
<p>D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL, STATE OF UTAH, MET ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015, PURSUANT TO ADJOURNMENT ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015, AT THE HOUR OF 4:01:59 PM AT THE SALT LAKE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER, 2001 SO. STATE STREET, ROOM N1-110, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. </p><p>COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: JENNIFER WILSON JIM BRADLEY ARLYN BRADSHAW AIMEE NEWTON SAM GRANATO MAX BURDICK, Vice Chair</p><p>COUNCIL MEMBERS EXCUSED: RICHARD SNELGROVE MICHAEL JENSEN STEVEN DEBRY</p><p>OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: BEN MCADAMS, MAYOR By: NICHOLE DUNN, DEPUTY MAYOR SIM GILL, DISTRICT ATTORNEY COUNCIL MEETING: By: RALPH CHAMNESS, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: By: CHRIS PRESTON, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY JASON ROSE, LEGAL COUNSEL, COUNCIL OFFICE SHERRIE SWENSEN, COUNTY CLERK By: GAYELENE GUDMUNDSON & LINDA DUFFY, DEPUTY CLERKS</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Council Member Burdick, Vice-Chair, presided. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Alexandra Eframo opened the meeting with an inspirational thought. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Sally Jacobsen, Council Aide, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>1 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake County Council meeting held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, and the minutes of the Salt Lake County Council Public Hearing held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Alexandra Eframo spoke under “Citizen Public Input” regarding police shootings that occurred last year. She stated in Utah there were four officer-involved shootings. New York City had eight shootings. This is not acceptable. Police officers need to be kinder. </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>The Council reviewed a request from Race Swami for a donation of $5,000 to reimburse a write-down of lane fees at the Northwest Recreation Center. Funding for the donation will come from the Council’s Contribution Fund.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. (Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the donation and forward the request to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.) The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Lee Colvin, Manager, Real Estate Section, submitted a letter requesting approval of the following Resolution authorizing the execution of a PIPELINE AND TRAIL EASEMENT AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Parks & Recreation Division and the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District - Use and Extension of the Jordan River Trail. Salt Lake County owns property containing a segment of the Jordan River Trail located at approximately 1200 West between 16400 South and 16600 South. The County wishes to extend the trail further to the north along the canal. Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (District) will construct a new water pipeline along the same canal. To accomplish both goals, the County will sell an easement to the District for the fair market value of $90,375. The District will sell an easement to the County for the fair market value of $205,075. County funding will come from the Parks & Recreation Division’s trails budget.</p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4894 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL APPROVING THE PIPELINE AND TRAIL EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SALT LAKE COUNTY AND THE JORDAN VALLEY WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE SAME.</p><p>RECITALS</p><p>2 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>1. Salt Lake County (“County”) owns several parcels of real property containing a segment of the Jordan River Trail (the “Trail”) next to the Utah Lake Distribution Canal (the “Canal”) at approximately 1200 West, between 16400 South and 16600 South in Bluffdale (the “Trail Property”). The Trail now terminates at approximately 16400 South.</p><p>2. The Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (the “District”) has acquired and now owns several parcels of real property along the Canal (“the District Property”), upon which it intends to install water pipelines and associated water system equipment and facilities (the “Pipeline”) as part of the Central Pipeline Project (the ”District Project”). The District Property is located between approximately 16400 South and 15800 South in Bluffdale.</p><p>3. The County and the District would like to enter into the Pipeline and Trail Easement Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A, which will (i) allow the County to obtain a perpetual easement to use the District Property as part of the connection of the Trail between approximately 16400 South and 15800 South and (ii) allow the District to obtain a perpetual easement and related temporary construction easements to use the Trail Property for the underground installation of the Pipeline. </p><p>4. The easement that the District will convey to the County has a fair market value of $205,075.00, and the easements that the County will convey to the District have a fair market value of $90,375. The County will pay the difference of $114,700.00 to the District using trail funds from Salt Lake County Parks Department’s budget.</p><p>5. It has been determined that the best interest of the County and the general public will be served by entering into the Pipeline and Trail Easement Agreement. The terms and conditions of the Pipeline and Trail Easement Agreement are in compliance with all applicable state statutes and county ordinances.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Pipeline and Trail Easement Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part of this Resolution is hereby approved; the Mayor and County Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement and to deliver the fully executed document to the County Real Estate Section.</p><p>APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of February, 2015</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By /s/ MAX BURDICK Vice Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Lee Colvin, Manager, Real Estate Section, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of a REAL ESTATE PURCHASE</p><p>3 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 CONTRACT between Salt Lake County for it Parks & Recreation Division and Jochen and Adrienne Schmidt – Purchase of Parcels and Easements for Jordan River Tail Construction. Salt Lake County will pay the fair market value of $25,700 to purchase two parcels of land and a temporary construction easement at 14565 South 1328 West from Jochen and Adrienne Schmidt to construct a segment of the Jordan River Trail. As part of the agreement, the County will install a fence and six evergreen trees on the Schmidt’s remaining land to separate it from the trail. The transaction shall be closed on or before March 31, 2015.</p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4895 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL AUTHORIIZNG THE PURCHASE OF TWO PARCELS OF LAND AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FROM JOCHEN AND ADRIENNE SCHMIDT </p><p>RECITALS</p><p>A. Salt Lake County (“County”) desires to purchase two parcels real property (all of Parcel No. 33-10-276-031 and a portion of Parcel No. 33-10-276-029) located at approximately 14565 South 1328 West, Bluffdale, Utah (the “Property”) and a temporary construction easement at approximately the same location (“Temporary Easement”) from Jochen and Adrienne Schmidt (the “Schmidts”) for $25,700.00, the fair market value as determined by Salt Lake County Real Estate Section.</p><p>B. The terms and conditions for the acquisition of the Property and the Temporary Easement are contained in the Real Estate Purchase Contract attached hereto as Exhibit A.</p><p>C. It has been determined that the Property and Temporary Easement are necessary for the construction and maintenance of an urban trail system known as the Jordan River Trail, and consequently are of great importance to residents of Salt Lake County.</p><p>D. It has been determined that the best interest of the County and the general public will be served by paying the Schmidts $25,700.00 for the Property and Temporary Easement under the terms and conditions of the attached Real Estate Purchase Contact. The execution of the Real Estate Purchase Contract will be in compliance with all applicable state statutes and county ordinances. </p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the attached Real Estate Purchase Contract, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, is accepted and approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute the Real Estate Purchase Contract on behalf of Salt Lake County.</p><p>IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by Salt Lake County Council that the Mayor is authorized to accept the fully executed warranty deeds for the Property (one for each parcel being acquired), forms of which are attached to the Real Estate Purchase Contract as Exhibit A and Exhibit B (“Deeds”), and Temporary Easement, a form of which is attached to the Real Estate Purchase Contract as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference, on behalf of Salt Lake County and upon receipt of the properly executed Deeds and Temporary Easement, record said documents in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder.</p><p>4 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of February, 2015</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By /s/ MAX BURDICK Vice Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Lee Colvin, Manager, Real Estate Section, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an EASEMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT and a PERPETUAL SEWER-LINE AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Real Estate Section and the Midvalley Improvement District – Conveyance of Perpetual and Temporary Construction Easements. Salt Lake County will convey to the Midvalley Improvement District a perpetual easement and two temporary construction easements located at approximately 8300 South 300 East for the fair market value of $200. </p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4896 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND RELATED PERPETUAL SEWER-LINE EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH MIDVALLEY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT</p><p>RECITALS</p><p>A. Salt Lake County (the “County”) owns two parcels of real property located at approximately 8300 South 300 East in Salt Lake County, identified as Tax ID No. 22-31-327- 029 and Tax ID No. 22-31-329-001, collectively referred to as the “Property.”</p><p>B. Midvalley Improvement District (the “District”) would like to acquire a perpetual easement on, over, across, and under a portion of the Property (the “Easement Area”) to allow the District to construct, maintain, and repair thereon an underground sewer pipeline and appurtenant parts thereof. The District would also like to acquire two ten-foot wide temporary construction easements on either side of the Easement Area to be used during the initial construction and installation of the sewer pipeline.</p><p>C. A canal operated by the East Jordan Canal Company crosses the Property. The sewer pipeline will be bored under the canal and will not affect the surface of the Property.</p><p>D. As consideration for this easement, the District will pay $200, which the Salt Lake County Real Estate Section has determined to constitute full and adequate consideration in exchange for this easement.</p><p>5 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>E. The County and Qwest have prepared an Easement Purchase Agreement (“Purchase Agreement”) attached as Exhibit A hereto, and a related Perpetual Sewer-Line and Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (“Easement Agreement”), wherein the County grants a perpetual sewer-line easement and two temporary construction easements across the Property to the District.</p><p>F. Because the County obtained title to the Property by tax deed, proceeds from the sale of this easement will be distributed in accordance with Section 59-2-135.5 of the Utah code.</p><p>G. It has been determined that the best interests of the County and the general public will be served by executing the Purchase Agreement and Easement Agreement. The terms and conditions of these agreements are in compliance with all applicable state statues and county ordinances.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Purchase Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A and by reference made a part of this Resolution, is hereby approved; and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said Purchase Agreement.</p><p>IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Salt Lake County Council that the Mayor and County Clerk are hereby authorized consistent with the terms of the Purchase Agreement to execute the Easement Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference made a part of this Resolution, and to deliver the fully executed document to the County Real Estate Section for delivery to the District as directed by the Purchase Agreement.</p><p>APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of February, 2015</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By /s/ MAX BURDICK Vice Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Pat Iverson, Contracts Manager, Contracts & Procurement Division, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following RESOLUTION authorizing execution of an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between Salt Lake County for its Parks & Recreation Division and West Jordan City – Construction of a Boat Exit Portage Along the Jordan River at Winchester Street. Salt Lake County entered into an agreement with Murray City on June 24, 2014, to mitigate, with signs and portage, the hazard located on the Jordan River near the Winchester Street Bridge. The County is required to construct a boat exit portage south of the bridge, located in West Jordan. This agreement defines the responsibilities of each party regarding the safety structure. Term of the agreement is for 50 years.</p><p>6 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 4897 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL APPROVING ADOPTION OF AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SALT LAKE COUNTY FOR ITS DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND WEST JORDAN CITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT PORTAGE EGRESS FROM THE JORDAN RIVER AND RELATED SIGNAGE</p><p>WHEREAS, Salt Lake County for its Division of Parks and Recreation (“County”) and West Jordan City, (“City”) desire to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (“the Agreement”) whereby the County desires to construct a boat portage egress from the Jordan River located partially in the jurisdiction of West Jordan City and install related signage; and</p><p>WHEREAS, in order for the County to construct its portage, it is necessary for it to obtain a permit from the State of Utah Department of Forestry, Fire and State Lands; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the adoption of the Agreement is in the best interests of parties and in furtherance of the public interests; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the adoption of the Agreement is made pursuant to the Utah Interlocal Cooperation Act, U.C.A. § 11-13-101 et seq.;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Salt Lake County Council that the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the County and the City be accepted and approved and the Mayor of Salt Lake County is hereby authorized to execute the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. </p><p>DATED this 24 th day of February, 2015.</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By /s/ MAX BURDICK Vice Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bradshaw, moved to approve the resolutions and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Vice Chair to execute the resolutions and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>7 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Mr. Craig Hicken, an employee of the District Attorney’s Office, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by Watch House International as a firearms instructor. </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Dirk Watrous, an employee of the District Attorney’s Office, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by the State of Utah Medical Examiner as a part-time investigator.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Council Member Michael Jensen submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by the Unified Fire Authority as the fire chief.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Ryan Perry, an employee of the Council Office, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by the Unified Fire Authority as a board clerk.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Alejandro E. Puy, an employee of the Council Office, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by the Salt Lake Valley Law Enforcement Service Area as a research assistant.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Adam T. Johnson, an employee of the Parks & Recreation Division, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is a professional golfer for the PGA. </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Taylor Abegglen, an employee of the Parks & Recreation Division, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is employed by the Granite School District as a coach.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Lesley Ann Shaw, an employee of the Parks & Recreation Division, submitted Disclosure of Private Business Interests forms advising the Council that she is employed by Good Call Sports Officiating, Utah High School Activities Association, and Beehive Sport and Social Club as a referee. </p><p>8 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 − − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. John Davis, an employee of the Parks & Recreation Division, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by the Salt Lake City Public Library as a part-time librarian.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Terri Nelson, an employee of the Animal Services Division, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is employed by the Animal Rescue Center as director of the animal rescue organization.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Donald Belnap, an employee of the Animal Services Division, submitted Disclosure of Private Business Interest forms advising the Council that he is employed by the Utah’s Reptile Rescue Service as an instructor. He is also the owner of Don’s Reptile Rescue and Don’s Garter Snakes. </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Marcy Seale, an employee of the Animal Services Division, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is employed by Pets & Such working part time.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Hanqing Su, an employee of the Center for the Arts, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is employed by the Repertory Dance Theatre as a janitor.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Jeffrey Gwilliam, an employee of the Center for the Arts, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is self-employed as a production manager, lighting designer and projectionist for Utah Film Center, Samba Fogo, and Elite Dance.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Melinda Cavallaro, an employee of the Center for the Arts, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is the vice-president for Lighting Associates.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>9 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Ms. Kristina Pappas, an employee of the Center for the Arts, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is employed by I.A.T.S.E. Local 99, Freelance, and Music in the Box as a stage hand, lighting designer, stage manager and assistant stage manager.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. George Pence, an employee of the Office of Township Services, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is a board member for the Salt Lake Film Society.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Brigham Mellor, an employee of the Office of Township Services, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is a member of the city council for Farmington City.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Council Member Jennifer Wilson submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that she is on the advisory committee for the Sundance Institute. She also employed by We Aspired Productions providing leadership training. </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Aaron M. Aplin, an employee of the District Attorney’s Office, submitted a Disclosure of Private Business Interests form advising the Council that he is a board member of the English Skills Learning Center.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to accept the disclosure forms and make them a matter of record. The motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.” </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Scott Tingley, County Auditor, submitted letters recommending reduction of taxes on the following properties, pursuant to an order of the Utah State Tax Commission. He also recommended that refunds in the amounts indicated, plus the appropriate interest, be issued to the taxpayers:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. Year Reduction Refund</p><p>Soon Boo & Chan Quach 32-11-277-025 2013 $ 1,807.09 to $ 1,581.85 $ 225.24</p><p>Robert Cushman 16-07-132-014 2013 $ 1,083.98 to $ 854.71 $ 229.27</p><p>FWJ & Associates 22-08-380-052 2013 $10,211.70 to $ 9,472.75 $ 738.95</p><p>10 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>Perry’s Hollow Properties 09-29-482-010 2013 $ 3,618.26 to $ 2,501.10 $ 1,117.16</p><p>ABB Investment 16-20-105-001 2013 $ 6,331.12 to $ 5,002.20 $ 1,328.92</p><p>Western Metals Recycling 15-07-200-028 2012 $17,353.87 to $14,826.40 $ 2,527.47</p><p>Inland Diversified Draper Peaks 28-30-301-044 2013 $30,455.22 to $27,386.87 $ 3,068.35</p><p>Felt Building 16-06-301-024 2013 $53,265.09 to $39,457.35 $13,807.74</p><p>American Realty Corp. 15-34-402-004 2013 $55,325.76 to $32,648.96 $22,676.80</p><p>E&C Fox Investments 08-36-305-077 2013 $53,478.52 to $28,345.80 $25,132.72</p><p>Judge Building 16-06-153-001 2013 $142,734.44 to $117,381.63 $25,352.81</p><p>NRFC Sub-Investor II 15-21-226-004 2013 $156,625.39 to $129,217.50 $27,407.89</p><p>Broadstone SPS Utah 15-27-301-025 2013 $160,384.76 to $102,178.31 $58,206.45</p><p>Sandy HSS Group 27-12-251-026-40012013 $182,285.79 to $152,522.12 $29,763.67</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. K. Wayne Cushing, County Treasurer, submitted a letter requesting authorization to adjust taxpayer records on properties listed for final tax sale under conditions that: 1) County error has resulted in or contributed to listing the property for final tax sale and assessment of the tax sale fee; 2) receipt of payment bearing a timely postmark after the tax sale listing is compiled for final tax sale; 3) notification of a bankruptcy petition filing; and 4) other conditions or circumstances in which the best human interest and the interests of the state and county are served by the waiver of or reduction in the fee pursuant to County Ordinance 3.67. He also requested authorization to waive the $250 tax sale administrative fee and adjust interest accordingly on any such parcel. </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending abatement of the 2012 delinquent privilege tax bill on an airport hangar leased by Randy Porter on property identified as Parcel No. 08-33-401-001-6087, PS 601. He also recommended abatement of accrued penalties and interest, if applicable. </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Kevin Jacobs, County Assessor, submitted a letter recommending that refunds in the amounts indicated be issued to the following taxpayers for overpayment of vehicle taxes: 11 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>Taxpayer Year Refund</p><p>Sheena Arenas 2014 $153.00 M. B. Rahimzadeh 2014 $113.00 Kenneth S. Thompson 2015 $ 53.00</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted letters recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for tax relief:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. Year Type of Relief </p><p>Joy N. Barnett 08-27-430-016 2014 CB Mary C. Holbrook 09-31-376-082 2014 CB Sherrell H. Johnson 21-15-279-018 2014 CB, Indigent Arlene L. Jonsson 16-15-328-010 2014 CB Franklin O. Onwukeme 28-04-351-010 2014 Hardship Lorraine Orton 27-03-233-025 2014 CB Pearl E. Smith 27-12-277-011 2014 CB Jayne M. Bosley 14-33-428-018 2014 Hardship Jody R. Christensen 16-19-431-004 2014 Hardship Pipiena Falemaka 21-05-206-012 2014 Hardship Michael D. Farnsworth 21-20-279-001 2014 Hardship John C. Russell 21-17-303-008 2014 Hardship Ralph H. Steenblik 08-27-454-024 2014 Hardship Charles L. Summers 22-22-176-004 2014 Hardship Diana L. Torres 15-02-176-004 2014 Hardship</p><p>Ms. Fehrmann also recommended denial of the requests of the following taxpayers for tax relief:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. </p><p>Mary C. Holbrook 09-31-376-082 Joseph I. Limb 08-36-233-001 Tim M. Loveless 08-27-226-022 Francisco H. Maynez 16-30-406-013 Alberta D. Alonzo 16-05-176-012 Betty J. Booth 28-02-155-016 Adrienne Charboz 16-17-410-025 Nolan T. Edwards 15-15-254-011 Margarett K. Jacobson 28-06-105-002 Jackie Lakeit 16-17-133-048 Nery Mena 15-02-205-002 Elaine N. Neff 27-28-126-060 Clara L. Reyes 22-06-228-006</p><p>12 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Ronald M. Ryser 20-12-478-006 Gioacchino Saputo 16-17-379-007 Forrest A. Shaw 14-29-327-017 Ilene R. Valdez 08-36-153-002 Nida C. Webb 16-29-326-012 Raymond Widener 21-28-304-007 </p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted letters recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for veteran exemptions:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. </p><p>Robert C. Allred 28-17-127-031, Vehicles Beverly S. Amason 16-07-455-021 Jeff W. Beesley Vehicles Andrew T. Caisse 28-19-402-005 Kenneth B. Carlson 20-35-405-006 Brent C. Clayton 22-05-208-002 Christopher R. Haight 20-23-454-007 William R. Hansen 22-17-452-015 Benjamin K. Jaeger 16-30-182-006 David C. Johnson 27-20-451-033 Theodore J. Lazenby Vehicles Helen K. Maenner 20-12-453-035, Vehicles Victor B. Peckinpaugh Vehicles Benjamin P. Porter 27-25-202-002 Loran G. Proctor 33-09-452-014 Nancy Pyatt 22-19-328-060, Vehicles Bert Sieber 21-09-208-002 John G. Smith Jr. Vehicles Aaron E. Sorensen Vehicles Jon B. VanWagoner 22-28-327-051 Ronald L. Vatsend 21-04-153-024 Alton Winkelman 22-22-451-039 David G. Wiseman 21-21-251-001 Jerry R. Downard 28-04-353-046 Bradley D. Keele 21-33-204-004</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for hardship abatements. These abatements are conditioned upon payment of the remaining taxes owing by March 27, 2015:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. Year Taxes Owing Amount</p><p>13 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>Ruby V. Bell 15-29-154-001 2014 $ 627.44 $615.13 Debra A. Casey 26-31-178-015 2014 $ 760.41 $662.31 Tad Dennis 14-36-377-003 2014 $1,334.75 $114.00</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted letters recommending denial of the requests of the following taxpayers for a 2014 hardship settlement:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. </p><p>Geraldine D. Jahries 22-16-251-008 Bette Jo Rodgers 16-31-479-069 Donald R. Maxwell 27-04-176-012</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted letters recommending approval of the requests of the following taxpayers for prorated tax relief:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. Year Type of Relief Amount</p><p>Bill S. Albo 15-03-264-012 2014 Veteran $1,286.47</p><p>Olivama Aleman 22-21-107-013 2014 CB $ 512.37</p><p>Anthony J. Aragon 27-11-227-046 2014 Veteran $ 570.36</p><p>Ruth Ashton 15-29-308-032 2014 CB $ 478.61</p><p>Frank Ayrton 15-33-301-030 2014 Veteran $ 614.26</p><p>Mohamed Baayd 16-08-406-011 2014 Veteran $1,912.71</p><p>Mark C. Bierhaalder 27-19-336-008 2014 Veteran $1,784.64</p><p>Monya B. Brimhall 21-02-156-180 2014 CB $ 506.60</p><p>Christopher D. Burk 20-23-326-015 2014 Veteran $1,016.91</p><p>Mary A. Cederholm Estate 21-03-379-003 2014 CB $ 462.71</p><p>Robert A. Christesen 27-29-276-030 2014 Veteran $1,699.27</p><p>Erma Dahlquist Estate 15-11-351-005 2014 Veteran $ 666.29</p><p>14 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Myra Dickson 16-26-329-006 2014 Veteran $1,792.26</p><p>Rodney M. Duffy Sr. 09-31-431-031 2014 CB $1,147.08</p><p>Phillip Dulle 20-36-126-027 2014 CB $ 778.77</p><p>Lillian V. Eckles Estate 16-29-177-022 2014 Blind $ 183.47</p><p>Douglas C. Edwards 28-19-280-009 2014 Veteran $ 173.20</p><p>Marion M. Erichsen 22-30-304-012 2014 CB $1,076.15</p><p>David J. Etherington 14-34-303-027 2014 Veteran $ 635.26</p><p>Joan Fearnley 22-05-479-020 2014 Veteran $1,755.20</p><p>Deena I. Fisher 15-23-302-008 2014 Veteran $1,006.40</p><p>Jaqueline Fotheringham 15-32-101-012 2014 Veteran $1,259.88</p><p>Theda L. Gomez 21-18-254-003 2014 Veteran $ 575.53</p><p>Mona M. Green 14-36-203-010 2014 Veteran $ 820.52</p><p>James R. Haines 22-08-186-057 2014 Veteran $ 154.69</p><p>Matthew K. Haslam 20-34-457-001 2014 Veteran $1,550.79</p><p>Arcadio C. Hernandez 20-26-227-033 2014 Veteran $1,404.83</p><p>Charles J. Hether 21-07-428-014 2014 Veteran $ 361.69</p><p>Herbert S. Hiester 22-27-204-005 2014 Veteran $1,546.05</p><p>David G. Hinkson 28-19-427-009 2014 Veteran $2,573.25</p><p>Paul House 21-32-481-004 2014 Veteran $ 881.10</p><p>David V. Houser 22-06-376-017 2014 Veteran $ 716.99 CB $ 231.00</p><p>Edward Kingsford 27-22-476-054 2014 Veteran $2,368.60</p><p>Gwendolyn R. Jones 16-32-156-086 2014 Veteran $ 223.85</p><p>Douglas Lunbery 34-16-227-110 2014 Veteran $ 995.14</p><p>Grace G. Mackey 26-35-406-023 2014 Blind $ 187.32</p><p>15 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>Lois L. Marcantonio 22-09-402-004 2014 Veteran $ 322.06 CB $ 682.42</p><p>Marcos S. Martinez 20-02-406-003 2014 Veteran $1,641.02</p><p>Lois T. McAffee 28-05-227-004 2014 CB $1,329.88</p><p>Teresa J. McCormick 16-15-209-014 2014 Veteran $ 713.34</p><p>Wilma B. Merrell Estate 16-27-229-017 2014 CB $1,599.27</p><p>Ruth E. Morris 15-32-278-027 2014 CB $ 629.55</p><p>Marian S. Murnin 16-29-276-019 2014 CB $ 561.57</p><p>Carolyn R. Ottley 20-12-281-001 2014 CB $ 461.27</p><p>James L. Parker 28-09-452-003 2014 Veteran $1,102.57</p><p>Penny Parker 16-18-229-038 2014 CB $1,078.94</p><p>Jacquelyn O. Powell 21-06-330-020 2014 Veteran $ 233.77</p><p>Alma L. Pratt 16-18-458-021 2014 Veteran $ 774.60</p><p>Bea S. Proctor 22-21-179-024 2014 Veteran $1,116.87 CB $ 480.85</p><p>Carl Rossi 22-33-353-002 2014 Veteran $ 623.40</p><p>Michael D. Rudd 20-24-382-029 2014 Veteran $ 924.41</p><p>Margaret D. Snyder 22-17-152-010 2014 CB $ 693.64</p><p>David T. Stevens 27-15-457-052 2014 Veteran $ 993.18</p><p>Mary H. Stone 21-15-102-014 2014 Veteran $ 757.59</p><p>Bonnie L. Stroud 08-34-426-005 2014 CB $ 356.05</p><p>James Wedge 28-20-401-039 2014 Veteran $1,058.84</p><p>James E. Webb 20-25-428-012 2014 Veteran $ 824.44</p><p>Jonathan L. Wilmert 32-12-321-031 2014 Veteran $1,388.29</p><p>Robert M. Kelleher 15-27-352-005 2014 Veteran $ 542.94</p><p>16 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>Ms. Fehrmann also recommended denial of the requests of the following taxpayers for prorated tax relief:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. </p><p>Monya B. Brimhall 08-27-430-016 Dale H. Kingsbury 22-07-483-037 Wilma B. Merrell Estate 16-27-229-017 Carolyn R. Ottley 20-12-281-001 Ray M. Ward 20-24-331-018</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the recommendations. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted letters recommending discontinuation of tax deferrals previously granted to the following taxpayers, and that the property be certified to the 2015 May Tax Sale:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. </p><p>Pauline M. Austin 22-04-103-010 Falani Fainu 16-30-182-005 Stephanie Fredrickson 21-12-305-021 Adam L. Leggroan 16-33-226-013 Heather Lowe 20-13-208-007 Alfredo Serrano 14-35-103-013 Yvonne A. Sucese 16-19-376-024 William J. Uckerman 15-11-403-013</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the recommendations. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer and County Auditor to certify the properties to the 2015 May Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.” </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending continuation of the tax deferrals previously granted to the following taxpayers under the conditions that: 1) Monthly payments be made in the amount shown on the schedule for each deferral; 2) all subsequent taxes be paid on or before the annual due date so the amount of the delinquency will not be increased; 3) the participant retain ownership during the entire deferral period; 4) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant primary residence; 5) submission of an application for 2015 tax abatement on or</p><p>17 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 before the filing deadline; and 6) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale for compliance with the agreement to determine eligibility for continuation in the program:</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No. </p><p>Vickie D. Crowther 15-27-328-019 Elizabeth Grindstaff 16-27-204-024 Susan T. Harman 27-14-276-004 Ruth I. Pocock-Saxton 16-30-205-005</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve continuing the tax deferrals. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer and County Auditor to withdraw the properties from the 2015 May Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending approval for hardship relief and abatement of $247.88, and continuation of the tax deferral previously granted to Kim C. Hall on property identified as Parcel No. 15-12-476- 012 under the following conditions: 1) The balance of the 2014 real property tax delinquencies be added to the deferral; 2) continued monthly payments of $50, applied to the delinquent balance; 3) all subsequent taxes be paid on or before the due date annually so as not to increase the amount of delinquency; 4) the participant retain ownership during the entire deferral period; 5) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence; 6) submission of an application for 2015 tax abatement on or before the filing deadline; and 7) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale for compliance with the agreement to determine eligibility for continuation in the program.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the abatement and continue the tax deferral. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer and County Auditor to withdraw the property from the 2015 May Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending continuation of the tax deferral previously granted to the following taxpayers under the conditions that: 1) The balance of the 2014 real property tax delinquencies be added to the deferral; 2) continued monthly payments be made in the amount shown on the schedule for each deferral; 3) all subsequent taxes be paid on or before the annual due date so as not to increase the amount of delinquency; 4) the participant retain ownership during the entire deferral period; 5) the property remain occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence; 6) submission of an application for 2015 tax abatement on or before the filing deadline; and 7) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the tax sale for compliance with the agreement to determine eligibility for continuation in the program:</p><p>18 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Taxpayer Parcel No.</p><p>Erin M. Johnson 26-24-476-076 Nichole M. Lawson-Mills 22-28-276-017 Larry J. McCleery 28-08-332-011 Shirley A. McMillin 21-08-157-002 Victoria Lee Naisbitt 22-09-260-039</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve continuing the tax deferrals. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer and County Auditor to withdraw the properties from the 2015 May Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.” </p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Liz Fehrmann, Chair, Property Tax Committee, submitted a letter recommending acceptance of applications for deferral of the delinquent taxes on the below listed properties under the conditions that: 1) Monthly payments be made in the amount shown on the schedule for each deferral; 2) all subsequent taxes be paid on or before the annual due date so as not to increase the amount of the delinquency; 3) the participant retain ownership interest during the entire deferral period; 4) the property remain owner occupied during the entire deferral period as the applicant’s primary residence; 5) submission of an application for tax abatement each year while remaining in the program; and 6) the deferral be reviewed annually prior to the May Tax Sale to determine eligibility or continuation in the program.</p><p>Taxpayer Parcel No.</p><p>Pamela Shunk 21-12-206-012 Alexander Shank 16-35-330-008</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to accept the applications and approve the new tax deferrals. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Treasurer to effect the abatements and authorizing the County Auditor to withdraw the properties from the 2015 Final Tax Sale, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Melanie Mitchell, Deputy District Attorney, submitted an ordinance establishing the County’s participation in and appropriation to a private enterprise project. (Final adoption of this ordinance will be considered at the Tuesday, March 3, 2015, Council meeting.)</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. (Council Member Newton, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve the ordinance and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting to be formally introduced. The motion passed 7 to 1 with Council</p><p>19 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Member Snelgrove voting in opposition.) The Council motion passed unanimously, forwarding the ordinance to the March 3, 2015, Council meeting for formal consideration, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Adam Miller, Deputy District Attorney, submitted an ordinance granting a cable license to Qwest Broadband Services to operate and maintain a cable television system in Salt Lake County. (Final adoption of this ordinance will be considered at the Tuesday, March 3, 2015, Council meeting.)</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. (Council Member Bradley, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the ordinance with the following amendments: 1) Change the length of the agreement from 15 years to 5 years; 2) include a whereas statement indicating it is the intent of the agreement to obtain the best possible public interest and public purpose for the residents of Salt Lake County; and 3) require the franchise agreement need to indicate that an annual report and update will be submitted to the Council; and forward the ordinance to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting to be formally introduced. The motion passed unanimously.) The Council motion passed unanimously, forwarding the ordinance as amended to the March 3, 2015, Council meeting for formal consideration, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Ms. Nichole Dunn, Chair, Steering Committee, submitted a letter recommending approval of the following Countywide Policies and Procedures:</p><p>#3-500 – Grievance Procedure #4-300 – Insurance and Retirement Programs</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. (Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bradshaw, moved to approve the policies and procedures and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.) The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Vice Chair to sign the policies and procedures, directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, and authorizing the Mayor’s Office to distribute the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mayor Ben McAdams submitted letters requesting approval of the recommendations of the Contribution Review Committee for the following community contributions to be appropriated from the Mayor’s 2015 budget:</p><p>Hinckley Institute of Politics $1,000 Intermountain Therapy Animals $1,000</p><p>20 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Junior Achievement of Utah 2 - $100 Golf Cards 2 - $50 Clark Planetarium Cards</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. (Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bradshaw, moved to approve the requests, finding the County received fair and adequate consideration for the contributions, and forward this matter to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.) The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mayor Ben McAdams recommended approval of the following total compensation philosophy for Salt Lake County:</p><p>Philosophy</p><p>Salt Lake County’s Total Compensation Philosophy is to attract, motivate, and retain quality employees who support the County mission of providing high- quality, cost effective public services. We believe in a transparent, performance- based approach to compensation. Our goal is to compete in comparable markets for high performing employees and recognize that public service has rewards beyond a base salary. We strive to provide employees with competitive compensation, benefits and retirement programs that reflect current market practices and are fiscally responsible. Our employees enjoy a superior work culture, career development and growth opportunities and the satisfaction of serving the public</p><p>Guiding Principles</p><p>1. Salt Lake County competes with a mix of public and private sector organizations and recognizes that geographic wage differentials and areas of expertise may impact the market for talent.</p><p>2. Salt Lake County’s total compensation program is performance based and incorporates civil service protections as defined by state statute.</p><p>3. A transparent approach to compensation will help us achieve a culture of excellence.</p><p>4. Rewarding employee achievements, developing employee talent and fostering career progression reinforces a productive work climate and the County’s core values.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Newton, seconded by Council Member Jensen, moved to approve the total compensation philosophy for Salt Lake County and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The</p><p>21 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Patrick Leary, Director, Office of Township Services, recommended approval of the following RESOLUTION NO. 4898 authorizing a loan of tax increments from the Arbor Park Neighborhood Development Project Area Fund to the Magna Main Street Community Development Project Area Fund:</p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4898 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE COUNTY APPROVING A LOAN OF TAX INCREMENT FROM THE ARBOR PARK NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA FUND TO THE MAGNA MAIN STREET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA FUND</p><p>WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake County (“Agency”) was created by Salt Lake County (“County”) to transact the business and exercise the powers provided for in the Utah Community Development and Renewal Agencies Act, Utah Code Ann. §§ 17C-1-101 et. seq. (the “Act”); and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Agency adopted the “Arbor Park Neighborhood Development Plan” for the Arbor Park Neighborhood Development Project Area (“Arbor Park Project Area”) on June 1, 1994; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Agency adopted the “Magna Main Street Community Development Area Plan” for the Magna Main Street Community Development Project Area (“Magna Main Street Project Area”) on September 10, 2013; and</p><p>WHEREAS, Subsection 17C-1-409(1)(e)(i)&(ii) of the Act provides that “an agency may loan tax increment …from a project area fund to another project area fund if: (A) the agency’s board approves; and (B) the legislative body of each community that created the agency approves,” so long as “the projections for the future tax increment…of the borrowing project area are sufficient to repay the loan amount prior to when the tax increment…. are intended for use under the loaning project area’s plan;” and</p><p>WHEREAS, Subsection 17C-1-409(1)(e)(iii) of the Act provides that “[i]f a borrowing project area’s funds are not sufficient to repay a loan made under Subsection (1)(e)(i) prior to when the tax increment…are intended for use under the loaning project area’s plan, the community that created the agency shall repay the loan to the loaning project area’s fund prior to when the tax increment… are intended for use under the loaning project area’s plan…;” and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Agency now desires to loan $60,000.00 of tax increment from the Arbor Park Project Area Fund to the Magna Main Street Project Area Fund; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Agency approved such loan of tax increment by resolution on August 5, 2014;</p><p>22 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>WHEREAS, based on the analysis attached hereto as Attachment A, the County Council of the County (the “County Council”) finds that the projections for the future tax increment of the Magna Main Street Project Area are sufficient to repay the loan amount prior to when the tax increment are intended for use under the Arbor Park Neighborhood Development Plan;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, the County Council resolves that a loan of tax increment from the Arbor Park Project Area Fund to the Magna Main Street Project Area Fund in the amount of $60,000.00 is hereby approved in accordance with Subsection 17C-1-409(e)(i) of the Act.</p><p>APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of February, 2015</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By /s/ MAX BURDICK Vice-Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bradshaw, moved to approve the resolution and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Vice Chair to execute the resolution and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Patrick Leary, Director, Office of Township Services, recommended approval of the following RESOLUTION NO. 4899 authorizing the County to provide nonmonetary assistance to the Wasatch Mountain Club Foundation:</p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 4899 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>A RESOLUTION APPROVING SALT LAKE COUNTY’S NONMONETARY ASSISTANCE TO THE WASATCH MOUNTAIN CLUB FOUNDATION</p><p>WHEREAS, the Wasatch Mountain Club constructed a lodge (“Lodge”) at Brighton in Big Cottonwood Canyon in 1929; and</p><p>WHEREAS, in recognition of the historic importance of the Lodge it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980; and</p><p>23 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 WHEREAS, in 2009 the Wasatch Mountain Club donated the Lodge to the Wasatch Mountain Club Foundation (“Foundation”), a 501(c)(3) organization, to assist in raising funds to maintain the building; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the County became aware of the Lodge through its Historic Preservation Committee, which has been working with the Utah State Department of History to find grants and other funding opportunities for this important historic structure; and</p><p>WHEREAS, the County has been working to expand the number and viability of outdoor recreation companies within the County in order to expand healthy living options for its residents, promote the economy and identify Salt Lake County as the recreational capital of the State of Utah; and</p><p>WHEREAS, at the Governor’s Outdoor Summit on March 3, 2015, at the Salt Palace, County employees will staff a booth displaying information about economic development activities in the unincorporated County, reasons for doing business in Salt Lake County, as well as information on potential sponsorship activities for the Foundation; and</p><p>WHEREAS, in exchange for promoting the Foundation, the County will receive free access to hold functions at the Lodge, may be listed in various programs and marketing pieces, and may receive other recognitions that the County determines are appropriate; and</p><p>WHEREAS, promoting the Foundation helps the County open a dialogue with outdoor product companies; it is the County’s hope that the recreation companies may choose to rent/sponsor the Lodge for product demonstrations, corporate retreats or other uses that will generate revenue and exposure for the County; and</p><p>WHEREAS, additional use of this historic amenity will encourage visitors to patronize Big Cottonwood Canyon, generating revenue for local businesses with concomitant tax income to Salt Lake County;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Salt Lake County Council approves the contribution of County resources in the manner described herein, finding that this nonmonetary assistance to a nonprofit entity contributes to the health, prosperity, moral well- being, peace, order, comfort and convenience of County residents.</p><p>APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of February, 2015</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By /s/ MAX BURDICK Vice-Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN County Clerk</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Newton, moved to approve the resolution and forward it to the</p><p>24 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Vice Chair to execute the resolution and directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Wayne Marion, Director, Facilities Management Division, submitted a letter requesting approval for an interim budget adjustment of $20,000 for the Government Center Chiller Optimization project. This will require moving under expended funds from the Capital Projects ADC boiler controls project to the Government Center Chiller Optimization project.</p><p>− − − − − − − − − − − − − −</p><p>Mr. Phil Jordan, Director, Center for the Arts, submitted a letter requesting approval for an interim budget adjustment of $270,000 for website redesign. This money was originally budgeted in the 2014 budget, but the contract was not executed by December 31, 2014.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the requests and forward them to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Bradley was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Chief Financial Officer to effect the same, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Mike Reberg, Director, Animal Services Division, submitted a letter requesting to reclassify a Lead Veterinary Technician 21 position to a Clinic Supervisor 27 position. </p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to ratify the vote taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting. [Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Granato, moved to approve the request and forward it to the 4:00 p.m. Council meeting for formal consideration. The motion passed unanimously. Council Member Bradley was absent for the vote.] The Council motion passed unanimously, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Todd Draper, Planning & Development Services Division, reviewed the following public utility easement vacation that was heard during the February 10, 2015, Council meeting and forwarded to today for formal consideration: </p><p>25 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 Application #29043 – Andrew Quist to vacate portions of existing public utility and drainage easements that cross Lots 1 and 2 of the proposed Hale Stone Subdivision located at 3940 South Hale Drive.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to approve Application #29043 and the following ordinance:</p><p>ORDINANCE NO: 1780 DATE: February 24, 2015</p><p>AN ORDINANCE VACATING PUBLIC INTEREST IN PORTIONS OF PLATTED PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN THE MOUNT OLYMPUS PARK NO. 2 SUBDIVISION LOCATED WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED COUNTY.</p><p>The County Legislative Body of Salt Lake County ordains as follows:</p><p>SECTION I. (1) A portion of a platted public utility easement, which is more fully identified and described in the Hale Stone Subdivision Preliminary Plat, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby vacated.</p><p>(2) The purpose of the vacation is to accommodate plat amendments to the Mount Olympus Park No. 2 Subdivision Plat through the creation and recordation of the proposed Hale Stone Subdivision Plat.</p><p>(3) This ordinance is based upon a determination by the County Legislative Body following a public hearing on February 10, 2015, that due and proper notice of the hearing to vacate the platted easements was duly given according to law; that no objection was made to the proposed vacation; that good cause exists for the vacation; and that neither the public interest nor any person will be materially injured by the vacation. There will be provision of new public utility easements as shown on the Hale Stone Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Exhibit A, and the County has no present or foreseeable future public need for the portions of the existing easements being vacated, or for any other public purpose.</p><p>(4) All right, title and interest in and to the specified portions of the easements being vacated is to revert, by operation of state law and county ordinances, to the abutting property owner, Andrew Quist.</p><p>(5) This ordinance shall have no force or effect to impair any other existing easements or rights-of-way for public utilities, public franchises, irrigation, storm drainage, or other such easements, as presently exist under, over, or upon the vacated portions of said easements, or as are or may be shown on the official plats and records of the County.</p><p>(6) The Salt Lake County Recorder is hereby directed to record this ordinance and accompanying plat, and to make the necessary changes on the official plats and records of the County to reflect said ordinance.</p><p>SECTION II. This ordinance shall become effective 15 days after its passage and upon at least one publication of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance in a newspaper published and having general circulation in Salt Lake County.</p><p>26 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015</p><p>APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of February , 2015.</p><p>SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: By_/s/ MAX BURDICK Vice-Chair By /s/ SHERRIE SWENSEN Salt Lake County Clerk</p><p>The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the Vice Chair to sign the ordinance, directing the County Clerk to attest his signature, publish it in a newspaper of general circulation and requesting the County Recorder to record the ordinance, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.” ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>Mr. Todd Draper, Planning & Development Services Division, requested that a hearing be scheduled for the following rezoning application:</p><p>Application No. 29108 – George Starks to reclassify property located at 2795 South 2300 East from C-1 to C-2 zone.</p><p>Council Member Bradshaw, seconded by Council Member Wilson, moved to set the date of Tuesday, March 31, 2015, at 4:00 p.m., to accept public comment and consider the rezoning request. The motion passed unanimously, authorizing the County Clerk to place the Notice of Public Hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and authorizing the Planning & Development Services Division to notify the surrounding property owners, showing that all Council Members present voted “Aye.”</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 4:11:51 PM until Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at 4:00 PM.</p><p>SHERRIE SWENSEN, COUNTY CLERK</p><p>By ______Deputy Clerk</p><p>______VICE CHAIR, SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>27 D A T E T U E S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 24, 2015 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦</p><p>28</p>
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