TONIGhT: Chance of showers. Low of 64. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for“I TheT WestfieldIS THE NewsANONYMOUS Westfield350.com The WestfieldNews ‘THEY,’ THE ENIGMATIC Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns ‘THEY“TIME’ WHOIS THE ARE ONLY IN CHARGE. WEATHER WHO ISCRITIC ‘THEY WITHOUT’? I DON ’T KNOW. TONIGHT NOBODYAMBITION KNOWS..” N OT EVEN Partly Cloudy. ‘JOHNTHEY STEINBECK’ THEMSELVES.” Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comWestfield350.org The WestfieldNews — JOseph heLLer “TIME IS THE ONLY VOL. 86 NO. 151 Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns WEATHER TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 centsCRITIC WITHOUT VOL. 88 NO. 186 THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2019 75 Cents TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 WestcottTUESDAY, named JUNE 27, Southwick2017 Police sergeant 75 cents By HOPE E. TREMBLAY it.” Correspondent Westcott said he connects with residents SOUTHWICK – The Select Board this while off the clock, whether it’s at Big Y or week unanimously named Southwick on a ball field. Police K-9 officer Michael Westcott the “It’s my town,” he said. “I live here, I town’s new sergeant. grew up here, it’s where my family is from. Westcott, along with fellow officers I’ve traveled a lot and it’s always nice to Roger P. Arduini and Michael A. Taggert, come home.” The action heats up on the ice during the eighth interviewed for the position during a public When asked who he admires most, annual Kevin J. Major Memorial Hockey meeting of the board. The sergeant position Westcott could not come up with a person, Tournament at Amelia Park Ice Arena. (File photo is open due to the retirement of longtime rather he said it was people. by Bill Deren) Sgt. Kirk Sanders. “The people that put in the grind every All three candidates were asked an iden- day,” he said. “The guys that go through the tical series of questions by Select Board hard times and keep on going, that’s who I 9th Annual members Russell Fox, Joseph Deedy and admire.” Douglas Moglin. Before taking a vote, Fox Southwick Police Sgt. Michael Westcott Westcott described his leadership style as said he was pleased with the candidates. laid back. He said he wants his officers to Kevin J. Major “Any of these three candidates could do working and living in the town where he handle their work, but he is ready to assist the job,” said Fox. grew up. But even the one negative he at any moment. Moglin touted Westcott’s passion for the listed, which was that people randomly “I lead from the front, but step back and Memorial Hockey town and its residents. show up at his home for assistance, was not let them do their job,” Westcott said. “But “He wears his heart on his sleeve and really all that negative. when I need to, I step in.” he’s going to be awesome at this, I just “I get to work with the people I live When asked what one change he would Tournament know it,” said Moglin. with,” he said. “My best work is done after like to make, he said he wants to do even Westcott is a Southwick native who said hours – I don’t hang up my badge and gun this weekend there can be both positives and negatives to at the end of the day and wash my hands of See Sergeant, Page 5 By AMY PORTER Correspondent WESTFIELD – Twenty-five teams in three divi- sions have signed up to play in the ninth annual Kevin J. Major Memorial Hockey Tournament this Friday through Sunday at the Amelia Park Ice Arena, with 100% of the proceeds going to the Outdoor seating, KEVS Foundation. See Tournament Schedule, Page 5 Saturday lunch at The KEVS Foundation was started following the sudden death of Kevin J. Major, an avid hock- ey player from age 3, from sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 19 due to previously undetected Hutghi’s at The Nook Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), caused by By PETER CURRIER an enlarged heart muscle. Correspondent KEVS Foundation sponsors cardiac screenings WESTFIELD — Hutghi’s at The Nook now offers outdoor seat- for young people which include an EKG, height ing and extended Saturday hours. and weight measurements, review of family his- The eclectic eatery and bar, know for its raw bar, oyster specials tory, blood pressure check, education on CPR and and throwback cocktails, has brought its vintage vibe outdoors and AED information. All screenings are free of now opens at noon on Saturday. charge. with a request of a donation based on Owners Dustin Cote and Kevin Gebo added several tables out- financial ability. The goal is to help raise aware- side in the alleyway next to the building for people who want to ness of sudden cardiac arrest through education, enjoy the weather and the downtown scene. cardiovascular screenings for young persons and “Who doesn’t like people watching?” said Cote as he surveyed to provide state of the art Automatic Emergency the new set of tables, which were installed last Friday. Defibrillators (AED) to organizations in the com- Cote said that his business neighbors are excited about the extra munity. draw they may receive from this and he believes it will bring more “The Memorial Hockey Tournament is their attention to that part of the city. In addition to Hutghi’s, Two Rivers largest fundraiser of the year,” said Susan Canning, Burrito and Santiago’s offer outdoor seating options. KEVS Foundation co-founder and Kevin Major’s The alleyway receives a good amount of shade, especially in the mother. hotter parts of the day. At night, several large lights keep the area There are three divisions playing in the tourna- illuminated. ment: the Old Boys, who Canning described as “This is an awesome opportunity,” said Cote, “I’m glad the city “guys who still play, but can’t keep up with the saw our vision, too. I don’t think this would have been possible 10 younger guys.” The Old Boys start with three 50 years ago.” minute games on Thursday, beginning at 8 p.m. Last year, Westfield City Council approved an ordinance allow- and ending at 11 p.m., leaving 10 minutes in ing outdoor dining downtown. between each game for the Zamboni to do its Hutghi’s at The Nook Co-Owner Kevin Gebo (standing) Cote noted that there is ample parking in the municipal parking work. assists Bill Rodrigues as they install one of the new out- On Friday, the Social Division, who Canning door tables ahead of Saturday’s opening. (Photo submitted by See Hutghi’s, Page 2 Dustin Cote) See Tournament, Page 5 Thomas is city’s new firefighter Blandford passes moratorium By HOPE E. TREMBLAY Correspondent on ground-mounted solar arrays WESTFIELD – Bethany Thomas was By AMY PORTER hired as the city’s newest firefighter/para- Correspondent medic Wednesday. BLANDFORD – A one-year moratorium on Her appointment was unanimously ground-mounted solar arrays passed with approved by the Westfield Fire Commission. some discussion at a sparsely attended Special Thomas, of Huntington, is a paramedic Town Meeting on Monday, Aug. 5. who will begin her new position Aug. 19. The moratorium, which is intended to give She will attend the state firefighting acad- the Planning Board time to update the bylaws, emy in November. will expire on June 30, 2020. Current applica- Thomas said she has worked in emer- tions in progress will not be impacted. gency service for eight years and has been Currently, Blandford has four commercial a paramedic four years. She wanted to fur- solar arrays, ranging from five to 30 acres, and ther her skills and become a firefighter. Huntington resident Bethany Thomas, another two have started the process. “I have a lot of friends who are firefight- the city’s newest firefighter/paramedic, The town will undertake a planning process ers and I thought I would try it and I love looks over paperwork with Westfield to study and address what revisions are need- it,” she said. Fire Chief Patrick Egloff Aug. 7 fol- ed in the by-laws to regulate the industry, Blandford voters approved purchase of new lowing Thomas’ appointment. (Photo by John Deere Loader, parked behind old one at See New Firefighter, Page 5 Hope E. Tremblay) See Special Town Meeting, Page 3 Blandford Town Hall. (Photo by Amy Porter) PAGE 2 - THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2019 WWW.THEWESTFIELDNEWS.COM THE WESTFIELD NEWS The new seating in the WOW MusicFest set to sizzle with Westfield Homeless alleyway next Wolf Pit Big Band and Samirah Evans to Hutghi’s Cat Project at The Nook WESTFIELD — MusicFest, the free concert series produced by WESTFIELD — While August is well-lit for Westfield on Weekends, will present an evening of swinging blues might considered the “dog days of nighttime headlined by Samirah Evans and the Wolf Pit Big Band next summer”, it is officially “kitten sea- dining. (Photo Thursday, August 15 at 6:30 pm at Park Square in downtown son” here at WHCP!! We are filled to submitted by Westfield. the brim with adult cats and kittens. Dustin Cote) The Wolf Pit Big Band is a 16-piece Now, more than ever, WHCP is in des- band was founded by Dr. Edward Orgill, a perate need of foster homes had has an composer and an award-winning saxo- urgent need for monetary donations phonist who has played with such stars as and supplies. Can't foster but would Dick Hyman, Karrin Allyson, Charro, like to help? WHCP is also seeking Marion McPartland, Jim Nabors, Pete volunteers to launder cat beds, towels Barbutti and Michael Brecker.
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