<p> 1 </p><p>PARLIAMENTARY BODIES</p><p>CATEGORY NUMBER OF BODIES </p><p>A. Parliamentary Departments 3</p><p>B. Parliamentary Bodies Recognised in Legislation 10 B1. Statutory Office Holders 3 B2. Committees Established by Statute 7</p><p>C. Committees Established by Resolution of Parliament or 52 Standing Order C1. Senate Committees 29 C2. House of Representative Committees 17 C3. Joint Committees 6</p><p>TOTAL 65</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 2 A. A. PARLIAMENTARY DEPARTMENTS Department of the Senate</p><p>Creation Date: 1 January 1901</p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Service Act 1999, section 54</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 65 of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999</p><p>GFS Classification: GGS</p><p>Materiality: Small</p><p>ABN: 23 991 641 527</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/dept/about.htm </p><p>The Department provides the Senate, its committees, the President of the Senate and senators with advisory and support services relating to the exercise of legislative powers of the Australian Parliament. </p><p>Department of the House of Representatives</p><p>Creation Date: 1 January 1901</p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Service Act 1999, section 54</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 65 of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999</p><p>GFS Classification: GGS</p><p>Materiality: Small</p><p>ABN: 18 526 287 740</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/dept/about.htm</p><p>The Department supports the efficient conduct of the House of Representatives, its committees and certain joint committees, as well as providing services and facilities for Members of the House of Representatives. The Department also promotes the work of the House in the community and is responsible for the conduct of the Parliament’s international and regional relations.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 3 </p><p>A. PARLIAMENTARY DEPARTMENTS</p><p>Department of Parliamentary Services</p><p>Creation Date: 1 February 2004</p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Service Act 1999, section 54 and resolutions passed by both Houses</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 65 of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999</p><p>GFS Classification: GGS</p><p>Materiality: Material</p><p>ABN: 52 997 141 147</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/dps </p><p>The Department ensures that occupants of Parliament House are supported by integrated services and facilities, Parliament functions effectively and its work and building are accessible to the public. On 1 February 2004, the Department replaced the former Department of the Parliamentary Library, the Department of the Parliamentary Reporting Staff and the Joint House Department.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 4 B. B. PARLIAMENTARY BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION B1. STATUTORY OFFICE HOLDERS</p><p>Parliamentary Librarian</p><p>Creation Date: 1 April 2005 </p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Service Act 1999, section 38A</p><p>Appointed By: The Presiding Officers of the Parliament (the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives).</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, as Part 3 of the Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report.</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Library/Index</p><p>The Parliamentary Librarian provides information, analysis and advice to Senators and Members of the House of Representatives in support of their parliamentary and representational roles. </p><p>Parliamentary Service Commissioner</p><p>Creation Date: 5 December 1999 </p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Service Act 1999, section 39</p><p>Appointed By: The Presiding Officers of the Parliament (the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives).</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 42 of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/departments/commissioner.htm</p><p>The Commissioner advises on the operations of the Parliamentary Service, and inquires into and reports on, relevant matters as requested by the Presiding Officers of the Houses of Parliament. By convention, this role is performed by the person appointed as the Public Service Commissioner under the Public Service Act 1999.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 5 </p><p>B. PARLIAMENTARY BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION</p><p>Parliamentary Service Merit Protection Commissioner</p><p>Creation Date: 5 December 1999 </p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Service Act 1999, section 47</p><p>Appointed By: The Presiding Officers of the Parliament (the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives).</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 49 of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/departments/commissioner.htm</p><p>The Commissioner fulfils an ombudsman-like role, reviewing certain actions affecting Parliamentary Service employees in their employment, such as promotion decisions, and inquires into Parliamentary Service actions, including certain breaches of the Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct. </p><p>By convention, the role is performed by the person appointed as the Merit Protection Commissioner under the Public Service Act 1999.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 6 </p><p>B. PARLIAMENTARY BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION</p><p>B2. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY STATUTE</p><p>Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA)</p><p>Creation Date: 11 December 1951</p><p>Established By/Under: Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951, section 5</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members of the House of Representatives and 6 senators</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 8B of the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/jpaa </p><p>The JCPAA reviews the conduct of Commonwealth agencies so that they may account for the lawfulness, efficiency and effectiveness with which they use public monies. </p><p>Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services</p><p>Creation Date: 11 March 2002</p><p>Established By/Under: Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, section 241. </p><p>Constituted By: 5 members of the House of Representatives (3 government and 2 non- government) and 5 senators (2 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Yes, section 243 of the Australian Securities and Investments Annual Report Tabled: Commission Act 2001</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/corporations_ctte </p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports to Parliament on the activities of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the operation of corporation’s legislation, and examines the annual report tabled by bodies established under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. </p><p>The Committee was previously known the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Securities.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 7 </p><p>B. PARLIAMENTARY BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION</p><p>Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security </p><p>Creation Date: 2 December 2005</p><p>Established By/Under: Intelligence Services Act 2001, section 28</p><p>Constituted By: 5 members of the House of Representatives (3 government and 2 non-government) and 4 senators (2 government and 2 non-government)</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 31 of the Intelligence Services Act 2001</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/pjcis </p><p>The Committee reviews the administration and expenditure of the six intelligence agencies: the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation, the Defence Intelligence Organisation, the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) and the Office of National Assessments. </p><p>The Committee also reviews security-related Acts, and was previously known as the Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.</p><p>Joint Committee on Public Works</p><p>Creation Date: 19 December 1913</p><p>Established By/Under: Public Works Committee Act 1969, section 7</p><p>Constituted By: 6 members of the House of Representatives and 3 senators</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 16 of the Public Works Committee Act 1969</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/pwc </p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on public works referred to it for review. </p><p>The Committee examines all public works exceeding $15 million in estimated cost, and reports on the purpose, suitability, cost-effectiveness and current and prospective value of the proposed works.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 8 </p><p>B. PARLIAMENTARY BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION</p><p>Joint Committee on the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity</p><p>Creation Date: 26 February 2007</p><p>Established By/Under: Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006, section 213</p><p>Constituted By: 5 members of the House of Representatives (3 government and 2 non- government) and 5 senators (2 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Yes, section 215 of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act Annual Report Tabled: 2006</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/aclei_ctte/index.htm</p><p>The Committee monitors the performance of the Integrity Commissioner, and the annual and special reports prepared by the Commissioner. </p><p>The Committee also examines apparent trends and changes to the practices of corruption relating to law enforcement.</p><p>Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission</p><p>Creation Date: 1 January 2003</p><p>Established By/Under: Australian Crime Commission Act 2002, section 53</p><p>Constituted By: 5 members of the House of Representatives and 5 senators</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: Yes, section 55 of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/acc_ctte </p><p>The Committee monitors and reviews the performance of the Australian Crime Commission (ACC), including an examination of its annual report. </p><p>The Committee also examines trends in criminal activities, and may recommend changes to the functions, structure, powers and procedures of the ACC. </p><p>Prior to 2003, the Commission was formerly known as the Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 9 </p><p>B. PARLIAMENTARY BODIES RECOGNISED IN LEGISLATION</p><p>Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings (JCBPP)</p><p>Creation Date: 5 July 1946</p><p>Established By/Under: Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Act 1946, section 5</p><p>Constituted By: Speaker of the House of Representatives and 5 other members of the House of Representatives, President of the Senate, and 2 other senators.</p><p>Annual Report Tabled: No</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/jcbpp</p><p>The Committee examines and regulates matters relating to the radio and television broadcast of the proceedings of Parliament.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 10 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR C. STANDING ORDER C1. SENATE COMMITTEES</p><p>House Committee</p><p>Creation Date: 1 May 1973</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 21</p><p>Constituted By: President, Deputy President and 5 senators</p><p>Web Site: No current web site available </p><p>The House Committee considers matters relating to the provision of facilities in Parliament House when referred by the Senate or by the President. </p><p>The Committee has the power to confer with the equivalent committee in the House of Representatives, or sit as a joint committee.</p><p>Scrutiny of Bills Committee</p><p>Creation Date: 19 November 1981 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 24</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government, 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/scrutiny</p><p>The Committee assesses all Bills against a set of accountability standards that focus on the effect of proposed legislation on individual rights, liberties and obligations, and on parliamentary propriety. </p><p>Select Committee on Agricultural and Related Industries</p><p>Creation Date: 14 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Senate Resolution</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (2 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/agric_ctte/index.htm</p><p>The Select Committee is currently undertaking a review of the incidence and severity of bushfires across Australia and a review of Australian food production.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 11 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Select Committee on Fuel and Energy</p><p>Creation Date: 25 June 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Senate Resolution</p><p>Constituted By: 8 senators (2 government and 6 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/fuelenergy_ctte/index.htm</p><p>The Select Committee inquires into and reports on the impact of higher prices of petroleum, diesel and gas and related matters.</p><p>Select Committee on the National Broadband Network</p><p>Creation Date: 25 June 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Senate Resolution</p><p>Constituted By: 7 senators (2 government and 5 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/broadband_ctte/info.htm</p><p>The Select Committee is currently inquiring into the Australian Government’s proposal to partner with the private sector to upgrade parts of the existing telecommunications network to fibre, in order to provide minimum broadband speeds of 12 megabits per second to 98 per cent of the Australian population. The Committee will examine issues relating to cost and implications associated with national productivity. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 12 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities</p><p>Creation Date: 19 March 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Senate Resolution</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (2 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/indig_ctte/index.htm</p><p>The Select Committee inquires into and reports on the effectiveness of Australian Government policies following the ‘Northern Territory Emergency Response’, specifically on the state of health, welfare, education and law and order in regional and remote Indigenous communities.</p><p>Selection of Bills Committee</p><p>Creation Date: 5 December 1989 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 24A</p><p>Constituted By: 9 senators (3 government, 3 non-government and the whips of any minority parties)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/selectionbills_ctte</p><p>The Committee considers Bills that are in the Senate, or received from the House of Representatives, and determines whether such Bills should be referred to a legislative and general purpose standing committee, and if so, to which committee, and at which stage of consideration, such Bills ought to be referred.</p><p>Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing</p><p>Creation Date: 25 March 1982 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 19</p><p>Constituted By: President and 8 other senators (4 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/app_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into proposals for the annual estimates and the additional estimates for the Senate, proposals to vary the staff structure of the Senate, and other staffing and recruitment policies. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 13 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Community Affairs - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/clac_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, and Health and Ageing.</p><p>Standing Committee on Community Affairs - References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/clac_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, and Health and Ageing.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 14 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Economics - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/economics_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Treasury, Innovation, Industry Science and Research, and Resources, Energy and Tourism.</p><p>Standing Committee on Economics - References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/economics_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Treasury, Innovation, Industry Science and Research, and Resources, Energy and Tourism.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 15 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/eet_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. Committee portfolio coverage is Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. </p><p>Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations – References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/eet_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. Committee portfolio coverage is Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 16 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts – Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/eca_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, and Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. </p><p>The Committee was previously known as the Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts (1994-1998) and the Standing Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (1998-2008). </p><p>Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts - References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/eca_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. Committee portfolio coverage is Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, and Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. </p><p>The Committee was previously known as the Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts (1994-1998) and the Standing Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (1998-2008). </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 17 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/fapa_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. </p><p>The Committee oversees three portfolios (Prime Minister and Cabinet, Finance and Deregulation and Human Services) and two Parliamentary Departments (the Department of the Senate and the Department of Parliamentary Services). </p><p>Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration – References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/fapa_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. </p><p>The Committee oversees three portfolios (Prime Minister and Cabinet, Finance and Deregulation, and Human Services) and two Parliamentary Departments (the Department of the Senate and the Department of Parliamentary Services). </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 18 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/fadt_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Veterans' Affairs.</p><p>Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/fadt_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Veterans' Affairs.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 19 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/legcon_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Attorney-General’s and Immigration and Citizenship.</p><p>Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/legcon_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. </p><p>Committee portfolio coverage is Attorney-General’s and Immigration and Citizenship.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 20 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee of Privileges</p><p>Creation Date: 5 April 1967 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 18</p><p>Constituted By: 7 senators (4 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/priv_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on matters of parliamentary privilege when referred to it by the Senate.</p><p>Standing Committee on Procedure</p><p>Creation Date: 9 October 1987 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 17</p><p>Constituted By: President, Deputy President, Leader of the Government in the Senate, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and 6 other senators.</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/proc_ctte</p><p>The Committee considers any matter relating to the procedures of the Senate referred to it by the Senate or by the President of the Senate. </p><p>Standing Committee on Publications</p><p>Creation Date: 7 March 1973 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 22</p><p>Constituted By: 7 senators</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/publ</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on the printing, publication and distribution of parliamentary and government publications. Documents that have been presented to the Senate - but not ordered to be printed - are referred to the Committee, which makes recommendations on the printing of documents. </p><p>The Committee has the power to sit as a joint committee with a similar committee of the House of Representatives.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 21 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances</p><p>Creation Date: 11 March 1932</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 23</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/regord_ctte</p><p>The Committee scrutinises all disallowable instruments of delegated legislation to ensure compliance with non-partisan principles of personal rights and parliamentary propriety. The Committee scrutinises the technical aspects of proposed legislation rather than examining the merits of policy underpinning the proposals. </p><p>Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport - Legislation</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/rrat_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on bills referred to it by the Senate, conducts the estimates process in accordance with standing order 26, and monitors the performance of Departments, including reviewing their annual reports. Committee portfolio coverage is Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.</p><p>Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport – References</p><p>Creation Date: 13 May 2009</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 25</p><p>Constituted By: 3 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/rrat_ctte</p><p>The Committee deals with other matters referred to it by the Senate which are not in the terms of reference for the associated Legislation Committee. Committee portfolio coverage is Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 22 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee of Senators’ Interests</p><p>Creation Date: 17 March 1994</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the Senate, standing order 22A</p><p>Constituted By: 8 senators (3 government and 5 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/interests_ctte</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on the arrangements made for the compilation, maintenance and accessibility of a ‘Register of Senators’ Interests’, as well as considering any submissions made in relation to the registering or declaring of interests. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 23 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>C2. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEES</p><p>Committee of Privileges and Members’ Interests</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 216</p><p>Constituted By: 11 members (6 government, 5 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/pmi</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on complaints made concerning breaches of parliamentary privilege or contempt, when referred by the House. It also inquires into and reports on the arrangements made for the compilation, maintenance and accessibility of the ‘Register of Members' Interests’ and other proposals and complaints relating to the registering or declaring of interests.</p><p>House Committee</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 218</p><p>Constituted By: 7 members (4 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: No current web site available </p><p>The House Committee examines matters relating to the provision of facilities in Parliament House when referred by the House or by the Speaker. The Speaker is a member of the Committee.</p><p>Publications Committee</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 219</p><p>Constituted By: 7 members (4 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/publ </p><p>The Committee inquires and reports on the printing, publication and distribution of parliamentary and government publications. Each House of the Parliament has a Publications Committee which has the power to confer with the other and, in practice, most meetings are joint meetings of the two committees. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 24 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/atsia</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities, and in reports of the Auditor-General. </p><p>Standing Committee on Climate Change, Water, Environment and the Arts</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 Government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/ccwea</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities, and in reports of the Auditor-General. It was previously known as the Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage.</p><p>Standing Committee on Communications</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/coms</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities, and in reports of the Auditor-General. It was previously known as the Standing Committee on Communications, Information Technology and the Arts. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 25 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Economics</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/economics</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities, and in reports of the Auditor-General. It was previously known as the Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration.</p><p>Standing Committee on Education and Training </p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/edt</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General.</p><p>Standing Committee on Employment and Workplace Relations</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/ewr</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 26 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/fchy </p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General.</p><p>Standing Committee on Health and Ageing</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/haa</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General. </p><p>Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/isi</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General. Committee portfolio areas include Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, as well as specific bodies from other portfolios such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Productivity Commission.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 27 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 11 members (7 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/itrdlg</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General.</p><p>Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/laca</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General. </p><p>Standing Committee on Petitions</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 220</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/petitions</p><p>The Committee receives and processes petitions and inquires into and reports to the House on any matter relating to petitions and the petitions system. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 28 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Standing Committee on Primary Industries and Resources</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 215</p><p>Constituted By: 10 members (6 government and 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/pir</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it, matters raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General.</p><p>Standing Committee on Procedure</p><p>Creation Date: 12 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, standing order 221</p><p>Constituted By: 7 members (4 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/proc</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on the practices and procedures of the House, and is able to determine its own inquiries within the broad framework of its overall terms of reference. The Committee replaced the Standing Orders Committee.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 29 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>C3. JOINT COMMITTEES</p><p>Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters</p><p>Creation Date: 13 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Resolutions of both Houses</p><p>Constituted By: 5 members of the House of Representatives (3 government and 2 non- government) and 5 senators (22 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/em</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters relating to electoral laws and practices and their administration. Matters may be referred to the Committee, raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General.</p><p>Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade</p><p>Creation Date: 13 February 2008; Resolution of Appointment amended 19 March 2009.</p><p>Established By/Under: Resolutions of both Houses</p><p>Constituted By: 22 members of the House of Representatives (13 government and 9 non-government) and 12 senators (5 government and 7 non- government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/jfadt</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters relating to foreign affairs, defence, trade, and human rights. Matters may be referred to the committee, raised in annual reports of relevant government departments and authorities and in reports of the Auditor-General. The Committee was previously known as the Foreign Affairs and Defence (1973-87) and Foreign Affairs (1952-72) Committee. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 30 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Joint Standing Committee on Migration</p><p>Creation Date: 13 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Resolutions of both Houses</p><p>Constituted By: 6 members of the House of Representatives (3 government and 3 non- government) and 4 senators (2 government and 2 non-government) </p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/mig</p><p>The Committee inquires into matters referred to it by the Parliament or a Minister of the Australian Government. The Committee was previously known as the Committee on Migration Regulations. </p><p>Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories</p><p>Creation Date: 13 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Resolutions of both Houses</p><p>Constituted By: 6 members of the House of Representatives (Deputy Speaker, 3 government, and 2 non-government) and 6 senators (Deputy President, 2 government, and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/House/committee/ncet</p><p>The Committee inquires into and reports on matters relating to the Parliamentary Zone, National Capital and Australia’s External Territories, as may be referred to it, or as may arise from the annual reports of relevant government departments. </p><p>Joint Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Library</p><p>Creation Date: 13 February 2008</p><p>Established By/Under: Resolutions of both Houses</p><p>Constituted By: 7 members of the House of Representatives (4 government and 3 non- government) and 6 senators (3 government and 3 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/ House /committee/jscpl </p><p>The Committee advises on Parliamentary Library matters, and the ‘Annual Resource Agreement’. The Committee receives advice and reports directly from the Parliamentary Librarian, and reports to the Presiding Officers of each House.</p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009 PARLIAMENTARY BODIES 31 </p><p>C. COMMITTEES ESTABLISHED BY PARLIAMENTARY RESOLUTION OR STANDING ORDER</p><p>Joint Standing Committee on Treaties</p><p>Creation Date: 13 February 2008 </p><p>Established By/Under: Resolutions of both Houses</p><p>Constituted By: 9 members of the House of Representatives (6 government and 3 non- government) and 7 senators (33 government, 4 non-government)</p><p>Web Site: www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/jsct/index</p><p>The Committee reviews and reports on all treaty actions proposed by the Government, before such undertakings bind Australia to the terms of the treaty. </p><p>List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009</p>
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