I . & i • 4 « Ehra Hau, bronze modalM In Taa Kwon Do In tha 1988 Olymplca, delivers a aplnning back kick to Jaime Myatic during a regular training exerolaa of the American Taa Kwon Do Academy. Take a'trip' to the gallery —page 4 Vice Pres. 'Top' of shake-up the charts -page 2 —page6 NEWS New title, duties added to academic affairs VP After a restmctimng of upper serving as assistant to the interim Provost. level administration at UTSA, However, when a permanent provost is the position of vice president found, Val verde'sconlractis not expected for academic affairs has been tobe renewed. Valverde's offke was con­ tacted for more informadon, but no mes­ renamed and expanded. The sages were returned. new position, provost and vice- Dr. Linda Whitson, vice preskknt for president for academic afTairs, administration and planning, was also VP tor academic alMra and now pravoat until a permanent pn>- aaaiata the Interim provoat. voat la appointed. (of Dr. Valverde). Valvenk demotkm. DeLuna said that the Ttie provost position erjcompasses tiie duties of ttie She has no historical knowledge cm the group does not wish to speak to the media subject, and cannot verify or comment on about dwir plans. When adced why she vice president for academic affairs while increasing itsany artkk addressing the subject of Dr. sakl, "Sdategy, I guess." Valvenk." The provost position encompasses the scope of auttiority. Ttie Provost will serve as acting Dr. James W. Wagener, professor in duties of the vice president for academic tlw division of education and presitknt of affairs whik increasing its scope of au­ UTSA when Valverde was hired, was thority. The Provost will serve as acting president wtien ttie president is away or indisposed. contacted for m interview. When an president when the president is away or interview regarding Vidverde was re­ indisposed. quested, Wagenersakl,"Idon'tthinkso,'' Some of dw responsibilities outlined will be filled temporarily by contacted regarding the renewal of and hung up. in the advertisement for tlw provost in the James Gaertner, dean ofthe col­ Valverde'scontract, but her secretary sakl When asked about tlw lack of fordi- Chronicle of Higher Educatkm are: (on behalf of Whitson): coming information. Dr. Bobbin •Promote the academic interest of tlw lege of business. "Dr. Whitson has no factual informa­ Hernandez, vice president for student af­ university Dr. Leonard Valverde, former vice tton on the subject, and feels it would be fairs, said "We (as administrators) only •serve as liaison to academk gover- president for academk affairs, is now inapprofnriate to comment on the subject wish to talk about dw areas for which we nawe structures and faculty committees are responsible. I myself can't speculate concerned with academic affairs as to diings outside of academic affairs." •has a primary req;x)nsibility for fac­ According to Anna DeLuna, preskknt ulty recruitment, development, compen­ of MEChA,' dw group and a sation, promotion, and tenure. numbo-of Hiqxuik UTS Aprofesscrs have •supervise and evaluate 40 undo-gradu- been meeting regularly to discuss the ate and 21 master's degree programs and a cooperative doctoral program in four c(4kges with associated research centers and IS academk divisions. The advertisenwnt stated further, "Re­ GMAT porting to the provost are the Office of Graduate Studies and Research, the Of­ fice of Admissions and Registrar, the Li­ brary, Office of Instructional Resources, 1992 is here. the University Ifonors Program, and the Senicnily . aoBriiaur'tgivinf you a Iweik. Remeniber >Dur col- It's time to get university-wide Hiqianic Research Cen­ has its lege «bvt with aamethiDg dnt «ril ter. These responsilHlities include leader­ bntaSfelinie . ahindciifted ship for the development of selected doc­ privileges. nwlyBiliaur. down to business! toral programs and associated research Add &3zSQjpom\s to activities." Under the list <tf (|ualifications dw ad your score. states, "The Flovost must demonstrate Our students do. comnutment and a record of success in Si recnuting and retaining minorities and women among dw faculty, staff and stu­ aS Courses begin dent body: appreciate the role of faculty, CM February 8th. staff and students in university gover­ nance." 697-8223 I By Rotiert Schermertiorn Newa EdNor Save $50 On Gold Now THE PRINCETO Campus Soodi Bookstore By Mary-Heallior BaitMr 14331 RoaifawinerWiy REVIEW Aaaoc. News Edilor CM SEE THE RING MAN are Score More! i Iteaday January 28,11 ajn. - S pjn. NEWS Here's who's in 'Who's Who' for 1992 Ninety-nine UTSAjuniors and seniors JuliaP.Patton LydiaD. SiWa Yvonne E. Vela have been inducted into Who's Who Kevui O.Prescott Cherie D. Sisneros Addie G.Ward Among Students in Amerkan Universi- DariaJ.Pundt Maty E. Stevens James M. Warner tksand Colleges. LaTaynaM. Pumell Jennifer E. Stone MabksM. Wells Tahnee R. Roulndoux Helen M. Strait Cara E. Whiteskle Students are nominated by faculty and Lana J. Ryan advisors for academk achkvement. ser­ William P. Strout Nichole Y. Wicha Robctt A. Schermerhom Lewis E. Syring RkhaidLWikox vice to the community, leadership in ex- Christopher F. Schexnayder KukE.Tayk)r Maria S. Wood bacurricular activities and potential for Susan M. Schulle Nohemi P. Torres . Wendy J. Woods continued success. Andrew W.Scott Paul E. Tores Rebecca L. Yekiennan UTSA is one of more than 1400insti- Starie L. Seay-Lowe Kalheiine A. Tniett Martha Ysassi ttdions of higher leaming in the U.S. and MiukA.Shultz Timothy A. VanCuren Jose E. Zapata several foreign coimtries, that submits a slate of student nominees for selection by Who's Who. Edwin L. Alvarez Adrienne W. Askew CankCBast DebraJ.Biichcr SherifY.Boctor Sheik Brooks Rachel A. Biynteson Kathleen K. Budginas Jennifer M. Buffo EdnaL.Cak)eron Find Out How Lionel Cantu, Jr. EUzabedi G. Oieatham TIAA-CREF Dalene C. CmneUus Angemette E. Coy Jonathan N. Darnell Can Help Michele N. Davis Cameron C. Deiser You Protect Anna M. DeLuna StacyL.Dill MarUK.Drake Your Retirement James M. Edwards Tina M. Pagan Nest Egg... Gafariella Fasci Jaaon A. Fasone ^ Samuel E. Filch Ricaido A. Flores, Jr. Ruben M. Flores MatUiew M. Fkiyd These are tough economic times. Banks are A winning combination. Elizabedi R. Garza going bankrupt, and businesses are failing. So Combine this with all the other advanuges. Such Dana M. Gaspardi it's more important than ever that your letirement as our wide variety of retirement income options, Bienda L. Gales savings are working for you. You'll want to be featuring lifetime annuities, fixed-period payments, Ada L. 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Meza investment accounts so o DavidJ.Mofaine you can further DiMiaN. Nichol diversify your Ensurii^ die future s James M. Noel retirement savings. Karen L.Qrbin for duMc who shape itr Wesley R. Paifcer AllysoaG.Paneraon u UTSA gallery shows psycho-drama art Bom in Chicago, Karl Umlanf what it wouU take," Umlauf staled at his has been known only as the "son showing. Growing up in the artist com­ of Charles Umlanf," who is not munity wi|h his father woidd give most dw easy iMIity lo imitate others' worit, only his father, but a renowned but dMdkln'thifipen widi Umlauf. "Dwre sculptor. On Tiiesday, Jan. 21, have been sevaal artists I admire," he Karl Umlauf proved in the sakl, "but there are none dial I'm influ­ enced by." It seems hard to believe, but in UTSA Gallery that he is his own the art business, it must be this inde­ man when it comes to art. pendent attitutk diat has kd lo his fanw. Umlauf couM have become a conceit That night in dw galkry in his turtle- vkia player, but after years of lessons, he neck, btazer and jeans, he told the crowd tired of dw discipline and changed his ofhisloveofmachinesandjunkyards. He interests from the performance aits to the admits widi a straight face that he likes to craft arts.
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