<iongrcssional Record United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 82dCONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America The message also announced that the [Mr. EASTLAND and Mr. STENNIS]' the SENATE House had disagreed to the amendments Senator from Delaware [Mr. FREAR], the of the Senate to the bill <H. R. 1612) to Senator from North Carolina [Mr. MONDAY, MAY 28, 1951 extend the authority of the President HoEYJ, and the Senator from Rhode (Legislative day of Thursday, May 17. to enter into trade agreements under Island [Mr. PASTORE] are absent on 1951) - section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as official business. amended, and for other purposes; agreed The Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, to the conference asked by the Senate on KERR] is absent because of a death in on the expiration of the recess. the disagreeing votes of the two Houses his family, Rev. F. Norman Van Brunt, associate thereon, and that Mr. DOUGHTON, Mr. The Senator from West Virginia [Mr. minister, Foundry Methodist Church, COOPER, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. MILLS, Mr. KILGORE] is absent on public business. Washington, D. C., offered the following REED of New York, Mr. JENKINS, and Mr. The Senator from Montana [Mr. MuR­ prayer: · SIMPSON of Pennsylvania were appointed RAYJ is absent by leave of the Senate managers on the part of the House at on official business, having been ap­ Eternal and Almighty God, from the the conference. · strident, impelling forces of strain and pointed a represenative of our Govern- · stress which bear down upon us in the ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED ment to attend the International Labor heat of day we come into the quiet sol­ The message further announced that Conference, to be held in Geneva, emnity of this moment of prayer. Let the Speaker had affixed his signature to Switzerland. beginning June 6. the hush of Thy spirit descend upon us the following enrolled bills, and they Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that and clear our vision of Thy purpose for were signed by the Vice President: the Senator from Vermont [Mr. AIKEN] us in these days when the choice is dust S. 108. An act to amend section 28 of the is absent by leave of the Senate. or destiny. Enabling Act for the State of Arizona relating The Senator from Utah [Mr. BEN­ Grant that we may never become blind to the terms of leases of State-owned lands; NETT], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. to the grim realities of our day and never and CARLSON], the Senator from Illinois divorce ourselves from these forces by H. R. 2952. An act to authorize the at­ [Mr. DIRKSEN], the Senator from Mon­ tendance of the United States Navy Band at tana [Mr. ECTON] , the Senator from thinking of Thee as only a haven of the final reunion of the United Confederate refuge or beacon of hope. Thou art that Veterans to be held in Norfolk, Va.. May 30 North Dakota [Mr. LANGER]. the Sen­ to us-but Thou art also a citadel of through June 2, 1951. ator from South Dakota [Mr. MUNDT] , courage. the Senator from Maine [Mrs. SMITHJ, COMMITTEE MEETING DURING SENATE and the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. From this sacred moment send us into SESSION the day renewed in spirit and ennobled WILEY] are absent on official business: of mind that ever we may be worthy of On request of Mr. MAYBANK, and by The Senator from Maine [Mr. BREW­ the trust that has been placed in us. unanimous consent, the Banking and STER], the Senator from Idaho [Mr. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Currency Committee was authorized to DwoRSHAKJ, the Senator from Vermont meet this afternoon during the session . [Mr. FLANDERS], the Senator from Mas­ THE JOURNAL -Of the Senate, in order to continue its sachusetts [Mr. LODGE], and the Senator On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and hearings on the defense production bill. from Pennsylvania [Mr. MARTIN] are .bY unanimous consent, the reading of CALL OF THE ROLL necessarily absent. the Journal of the proceedings of Thurs­ Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum day, May 24, 1951, was dispensed with. suggest the absence of a quorum. is present. MESSAGES FROM THE; PRESIDENT­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre• THE CENTRAL ARIZONA PROJECT APPROVAL OF BILL tary will call the roll. 1 Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I Messages in writing from the President The roll was called, and the following : move that the Senate proceed to the of the United States were communicated Senators answered to their names: consideration of Senate bill 75. to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his Anderson Hill Moody The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will Ben ton Holland Morse secretaries, and he announced that on Bricker Humphrey Neely be stated by title for the information of May 25, 1951, the President had ap­ Bridges Hunt Nixon the Senate. 'proved and signed the act <S. 1227) for Butler, Md. Ives O'Conor The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (S. 75) Butler, Nebr. Jenner O'Mahoney the relief of sundry former students of 1 Cain Johnson, Colo. Robertson authorizing the construCtion, operation, the Air Reserve omcers' Training Corps. · Capehart Johnson, Tex. Russell and maintenance of a dam and inci­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Case Johnston, S. C. Saltonstall dental works in the main stream of the Chavez Kefauver Schoeppel Colorado River at Bridge Canyon, to­ A message from the House of Repre .. Clements Kem Smathers Connally Knowland Smith, N. J. gether with certain appurtenant dams sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its Cordon Lehman Smith, N. c. and canals, and for other purposes. reading clerks, announced that the· Douglas Long Sparkm.an The VICE PRESIDENT. The . ques­ Bouse had passed the bill <S. 872) to Duff Magnuson Taft tion is on agreeing to the motion of the furnish emergency food aid to India, Ellender Malone Thy e Ferguson Maybank Tobey Senator from Arizona. with an amendment, in which it re­ Fulbright McCarran ·Underwood The motion was agreed. to; and the quested the concurrence of the Senate; George Senate proceeded to consider the bill. that the House insisted upon its amend .. Gillette ~~g~:~~~ \ ~:;:~~ Green McFarland Wherry TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS ment to the bill; asked a conference with Hayden McKellar Williams the Senate on the disagreeing votes of Hendrickson McMahon Young Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I the two Houses thereon, and that Mr. Hennings Millikin i ask unanimous consent that Senators be RICHARDS, Mr. CARNAHAN, Mr. RIBICOFF, Hickenlooper Monroney permitted to transact routine business, Mr. VORYS, and Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. I announce without debate. were appointed managers on the part of. that the Senator from Virginia [Mr/ The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ the House at the conference. BYRD], the Senat<:>r_s __ from MississippJ jection, it is so ordered. XCVII-369 5855 5856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 28 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. "Whereas the Federal Government and the gress to provide for a national cemetery in agencies and officials thereof have not acted the vicinity of Los Angeles; and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the' under the authority granted in Public Law "Whereas there are approximately 800,000 Senate the following letters, which were 849, and have not authorized the issue or veterans in the Los Angeles area and there is referred as indicated: sale to the California Defense and Security at present no national cemetery in this area ALBERT GOLDMAN Corps and/or the California National Guard to provide a last resting place for these vet­ A letter from the Acting Postmaster Gen• Reserve of any excess or obsolete property or erans; and eral, transmitting a draft of proposed legis­ equipment that may be in the control of "Whereas the only national cemeteries in lation for the relief of Albert Goldman, post· the Federal Armed Forces; and the· State of California are located at San master at New York, N. Y. (with accompany­ "Whereas until Federal assistance is avail­ Bruno, Calif., approximately 500 miles from lng papers); to the Committee on the able to the California Defense and Security Los Angeles, and at Fort Rosecrans in San Corps and/or the California National Guard Diego, Calif., approximately 100 miles from Judiciary. Reserve it cannot organize, train, or be em­ Los Angeles, and these two national ceme­ DoNATIONS BY NAVY DEPARTMENT TO NON .. ployed as an effective State internal secu­ t·eries are ·inadequate to supply interment P iWFIT INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS rity force: Now, therefore be it for the numerous deceased California vet­ A letter from the Secretary of the Navy,, "Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of erans; and reporting. pursuant to law. a list of insti­ the State of California (jointly). That the "Whereas the Los Angeles area with its tutions and organizations, all nonprofit and Legislature of the State of California re­ thousands of veterans is in dire need of a eligible, which have requested donations spectfully memorializes the Congress of the national cemetery: Now, therefore, be it from the Navy Department; to the Commit­ United States to again amend section 61 of "Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of tee on Armed Services. the National Defense Act to eliminate the the State of California (jointly), That the provisions thereof which authorize the Sec­ Congress of the United States be respectfully REFORESTATION AND REVEGETATION OF CERTAIN retary of the Army, in his discretion, to memorialized to take whatever action is nec­ FOREST AND RANGE LANDS furnish the assistance therein described and essary to provide for a national cemetery in A letter from the Assistant Secretary of to add thereto a provision directing and the vicinity of Los Angeles; and be it further the Interior.
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