<p> University of Melbourne Student Union</p><p>Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee</p><p>Meeting 7/12</p><p>UNCONFIRMED</p><p>10 AM, 8/4/2013</p><p>Location: MUVT 1, Union House</p><p>Agenda 1. Procedural Matters</p><p>1.1. Election of Chair</p><p>1.2. Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners</p><p>1.3. Attendance</p><p>1.4. Apologies</p><p>1.5. Proxies</p><p>1.6. Membership</p><p>1.7. Adoption of Agenda</p><p>2. Comic Book & Cosplay Club</p><p>3. Sport Clubs</p><p>3.1. Golf Club</p><p>3.2. Muay Thai Club</p><p>3.3. GSBE Sports Club</p><p>4. Faculty Clubs</p><p>4.1. Senior Chemistry Initiative</p><p>4.2. Students of Royal Melbourne</p><p>5. General Interest Clubs</p><p>5.1. AIESEC</p><p>5.2. Astronomical Society</p><p>5.3. Board Games Society</p><p>5.4. Burnley Brewing Society</p><p>5.5. CAINZ</p><p>5.6. Campus Covenant Messenger</p><p>5.7. Canadian Club</p><p>5.8. Creative Writers' Group</p><p>5.9. Dhoom Charity 5.10. Drawing Group</p><p>5.11. Filmmakers Collective</p><p>5.12. Latin American 1</p><p>5.13. Parma Pals Geology Club</p><p>5.14. Reformed Evangelical Fellowship</p><p>5.15. Shanghainess Student Society</p><p>5.16. Students for Palestine</p><p>5.17. Women in ICT</p><p>6. Grouped Applications</p><p>6.1. Harry Potter</p><p>6.1.1. Potter Heads</p><p>6.1.2. Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (SPEW)</p><p>6.2. Tea</p><p>6.2.1. Kettle Society</p><p>6.2.2. T-Club</p><p>6.3. Marketing</p><p>6.3.1. Marketing Intelligence</p><p>6.3.2. Students Association of Marketing and Management</p><p>6.4. Networking</p><p>6.4.1. Chinese Growth Enterprise Market</p><p>6.4.2. Global Citizen Society</p><p>6.4.3. International Youth Fellowship</p><p>6.4.4. Networking Hub</p><p>6.4.5. Proud to Be International Students</p><p>6.5. Commerce Women</p><p>6.5.1. Banking on Women</p><p>6.5.2. 85 Broads</p><p>7. Other Business</p><p>8. Next Meeting (time, date)</p><p>9. Close Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Meeting opened at: 10.06 AM, by Marie Kelly</p><p>Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters</p><p>1.1 Election of Chair</p><p>Motion 1: That Marie Kelly chair today’s meeting. Moved: Marie Kelly Seconded: Patrick Clearwater CWD</p><p>1.2 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners So acknowledged</p><p>1.3 Attendance C&S Committee: Yitong Wang, Vicky Tang, Patrick Clearwater, Chris Heath, Rachel Withers C&S Officer: Marie Kelly C&S Coordinator: Fiona Sanders New Club Representatives: Peter Botros, Alex Woolford, Evan Tan, Dhanuka Nanayakhara, Brianna Kovac, Eleanor Duckworth, Xiau Bau Lu, Peiyuan Liu, Alice Shuster, David Nguyen, Johanna Rigby, Sanduni Wathiyage, Liqi Zhang, Georgia Barland, Geethu George, David Andika, Kenneth Hartanto, Celest Dives Mauntener, Aiko Wadley, Kinsey Li, Joe Deng, Eddy, Patrick, Julie Absent Melinda Keys</p><p>1.4 Apologies Melinda Keys</p><p>1.5 Proxies Nil</p><p>1.6 Membership No changes</p><p>1.7 Adoption of Agenda Motion 2: To adopt the agenda as presented. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>Motion 3: To move the meeting “in camera”, including the C&S Coordinator, and invite New Club representatives in to discuss their application. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>Rachel Withers arrived at 10.10am</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.1 Moved: Chris Heath </p><p>Page 3 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>CWD</p><p>6.1. Harry Potter</p><p>6.1.1. Potter Heads</p><p>6.1.2. Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (SPEW)</p><p>Representatives from Potter Heads in attendance. As only one club’s representatives are in attendance: Defer </p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.11 Moved: Patrick Clearwater CWD</p><p>5.11 Filmmakers Collective</p><p>Representative attended. Filmmakers “Collective” changed to “Society”. </p><p>Motion 4: To grant initial approval for affiliation to Filmmakers Society. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.2. Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>5.2. Astronomical Society</p><p>Representative in attendance. Discussed storage of telescope, plans for the club.</p><p>Motion 5: To grant initial approval for affiliation to Astronomical Society. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.5 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>5.5. CAINZ</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Discussion of aims. Decision to be deferred until representatives return with new aims. </p><p>Procedural: To move to item 3 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>3. Sport Clubs</p><p>3.1. Golf Club</p><p>Page 4 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>3.2. Muay Thai Club</p><p>3.3. GSBE Sports Club</p><p>Discussion of sport issues: insurance, equipment, mandate of the department. </p><p>Motion 6: To reject application for affiliation from the Golf Club (Regulation 4.1.2). Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>Motion 7: To reject application for affiliation from the Muay Thai Club (Regulation 4.1.2) Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Yitong Wang CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.3 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>6.3. Marketing</p><p>6.3.1. Marketing Intelligence</p><p>6.3.2. Students Association of Marketing and Management</p><p>Representatives from Marketing Intelligence in attendance. Discussion of SAMM and Marketing Intelligence aims and similarities. </p><p>Motion 8: To defer marketing applications until next meeting. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Yitong Wang left at 10.55am</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.5 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>5.5. CAINZ</p><p>Representative in attendance. CAINZ aims resubmitted by representatives.</p><p>Motion 9: To grant initial approval to CAINZ with amended aims. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Vicky Tang CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 3.1 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>Page 5 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Tom Hayes and Sophie Sheahan arrived. Vicky Tang left at 11.07.</p><p>3.1. Golf Club</p><p>Representative in attendance. Committee advised club of rejection and reasons for rejection.</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.2 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>6. Grouped Applications</p><p>6.2 Tea</p><p>6.2.1 Kettle Society</p><p>6.2.2 T-Club</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Motion 7: To grant initial approval for T-Society with the combined aims of the two clubs. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.13 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>5.13. Parma Pals Geology Club</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Discussed the difference between the proposed club and Earth Science Students Society, committee recommended the proposed club joining ESSS. Motion 8: To reject Parma Pals Geology Club, (aim overlap, 4.1.3.f) Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Patrick Clearwater CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.5 Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>6.5. Commerce Women</p><p>6.5.1. Banking on Women</p><p>6.5.2. 85 Broads Discussion of both applications.</p><p>Motion 9: To grant initial approval for 85 Broads with the revised aims. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Discussion of Banking on Women, the club is unlikely to cooperate. Deferred.</p><p>Page 6 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.17 Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>5.17. Women in ICT</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Focus on ICT, rather than science/technology, different to WISE. Motion 10: To grant initial approval for Women in ICT. Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.9 Moved: Patrick Clearwater CWD</p><p>5.9. Dhoom Charity</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Discussion of the aims of Dhoom. They are focused on project work in the subcontinent. Motion 11: To reject application from Dhoom Charity (unachievable aims, 4.1.3.e). Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.14 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>Patrick Clearwater stepped out at 12.05pm</p><p>5.14. Reformed Evangelical Fellowship</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Discussion of club. From a church with 100 Indonesian students.</p><p>Vicky Tang and Patrick Clearwater arrived at 12.07pm. Yitong Wang returned at 12.20pm.</p><p>Motion 12: To grant initial approval conditional on change of aim 1 to include the whole Reformed Evangelical Church, reject application if no change. Moved: Chair 6 FOR, 1 Abstain Carried</p><p>Page 7 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.4 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>6.4. Networking</p><p>6.4.5. Proud to Be International Students</p><p>Motion 13: To reject PTBIS, due to overlap with MUOSS (Regulation 4.1.2) Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.1.1 Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>6.1. Harry Potter</p><p>6.1.1. Potter Heads</p><p>6.1.2. Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (SPEW)</p><p>Representatives from Potter Heads in attendance. Motion 14: To grant initial approval to Potter Heads. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>Motion 15: To reject application from SPEW due to overlap of aims with Potter Heads. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 6.4 Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>6.4. Networking</p><p>6.4.1. Chinese Growth Enterprise Market</p><p>6.4.2. Global Citizen Society</p><p>6.4.3. International Youth Fellowship</p><p>6.4.4. Networking Hub</p><p>Motion 16: To reject application from International Youth Fellowship (not legitimate separate aims, Regulation 4.1.3.e). Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>6.4.1. Chinese Growth Enterprise Market</p><p>Page 8 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Discussed special focus of the club. Networking. Name and aims discussed, amended name to “Chinese Philosophy in Business”.</p><p>Motion 17: To give initial approval to club with the changed name “Chinese Philosophy in Business”. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Rachel Withers CWD</p><p>Patrick Clearwater left at 1.04pm.</p><p>6.4.2. Global Citizen Society</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Discussed the form and the (lack of) names/signatures. They expressed a real focus on multiculturalism, running social and educational events. Motion 18: To give initial approval to Global Citizen Society. Moved: Rachel Withers Seconded: Sophie Sheahan CWD</p><p>6.4.4. Networking Hub</p><p>Representatives in attendance. Social anxiety and international conversations on campus discussed. Motion 19: To reject club application on grounds of 4.1.3.L and 4.1.3.e Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Sophie Sheahan CWD</p><p>Patrick Clearwater arrived at 1.44pm 10 minute break.</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.6 Moved: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>5.6. Campus Covenant Messenger</p><p>Representatives in attendance.</p><p>Yitong Wang left at 2.01pm</p><p>Motion 20: To reject club application on grounds of 4.1.3.L Moved: Sophie Sheahan Seconded: Chris Heath CWD</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 2 Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>2. Comic Book & Cosplay Club Form is incomplete.</p><p>Page 9 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Motion 21: To rescind initial approval to the Comic Book & Cosplay Club (motion 17 from meeting on 3/4/2013) Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Motion 22: To defer application. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Vicky Tang CWD</p><p>ACTION: Contact Comic Book & Cosplay Club and go over their application.</p><p>3. Sport Clubs</p><p>3.3. GSBE Sports Club Committee discussed how the club must function. Club must list activities for the semester at the start of semester – recommended that club put this in their constitution. Committee recommended that the club change their classification to General Interest rather than sport.</p><p>Motion 23: To grant initial approval to GSBE Sports Club. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>4. Faculty Clubs</p><p>4.1. Senior Chemistry Initiative</p><p>Motion 24: To grant initial approval to Senior Chemistry Initiative, with change to faculty/department. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>4.2. Students of Royal Melbourne</p><p>Motion 25: To grant initial approval to SoRM, with change to aim 1 to include AMS (full name). Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>5. General Interest Clubs</p><p>5.1. AIESEC Awaiting response to correspondence, deferred until next meeting.</p><p>5.3 Board Games Society</p><p>Motion 26: To reject on grounds of 4.1.3.e, 4.1.3.g and 4.1.3.l Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair 4 FOR, 1 AGAINST Carried</p><p>Page 10 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>5.3. Burnley Brewing Society</p><p>Motion 27: To grant initial approval to BBS. Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>5.7. Canadian Club</p><p>Motion 28: To reject on grounds of 4.1.3.b Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Vicky Tang CWD</p><p>5.10. Drawing Group</p><p>Motion 29: To grant initial approval to Drawing Group Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>5.8. Creative Writers' Group Defer </p><p>5.12. Latin American 1</p><p>Motion 30: To grant initial approval to Latin American 1 Moved: Vicky Tang Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>5.15. Shanghainess Student Society</p><p>Motion 31: To grant initial approval with change of club name “Wu Culture Club”. Moved: Vicky Tang Seconded: Sophie Sheahan CWD</p><p>5.16. Students for Palestine</p><p>Motion 32: To grant initial approval. Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair 3 FOR, 2 ABSTAIN CARRIED</p><p>6.5.1. Banking on Women</p><p>Motion 33: To reject club on grounds of 4.1.3.j Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Chair CWD</p><p>Page 11 Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 8/4/2013</p><p>Procedural: To move to item 5.8 Moved: Chair CWD</p><p>5.8 Creative Writers Group Scribble was disaffiliated at end of 2012, but this is a distinct group of students.</p><p>Motion 34: To grant initial approval Moved: Chris Heath Seconded: Sophie Sheahan CWD</p><p>7. Other Business</p><p>8. Clubs with an already elected committee</p><p>ACTION: Request minutes of most recent AGM with constitution. It is at the discretion of C&S committee to require an election.</p><p>8. Next Meeting Friday 19th of April at 2.15pm</p><p>Meeting closed at: 3.01 PM</p><p>Page 12</p>
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