The Clinical Reasoning Skills of Speech and Language Therapy St
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Paper presented at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Conference "Realising the vision", University of Ulster, 10-12 May 2006
The Clinical Reasoning Skills of Speech and Language Therapy Students
Kirsty Hoben1, Rosemary Varley1, and Richard Cox2
1 Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, UK
Tel: 0114 2222454
Fax: 0114 2730547
Email: [email protected]
2 Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of
Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK
Key words: clinical reasoning, students, speech and language therapy 2
What is already known on this subject: Studies in medicine and related fields
have shown that students have difficulties with both knowledge and strategy in
clinical reasoning tasks. To date, there has been little research in this area in
speech and language therapy.
What this study adds: Speech and language therapy students show clinical
reasoning difficulties similar to those observed in medicine and other related
domains. They could benefit from explicit teaching of strategies to improve their
clinical reasoning and consolidate their domain knowledge. 3
Background Difficulties experienced by novices in clinical reasoning have been well
documented in many fields, especially medicine (Elstein et al., 1978; Patel and
Groen, 1986; Boshuizen and Schmidt, 1992, 2000; Rikers et al., 2004). These
studies have shown that novice clinicians have difficulties with both knowledge
and strategy in clinical reasoning tasks. Speech and language therapy students
must also learn to reason clinically, yet to date there is little evidence of how they
learn to do so.
Aims In this paper, we report the clinical reasoning difficulties of a group of speech and
language therapy students. We make a comparison with experienced speech and
language therapists’ reasoning and propose some methods and materials to aid
the development of clinical reasoning in speech and language therapy students.
Methods and procedures Student reasoning difficulties were analysed during assessment of unseen cases
on an electronic patient database, the Patient Assessment and Training System
(PATSy)1. Students were videoed as they completed a one hour assessment of
1 4
one of three “virtual patients”. One pair of experienced speech and language
therapists also completed an assessment of one of these cases under the same
conditions. Screen capture was used to record all on screen activity, along with an
electronic log of the tests and information accessed and comments entered by the
students and experienced therapists. These comments were analysed via a seven
level coding scheme that aimed to describe the events that occur in the process of
diagnostic reasoning.
Outcomes and Results Students displayed a range of competence in making an accurate diagnosis.
Diagnostically accurate students showed increased use of high level professional
register and a greater use of firm diagnostic statements. For the diagnostically
inaccurate students typical difficulties were a failure to interpret test results and
video observations, difficulty in carrying out a sequence of tests consistent with a
reasoning path, and problems in recalling and using theoretical knowledge.
Conclusions and Implications We discuss how identification of student reasoning difficulties can inform the
design of learning materials intended to address these difficulties.
Previous studies have revealed that novices display a number of difficulties in
assessing a problem. Much of this research has been in the domain of medicine
and common difficulties that have been revealed are a tendency to focus on
surface features of problems (Sloutsky and Yarlas, 2000), and an inflexible
application of knowledge and strategies to the diagnostic problem (Mavis et al., 5
1998). Novices are less likely than experts to be aware of confounding information
(e.g., that a language assessment may tap multiple aspects of communication),
and are more likely to be data driven than theory driven in their planning. They
also tend to begin tasks without clear goals (Klahr, 2000). Furthermore, novices
are less able to evaluate their progress or results from a task (Hmelo-Silver et al.,
2002), and have difficulty modifying or abandoning hypotheses in the face of
contradictory evidence (Arocha and Patel, 1995). They can have difficulty
distinguishing relevant information in a problem (Shanteau, 1992; Cholowski and
Chan, 2001), and may not have well elaborated schemata of diagnoses and
patterns of presenting problems (Patel et al., 1997, 2000; Boshuizen and Schmidt,
2000). Novices can be slow in decision making and hypothesis generation (O'Neill
et al., 2005; Joseph and Patel, 1990), and may harbour misconceptions or over-
simplifications of domain-specific concepts which consequently affect
interpretation of results (Patel et al., 1991; Schauble, 1996).
McAllister & Rose (2000) acknowledge the relative paucity of research into
the processes of clinical reasoning in speech and language therapy. However,
there are similarities in the global characteristics of diagnostic reasoning across
related professions such as medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and
nursing. It is likely, therefore, that speech and language therapy novices will
display similar reasoning difficulties to those observed in novices from other
clinical domains.
The current research examined speech and language therapy students’
developing clinical reasoning skills. Clinical reasoning involves both domain-
specific knowledge and reasoning (i.e., knowledge pertaining directly to speech
and language therapy) and domain-general reasoning (i.e., reasoning skills that
any person could be expected to have). The current research used an existing 6
database of speech and language therapy cases, the Patient Assessment and
Training System (PATSy) (Lum and Cox, 1998). The database consists of “virtual
patients”, and includes video clips, medical history, assessment results and links
to related publications. Students are able to “administer” tests to patients and keep
a log of their findings and conclusions.
Participants: The study recruited 34 masters level and undergraduate speech and
language therapy students (8/34 participants were masters level students) from
two UK universities via posters on notice boards and email. Undergraduate
students were in year three of their studies and masters level students were in
their second year of study. In addition, two experienced speech and language
therapists took part. University ethical approval was granted for the conduct of the
research and all usual ethical practices were observed.
Procedures: Students and experienced therapists worked in pairs (dyads pairings
were mostly self-selected). They were given one hour to undertake the diagnosis
of one of three pre-selected PATSy cases; DBL, RS, both acquired cases, or JS1,
a developmental case. The PATSy cases used for the study all exhibited a degree
of ambiguity in their clinical presentation i.e., their behavioural profile might be
consistent with a number of possible diagnoses of underlying impairment.
Participants were asked to produce a set of statements that described key
impairments shown by the case, and if possible, an overall diagnostic category.
The diagnostic process of the students was video-recorded and all participants
completed a learning log that is automatically generated and stored within PATSy. 7
A screen capture was also performed, allowing subsequent synchronised playback
of the video, audio and screen activity, using NITE tools2, developed at the
University of Edinburgh.
Prior to the coding of data, student pairs were independently categorised as
diagnostically accurate (DA) or inaccurate (DI) based on whether they reached a
diagnosis that was at an appropriate level for a novice/newly qualified speech and
language therapist. DA students were those that were able to report key
impairments displayed by the case (e.g., type and extent of lexical retrieval deficit).
Similarly, the tests selected by a pair were evaluated to determine if the dyad was
using tests that were relevant to the behavioural impairments shown by the case
and to the comments they had made in dialogue and their written log. In addition,
test choices were examined for relatedness and movement along a diagnostic
path. For example, a test sequence involving a switch from a picture semantics
task such as Pyramids and Palm Trees (Howard and Patterson, 1992) to non–
word repetition in the context of discussion of written word comprehension was
classed as an unrelated sequence. The performance of a subset of student pairs
was compared to that of experienced clinicians diagnosing the aphasic case DBL.
The statements made by participants in dialogue with their partner and in the
written log were coded for particular statement types that might occur in diagnostic
reasoning. The coding scheme contained seven categories. (See Appendix One
for definitions and examples of each category).
2 8
Level Zero: Other
This category included ambiguous statements and hypotheses that could not be
tested with the data available on the PATSy system.
Level One: Reading of data
This category included statements that consisted of reading aloud data without
making any comment or additional interpretation.
Level Two: Making a concrete observation
This category included statements about a single piece of data which did not use
any professional terminology
Level Three: Making a superordinate level clinical observation
This category contained descriptive statements which extrapolated to a higher
level concept,
Level Four: Hypothesis
This category included statements that expressed a predicted causal relationship
between two factors.
Level Five: General diagnostic statement
Statements in this category consisted of those which included or excluded a
superordinate diagnostic category and were of the type that might be used in a
report to another professional, rather than a speech and language therapist.
Level Six: Specific diagnostic statement
Statements in this category shared the characteristics of Level Five diagnostic
statements. However, statements at this level had a finer granularity of description
than Level Five statements and might be used in a report to another speech and
language therapist. 9
Intra-rater reliability was assessed on codings with a time interval of 4 months
between categorisations. A Kappa score of 0.970 was achieved, indicating highly
satisfactory intra-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability was established by two raters
independently coding 30% of the dialogue data sample. One rater was blind to the
PATSy case, participants and site at which data was collected, although
occasionally the nature of the discussion about the cases, particularly the
paediatric case, made it impossible to be blind to the case. A Kappa score of
0.888 was achieved, indicating satisfactory inter-rater reliability.
Eight pairs of students were categorised as being diagnostically accurate (DA).
The remaining nine pairs did not produce a diagnosis that was viewed as accurate
for a novice clinician. The difficulties displayed by the diagnostically inaccurate
sub-group were: a failure to interpret test results and video observations, difficulty
in carrying out a sequence of tests consistent with a reasoning path, and problems
in recalling and using theoretical knowledge.
Table 1 displays the average number of statements per dyad for each type
produced by the DA and DI subgroups. The data reveal some disparities between
the groups: the DI group had more statements at the lower, more descriptive
levels, but had fewer statements at Level Six.
The same data are displayed in a column graph in Figure 1. Student use of Level
Three, Four and Five, statements, that is, superordinate statements using
professional terminology, statements postulating relationships between two
variables, and general diagnostic statements appeared with similar frequency in
the two subgroups. The DA group produced more Level Six statements where the
diagnosis was expressed in professional terminology of fine granularity. This
suggested that this cohort could link the patterns of behaviour observed in the
patient case to highly specific domain knowledge i.e., these students could bridge
the gap between theory and practice.
The subset of students (dyads N=6) who diagnosed case DBL were compared to
the experienced therapist pair who evaluated the same case. The results are
presented in Table Two.
Table Two shows that the experienced therapists did not make Level Zero or Level
One statements. They make very few Level Two statements but a greater number
of Level Three statements, compared to either of the student groups. Experienced
therapists also made a higher proportion of firm diagnostic statements at Levels
Five and Six, compared to either of the student groups. Student results on case 11
DBL conform to the general pattern observed across all PATSy cases. Again, DA
students made fewer Level One and Two statements and more Level Six
statements. The profile of the DA students was more similar to that of experienced
clinicians than that of the DI group.
Further qualitative analyses of student performance revealed a number of themes
indicative of problems in diagnostic reasoning. For example, some students
displayed few well elaborated schemata of diagnoses, leading to difficulties in
making sense of data:
“She was making errors, wasn’t she, in producing words but I haven’t really found
any pattern yet”.
“ It’s hard to know what to look at isn’t it? What means something and what
“I’m not entirely sure why they’re (client’s responses) not very appropriate”
The high numbers of Level One and Two statements in the DI group reflect
problems in this area: the patient’s behaviours are noted, but the students have
difficulty interpreting their significance or relationship. Some students showed
difficulty in carrying out a sequence of tests consistent with a reasoning path, for
example one dyad chose the following test sequence at the beginning of their
assessment of the paediatric case JS1: a handwriting sample, a non-word reading
test followed by a word reading test and then a questionnaire on the client’s social
and academic functioning. They started with marginally relevant and relatively fine
grained tests before going on to look at the questionnaire. In this case, the
questionnaire gave useful background information about broad areas of difficulty
for the client. Evaluating this evidence would have been more useful at the
beginning of their assessment as it allows the clinician to “reduce the problem
space” in which they are working and to focus their diagnostic effort on areas that 12
are more likely to be crucial to the understanding of the case. No hypotheses or
specific clinical reasons for these tests were given by the students, indicating that
they were not using the tests to attempt to confirm or disconfirm a hypothesis
about the case they were diagnosing. Their approach was descriptive, rather than
theory or hypothesis-driven.
Discussion The many studies of clinical reasoning in other related domains provide
evidence that there may be common patterns of development from novice to
expert that the speech and language therapy profession can learn from and
contribute to as researchers. Empirically and theoretically supported resources
could be developed, such as “intelligent tutors”, using hypermedia support to allow
novice speech and language therapy students to learn in a “virtual” situation, thus
allowing them to be better prepared when interacting with real patients.
The analysis of the data presented here has led to a number of ideas for
enhancing students’ clinical reasoning, which offer potential for use as formative
assessment tools for educators, but also as self-assessment tools for students.
For example, making students aware of the types of statement described in the
coding scheme presented here could provide a structure for self monitoring and
assessment, enabling students to evaluate and develop their own reasoning skills.
A student making Level Two statements could use the descriptors in the coding
scheme to develop those types of statements into Level Three statements, for
example, from “Scores worse when words are involved” (Level Two) to “Worse at
accessing semantic information from written form” (Level Three). 13
A hypothesis can be defined as a predicted causal relationship between two
factors, with an explicit or implicit “if…then” structure. Clarifying this interpretation
of a hypothesis and the type of testing behaviour that it could trigger might help
students to develop testable, pertinent hypotheses that should in turn, make the
assessment process more efficient and complete. For example, from “Could it be
Asperger’s?” to “If the patient had Asperger Syndrome, we would expect to see
evidence of relatively intact language and cognitive abilities but difficulty in
communicating, social relationships, and imagination.”
A resource currently under development consists of a Test Description
Language Graphical Tool, which is a computer-based interactive tree-diagram of
the cognitive sub-processes associated with language comprehension and
production. Currently a stand-alone programme, this could be presented on the
web within PATSy, either with the sub-processes for a particular test already
highlighted or students could highlight on the diagram the processes they believed
to be probed by a particular test. If this helped students to become more aware of
the content of a test then it could facilitate theory and hypothesis-driven reasoning
during the assessment process.
Students could be prompted to make superordinate clinical observations and a
tentative hypothesis early in an assessment session. After making a hypothesis,
students could be prompted about a suitable test either before they had made a
choice, or immediately afterwards if they chose an inappropriate test for their
hypothesis. For students using PATSy, these prompts could take the form of a
video showing two students discussing a relevant topic. After a series of tests,
students could be prompted to attempt a firm diagnostic statement. Again, within
PATSy, video clip examples of students doing this could be offered concurrently. 14
McAllister and Rose (2000) promote and describe curriculum interventions
designed to make the clinical reasoning process conscious and explicit, without
separating it from domain knowledge. They claim that this helps students to
integrate knowledge and reasoning skills. Whilst this is not a universally shared
opinion (e.g., Doyle, 1995, 2000), the results described here indicate that students
at all levels may benefit from explicit teaching of strategies to improve their clinical
reasoning and consolidate their domain knowledge.
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Appendix: Seven Level Coding Scheme
Level Zero: Other
This category includes statements that contain features that cross coding
categories and are recorded as ambiguous. In addition, it includes hypotheses that
cannot be tested with the data available on the PATSy system e.g. speculation
about the patient’s lifestyle or the patient’s state of mind on a particular day.
Level One: Reading of data
This category includes statements that consist of reading aloud data without
making any comment or additional interpretation.
Level Two: Making a concrete observation
This category includes statements about a single piece of data which do not use
any professional terminology (i.e. they could be made by a lay person with no
domain specific knowledge). Statements at this level do make some level of
comment on, or interpretation of the data, beyond simply reading it aloud. 19
Level Three: Making a superordinate level clinical observation
This category contains statements which extrapolate to a higher level concept.
Alternatively, statements at this level may compare information to a norm or other
test result, e.g. “11 months behind but that doesn’t strike me as particularly
significant”. There is evidence of the use of some professional register rather than
lay terms. These statements can be differentiated from higher level statements
because they are not phrased in diagnostic certainty language. Similarly, they are
not couched in hypothesis language, i.e. they could not trigger a specific search
strategy though assessments or observations. They may make statements from
the data including words such as “seems”, but do not predict from the data.
Level Four: True hypothesis
There are a number of characteristics of level four statements. The crucial element
is the expression of a causal relationship between two factors. This may be
expressed by an explicit or implicit “if….then” structure. Statements at this level
may be phrased as a question directed at the data e.g. “are these results saying
autism?” They may be couched as a predictive statement that might trigger a
search/test strategy, e.g. “he could be dyspraxic”. As these statements can
function as triggers to search and evaluate further data, hypotheses that can’t be
tested by the tests and data available on PATSy are not counted, nor are
hypotheses which are too vague to follow up. Speculations on, for example,
medical conditions, are not included as a hypothesis (such statements should be
included in category zero, “Other”). 20
Statements in this category include at least some professional register. However,
they are not phrased in the language of diagnostic certainty. Statements with tag
questions should be carefully evaluated, as they have a social function and are
therefore not in themselves used as part of the coding process. For example, the
question “I think it may be autism, don’t you?” would be coded at level four
because of the predictive language “I think it may be”, not the tag question.
Level Five: Diagnostic statement
Statements in this category are phrased in the language of diagnostic certainty.
They may contain strong linguistic markers of certainty, such as “definitely”
“certain” or a statement such as “he’s got”, “it is”. They do not contain any
indicators of uncertainty such as questions, predictive language, vocabulary such
as “if, maybe, possibly” or statements such as “I think X”, “I reckon Y”. Statements
in this category consist of those which include or exclude a superordinate
diagnostic category. The granularity of the statement is such that it allows broad
exclusion/inclusion of diagnostic categories, e.g. language vs. speech disorder.
Statements in this category are likely to be found in a letter to another professional
rather than a speech and language therapist
Level Six: Diagnostic certainty
Statements in this category are phrased in the language of diagnostic certainty.
They may contain strong linguistic markers of certainty, such as “definitely”
“certain” or a statement such as “he’s got”, “it is”. They do not contain any
indicators of uncertainty such as questions, predictive language, vocabulary such 21
as “if, maybe, possibly”. Statements in this category consist of those which include
or exclude a superordinate diagnostic category. They use predominantly
appropriate professional register. Statements with tag questions eliciting
agreement with diagnostic certainty should be included in this category e.g. “It’s
autism, isn’t it?” They are likely to be used in a report to a speech and language
therapist, i.e. they use specific professional terminology. Statements at this level
have a finer granularity of description than level five statements. 22
Diagnostic level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diagnostically 12.5 17.5 42.9 48.1 31.2 8.4 9.5 accurate students N=8 Diagnostically 12.9 26.1 61.2 50.9 33.4 6.9 1.7 inaccurate students N=9
Table 1. Average number of statements per dyad made at each level by diagnostically accurate and inaccurate students
Mean number of statements
70 60 s t n
e 50 m e t a t s
f Diagnostically accurate o
r Diagnostically inaccurate e b 30 m u n
n a
e 20 M 10 0 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Statement Level 23
Figure 1. Mean number of statements per dyad made by diagnostically accurate and diagnostically inaccurate sub-groups of students over one hour
Diagnostic statement level percentage of total Participants 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Expert Pair 0 0 5.26 60.52 13.15 7.89 13.15 DA pair C 4.16 0 12.5 41.66 20.83 12.5 8.33 DA pair F 8.33 0 4.16 54.16 12.5 4.16 16.66 DA Pair P 0 9.52 4.76 23.80 33.33 4.76 14.28 DI Pair E 3.70 7.40 7.40 37.03 40.74 0 3.70 DI Pair K 13.04 4.34 8.69 34.78 21.73 13.04 4.34 DI Pair M 6.45 29.03 25.80 25.80 12.90 0 0
Table 2. Numbers of statements at each level for experts, diagnostically accurate (DA) and diagnostically inaccurate (DI) pairs expressed as a percentage of the total for each pair for PATSy case DBL