ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Ordinary River Sand Mine, Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Environmental Management Plan Introduction 1.1 Background In a developmental activity like Ordinary sand mining, all the exercise must co-exist satisfactorily with its surrounding condition so as to minimize the adverse impact on the environment. To control the likely adverse impacts and to achieve this goal, it is necessary to prepare a sound and Environmental Management Plan, which has to be implemented by the proponents, in order to achieve environmental protection along with productionprofits. Government of Andhra Pradesh proposes to give specified sand bearing area for ordinary sand by way of allotment of the specified sand bearing area by draw of lots over an extent of 4.168 hectares of Lankapalli village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. The proposal is submitted for environmental clearance as per the Minor Mineral Concession Rules issued by Industries & Commerce (Mines-1) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh vide G. O. Ms. No. 154 dated 15- 11-2012 and APWALT Act'2002. Asst. Director of Mines and Geology, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna District has filed an application for quarry lease for Ordinary Sand mine over an extent of 4.168 hectares Lankapalli village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh to the Assistant Director of Mines andGeology. 1.2 Projectproponent Asst. Director of Mines and Geology, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna District has been granted quarry lease for mining of ordinary sand over an extent of 4.168hectares of Lankapalli village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District, AndhraPradesh. Proposed project The proposed project is located in Lankapalli village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh over an area of 4.168ha. The nearest habitation, Lankapalli village is located at a distance of 1.0km from lease area. The proposed production is 41,680Cu.m for a period of one year. The Salient features of the proposed Quarry Lease (QL) area is presented in Table 1.1 2 Ordinary River Sand Mine, Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Environmental Management Plan Table 1.1: Salient Features of Proposed Quarry Lease Area Name of the Applicant & Address Asst. Director of Mines and Geology, Govt of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. Type of activity Ordinary Sand Mining Production Capacity 41,680Cu.m for a period of oneyear Location of the Proposed project or activity Sand Reach : Ordinary Sand (Lankapalli-5) Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh Appraisal Category B2 Quarry Lease (QL) Area & Period 4.168 Hectares & 1Year Type of Land Government Land Nearest habitation and distance Lankapalli Village –1.0 km Source of water Through tankers or nearby bore wells Nearest Railway station Nearest railway station is Vijayawada which is at 40 Km in NW of the quarry lease area. Total investment of the project/activity. Rs. 8Lakhs Survey of India Topo sheet E44U16 Man power requirement 15 Geographical Co-ordinates of Mine Lease Area: Boundary Latitude Longitude Point R N16°14’09.25" E080°43''48.02" S N16°14’10.25" E080°43''51.90" T N16°14’20.65" E080°43''47.87" U N16°14’19.75" E080°43''43.90" V N16°14’15.22" E080°43''44.98" 1.4 Project location andAccessibility Amenities like post & Telegraph office Police station, primary health centreetc are available at Pamidimukkala is located at the distance of 7Km from the quarry lease applied area, which is also a Mandal head quarter. 3 Ordinary River Sand Mine, Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Environmental Management Plan 1.5 Geology and Exploration Topography: The proposed Quarrying area is almost plain terrain and is part of Krishna River Bed. The Quarry lease area is having topographic relief of 3.0m MSL with slope due South and south East. A high flood level of 12m MSL and a Low Flood level of 0.1m MSL are reported. The banks of the river Krishna is slightly elevated by about 0.5m to 1.0m from the base o the river bed formed by flood plain. Regional Geology: The region of the subject area belongs to recent alluvium of Quaternary fluvial origin. Charnokite and khondalite from the major litho units belonging to Eastern Ghats super Group of Archaean Age. Granite Gneiss is observed to the Eastern portion of the Krishna River. 1.6 Exploration/Prospecting a) PresentStatus: It is a new Quarry. The Preliminary survey has been done. The applied area does not contain any forest cover. The area does not consist any wildlife. b) FutureProgramme:- No further exploration is proposed as the mineral deposition is in the form of unconsolidated sediments and feasible for exploitation is restricted to one meter depth. Reserves As per the records of ADM&G Vijayawada, there are no workings done for the year 2018-19.The resources of sand are estimated by volumetric method by taking the surface area multiplied by proved depth of the sand deposit i.e. max. 1m. The reserves calculations are as follows: RESERVE CALUCLATION Area in Sq.m : 41,680Sq.m Depth Of the Sand in meter : 1m Total Reserves in Cum : 41,680Cu.m 5.3 MINEABLE RESERVES AND THE LIFE OF THE MINE: The total mineable reserves as explained are 41,680 m3 and the life of the mine is 1 year. Mineable Reserve / Production Proposed = Life of the Mine 41,680 / 41,680 = 1 Year 4 Ordinary River Sand Mine, Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Environmental Management Plan Mining Methodology The proposed quarrying operation is by Manual Opencast Quarrying. The Quarry operations will be done manually without using any type of machinery. The sand shall be scooped with hand held shovels and loaded into baskets. These baskets are then loaded onto 3M3 tractors. 1.10 Man Power Requirement for Mining Operations A total of 15 persons shall be engaged to carry out the various operations at the mine area. There is a scope of another 3 person’s employment as indirect employment. Utilities Water Requirement: Total water requirement for the proposed mine is 8.0 KLD. It will be sourced through water tankers from nearby villages. Water Requirement Total Water Requirement Requirement (KLD) For Dust Suppression on haul roads 4.0 Dust suppression on pit 2.0 Greenbelt Development 1.0 Domestic 1.0 Total 8.0 KLD Site Amenities: First aid box and drinking water facility will be available at the site. Temporary rest shelter will be provided at the site. 2.0 ClimaticConditions Table - 2.1: Climatic Conditions Nearest IMD station - Maximum : 49.00C Maximum, Minimum Temperature Minimum : 17.00C 5 Ordinary River Sand Mine, Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Environmental Management Plan Annual rainfall in mm 1078.2 mm Mean Wind Speed 5.4 km/hr (Source: Climatalogical Norms (1961-1990): IMD) 2.1 Flora and Fauna of Krishna River SandMines River sand used for construction should be free from clay and other fine soil particles. River sand when dry is loose and gets drifted easily by wind. Recent sand deposits are usually devoid of any plants or animals. Stabilized old deposits are sparsely covered with psammophytes and sand binders. Such deposits are rich in clay and other fine soil particles and hence unsuitable for construction activity. Hydrosere and Psammosere are examples of ecological succession that occur in relatively undisturbed habitats. A list of plants growing on sand dunes is given in Table - 2.1. There are no rare or endangered or threaten (RET) species. Since sand is obtained from recent deposits, plants are very rarely found on such deposits. Plant species that are occasionally found in the sand mine areas are indicated by *. Table – 2.1: List of plants found on consolidated sand dunes and along the boundaries of the sand mine. Plants found in the sand mine are indicated by * Scientific Name Common Name Family Ammanniabaccifera Monarch red stem Lythraceae Bulbostylisbarbata * Water grass Cyperaceae Chloris barbata Swollen finger grass Poaceae Chrozophoraplicata Giradol Euphorbiaceae Cleome viscosa Yellow spider flower Cleomaceae Croton bonplandianum Ban Tulasi Euphorbiaceae Cyperuscompressus* Hedgehog sedge Cyperaceae Cyperusdigitatus Finger flat sedge Cyperaceae Cyperusiria * Rice Flat sedge Cyperaceae Cyperusrotundus Nut grass Cyperaceae Cyperus triceps Guinea Rush Cyperaceae Cyprus longus Umbrella sedge Cyperaceae Ecliptaprostrata * False Daisy Asteraceae Eichhorniacrassipes Water hyacinth Pontederiaceae Imperatacylindrica Blady grass or Darbha Poaceae Ipomoea aquatica Water spinach Convolvulaceae Ipomoea carnea Pink Morning Glory Convolvulaceae Malachracapitata VilayatiBhindi Malvaceae Partheniumhysterophorus Congress grass Asteraceae Saccaharumspontaneum Wild sugarcane Poaceae Solanum anthocarpum Thai Egg Plant Solanaceae 6 Ordinary River Sand Mine, Lankapalli Village, Pamidimukkala Mandal, Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Environmental Management Plan Tamarixdioica Fresh water Tamarix Tamaricaceae Typhaangustata Lesser Cattail Typhaceae A list of frogs, toads, turtles, snails, crabs and insects found in association with river sand deposits is given in Table 2.2. The lists of snails are identified by collecting the shells from the sand by sieving. A list of birds found in close proximity to the sand mines is given in Table – 2.3. None of them belongs to the rare or endangered or threatened (RET) category. Table – 2.2: List of
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