<p> SPCON</p><p>Paper presented at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists</p><p>Conference "Realising the vision", University of Ulster, 10-12 May 2006</p><p>The Clinical Reasoning Skills of Speech and Language Therapy Students</p><p>Kirsty Hoben1, Rosemary Varley1, and Richard Cox2 </p><p>1 Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield,</p><p>Sheffield, UK</p><p>Tel: 0114 2222454</p><p>Fax: 0114 2730547</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>2 Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of</p><p>Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK</p><p>Key words: clinical reasoning, students, speech and language therapy 2</p><p>What is already known on this subject: Studies in medicine and related fields</p><p> have shown that students have difficulties with both knowledge and strategy in</p><p> clinical reasoning tasks. To date, there has been little research in this area in</p><p> speech and language therapy.</p><p>What this study adds: Speech and language therapy students show clinical</p><p> reasoning difficulties similar to those observed in medicine and other related</p><p> domains. They could benefit from explicit teaching of strategies to improve their</p><p> clinical reasoning and consolidate their domain knowledge. 3</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Background Difficulties experienced by novices in clinical reasoning have been well</p><p> documented in many fields, especially medicine (Elstein et al., 1978; Patel and</p><p>Groen, 1986; Boshuizen and Schmidt, 1992, 2000; Rikers et al., 2004). These</p><p> studies have shown that novice clinicians have difficulties with both knowledge</p><p> and strategy in clinical reasoning tasks. Speech and language therapy students</p><p> must also learn to reason clinically, yet to date there is little evidence of how they</p><p> learn to do so. </p><p>Aims In this paper, we report the clinical reasoning difficulties of a group of speech and</p><p> language therapy students. We make a comparison with experienced speech and</p><p> language therapists’ reasoning and propose some methods and materials to aid</p><p> the development of clinical reasoning in speech and language therapy students.</p><p>Methods and procedures Student reasoning difficulties were analysed during assessment of unseen cases</p><p> on an electronic patient database, the Patient Assessment and Training System</p><p>(PATSy)1. Students were videoed as they completed a one hour assessment of</p><p>1 www.patsy.ac.uk 4</p><p> one of three “virtual patients”. One pair of experienced speech and language</p><p> therapists also completed an assessment of one of these cases under the same</p><p> conditions. Screen capture was used to record all on screen activity, along with an</p><p> electronic log of the tests and information accessed and comments entered by the</p><p> students and experienced therapists. These comments were analysed via a seven</p><p> level coding scheme that aimed to describe the events that occur in the process of</p><p> diagnostic reasoning.</p><p>Outcomes and Results Students displayed a range of competence in making an accurate diagnosis.</p><p>Diagnostically accurate students showed increased use of high level professional</p><p> register and a greater use of firm diagnostic statements. For the diagnostically</p><p> inaccurate students typical difficulties were a failure to interpret test results and</p><p> video observations, difficulty in carrying out a sequence of tests consistent with a</p><p> reasoning path, and problems in recalling and using theoretical knowledge.</p><p>Conclusions and Implications We discuss how identification of student reasoning difficulties can inform the</p><p> design of learning materials intended to address these difficulties. </p><p>Introduction</p><p>Previous studies have revealed that novices display a number of difficulties in</p><p> assessing a problem. Much of this research has been in the domain of medicine</p><p> and common difficulties that have been revealed are a tendency to focus on</p><p> surface features of problems (Sloutsky and Yarlas, 2000), and an inflexible</p><p> application of knowledge and strategies to the diagnostic problem (Mavis et al., 5</p><p>1998). Novices are less likely than experts to be aware of confounding information</p><p>(e.g., that a language assessment may tap multiple aspects of communication),</p><p> and are more likely to be data driven than theory driven in their planning. They</p><p> also tend to begin tasks without clear goals (Klahr, 2000). Furthermore, novices</p><p> are less able to evaluate their progress or results from a task (Hmelo-Silver et al.,</p><p>2002), and have difficulty modifying or abandoning hypotheses in the face of</p><p> contradictory evidence (Arocha and Patel, 1995). They can have difficulty</p><p> distinguishing relevant information in a problem (Shanteau, 1992; Cholowski and</p><p>Chan, 2001), and may not have well elaborated schemata of diagnoses and</p><p> patterns of presenting problems (Patel et al., 1997, 2000; Boshuizen and Schmidt,</p><p>2000). Novices can be slow in decision making and hypothesis generation (O'Neill</p><p> et al., 2005; Joseph and Patel, 1990), and may harbour misconceptions or over-</p><p> simplifications of domain-specific concepts which consequently affect</p><p> interpretation of results (Patel et al., 1991; Schauble, 1996).</p><p>McAllister & Rose (2000) acknowledge the relative paucity of research into</p><p> the processes of clinical reasoning in speech and language therapy. However,</p><p> there are similarities in the global characteristics of diagnostic reasoning across</p><p> related professions such as medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and</p><p> nursing. It is likely, therefore, that speech and language therapy novices will</p><p> display similar reasoning difficulties to those observed in novices from other</p><p> clinical domains.</p><p>The current research examined speech and language therapy students’</p><p> developing clinical reasoning skills. Clinical reasoning involves both domain-</p><p> specific knowledge and reasoning (i.e., knowledge pertaining directly to speech</p><p> and language therapy) and domain-general reasoning (i.e., reasoning skills that</p><p> any person could be expected to have). The current research used an existing 6</p><p> database of speech and language therapy cases, the Patient Assessment and</p><p>Training System (PATSy) (Lum and Cox, 1998). The database consists of “virtual</p><p> patients”, and includes video clips, medical history, assessment results and links</p><p> to related publications. Students are able to “administer” tests to patients and keep</p><p> a log of their findings and conclusions. </p><p>Methods</p><p>Participants: The study recruited 34 masters level and undergraduate speech and</p><p> language therapy students (8/34 participants were masters level students) from</p><p> two UK universities via posters on notice boards and email. Undergraduate</p><p> students were in year three of their studies and masters level students were in</p><p> their second year of study. In addition, two experienced speech and language</p><p> therapists took part. University ethical approval was granted for the conduct of the</p><p> research and all usual ethical practices were observed.</p><p>Procedures: Students and experienced therapists worked in pairs (dyads pairings</p><p> were mostly self-selected). They were given one hour to undertake the diagnosis</p><p> of one of three pre-selected PATSy cases; DBL, RS, both acquired cases, or JS1,</p><p> a developmental case. The PATSy cases used for the study all exhibited a degree</p><p> of ambiguity in their clinical presentation i.e., their behavioural profile might be</p><p> consistent with a number of possible diagnoses of underlying impairment.</p><p>Participants were asked to produce a set of statements that described key</p><p> impairments shown by the case, and if possible, an overall diagnostic category. </p><p>The diagnostic process of the students was video-recorded and all participants</p><p> completed a learning log that is automatically generated and stored within PATSy. 7</p><p>A screen capture was also performed, allowing subsequent synchronised playback</p><p> of the video, audio and screen activity, using NITE tools2, developed at the</p><p>University of Edinburgh. </p><p>Analyses</p><p>Prior to the coding of data, student pairs were independently categorised as</p><p> diagnostically accurate (DA) or inaccurate (DI) based on whether they reached a</p><p> diagnosis that was at an appropriate level for a novice/newly qualified speech and</p><p> language therapist. DA students were those that were able to report key</p><p> impairments displayed by the case (e.g., type and extent of lexical retrieval deficit).</p><p>Similarly, the tests selected by a pair were evaluated to determine if the dyad was</p><p> using tests that were relevant to the behavioural impairments shown by the case</p><p> and to the comments they had made in dialogue and their written log. In addition,</p><p> test choices were examined for relatedness and movement along a diagnostic</p><p> path. For example, a test sequence involving a switch from a picture semantics</p><p> task such as Pyramids and Palm Trees (Howard and Patterson, 1992) to non–</p><p> word repetition in the context of discussion of written word comprehension was</p><p> classed as an unrelated sequence. The performance of a subset of student pairs</p><p> was compared to that of experienced clinicians diagnosing the aphasic case DBL. </p><p>The statements made by participants in dialogue with their partner and in the</p><p> written log were coded for particular statement types that might occur in diagnostic</p><p> reasoning. The coding scheme contained seven categories. (See Appendix One</p><p> for definitions and examples of each category).</p><p>2 http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/NITE/ 8</p><p>Level Zero: Other</p><p>This category included ambiguous statements and hypotheses that could not be</p><p> tested with the data available on the PATSy system.</p><p>Level One: Reading of data </p><p>This category included statements that consisted of reading aloud data without</p><p> making any comment or additional interpretation.</p><p>Level Two: Making a concrete observation </p><p>This category included statements about a single piece of data which did not use</p><p> any professional terminology </p><p>Level Three: Making a superordinate level clinical observation </p><p>This category contained descriptive statements which extrapolated to a higher</p><p> level concept, </p><p>Level Four: Hypothesis</p><p>This category included statements that expressed a predicted causal relationship</p><p> between two factors. </p><p>Level Five: General diagnostic statement</p><p>Statements in this category consisted of those which included or excluded a</p><p> superordinate diagnostic category and were of the type that might be used in a</p><p> report to another professional, rather than a speech and language therapist.</p><p>Level Six: Specific diagnostic statement</p><p>Statements in this category shared the characteristics of Level Five diagnostic</p><p> statements. However, statements at this level had a finer granularity of description</p><p> than Level Five statements and might be used in a report to another speech and</p><p> language therapist. 9</p><p>Intra-rater reliability was assessed on codings with a time interval of 4 months</p><p> between categorisations. A Kappa score of 0.970 was achieved, indicating highly</p><p> satisfactory intra-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability was established by two raters</p><p> independently coding 30% of the dialogue data sample. One rater was blind to the</p><p>PATSy case, participants and site at which data was collected, although</p><p> occasionally the nature of the discussion about the cases, particularly the</p><p> paediatric case, made it impossible to be blind to the case. A Kappa score of</p><p>0.888 was achieved, indicating satisfactory inter-rater reliability.</p><p>Results</p><p>Eight pairs of students were categorised as being diagnostically accurate (DA).</p><p>The remaining nine pairs did not produce a diagnosis that was viewed as accurate</p><p> for a novice clinician. The difficulties displayed by the diagnostically inaccurate</p><p> sub-group were: a failure to interpret test results and video observations, difficulty</p><p> in carrying out a sequence of tests consistent with a reasoning path, and problems</p><p> in recalling and using theoretical knowledge.</p><p>Table 1 displays the average number of statements per dyad for each type</p><p> produced by the DA and DI subgroups. The data reveal some disparities between</p><p> the groups: the DI group had more statements at the lower, more descriptive</p><p> levels, but had fewer statements at Level Six. </p><p>INSERT TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE 10</p><p>The same data are displayed in a column graph in Figure 1. Student use of Level</p><p>Three, Four and Five, statements, that is, superordinate statements using</p><p> professional terminology, statements postulating relationships between two</p><p> variables, and general diagnostic statements appeared with similar frequency in</p><p> the two subgroups. The DA group produced more Level Six statements where the</p><p> diagnosis was expressed in professional terminology of fine granularity. This</p><p> suggested that this cohort could link the patterns of behaviour observed in the</p><p> patient case to highly specific domain knowledge i.e., these students could bridge</p><p> the gap between theory and practice. </p><p>INSERT FIGURE ONE ABOUT HERE</p><p>The subset of students (dyads N=6) who diagnosed case DBL were compared to</p><p> the experienced therapist pair who evaluated the same case. The results are</p><p> presented in Table Two. </p><p>INSERT TABLE TWO ABOUT HERE</p><p>Table Two shows that the experienced therapists did not make Level Zero or Level</p><p>One statements. They make very few Level Two statements but a greater number</p><p> of Level Three statements, compared to either of the student groups. Experienced</p><p> therapists also made a higher proportion of firm diagnostic statements at Levels</p><p>Five and Six, compared to either of the student groups. Student results on case 11</p><p>DBL conform to the general pattern observed across all PATSy cases. Again, DA</p><p> students made fewer Level One and Two statements and more Level Six</p><p> statements. The profile of the DA students was more similar to that of experienced</p><p> clinicians than that of the DI group. </p><p>Further qualitative analyses of student performance revealed a number of themes</p><p> indicative of problems in diagnostic reasoning. For example, some students</p><p> displayed few well elaborated schemata of diagnoses, leading to difficulties in</p><p> making sense of data:</p><p>“She was making errors, wasn’t she, in producing words but I haven’t really found</p><p> any pattern yet”.</p><p>“ It’s hard to know what to look at isn’t it? What means something and what</p><p> doesn’t” </p><p>“I’m not entirely sure why they’re (client’s responses) not very appropriate”</p><p>The high numbers of Level One and Two statements in the DI group reflect</p><p> problems in this area: the patient’s behaviours are noted, but the students have</p><p> difficulty interpreting their significance or relationship. Some students showed</p><p> difficulty in carrying out a sequence of tests consistent with a reasoning path, for</p><p> example one dyad chose the following test sequence at the beginning of their</p><p> assessment of the paediatric case JS1: a handwriting sample, a non-word reading</p><p> test followed by a word reading test and then a questionnaire on the client’s social</p><p> and academic functioning. They started with marginally relevant and relatively fine</p><p> grained tests before going on to look at the questionnaire. In this case, the</p><p> questionnaire gave useful background information about broad areas of difficulty</p><p> for the client. Evaluating this evidence would have been more useful at the</p><p> beginning of their assessment as it allows the clinician to “reduce the problem</p><p> space” in which they are working and to focus their diagnostic effort on areas that 12</p><p> are more likely to be crucial to the understanding of the case. No hypotheses or</p><p> specific clinical reasons for these tests were given by the students, indicating that</p><p> they were not using the tests to attempt to confirm or disconfirm a hypothesis</p><p> about the case they were diagnosing. Their approach was descriptive, rather than</p><p> theory or hypothesis-driven.</p><p>Discussion The many studies of clinical reasoning in other related domains provide</p><p> evidence that there may be common patterns of development from novice to</p><p> expert that the speech and language therapy profession can learn from and</p><p> contribute to as researchers. Empirically and theoretically supported resources</p><p> could be developed, such as “intelligent tutors”, using hypermedia support to allow</p><p> novice speech and language therapy students to learn in a “virtual” situation, thus</p><p> allowing them to be better prepared when interacting with real patients. </p><p>The analysis of the data presented here has led to a number of ideas for</p><p> enhancing students’ clinical reasoning, which offer potential for use as formative</p><p> assessment tools for educators, but also as self-assessment tools for students. </p><p>For example, making students aware of the types of statement described in the</p><p> coding scheme presented here could provide a structure for self monitoring and</p><p> assessment, enabling students to evaluate and develop their own reasoning skills.</p><p>A student making Level Two statements could use the descriptors in the coding</p><p> scheme to develop those types of statements into Level Three statements, for</p><p> example, from “Scores worse when words are involved” (Level Two) to “Worse at</p><p> accessing semantic information from written form” (Level Three). 13</p><p>A hypothesis can be defined as a predicted causal relationship between two</p><p> factors, with an explicit or implicit “if…then” structure. Clarifying this interpretation</p><p> of a hypothesis and the type of testing behaviour that it could trigger might help</p><p> students to develop testable, pertinent hypotheses that should in turn, make the</p><p> assessment process more efficient and complete. For example, from “Could it be</p><p>Asperger’s?” to “If the patient had Asperger Syndrome, we would expect to see</p><p> evidence of relatively intact language and cognitive abilities but difficulty in</p><p> communicating, social relationships, and imagination.”</p><p>A resource currently under development consists of a Test Description</p><p>Language Graphical Tool, which is a computer-based interactive tree-diagram of</p><p> the cognitive sub-processes associated with language comprehension and</p><p> production. Currently a stand-alone programme, this could be presented on the</p><p> web within PATSy, either with the sub-processes for a particular test already</p><p> highlighted or students could highlight on the diagram the processes they believed</p><p> to be probed by a particular test. If this helped students to become more aware of</p><p> the content of a test then it could facilitate theory and hypothesis-driven reasoning</p><p> during the assessment process.</p><p>Students could be prompted to make superordinate clinical observations and a</p><p> tentative hypothesis early in an assessment session. After making a hypothesis,</p><p> students could be prompted about a suitable test either before they had made a</p><p> choice, or immediately afterwards if they chose an inappropriate test for their</p><p> hypothesis. For students using PATSy, these prompts could take the form of a</p><p> video showing two students discussing a relevant topic. After a series of tests,</p><p> students could be prompted to attempt a firm diagnostic statement. Again, within</p><p>PATSy, video clip examples of students doing this could be offered concurrently. 14</p><p>McAllister and Rose (2000) promote and describe curriculum interventions</p><p> designed to make the clinical reasoning process conscious and explicit, without</p><p> separating it from domain knowledge. They claim that this helps students to</p><p> integrate knowledge and reasoning skills. Whilst this is not a universally shared</p><p> opinion (e.g., Doyle, 1995, 2000), the results described here indicate that students</p><p> at all levels may benefit from explicit teaching of strategies to improve their clinical</p><p> reasoning and consolidate their domain knowledge.</p><p>References: </p><p>AROCHA, J. F. and PATEL, V. L., 1995, Novice diagnostic reasoning in medicine:</p><p>Accounting for clinical evidence. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4, 355-384.</p><p>BOSHUIZEN, H. P. A. and SCHMIDT, H. G., 2000, The development of clinical</p><p> reasoning expertise. In J. Higgs, and M. Jones, (eds), Clinical Reasoning in the</p><p>Health Professions (Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh), pp.15-22.</p><p>BOSHUIZEN, H. P. A. and SCHMIDT, H. G., 1992, On the role of biomedical</p><p> knowledge in clinical reasoning by experts, intermediates and novices. Cognitive</p><p>Science, 16, 153-184.</p><p>CHOLOWSKI, K. M. and CHAN, L. K. S. 2001, Prior knowledge in student and</p><p> experienced nurses' clinical problem solving. Australian Journal of Educational</p><p> and Developmental Psychology, 1, 10-21. 15</p><p>DOYLE, J. 1995, Issues in teaching clinical reasoning to students of speech and</p><p> hearing science. In J. Higgs, and M. Jones, (eds), Clinical Reasoning in the Health</p><p>Professions (Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh), pp. 224-234.</p><p>DOYLE, J. 2000, Teaching clinical reasoning to speech and hearing students. In J.</p><p>Higgs, and M. Jones, (eds), Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions</p><p>(Butterworth-Heinemann, Edinburgh), pp. 230-235.</p><p>ELSTEIN, A.S., SHULMAN, L.S and SPRAFKA, S.A. 1978, Medical Problem</p><p>Solving: An Analysis of Clinical Reasoning. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University</p><p>Press).</p><p>HMELO-SILVER, C., NAGARAJAN, A. and DAY, R. S. 2002, ‘‘It’s Harder than We</p><p>Thought It Would be”: A Comparative Case Study of Expert-Novice</p><p>Experimentation Strategies Science Education, 86, 219-243.</p><p>HOWARD, D. and PATTERSON, K. 1992, Pyramids and Palm Trees: a test of</p><p> semantic access from words and pictures. (Bury St Edmonds: Thames Valley Test</p><p>Company).</p><p>JOSEPH, G.-M. and PATEL, V. L. 1990, Domain knowledge and hypothesis</p><p> generation in diagnostic reasoning. Medical Decision Making, 10, 31-46.</p><p>KAHNEMAN, D., SLOVIC, P. and TVERSKY, A., 1982, Judgement under</p><p> uncertainty: Heuristics and biases, (New York: Cambridge University Press). 16</p><p>KLAHR, D., 2000, Exploring science The Cognition and development of Discovery</p><p>Processes, (Massachusetts: The MIT Press). </p><p>LUM, C. and COX, R. 1998, PATSy - A distributed multimedia assessment training</p><p> system International Journal of Communication Disorders, 33, 170-175.</p><p>MAVIS, B. E., LOVELL, K. L. and OGLE, K. S. 1998, Why Johnnie Can't Apply</p><p>Neuroscience: Testing Alternative Hypotheses Using Performance-Based</p><p>Assessment. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 3, 165-175.</p><p>MCALLISTER, L. and ROSE, M. (2000) In J. Higgs and M. Jones, (eds.) Clinical</p><p>Reasoning in the Health Professions, (Butterworth-Heinemann, Edinburgh), pp.</p><p>205-213. </p><p>O'NEILL, E. S., DLUHY, N. M. and CHIN, E. M. 2005, Modelling novice clinical</p><p> reasoning for a computerized decision support system. Journal of Advanced</p><p>Nursing, 49, 68-77.</p><p>PATEL, V.L., and GROEN, G.J. 1986, Knowledge based solution strategies in</p><p> medical reasoning. Cognitive Science, 10, 91-116.</p><p>PATEL, V.L., KAUFMAN, D.R. and MAGDER, S. 1991, Causal reasoning about</p><p> complex physiological concepts by medical students. International Journal of</p><p>Science Education, 13 (2), 171-185. 17</p><p>PATEL, V., GROEN, G. J. and PATEL, Y. C. 1997, Cognitive Aspects of Clinical</p><p>Performance During Patient Workup: The Role of Medical Expertise. Advances in</p><p>Health Sciences Education, 2, 95-114.</p><p>RIKERS, R. M. J. P., SCHMIDT, H. G. and BOSHUIZEN, H. P. A., 2000,</p><p>Knowledge Encapsulation and the Intermediate Effect. Contemporary Educational</p><p>Psychology, 25, 150-166.</p><p>RIKERS, R. M. J. P., LOYENS, S. M. M. and SCHMIDT, H. G. 2004, The role of</p><p> encapsulated knowledge in clinical case representations of medical students and</p><p> family doctors Medical Education, 38, 1035-1043.</p><p>SCHAUBLE, L. 1996, The Development of Scientific Reasoning in Knowledge-</p><p>Rich Contexts. Developmental Psychology, 32, 102-119.</p><p>SHANTEAU, J. 1992, How much information does an expert use? Is it relevant?</p><p>Acta Psychologica, 81, 75-86.</p><p>SLOUTSKY, V. M. and YARLAS, A. S. 2000, Problem Representation in Experts</p><p> and Novices: Part 2. Underlying Processing Mechanisms. In L. R. Gleitman and A.</p><p>K. Joshi, (eds) Twenty Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science</p><p>Society. (Mahwah: NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). 18</p><p>Appendix: Seven Level Coding Scheme</p><p>Level Zero: Other</p><p>This category includes statements that contain features that cross coding</p><p> categories and are recorded as ambiguous. In addition, it includes hypotheses that</p><p> cannot be tested with the data available on the PATSy system e.g. speculation</p><p> about the patient’s lifestyle or the patient’s state of mind on a particular day.</p><p>Level One: Reading of data </p><p>This category includes statements that consist of reading aloud data without</p><p> making any comment or additional interpretation.</p><p>Level Two: Making a concrete observation </p><p>This category includes statements about a single piece of data which do not use</p><p> any professional terminology (i.e. they could be made by a lay person with no</p><p> domain specific knowledge). Statements at this level do make some level of</p><p> comment on, or interpretation of the data, beyond simply reading it aloud. 19</p><p>Level Three: Making a superordinate level clinical observation </p><p>This category contains statements which extrapolate to a higher level concept.</p><p>Alternatively, statements at this level may compare information to a norm or other</p><p> test result, e.g. “11 months behind but that doesn’t strike me as particularly</p><p> significant”. There is evidence of the use of some professional register rather than</p><p> lay terms. These statements can be differentiated from higher level statements</p><p> because they are not phrased in diagnostic certainty language. Similarly, they are</p><p> not couched in hypothesis language, i.e. they could not trigger a specific search</p><p> strategy though assessments or observations. They may make statements from</p><p> the data including words such as “seems”, but do not predict from the data.</p><p>Level Four: True hypothesis</p><p>There are a number of characteristics of level four statements. The crucial element</p><p> is the expression of a causal relationship between two factors. This may be</p><p> expressed by an explicit or implicit “if….then” structure. Statements at this level</p><p> may be phrased as a question directed at the data e.g. “are these results saying</p><p> autism?” They may be couched as a predictive statement that might trigger a</p><p> search/test strategy, e.g. “he could be dyspraxic”. As these statements can</p><p> function as triggers to search and evaluate further data, hypotheses that can’t be</p><p> tested by the tests and data available on PATSy are not counted, nor are</p><p> hypotheses which are too vague to follow up. Speculations on, for example,</p><p> medical conditions, are not included as a hypothesis (such statements should be</p><p> included in category zero, “Other”). 20</p><p>Statements in this category include at least some professional register. However,</p><p> they are not phrased in the language of diagnostic certainty. Statements with tag</p><p> questions should be carefully evaluated, as they have a social function and are</p><p> therefore not in themselves used as part of the coding process. For example, the</p><p> question “I think it may be autism, don’t you?” would be coded at level four</p><p> because of the predictive language “I think it may be”, not the tag question.</p><p>Level Five: Diagnostic statement</p><p>Statements in this category are phrased in the language of diagnostic certainty.</p><p>They may contain strong linguistic markers of certainty, such as “definitely”</p><p>“certain” or a statement such as “he’s got”, “it is”. They do not contain any</p><p> indicators of uncertainty such as questions, predictive language, vocabulary such</p><p> as “if, maybe, possibly” or statements such as “I think X”, “I reckon Y”. Statements</p><p> in this category consist of those which include or exclude a superordinate</p><p> diagnostic category. The granularity of the statement is such that it allows broad</p><p> exclusion/inclusion of diagnostic categories, e.g. language vs. speech disorder.</p><p>Statements in this category are likely to be found in a letter to another professional</p><p> rather than a speech and language therapist</p><p>Level Six: Diagnostic certainty</p><p>Statements in this category are phrased in the language of diagnostic certainty.</p><p>They may contain strong linguistic markers of certainty, such as “definitely”</p><p>“certain” or a statement such as “he’s got”, “it is”. They do not contain any</p><p> indicators of uncertainty such as questions, predictive language, vocabulary such 21</p><p> as “if, maybe, possibly”. Statements in this category consist of those which include</p><p> or exclude a superordinate diagnostic category. They use predominantly</p><p> appropriate professional register. Statements with tag questions eliciting</p><p> agreement with diagnostic certainty should be included in this category e.g. “It’s</p><p> autism, isn’t it?” They are likely to be used in a report to a speech and language</p><p> therapist, i.e. they use specific professional terminology. Statements at this level</p><p> have a finer granularity of description than level five statements. 22</p><p>Diagnostic level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diagnostically 12.5 17.5 42.9 48.1 31.2 8.4 9.5 accurate students N=8 Diagnostically 12.9 26.1 61.2 50.9 33.4 6.9 1.7 inaccurate students N=9</p><p>Table 1. Average number of statements per dyad made at each level by diagnostically accurate and inaccurate students</p><p>Mean number of statements</p><p>70 60 s t n</p><p> e 50 m e t a t s</p><p>40</p><p> f Diagnostically accurate o</p><p> r Diagnostically inaccurate e b 30 m u n</p><p> n a</p><p> e 20 M 10 0 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Statement Level 23</p><p>Figure 1. Mean number of statements per dyad made by diagnostically accurate and diagnostically inaccurate sub-groups of students over one hour</p><p>Diagnostic statement level percentage of total Participants 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Expert Pair 0 0 5.26 60.52 13.15 7.89 13.15 DA pair C 4.16 0 12.5 41.66 20.83 12.5 8.33 DA pair F 8.33 0 4.16 54.16 12.5 4.16 16.66 DA Pair P 0 9.52 4.76 23.80 33.33 4.76 14.28 DI Pair E 3.70 7.40 7.40 37.03 40.74 0 3.70 DI Pair K 13.04 4.34 8.69 34.78 21.73 13.04 4.34 DI Pair M 6.45 29.03 25.80 25.80 12.90 0 0</p><p>Table 2. Numbers of statements at each level for experts, diagnostically accurate (DA) and diagnostically inaccurate (DI) pairs expressed as a percentage of the total for each pair for PATSy case DBL</p>
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