<p> HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL</p><p>MINUTES OF THE PLANNING A COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 16 AUGUST 2011 AT THE TOWN HALL</p><p>Present: Councillor M Ellis (Chairman) Councillors Maynard, Newns and Williams</p><p>Apologies: None</p><p>In attendance: Heather Scott, Planning, Information and Facilities Officer Councillors Chambers (part meeting), Linacre and Peck. 5 Members of the public</p><p>John Bagshaw Town Clerk</p><p>“Informed by the information available, the following decisions were taken by the Harpenden Town Councillors. Those Councillors who are also serving on the District Council will also consider the matter afresh at district level in the light of all the evidence including the relevant officer’s report”.</p><p>34. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE.</p><p>No apologies for absence were received.</p><p>35. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST</p><p>Councillor Williams declared a personal non prejudicial interest in application 5/11/1733</p><p>36. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING A COMMITTEE HELD ON 19 JULY 2011.</p><p>The Minutes of the meeting held on the 19 July 2011, previously circulated, were duly signed as a correct record.</p><p>37. PUBLIC QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 61.</p><p>There were no public questions.</p><p>38. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 29/07/2011. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 19/08/2011. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 05/08/2011. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 26/08/2011.</p><p>The Committees recommendations are attached as APPENDIX A</p><p>39. LETTERS OF OBJECTION</p><p>The letters of objections were duly noted.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 1 40. COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ISSUES PAPER: HOW CHANGE OF USE IS HANDLED IN THE PLANNING SYSTEM</p><p>A review paper was tabled for the Committee to take away and consider regarding possible reforms to change of use within the planning system. The Committee was asked to read the questions and issues outlined in the review paper and pass their comments back to the Chairman. Plans B Committee had considered the review paper at its meeting on the 2 August 2011 and were asked to forward their comments to the Town Clerk would then formulate a response from both planning Committees.</p><p>41. APPEALS</p><p>There were no appeals for consideration.</p><p>42. LIST OF WEEKLY ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL DECISIONS.</p><p>The Committee noted the list of delegated decisions.</p><p>43. APPLICATION FOR TREE WORKS</p><p>The applications for tree works were noted by the Committee.</p><p>44. DATE OF NEXT MEETING St Albans District Council Planning (Development Control) Committee North meeting to be held on 22 August 2011 – Thomas</p><p>Planning B Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday, 30 August 2011. B Ellis, Leadbeater, Thomas and Mrs Vincent</p><p>45. CLOSE 9.40 p.m.</p><p>…………………………………………………</p><p>Chairman</p><p>…………………………………………………</p><p>Date</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 2 HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL APPENDIX A APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 29/07/2011. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 19/08/2011. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 05/08/2011. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 26/08/2011. ______Ref: 5/11/1572 Category: Ward: Harpenden East *** Proposal: Part single, part two storey side extension following demolition of garage at 61 Station Road Harpenden AL5 4XF For Mr & Dr Woodworth & Wagstaff</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVE BEEN FULLY ADDRESSED. ______Ref: 5/11/1566 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 2 (sample of materials), 4 (noise and vibration), 5 (land contamination), 7 (tree/natural feature protection), 9 (landscape/design proposals), 10 (soft landscape works), 12 (scheme associated with contamination), 15 & 17 (disposal of surface water), 18 (wheel washing) 21(foul & surface water drainage system), 22 (surface infrastructure), 23 (land contamination), 25 (hard surfacing), 27 (contractors parking), 28 (wildlife), 29 (protected species), 30 (full survey), 32 (asbestos) and 36 (storage of refuse) of planning permission 5/2010/1925 dated 16/03/2011 for demolition of service station and associated buildings and erection of six, five bedroom and three, four bedroom houses and two, two bedroom flats with associated works at Greenlawn Service Station Luton Road Harpenden AL5 3NF For Briffa Phillips</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1589CPCategory: CP Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Single storey rear extension at 46 Lea Road Harpenden AL5 4PG For Mr David Johns</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/11/1591 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Part single, part first floor side extensions, first floor rear extension, alterations to openings, sunpipes and rooflights at 7 Tintern Close Harpenden AL5 3NZ For Mr Kevin Goodbun</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1663 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Single storey rear extension and front porch at 8 Lambourn Gardens Harpenden AL5 4DQ For Mr & Mrs W Arthur</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NO. 10 LAMBOURN GARDENS. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 3 ______Ref: 5/11/1335 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Condition 3 (no hard standing or access) of planning permission 5/2010/2473 dated 09/06/2011 for the demolition of bungalow and erection of two, two storey semi-detached dwellings with habitable roof space at 15 Pipers Avenue Harpenden AL5 1HB For Mr Gary Poole</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1431 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 8 (soft landscape works) and 9 (hard and soft landscape works) pf planning permission 5/2011/0597 dated 08/06/2011 for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two semi detached dwellings at 11 Pipers Avenue Harpenden AL5 1HB For Mr Paul Booth</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1593 Category: Ward: Harpenden South *** Proposal: Two storey front extension, first floor side extensions, single storey rear extension, removal of chimney stack and alterations to openings (amendment to planning permission 5/2010/2717 dated 07/12/2010) at 21 Oakfield Road Harpenden AL5 2NW For Mr Paul Tucker</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72(v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1630CON Category: CON Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 2 (samples of materials), 3 (larger scaled plans of doors and windows), 4 (windows and doors finish), 5 (slab levels), 6 (on site parking), 9 (tree protection), 10 (method statement for protection of trees), 12 (landscape design proposals), 13 (soft landscape works) and 15 (archaeological investigation) of planning permission 5/2010/2526 dated 24/05/2011 for two storey block with habitable roof space comprising of four, one bedroom and six, two bedroom flats and associated 2.1m high wall and gates, bin store, bike store, detached garages, car parking and landscaping at 21 Leyton Road Harpenden AL5 2HU For Oakbridge Homes</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1651 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Rear conservatory at 55 Topstreet Way Harpenden AL5 5TY For Mr & Mrs M Heneghan</p><p>NO OBJECTION IN PRINCIPLE, HOWEVER THE COMMITTEE NOTE THAT THE PROPOSED CONSERVATORY EXTENDS MORE THAN 3 METRES ALONG A PARTY BOUNDARY BUT DOES NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE NEIGHBOUR PROPERTY’S REAR EXTENSION.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 4 ______Ref: 5/11/1584 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Non-Material Amendment - Shed, vehicle crossover, paved drive & alteration to openings to planning permission 5/2010/2328 dated 16/11/2010 for part single, part two storey rear extension, first floor side extension and front porch at 40 Stewart Road Harpenden AL5 4QB For Mr & Mrs A Whetherly</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/1638 Category: Ward: Harpenden East *** Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two, three bedroom semi-detached dwellings at 3 Crossway Harpenden AL5 4RA For Mr Keith Robinson</p><p>Mr Scott Moore, spoke for the application.</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/1693 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Replacement two storey detached dwelling with roof accommodation and associated parking (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/0375) at 27 Granby Avenue Harpenden AL5 5QP For Mr & Mrs P & G Wegener</p><p>THE COMMITTEE ACCEPT ATTEMPTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO ADDRESS THE PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HOWEVER, EXPRESS CONCERN OVER BULK, MASSING, REARWARD PROJECTION AND POSSIBLE LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICIES 69 (i), 70 (PREAMBLE) AND 70 (i) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/11/1697 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Two storey side, part single storey front and rear extensions at 11 Common Lane Batford Harpenden AL5 5BU For Mrs J Warwick</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NO. 9 COMMON LANE. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1699 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Part single, part two storey side and rear extension, raising of roof to incorporate loft conversion with rear dormer window, insertion of rooflights to front and alterations to openings (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/0946) at Carlton Tower 5a Carlton Road Harpenden AL5 4SX For Mr & Mrs Robert & Dianne Ridout</p><p>EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY ADDRESSED IN TERMS OF THE FRONT VELUX WINDOWS AND THE CHANGE OF FORM TO THIS LOCALLY LISTED BUILDING. POLICES 69 (i), 72 (i) AND (ii) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 5 Ref: 5/11/1710 Category: Ward: Harpenden East *** Proposal: Part single, part two storey front, side and rear extensions at 34 Lyndhurst Drive Harpenden AL5 5RJ For Mr Nik Finan</p><p>EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PROPOSED EXTENSIONS ARE OVER BEARING, OUT OF SCALE AND CHARACTER WITH THE ORIGINAL BUILDING AND CONCERN IS EXPRESSED OVER LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES IN PARTICULAR TO NO. 32 LYNDHURST DRIVE. POLICIES 69 (i), 72 (i), (ii) AND (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1603 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Partial conversion of garage to habitable room at 3 Brackendale Grove Harpenden AL5 3EL For Dave MacKenzie</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED SUFFICIENT PARKING ON SITE. POLICY 40 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1709 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Loft conversion with three rear dormer windows at 67 Ox Lane Harpenden AL5 4PH For Mr Gary Solomons</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/1732 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Two semi detached two storey dwellings with basement and habitable roof space following demolition of existing bungalow with associated access and landscaping (retrospective amendment to planning permission 5/2010/1868) at 7 Clarendon Road Harpenden AL5 4NU For Mr Andrew Kivington</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/1739 Category: Ward: Harpenden North *** Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing single storey side and rear extension at 9 Mayfield Close Harpenden AL5 3LG For Mr M Starkey</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1601 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Amendment to planning permission (5/2011/0298) for Front porch, single storey side and rear extensions and alterations to openings; loft conversion, roof extension, raising of roof, two rear half-hipped gable ends, one rear dormer window and rooflights to create first floor accommodation (amendment to planning permission 5/2010/2640) at 1 Ashcroft Close Harpenden AL5 1JJ For Mr Jaskaran Johal</p><p>NO OBJECTION </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 6 ______Ref: 5/11/1629 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Part single, part two storey front extension with integral garage and single storey side extension following demolition of existing garage at 14 Hawsley Road Harpenden AL5 2BL For Mr & Mrs Ray</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NOS. 15 AND 17 HAWSLEY ROAD. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1646CONCategory: CON Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Condition 4 (hard and soft landscape works) of planning permission 5/2010/1131, dated 08/02/2011 for three, two storey detached dwellings with one basement level, habitable roof space and garages following demolition of existing; with associated access and landscaping at Hammondswick House 2 Hammondswick Harpenden AL5 2NR For Oakbridge Homes</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1683 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Extension and conversion of existing detached garage to form hobby room at 62 Grove Road Harpenden AL5 1ES For Mr & Mrs J Platt</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED SUFFICIENT PARKING ON SITE. POLICY 40 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1702CON Category: CON Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 7 (hard and soft landscaping) and 8 (soft landscaping specifications) of planning permission for the demolition of two detached dwellings and garages and erection of three, five bedroom detached dwellings with associated parking and landscaping dated 10/03/2011 at 46 & 48 Oakfield Road Harpenden AL5 2NS For Mr Peter Rudge</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1731 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Single storey front and rear and first floor side extensions with Juliette balcony and canopy roof to front porch at 3 Burywick Harpenden AL5 2AD For Mrs C McGrath</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NO. 1 BURYWICK. POLICIES 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1736 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Front and rear extensions, raising of roof to create first floor accommodation, insertion of front and rear dormer windows, front and rear rooflights and removal of chimneys and alterations to openings (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/0323) at 10 Meadway Harpenden AL5 1JL For Mr Graham Towey</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 7 NO OBJECTION PROVIDED PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVE BEEN FULLY ADDRESSED. ______Ref: 5/11/1816CONCategory: CON Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 10 (method statement-protection of trees) and 12 (tree planting) of planning permission 5/2010/2121 dated 25/10/2010 for a detached three bedroom bungalow with habitable roof space and attached garage at 6 Oak Way Harpenden AL5 2NT For Woburn Design Consultancy</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THESE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. ______Ref: 5/11/1618 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling with detached garage at 48 Park Avenue North Harpenden AL5 2ED For DLA Town Planning Ltd</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1626 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Change of use of land on public concourse for display of freestanding flower stands in accordance with Class A1 use (retail) at 2 The Leys 38 High Street Harpenden AL5 2SX For Mr Ned Pawley</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO SUFFICIENT SPACE BEING LEFT FOR PEDESTRIAN AND WHEELCHAIR ACCESS. ______Ref: 5/11/1657 Category: Ward: Harpenden West *** Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of one, three bedroom dwelling at 20 Spenser Road Harpenden AL5 5NN For Mr & Mrs S Parkes</p><p>RECOMMEND REFUSAL. THE PROPOSED NEW DWELLING IS OF A POOR DESIGN AND IS OUT OF SCALE AND CHARACTER WITH THE SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. CONCERN IS EXPRESSED OVER THE QUANTITY AND LOCATION OF THE ROOFLIGHTS ALONG WITH A FLAT ROOFED DORMER TO THE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY. POLICIES 69 (i) AND 70 (i) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/11/1680 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Demolition of existing and erection of single storey rear extension at 42 Southdown Road Harpenden AL5 1PG For Mr & Mrs Andrew & Julie Roberts</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 8 Ref: 5/11/1707 Category: Ward: Harpenden West *** Proposal: Two storey front, side and rear extensions at 6 Meadow Walk Harpenden AL5 5TG For Mr John McCormack</p><p>THE COMMITTEE EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PROPOSAL REPRESENTS AN OVERDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE IN TERMS OF SCALE AND CHARACTER LEADING TO A LOSS OF AMENITY TO THE NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (I) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/11/1720 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2011/1033) at 19 Spenser Road Harpenden AL5 5NW For Mr A Rose</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS ON THIS LOCALLY LISTED BUILDING SITUATED WITHIN THE HARPENDEN CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (I) (C) AND 87 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1726 Category: Ward: Harpenden West *** Proposal: Detached six bedroom dwelling with integral garage at Land Adj To 56 Park Avenue North Harpenden For Mr & Mrs A Clewer</p><p>Mr Clewer, Applicant spoke for the application.</p><p>RECOMMEND APPROVAL SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/1733 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and outbuilding, single storey side extension and garage at 14 Orchard Avenue Harpenden AL5 2DP For Mr & Mrs Mark & Sarah Vickers</p><p>Councillor Williams declared a personal non prejudicial interest in this application.</p><p>Mrs Minto, 12 Orchard Avenue spoke against the application.</p><p>RECOMMEND REFUSAL. THE PROPOSED EXTENSIONS ARE OUT OF SCALE AND CHARACTER WITH THE ORIGINAL BUILDING IN TERMS OF THE HEIGHT, SIZE, SCALE, BULK AND DENSITY, WITH THE PROPOSAL EXTENDING MORE THAN 5 METRES FURTHER ALONG A PARTY BOUNDARY. THE PROPOSAL WILL HAVE AN UNACCEPTABLE IMPACT ON THE AMENITY OF NO. 12 ORCHARD AVENUE. POLICIES 69 (i), 72 (i), (ii), (v) AND (viii) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER.</p><p>CONCERN IS ALSO EXPRESSED OVER THE LOSS OF THE ESTABLISHED PLANTING AT NO. 12 ORCHARD AVENUE WHICH ABUTS THE EXISTING GARAGE BUILDING. POLICY 74 (i) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0920780b2ca3ebf9aa3300780e8212f2.doc 9</p>
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