Supplementary Material (Available on Line, Not Printed Form)

Supplementary Material (Available on Line, Not Printed Form)

<p>Supplementary material (available on line, not printed form)</p><p>Appendix S1: Vegetation map of the 20 landcover types in Dadia National Park and sites sampled. Forest types: P - pine , Q - oak, BL - broadleaved</p><p>1 Appendix S2: Sites sampled in the Dadia National Park. Habitat codes refer to Annex I of the </p><p>Directive 92/43/EEC (European Commission 2003). Codes in parenthesis refer to the additional </p><p>Hellenic habitat types (Dafis et al 2001).</p><p>Site description Habitat type Site Site area code code (ha)</p><p>Pinewoods P1 *9530 5 (Sub-) Mediterranean pine forests (Pinus nigra)</p><p>P2 9540 20 Mediterranean pine forests (Pinus brutia) </p><p>P3a 9540 15 Mediterranean pine forests (P. brutia) P3b with scrub undergrowth 5</p><p>PQa Thermophilous pine-oak forests 9540 X (924A) 20 Pine-oak forests PQb 20</p><p>Oak forests Q1 (924A) 20 Thermophilous oak woodlands (Quercus .frainetto/cerris)</p><p>Q2a (924A) 20 Thermophilous oak woodlands Q2b (Quercus pubescens) 20</p><p>Q3a (924A) 20 Thermophilous oak woodlands Q3b (Q.pubescens) with scrub undergrowth 20</p><p>Q4 Q. pubescens open woodlands (924A) 20</p><p>BL1a Alluvial forests (Alnus glutinosa) *91E0 10 Broad-leaved woods BL1b 10</p><p>BL2a 9340 15 Scrubs and woodlands with Arbutus BL2b unedo. 15</p><p>BL3 (934A) X *6220 10 Thermo-Mediterranean and pre-desert scrub (Ph. latifolia) X pseudosteppe with grasses and annuals.</p><p>Heaths Ha Garrigues of Eastern Mediterranean (5340) 10</p><p>2 Hb (Erica arborea) 10</p><p>Grasslands G1 (5350) X 6420 10 Pseudomaquis X Mediterranean tall humid grasslands</p><p>Pseudo-steppe with grasses and G2a annuals *6220 5</p><p>G2b 10</p><p>G3 Semi-natural dry grasslands and 6210 scrubland facies on calcareous substrates 5</p><p>Agricultural A1a Field crops (1020) 20</p><p>Land A1b (1020) 20</p><p>A2a Rural mosaics (field with hedges) (1020) 20</p><p>A2b (1020) 20</p><p>Mosaics M1a (5350) X 6510 20 Mosaic: pseudomaquis X lowland hay M1b meadows 20</p><p>M2 Mosaic: pseudomaquis x lowland hay 10 meadows X Mediterranean humid (5350) X 6510 X grasslands 6420</p><p>Total 30 16 445</p><p>*Priority habitat type of Annex I of the Dir. 92/43/EEC.</p><p>3 Appendix S3: Database of the 189 species of the six biological groups used in data analysis (see Kati </p><p> et al. 2004b)</p><p>Woody plants Orchids Platycleis escalerai Emberiza melanocephala</p><p>Acer monspessulanum Anacamptis pyramidalis Platycleis incerta Erithacus rubecula </p><p>Alnus glutinosa Cephalanthera epipactoides Platycleis intermedia Fringilla coelebs</p><p>Arbutus andrachne Cephalanthera longifolia Platycleis sepium Galerida cristata</p><p>Asphodelus aestivus Cephalanthera rubra Poecilimon brunneri Garrulus glandarius</p><p>Carpinus orientalis Dactylorhiza romana Poecilimon zwicki Hippolais olivetorum</p><p>Cistus salviaefolius Epipactis helleborine Pterolepis germanica Hippolais pallida</p><p>Clematis vitalba Himantoglossum caprinum Sphingonotus caerulans Hirundo rustica</p><p>Clematis viticella Limodorum abortivum Tettigonia viridissima Lanius collurio</p><p>Colutera arborescens Ophrys mammosa Tylopsis lilifolia Lanius senator</p><p>Cornus mas Orchis coriophora Aq. herpetofauna Lullula arborea</p><p>Cornus sanguinea Orchis fragans Bombina variegata Luscinia megarhynchos</p><p>Crataegus monogyna Orchis laxiflora Bufo bufo Melanocorypha calandra</p><p>Cytisus villosus Orchis mascula Pseudepidalea viridis Milaria calandra</p><p>Erica arborea Orchis morio group Emys orbicularis Motacilla alba</p><p>Ficus carica Orchis purpurea Hyla arborea Motacilla cinerea</p><p>Fraxinus ornus Orchis tridentata Mauremys rivulata Muscicapa striata </p><p>Jasminus fruticans Orchis ustulata Rana dalmatina Oenathe oenathe</p><p>Juniperus oxycedrus Platanthera clorantha Pelophylax ridibundus Oriolus oriolus</p><p>Ligustrum vulgare Serapias vomeracea Lissotriton vulgaris Parus caeruleus</p><p>Lonicera sp. Orthoptera Ter. herpetofauna Parus lugubris</p><p>Loranthus sp. Acrida ungarica Ablepharus kitaibelii Parus major</p><p>Malus sp Acrometopa servillea Lacerta viridis/trilineata Parus palustris</p><p>Morus alba Acrotylus insubricus Pseudopus apodus Passer domesticus</p><p>Paliurus spina-christi Acrotylus patruelis Ophisops elegans Phoenicurus phoenicurus</p><p>Phyllirea latifolia Aiolopus strepens Podarcis erhardii Phylloscopus bonelli</p><p>Pinus brutia Bucephaloptera bucephala Podarcis muralis Phylloscopus collybita </p><p>Pinus nigra Calliptamus barbarus Podarcis taurica Picus viridis</p><p>Populus nigra Chorthippus bornhalmi Testudo graeca Regulus ignicapillus</p><p>4 Prunus dulcis Chorthippus parallelus Eurotestudo hermanni Riparia riparia</p><p>Prunus persica Conocephalus hastatus Birds Saxicola rubetra</p><p>Prunus spinosa Decticus verrucivorus Aegithalos caudatus Saxicola torquata</p><p>Pyrus amygdaliformis Dociostaurus maroccanus Alauda arvensis Serinus serinus</p><p>Pyrus communis Euchorthippus declivus Anthus campestris Sitta europaea</p><p>Pyrus sp. Gryllus campestris Calandrella brachydactyla Streptopelia decaocto</p><p>Quercus cerris Locusta migratoria Carduelis carduelis Streptopelia turtur</p><p>Quercus frainetto Melanogryllus desertus Carduelis chloris Sturnus vulgaris</p><p>Quercus pubescens Metrioptera oblongicollis Certhia brachydactyla Sylvia atricapilla</p><p>Rosa glutinosa Oecanthus pellucens Cettia cetti Sylvia cantillans</p><p>Rubus sp. Oedaleus decorus Coccothraustes coccothraustes Sylvia communis</p><p>Rubus ulmifolius Oedipoda caerulescens Corvus corax Sylvia curruca </p><p>Salix cinerea Oedipoda germanica Corvus corone Sylvia hortensis </p><p>Salix fragilis Oedipoda miniata Delichon urbica Sylvia melanocephala</p><p>Sambucus nigra Omocestus minutus Dendrocopos major Troglodytes troglodytes </p><p>Sorbus domestica Omocestus rufipes Dendrocopos medius Turdus merula </p><p>Sorbus torminalis Paracaloptenus caloptenoides Dendrocopos minor Turdus philomelos</p><p>Tamus communis Paranocarodes chopardi Dendrocopos syriacus Turdus viscivorus</p><p>Ulmus sp. Pezotettix giornae Emberiza cirlus Upupa epops</p><p>Vitis vinifera Pholidoptera aptera Emberiza hortulana</p><p>5 Appendix S4: Ecological heterogeneity indices and species richness for each site sampled</p><p>Ecological Heterogeneity Indices Species richness</p><p>Site code SIDI ECON SHAPE NL 1/D Total Woody Orchids Orthoptera Aquatic Terrestrial Birds plants herpetofauna herpetofauna</p><p>P1 0.00 0.00 1.33 2.00 1.50 29 1 2 7 1 3 15</p><p>P2 0.00 0.00 1.38 4.00 2.80 25 2 1 2 0 2 18</p><p>P3a 0.01 18.53 1.29 4.00 5.26 39 8 1 8 0 2 20</p><p>P3b 0.00 0.00 1.53 2.00 2.25 32 6 1 8 0 3 14</p><p>PQa 0.60 13.52 2.01 5.00 4.59 55 14 6 12 0 4 19</p><p>PQb 0.35 9.51 1.68 5.00 3.27 61 13 4 12 4 4 24</p><p>Q1 0.00 0.00 1.30 2.00 1.50 39 3 4 9 0 2 21</p><p>Q2a 0.00 0.00 1.50 2.00 1.67 41 2 0 17 0 5 17</p><p>Q2b 0.12 0.00 1.91 2.00 1.50 32 2 0 8 0 3 19</p><p>Q3a 0.29 7.89 1.58 4.00 5.26 49 5 1 11 0 7 25</p><p>Q3b 0.34 0.00 2.92 3.00 4.00 56 7 0 15 0 7 27</p><p>Q4 0.54 15.75 1.62 5.00 5.99 64 9 6 19 0 3 27</p><p>BL1a 0.30 9.39 2.29 3.00 2.10 48 12 0 3 3 2 28</p><p>BL1b 0.59 2.53 1.84 4.00 2.80 31 2 0 3 3 2 21</p><p>BL2a 0.30 6.78 1.21 3.00 2.10 40 7 3 6 0 1 23</p><p>BL2b 0.00 0.00 1.15 4.00 2.80 38 7 2 6 0 0 23</p><p>BL3 0.49 8.88 2.38 1.00 1.00 39 5 0 10 0 2 22 Ha 0.08 0.00 1.28 2.00 1.50 42 3 0 11 0 6 22</p><p>Hb 0.00 0.00 1.25 2.00 1.50 36 4 0 10 0 4 18</p><p>G1 0.60 3.31 1.84 3.00 10.00 59 7 5 15 3 3 26</p><p>G2a 0.04 0.00 1.35 3.00 5.99 36 6 0 7 0 3 20</p><p>G2b 0.38 0.00 2.13 3.00 5.99 42 6 0 9 2 4 21</p><p>G3 0.16 0.00 1.57 2.00 3.00 40 4 0 13 0 2 21</p><p>A1a 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.00 37 1 0 15 4 2 15</p><p>A1b 0.16 17.67 3.07 0.00 0.00 41 2 0 13 5 2 19</p><p>A2a 0.42 86.09 4.69 4.00 10.00 72 16 0 16 4 2 34</p><p>A2b 0.48 69.70 4.80 4.00 7.52 74 19 0 13 6 2 34</p><p>M1a 0.66 0.00 2.63 5.00 9.35 80 21 8 11 2 2 36</p><p>M1b 0.73 7.17 1.98 4.00 5.26 58 9 0 12 3 3 31</p><p>M2 0.67 5.56 2.23 5.00 10.53 77 10 7 17 5 5 33</p><p>SIDI: Simpson’s Diversity Index of landcover types, ECON: mean edge contrast index, SHAPE: area-weighted mean patch shape index, NL: Number of vegetation layers, 1/D: Simpson’s Diversity Index of vertical structure. Appendix S5: Average proportion (%) of the species richness that is maintained in a number of λ max </p><p> reserve networks, designed after the four approaches for each group. In , where λ = 1, 2, 3… λ max number of sites, designed after the four approaches. In the complementary approach, 100% of species are preserved in the network of λ max number of sites, but less</p><p>Biological group Stot λ max Reserve design approach</p><p>Complementary Scoring EH CEH Random</p><p> woody plants 48 8 83 79 64 48 38</p><p> orchids 19 5 79 72 62 45 24</p><p> orthoptera 38 5 82 75 64 66 47</p><p> aquatic herpetofauna 9 3 85 81 67 74 26</p><p> terrestrial herpetofauna 9 3 89 85 56 63 42</p><p> birds 66 9 85 80 75 69 62</p><p> all groups 189 33 84 79 65 61 40</p>

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