4UTOMOB1LES Thirty-eight SEPT. 22, 1955 TORRANCE HERALD 112 AUTOMOBILES Truck*, etc. TrnckK, etc., ^ in Hvfminm.va m I AUTOMOBILES" 112 AUTOMOnn.ES 111 AUTOMOBILES 112 | AUTOMOBILES Truokn, ftf. TnioUn, etf, Trucks. fte. Tnlrki, et«. Truck*, etc. , Truck*, etc. 1954 Ford V-8 RONALD E. MORAN '/2-ton Pickup Deluxe cab 19 CARS TO CO Is Shooting For An Radio - Heater Red Finish Overdrive 650-16 Tires This Is The ALL TIME HIGH Deluxe Rear Bumper We Have the Cars and the Terms! PRIVATE PARTY LAST CHANCE 1953 MERCURY MONTEREY SPORT COUPE FA 8-7892 Radio, heater, Mercomatic, original 2-tone green finish, full vinyl interior. Immaculate inside and outl Sandy Neill To Buy That New $50 Down $91 Per Month Studebaker-Packard SALES SERVICE 1953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 2-DOOR SEDAN 530 W. 1955 Only 26,000 actual mllos, Near new condition thruout. 6th St. TE 2-1165 DE SOTO USED CAR LOT $50 Down $40 Per Month 505 S. Pacific Ave. Or New SAN PEDRO i95i OLDSMOBI'LE "98" CONVERTIBLE Tom Sold new and serviced by us. Radio, heater, hydramatic King and original blue finish. The sportiest modell Studebaker-Packard 1955 PLYMOUTH SALES-SERVICE $50 Down $65 Per Month 350 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. On Your Terms Redondo _ FR 9-8466 1951 BUICKIFECIAL 4-DOOR ItBJ rORD"c6iintry s/jiilrr. Radio, heater, Dynaflow and whitewalls A NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED . low mileage, 1 -owner car. See it now! "'SAN'PKDHO MOTORS. $50 Down---$45 Per Month 1 mriillonn In nerve vim 6th 4 (itffrv. TE 3-,186* 18th * raciflr, TE .1-130.1 SEE US TODAY »J BUY LOCALLY FOR LESS 1950 BUICK SEDANETTE Very sharp. Radio, heater, Dynaflow, 4 new tires. Priced low for immediate salel .. TErmlnul 6-1540. $50 Down $31 Per Month IMS DE SOTO WHITTLESEY MOTORS 1950 WILLYS JEEP STATION WAGON Oldest DE SOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALER In So. Bay Area Radio, heater and economical overdrive. Ideal fishing car. Excellent condition. A real buyl 194S CADILLAC LIMOUSINE, 1450. FAIrfix 8-88SO CHARLES OF TORRANCE 1600 Cabrillo Ave Torrance FA 8-6161 $50 Down $40 Per Month iNT C«r complete lor icrtp. B««rdl«i« of condlllnn. |15. FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE ON ALL CHRYSLER PRODUCTS DA J-7873 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE npnrt «-100«. 3513 Crlrkle- COMPLETE BODY & PAINT DEPARTMENT Radio heater and fluid drive. Original black finish. $50 Down $19 Per Month San Pedro CHET RODGERS MOTORS 1941 CADILLAC "62" 4-DOOR SEDAN New |et black finish, very good mechanically! HARBOR PONTIAC Out Sells 'Em Out Buys 'Em $25 Down $15 Per Month Out Trades 'Em These Cars May Be Purchased on the Above Terms SALE! SALE! 50 BEAUTIFUL NEW CAR TRADE-INS With Approved Credit. CASH |QQ EQUITY IN 1950 DODGE 1946 DODGE MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW! J99 DOWN °' 4-DOOR SEDAN 4-DOOR SEDAN ^ ^ YOUR CAR Coronet model. Exceptionally clean Heater, etc. Runs good. from bumper to bumper. Fine transportation! Puts You In A Fabulous $495 $195 RONALD E. MORAN OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC NEW 1955 PONTIAC 1952 DODGE 1950 CHEVROLET PANEL TRUCK BUSINESS COUPE 25 Pacific Coast Hiway 26 '870' New finish. Mechanically A-1. New paint. Mechanically 100%. Sedan Ready to go. A real money saver. HERMOSA BEACH FR 4-3436 * Hydra-Mafic * Full Flow Oil Filter $695 * Radio * Oil Bath Cleaner * Heater-Defroster * Directionals 1953 DODSE 1951 FORD V8 GROUCHO SAYS CLUB COUPE TUDOR SEDAN Radio heater and automatic Deluxe model. New paint. No Car So Big No Price So Low transmission. Plenty of power. Extremely sharp car. You Bet Your Life They're NO DEAL SO RIGHT $1195 $695 TOP VALUE USED CARS ALSO SEE THESE USED CAR SPECIALS 1.953 DODGE 1953 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON STATION WAGON SEE WHITTLESEY MOTORS FIRST '53 CADILLAC "62" '53 FORD VB '50 PONTIAC "8" Radio, heater and gas saving Very low mileage. Hurry. This CLUB COUPE . $2795 CONVERTIBLE . $1395 4-DOOR . $595 overdrive. Beautiful inside and out. popular model is priced low. A Incul low mllcnx". nils own- For The Finest of The Fine Cars tr ear. fully «i]Ulpp<"i with ' acl «tlc thin $1395 $1295 '55 DE SOTO Sportsman Hardtop. 2 to choose from. Both of these executive cars have radio, heater, automatic drive, '49 PONTIAC '51 OlDSMOBILE "88" "8" 1954 DODGE 1954 PLYMOUTH power steering, power brakes, white walls, 2-tone fin­ '51 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR . $895 CLUB COUPE .. $495 CLUB COUPE CLUB COUPE ish, etc. Original $4000 can. Carry a new car guarantee. 4-DOOR . $595 A beautiful 3-tnn« Joh lhafl Th> eleinrit '49 Pontlnc li Radio, heater, etc. Very low mileage. Extras include radio and hoater. u Juit on't llnd. hettt In A-l condition. Equipped PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan. Extremely low mileage executive (£ | ~7 Q r he«t«r. yr* ma °' " "' Like new In every detail. Ideal family car. '55 It to appreciate Iti true Ttlue car. Factory (quipped, Carries new car guarantee. Only $ I /YD $1495 $1395 $169 Down. HURRY! COME IN TODAY! DE SOTO Firedome V8 4-Door Sedan. Fully equipped, In­ See These and 50 More Beautiful Cars Tonight cluding radio, healer, automatic drive, power brakes and TO 2-tone finish. '53 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, (£ I / Q r HARBOR PONTIAC Chet Rodgers Motors automatic drive and full power. Beautiful 1-owner car. vj) I O 7 0 YOUR DEPENDABLE DESOTO Firedome V8 4-Door Sedan. Original throughout. IMS. Pacific Ave. SAN PEDRO TE 3-2484 DODUU DEALER (£ [AQrr 17th and Pacific SAN PEDRO TE 2-4561 Equipped with radio, heater, automatic drive, etc, A beauty. v])IU/0 CHEVROLET Styleline Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. Very low (£ QQr CHEVROLET 19SO Club Coupe. Very clean. Radio, hrater. By 1961 NA3H Btateinun 4 door mileage. Has radio, heater and Power Glide. Ideal family \P V 7 D Flrit clan dinrillton, JMi TRANSPORTATION SOUTH SHORE DAvenpnrt d-4388 DE SOTO 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, automatic drive and (£ CQC" 1949 MKRCIIHY, overdrive, r«. and SECOND CARS 1311 Cabrillo Ave. 2-tone finish. A top value 1 -owner car. v|) 0/0 FAIrfax~ 8-8367 dlo. heater. Very nice, 1496. E 8. Jarobien, 31131 South AT PRICES AND TERMS FA 8-6644 FA 8-6645 Rr<udw«ll. FAIrlax 8.331)6. DODGE 2-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, new paint, seat (£ A Q r "THE BIGGEST LOT IN TOWN" cover*, motor completely overhauled. Ideal transportation vj) i 7 0 1953 FORD Victoria. Black and 9M FORD '* ton pickup. Cu«- white top. New tire.. Sharp trm top I-ow milage, wm parly YOU CAN AFFORD TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS TVHnnc PI . Tnri'aiK.' 1 >Q DESOTOS. 3 to choose from. All body styles. AIL have fr 1949 MERCURY 4-DOOR......................................$399 i V radio, heater and automatic drive. As low as- IJTO REPAIRING 107 I AUTO REPAIRING Radio, heater and overdrive OUT THEY GO! \J) BUICK Convertible. New top, new paint and new PEN SUNDAYS DAILY TIL, I P M 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR..................................$l.?5 1949 FORD - Cusromized..............................$295 I T"0AQ seat ^ 30 TEARS DEPENDABLE SERVICE Nice transportation car Sea this sharpie nowl covers. Sharp inside and out. A fine buy. $ 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN....................................$295 1949 HUDSON Club Coupe.....................$l95 I AQ STUDEBAKER Champion 4-Door. Here's transportation de- A real nice one T"O (£ OCA Rebuilt Motors Good transportation carl luxe. Has redlo, heater and economical overdrive. \P ZOU 1948 DODGE 4-DOOR........................................$125 'A~7 Parts-Labor and Installation Hurry for this ona 1948 BUICK Sedan............ ..........................$195 T° / WIILYS JeeP Station Wagon. Radio, heater and overdrive, (h OCA Radio, healer and Dynaflowl A-) condition throughout. vj) jOU NO MONEY DOWN 30 OTHERS 1948 HUDSON Sedan....................................$ 75 $3 week most cars over 130 new parts Runs good. Nice and cleanl PLUS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Down Payments As Low As^s $40 LOAN CAR - 5000 MILE GUARANTEE MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM CHOOSE YOUR BETTER BUY TODAY! ED CAHH Ell ACTION AUTOMOTIVE SOUTH SHORE UTOMATIC TRANS., MOTORS OVERHAULED, TRANS., WALTER G. LINCH WHITTLESEY MOTORS CLUTCHES, BRAKES DODGE-PLYMOUTH- 32 YEARS 1311 Cabrillo Ave. Corner Market and La Brea 1504 CABRILLO AVE. TORRANCE. STILL GOING STRONG FA 8-6644 -~ FA 8-6645 FA 8-2585 467 S. Market St. 312 SOUTH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY "THE BIGGEST LOT IN TOWN" Oldest De-Soto-Plymouth Dealer in South Bay R. 8-7721 5ONDO Open 9 In 9 Every Day FR 2-2122.
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