters.- Usborne, 2004. Friends, lovers, chocolate.- Little, Schmidt, Troy. Flo, die vlieg wat J 372.34 VER Dewar, Isla. Getting out of the 2005. lieg.- Struik Christelike Boeke, Vermaak, Alida. Basic computer house.- Review, 2005. McDougall, Sophia. Romanitas.- 2005. skills for primary school children, Faulks, Sebastian. Human Orion, 2005. A. Vermaak, [2006?]. traces.- Hutchinson, 2005. McKeowen, David. Grip.- J 392.12 GOO JUVENILE FICTION Flint, Eric. The course of em- Hodder, 2005. Goodman, Polly. Births.- pire.- Baen, 2005. McMillan, Terry. The interruption Hodder Wayland, 2005. Adeney, Anne. Hannibal’s noisy Gale, Patrick. Friendly fire.- of everything.- Viking, 2005. day.- F. Watts, 2005. J 393 SEN Fourth Estate, 2005. Mosse, Kate. Labyrinth.- Orion, Senker, Cath. Life’s end.- Arrigan, Mary. Pa Jinglebob and Gardiner, Meg. Crosscut.- 2005. Hodder Wayland, 2005. the Grabble gang.- Egmont, Hodder, 2005. 2005. Patterson, Glenn. That which J 439.3632 WAL Hamilton, Denise. Last lullaby.- was.- Penguin, 2005. Walpole, Ellen Wales. My eerste Beck, Ian. Kitten Cat - rainy day Orion, 2005. Perry, Anne. Long Spoon Lane.- tweetalige woordeboek. 4de play.- Scholastic, 2005. Headline, 2005. uitg.- Human, 2005. Bedford, David. I’ve seen Santa!- Little Tiger P., 2005. Cape Libr., Jan/Feb 2007 30 AANWINSTE Blake, Jon. Dogsbottom School loses the plot.- Oxford UP., Ward, Nick. Don’t eat the babysitter!- Picture Corgi, 2005. 2005. Hall, Lynn Bedford. Hamlet and Morgan, Nicola. The passion Whybrow, Ian. Badness for Bloor, Thomas. Worm in the Kimberley.- Struik, 2005. flower massacre.- Hodder beginners.- HarperCollins, 2005. blood.- Faber, 2005. Hendry, Diana. The very snowy Children’s, 2005. Willis, Jeanne. I hate school.- Bradman, Tony. Shop till we Christmas.- Little Tiger P., 2005. Moss, Miriam. Jungle song.- F Andersen P., 2005. drop.- Scholastic, 2005. Hoving, Isabel. The dream mer- Lincoln, 2005. Wisdom, Jude. Miss Chicken Bright, Paul. Nobody laughs at a chant.- Walker Bks., 2005. Nokes, David. The Nightingale lion!- Little Tiger, P., 2005. and the hungry neighbour.- Hunt, Roderick. The old tree papers.- Hesperus P., 2005.
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