Table of Contents s365

Table of Contents s365

<p> Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>FORD FOUNDATION</p><p>The Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service</p><p>Identifying Best Practices to Increase the Number of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Programs of Public Administration/Public Affairs/Public Policy</p><p>1 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>*Please click on any of the categories to view the entire listing</p><p>Workforce Diversity...... 2</p><p>Leadership for the Public Service...... 9</p><p>Race/Ethnicity and Politics...... 17</p><p>Women in the Public Sector...... 32</p><p>Issues in Affirmative Action Programs...... 35</p><p>Issues in Graduate Public Policy and Administration Education...... 40</p><p>Trends in Minority Involvement in Higher Education...... 42</p><p>2 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Workforce Diversity </p><p>Appleby, G. A., Colon, E., & Hamilton, J. (2001). Diversity, oppression, and social functioning:</p><p>Person-in-environment assessment and intervention. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. </p><p>Booth, N., Robson, C., & Welham, J. (2004). Tolley's managing a diverse workforce. Croydon:</p><p>UK. </p><p>Brief, A. P. (2008). Diversity at work. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press. </p><p>Cañas, K. A., & Sondak, H. (2008). Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity:</p><p>Theory, cases, and exercises. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. </p><p>Carr-Ruffino, N. (2005). Making diversity work. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. </p><p>Cartwright, R. (2002). Managing diversity. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. </p><p>Chemers, M. M., Oskamp, S., & Costanzo, M. (1995). Diversity in organizations: New </p><p> perspectives for a changing workplace (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.1 </p><p>Clements, P. E., & Jones, J. (2008). The diversity training handbook: A practical guide to</p><p> understanding & changing attitudes (3rd ed.). London; Philadelphia: Kogan Page. </p><p>Colgan, F., & Ledwith, S. (2002). Gender, diversity and trade unions: International</p><p> perspectives. New York: Routledge.2 </p><p>1 +New+perspectives+for+a+changing+workplace. 2 </p><p>3 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Cox, T. (2001). Creating the multicultural organization: A strategy for capturing the power of</p><p> diversity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. </p><p>Davidson, M., & Fielden, S. L. (2003). Individual diversity and psychology in organizations.</p><p>Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. de Anca, C., & Vázquez Vega, A. (2007). Managing diversity in the global organization:</p><p>Creating business values. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. </p><p>Douglas, C.A. (2003). Key events and lessons for managers in a diverse workforce. Greensboro,</p><p>NC: Center for Creative Leadership.</p><p>Estlund, C. (2003). Working together. New York: Oxford University Press.3 </p><p>Gandossy, R. P., Tucker, E., & Verma, N. (2006). Workforce wake-up call: Your workforce is</p><p> changing, are you? Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.4 </p><p>Gatrell, C., & Swan, E. (2008). Gender and diversity in management: A concise introduction.</p><p>Los Angeles; London: Sage. </p><p>Graen, G. B. (2003). Dealing with diversity. Greenwich, CT.: Information Age Publ.5 </p><p>Greer, C. R., Plunkett, W. R., & Plunkett, W. R. (2003). Supervision: Diversity and teams in the</p><p> workplace (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.,+diversity+and+trade+unions: +International+perspectives. 3 4 +Your+workforce+is+changing,+are+you%3F 5 </p><p>4 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J. (2009). Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases,</p><p> and exercises (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. </p><p>Henderson, G. (1994). Cultural diversity in the workplace: Issues and strategies. Westport, CT.: </p><p>Quorum Books. </p><p>Hubbard, E. E. (2004). The diversity scorecard. Amsterdam; Boston, MA: Elsevier</p><p>Science/Butterworth-Heinemann.6 </p><p>Jamieson, D., & O'Mara, J. (1991). Managing workforce 2000: Gaining the diversity advantage </p><p>(1st ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. </p><p>Kamin, M., Wildermuth, C. & Collins, R. (2003). Diversity programs that work. Alexandria,</p><p>VA: ASTD.7 </p><p>Kirton, G., & Greene, A. M. (2005). The dynamics of managing diversity: A critical approach</p><p>(2nd ed.). Oxford; Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.8 </p><p>Konrad, A. M. (2006). Cases in gender and diversity in organizations. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:</p><p>Sage Publications.9 </p><p>Konrad, A. M., Prasad, P., & Pringle, J. K. (2006). Handbook of workplace diversity. London;</p><p>Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. </p><p>6 7 8 9</p><p>5 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Laroche, L. & Rutherford, D. (2007). Recruiting, retaining, and promoting culturally different</p><p> employees. Amsterdam; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. </p><p>Lieberman, S., Simons, G. F. & Berardo, K. (2004). Putting diversity to work. Menlo Park, CA:</p><p>Crisp Learning. </p><p>Loden, M., & Rosener, J. B. (1991). Workforce America: Managing employee diversity as a </p><p> vital resource. Homewood, Ill.: Business One Irwin. </p><p>Miller, F. A., & Katz, J. H. (2002). The inclusion breakthrough: Unleashing the real power of</p><p> diversity. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.10 </p><p>Mor-Barak, M. E. (2005). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace.</p><p>Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.11 </p><p>Mulholland, G., Özbilgin, M., Worman, D. (2006). Managing diversity. London: Chartered</p><p>Institute of Personnel and Development. </p><p>Nelson, A. J. (1991). Emerging influentials in state legislatures: Women, blacks, and Hispanics.</p><p>New York: Praeger. </p><p>Nicotera, A. M., Clinkscales, M. J., & Walker, F. R. (2003). Understanding organizations</p><p> through culture and structure: Relational and other lessons from the African-American</p><p> organization. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.12</p><p>10 +Unleashing+the+real+power+of+diversity. 11 +Toward+a+globally+inclusive+workplace. 12 4IAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Understanding+organizations+through+culture+and+structure: +Relational+and+other+lessons+from+the+African-American+organization. </p><p>6 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Ostrom, E. (2005). Understanding institutional diversity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University</p><p>Press.13 </p><p>Page, S. E. (2007). The difference: How the power of diversity creates better groups, firms,</p><p> schools, and societies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.14 </p><p>Pollitt, D. (2006). Diversity in the workforce. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.15 </p><p>Powell, G. N. (2004). Managing a diverse workforce: Learning activities (2nd ed.). Thousand</p><p>Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.16 </p><p>Renshon, S. A. (2001). One America?: Political leadership, national identity, and the dilemmas</p><p> of diversity. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.17</p><p>Riccucci, N. (2002). Managing diversity in public sector workforces. Boulder, Colo.: Westview</p><p>Press.18 </p><p>Rice, M. F. (2005). Diversity and public administration: Theory, issues, and perspectives.</p><p>Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.19 </p><p>13 14 +How+the+power+of+diversity+creates+better+groups,+firms,+schools,+and+societies. 15 16 +Learning+activities 17,+national+identity, +and+the+dilemmas+of+diversity. 18 id=O9WoD6959oAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Managing+diversity+in+public+sector+workforces. 19,+issues, +and+perspectives. </p><p>7 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Rodriguez, R. (2008). Latino talent: Effective strategies to recruit, retain, and develop Hispanic</p><p> professionals. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.20 </p><p>Rung, M. C. (2002). Servants of the state: Managing diversity and democracy in the federal</p><p> workforce, 1933-1953. Athens: University of Georgia Press.21 </p><p>Segura, G. M., & Bowler, S. (2005). Diversity in democracy: Minority representation in the</p><p>United States. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press</p><p>Smith, B. & Bagshaw, M. (2004). Training for diversity. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publ. </p><p>Sonnenschein, W. (1999). The diversity toolkit. Lincolnwood, Chicago, Ill.: Contemporary</p><p>Books.22 </p><p>Stockdale, M. S., & Crosby, F. J. (2004). The psychology and management of workplace</p><p> diversity. Oxford, UK; Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.23 </p><p>Takaki, R. T. (2002). Debating diversity: Clashing perspectives on race and ethnicity in America</p><p>(3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. </p><p>Thiederman, S. B. (2003). Making diversity work: Seven steps for defeating bias in the</p><p> workplace. Chicago: Dearborn.24 </p><p>20, +retain,+and+develop+Hispanic+professionals. 21 +Managing+diversity+and+democracy+in+the+federal+workforce,+1933-1953. 22 23 id=6Pg0LsLSyFcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+psychology+and+management+of+workplace+diversity. 24 +Seven+steps+for+defeating+bias+in+the+workplace. </p><p>8 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Thomas, K. M. (2008). Diversity resistance in organizations. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum</p><p>Associates. </p><p>Wheeler, M. L., & Conference Board. (2001). The diversity executive: Tasks, competencies, and</p><p> strategies for effective leadership. New York: Conference Board. </p><p>Wrench, J. (2007). Diversity management and discrimination: Immigrants and ethnic minorities </p><p> in the EU. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.25 </p><p>Leadership for the Public Service</p><p>Abramson, M. A., PricewaterhouseCoopers Endowment for the Business of Government, &</p><p>Government Performance Coalition. (2001). Memos to the president: Management advice</p><p> from the nation's top public administrators. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.26 </p><p>Brudney, J. L., O'Toole, L. J., & Rainey, H. G. (2000). Advancing public management: New</p><p> developments in theory, methods, and practice. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University</p><p>Press.27 </p><p>Bryson, J. M. (1995). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to</p><p> strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (Rev ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-</p><p>Bass Publishers.28 </p><p>25 +Immigrants+and+ethnic+minorities+in+the+EU. 26 +Management+advice+from+the+nation%27s+top+public+administrators. 27 +New+developments+in+theory,+methods,+and+practice. 28 id=gJxu_4FVieMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Strategic+planning+for+public+and+nonprofit+organizations:</p><p>9 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Bryson, J. M., & Crosby, B. C. (2005). Leadership for the common good: Tackling public</p><p> problems in a shared-power world (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.29</p><p>Bunche, R. J., & Holloway, J. S. (2005). A brief and tentative analysis of Negro leadership. New</p><p>York: New York University Press.30 </p><p>Burns, J. M., & Overby, L. M. (1990). Cobblestone leadership: Majority rule, minority power.</p><p>Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press. </p><p>Carnevale, D. G. (1995). Trustworthy government: Leadership and management strategies for</p><p> building trust and high performance (1st ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. </p><p>Carver, J. (2006). Boards that make a difference: A new design for leadership in nonprofit and</p><p> public organizations. (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.31 </p><p>Collard, J., & Normore, A. H. (2009). Leadership and intercultural dynamics. Charlotte, N.C.:</p><p>Information Age Pub.32 </p><p>Connerley, M. L., & Pedersen, P. (2005). Leadership in a diverse and multicultural</p><p> environment: Developing awareness, knowledge, and skills. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage</p><p>Publications.33 </p><p>+A+guide+to+strengthening+and+sustaining+organizational+achievement 29 +Tackling+public+problems+in+a+shared-power+world 30 31 +A+new+design+for+leadership+in+nonprofit+and+public+organizations. 32 33 id=00TAyIPBHv4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Leadership+in+a+diverse+and+multicultural+environment: +Developing+awareness,+knowledge,+and+skills. </p><p>10 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Conti, J. G., & Stetson, B. (1993). Challenging the civil rights establishment: Profiles of a new</p><p> black vanguard. Westport, CT.: Praeger.34 </p><p>Cook, B. J. (2007). Democracy and administration: Woodrow Wilson’s ideas and the challenges</p><p> of public management. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.35 </p><p>Cooper, T. L., & Wright, N. D. (1992). Exemplary public administrators: Character and</p><p> leadership in government (1st ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. </p><p>Côté, A., & Public Policy Forum. (2007). Leadership in the public service of Canada. Ottawa,</p><p>ONT.: Public Policy Forum.</p><p>Cox, L. C. F. (1981). Lincoln and black freedom: A study in presidential leadership (1st ed.).</p><p>Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press.36 </p><p>Creary, S. J., & Conference Board. (2008). Leadership, governance, and accountability: A</p><p> pathway to a diverse and inclusive organization. New York, NY: Conference Board. </p><p>Dawson, M., Garvin-Kester, B., Vollmuth, J., Wåglund, M., Melbø, F., Semb, T., et al. (2001).</p><p>Public sector leadership for the 21st century. Paris: OECD.37 </p><p>Derr, C. B., Roussillon, S., & Bournois, F. (2002). Cross-cultural approaches to leadership</p><p> development. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.38 </p><p>34 +Profiles+of+a+new+black+vanguard. 35 +Woodrow+Wilson%E2%80%99s+ideas+and+the+challenges+of+public+management. 36 +A+study+in+presidential+leadership 37 38 </p><p>11 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Denhardt, R. B., & Denhardt, J. V. (2005). The dance of leadership: The art of leading in</p><p> business, government, and society. New York: M.E. Sharpe.39</p><p>Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Aristigueta, M. P. (2002). Managing human behavior in</p><p> public and nonprofit organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.40 </p><p>Denhardt, R. B., & Stewart, W. H. (1992). Executive leadership in the public service.</p><p>Tuscaloosa, AB: University of Alabama Press. </p><p>Gordon, J. U. (2000). Black leadership for social change. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press.41 </p><p>Hajnal, Z. (2007). Changing White attitudes toward Black political leadership. Cambridge</p><p>England; New York: Cambridge University Press.42 </p><p>Haskins, J., & Norton, E. H. (1999). Distinguished African-American political and governmental</p><p> leaders. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. </p><p>Johnson, B. (2005). Dubois on reform: Periodical-based leadership for African-Americans.</p><p>Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.43 </p><p>Jones, R. L. (2008). What's wrong with Obamamania?: Black America, black leadership, and</p><p> the death of political imagination. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.44 </p><p>39, +government,+and+society. 40 id=WE9OaJONP6AC&pg=PR14&dq=Managing+human+behavior+in+public+and+nonprofit+organizations. 41 42 id=KAE6fDNsfMoC&pg=PP1&dq=Changing+White+attitudes+toward+Black+political+leadership. 43 Americans. 44 +Black+America,+black+leadership,+and+the+death+of+political+imagination. </p><p>12 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Jreisat, J. E. (1997). Public organization management. Westport, CT.; London: Quorum. </p><p>Kakabadse, A., & Korac-Kakabadse, N. (1998). Leadership in government: Study of the</p><p>Australian public service. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate. </p><p>Kearns, K. P. (1996). Managing for accountability: Preserving the public trust in public and</p><p> nonprofit organizations (1st ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. </p><p>Keiser, R. A. (1997). Subordination or empowerment? : African-American leadership and the</p><p> struggle for urban political power. New York: Oxford University Press.45 </p><p>Klingner, D. E., & Nalbandian, J. (1998). Public personnel management: Contexts and</p><p> strategies (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. </p><p>Koch, R., Dixon, J., & SpringerLink. (2007). Public governance and leadership (1st ed.).</p><p>Wiesbaden, Germany: Duv.46 </p><p>Koehler, J. W., & Pankowski, J. (1997). Transformational leadership in government. Delray</p><p>Beach, FL: St. Lucie Press.47 </p><p>Lusane, C. (1994). African Americans at the crossroads: The restructuring of black leadership</p><p> and the 1992 elections. Boston, MA: South End Press.48 </p><p>45 American+leadership+and+the+struggle+for+urban+political+power. 46 47 48 +The+restructuring+of+black+leadership+and+the+1992+elections. </p><p>13 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Lynch, R. (1993). Lead!: How public and nonprofit managers can bring out the best in</p><p> themselves and their organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. </p><p>McKinney, J. B., & Howard, L. C. (1998). Public administration: Balancing power and</p><p> accountability (2nd ed.). Westport, CT.: Praeger.49 </p><p>Milner, E. M. & Joyce, P. (2005). Lessons in leadership. London: Routledge. </p><p>Morrison, A. M. (1992). The new leaders: Guidelines on leadership diversity in America. San</p><p>Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass. </p><p>Morrison, M. K. C. (1987). Black political mobilization: Leadership, power, and mass behavior.</p><p>Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.50 </p><p>Morse, R. S., & Buss, T. F. (2008). Innovations in public leadership development. Armonk, New</p><p>York: M.E. Sharpe. </p><p>Morse, R. S., Buss, T. F., & Kinghorn, C. M. (2007). Transforming public leadership for the</p><p>21st century. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. </p><p>Niemann, Y. F. et al. (2002). Chicana leadership. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.51 </p><p>Panzer, F. J. (2005; 2003). The influence of gender and ethnic diversity on team effectiveness.</p><p>Ann Arbor, Mich.: Umi. </p><p>49 50,+power, +and+mass+behavior 51 </p><p>14 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Phillips, D. T. (1999). Martin Luther King, Jr., on leadership: Inspiration & wisdom for</p><p> challenging times. New York: Warner Books. </p><p>Rigg, C., & Richards, S. (2006). Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in</p><p> public services. London; New York, NY: Routledge. </p><p>Shull, S. A. (1999). American civil rights policy from Truman to Clinton: The role of</p><p> presidential leadership. Armonk, NY; London: M.E. Sharpe.52 </p><p>Svara, J. H. (1994). Facilitative leadership in local government: Lessons from successful mayors</p><p> and chairpersons. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. </p><p>Terry, L. D. (1995). Leadership of public bureaucracies: The administrator as conservator.</p><p>Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.53 </p><p>United Nations. Division for Public Administration and Development Management. (2003).</p><p>Leadership and social transformation in the public sector: Moving from challenges to</p><p> solutions. New York: United Nations.54 </p><p>Volcker, P. A. (1990). Leadership for America: Rebuilding the public service. Lexington, MA: </p><p>Lexington Books. </p><p>52 id=PIHW9bz6Y9MC&printsec=frontcover&dq=American+civil+rights+policy+from+Truman+to+Clinton: +The+role+of+presidential+leadership. 53 +The+administrator+as+conservator. 54 id=b8NaVcZ4mOYC&pg=PP1&dq=Leadership+and+social+transformation+in+the+public+sector: +Moving+from+challenges+to+solutions. </p><p>15 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Vasu, M. L., Stewart, D. W., & Garson, G. D. (1998). Organizational behavior and public</p><p> management (3 ed., rev. and expanded). New York: Marcel Dekker.55 </p><p>Vinzant, J. C., & Crothers, L. (1998). Street-level leadership: Discretion and legitimacy in front-</p><p> line public service. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.56 </p><p>Wallace, M., Fertig, M. & Schneller, E. (2007). Managing change in the public services.</p><p>Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.57 </p><p>Wallis, J., Dollery, B., & McLoughlin, L. (2007). Reform and leadership in the public sector: A</p><p> political economy approach. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. </p><p>Williams, L. E. (1996). Servants of the people: The 1960s legacy of African American</p><p> leadership. New York: St. Martin's Press. </p><p>55 56 line+public+service. 57 </p><p>16 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Race/Ethnicity and Politics</p><p>Ali, O. H. (2008). In the balance of power: Independent black politics and third-party</p><p> movements in the United States. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.58 </p><p>Arrighi, B. A. (2007). Understanding inequality: The intersection of race, ethnicity, class, and </p><p> gender (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.59 </p><p>Bangura, Y., & Stavenhagen, R. (2005). Racism and public policy. Houndmills, Basingstoke,</p><p>UK; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. </p><p>Barnes, C. (2003). Native American power in the United States, 1783-1795. Madison NJ:</p><p>Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.60 </p><p>Behr, J. G. (2004). Race, ethnicity, and the politics of city redistricting: Minority-opportunity</p><p> districts and the election of Hispanics and blacks to city councils. Albany, NY: State</p><p>University of New York Press.61 </p><p>Benjamin, L. (2005). The black elite: Still facing the color line in the twenty-first century (2nd</p><p> ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.62 </p><p>58 +Independent+black+politics+and+third-party+movements+in+the+United+States. 59 +The+intersection+of+race,+ethnicity,+class,+and+gender 60 id=Fm0W64ew4TUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Native+American+power+in+the+United+States,+1783-1795. 61,+ethnicity,+and+the+politics+of+city+redistricting: +Minority-opportunity+districts+and+the+election+of+Hispanics+and+blacks+to+city+councils. 62 +Still+facing+the+color+line+in+the+twenty-first+century </p><p>17 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Birnbaum, J., & Taylor, C. (2000). Civil rights since 1787: A reader on the black struggle. New</p><p>York: New York University Press. </p><p>Blauner, B. (2001). Still the big news: Racial oppression in America (Rev. and expand, 2nd ed.).</p><p>Philadelphia: Temple University Press.63 </p><p>Brooks, J. (2002). Confounding the color line: The Indian-black experience in North America.</p><p>Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press.64 </p><p>Bruyneel, K. (2007). The third space of sovereignty: The postcolonial politics of U.S.-indigenous</p><p> relations. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.65 </p><p>Bullard, R. D. (2007). The black metropolis in the twenty-first century: Race, power, and politics</p><p> of place. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.66 </p><p>Burns, N., Schlozman, K. L., & Verba, S. (2001). The private roots of public action: Gender,</p><p> equality, and political participation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.67 </p><p>Carr, R. (2002). Black Nationalism in the new world: Reading the African-American and West</p><p>Indian experience. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.68 </p><p>63 64 black+experience+in+North+America. 65 +The+postcolonial+politics+of+U.S.-indigenous+relations. 66 first+century:+Race,+power,+and+politics+of+place. 67, +equality,+and+political+participation. 68 +Reading+the+African-American+and+West+Indian+experience. </p><p>18 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Chan, S., & Hsu, M. Y. (2008). Chinese Americans and the politics of race and culture.</p><p>Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. </p><p>Chang, G. H. (2001). Asian Americans and politics: Perspectives, experiences, prospects.</p><p>Washington, D.C.; Stanford, CA: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Stanford University</p><p>Press.69 </p><p>Chang, M. (2004). Racial politics in an era of transnational citizenship: The 1996 "Asian</p><p> donorgate" controversy in perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.70 </p><p>Cobb, D. M., & Fowler, L. (2007). Beyond red power: American Indian politics and activism</p><p> since 1900 (1st ed.). Santa Fe, NM: School for Advanced Research. </p><p>Colburn, D. R., & Adler, J. S. (2001). African-American mayors: Race, politics, and the</p><p>American city. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.71 </p><p>Cornwell, G. H., & Stoddard, E. W. (2001). Global multiculturalism: Comparative perspectives</p><p> on ethnicity, race, and nation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.72 </p><p>Craig, M. L. (2002). Ain't I a beauty queen? : Black women, beauty, and the politics of race.</p><p>Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.73 </p><p>69, +experiences,+prospects. 70 +The+1996+%22Asian+donorgate%22+controversy+in+perspective. 71,+politics, +and+the+American+city. 72 +Comparative+perspectives+on+ethnicity,+race,+and+nation. 73,+beauty, +and+the+politics+of+race. </p><p>19 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Dalmage, H. M. (2004). The politics of multiracialism: Challenging racial thinking. Albany,</p><p>New York: State University of New York Press. </p><p>Dávila, A. M. (2008). Latino spin: Public image and the whitewashing of race. New York: New</p><p>York University Press.74 </p><p>Dawson, M. C. (2001). Black visions: The roots of contemporary African-American political</p><p> ideologies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.75 </p><p>De Genova, N. (2006). Racial transformations: Latinos and Asians remaking the United States.</p><p>Durham, NC: Duke University Press.76 </p><p>Durham, M. (2007). White rage: The extreme right and American politics. London; New York:</p><p>Routledge.77 </p><p>Durr, M. (2002). The new politics of race: From DuBois to the 21st century. Westport, CT.:</p><p>Praeger.78 </p><p>Espino, R., Leal, D. L., & Meier, K. J. (2007). Latino politics: Identity, mobilization, and</p><p> representation. Charlottesville, VI: University of Virginia Press. </p><p>Espinosa, G. (2008). Religion, race, and the American presidency. Lanham, Md.: Rowman &</p><p>Littlefield Publishers. </p><p>74 +Public+image+and+the+whitewashing+of+race. 75 +The+roots+of+contemporary+African-American+political+ideologies. 76 +Latinos+and+Asians+remaking+the+United+States. 77 +The+extreme+right+and+American+politics. 78 +From+DuBois+to+the+21st+century. </p><p>20 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Fernando, S. I. (2006). Race and the city: Chinese Canadian and Chinese American political</p><p> mobilization. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. </p><p>Freund, D. M. (2007). Colored property: State policy and white racial politics in suburban</p><p>America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. </p><p>Gaines, K. K. (1996). Uplifting the race: Black leadership, politics, and culture in the twentieth</p><p> century. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. </p><p>García, J. A. (2003). Latino politics in America: Community, culture, and interests. Lanham,</p><p>MD: Rowman & Littlefield.79 </p><p>Garcia, F. C., & Sanchez, G. R. (2008). Hispanics and the U.S. political system: Moving into the</p><p> mainstream. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. </p><p>Gavanas, A. (2004). Fatherhood politics in the United States: Masculinity, sexuality, race and</p><p> marriage. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.80 </p><p>Gerstle, G. (2001). American crucible: Race and nation in the twentieth-century. Princeton, NJ:</p><p>Princeton University Press.81 </p><p>Gooding-Williams, R. (2006). Look, a Negro!: Philosophical essays on race, culture and</p><p> politics. New York: Routledge. </p><p>79,+culture, +and+interests. 80, +sexuality,+race+and+marriage. 81 +Race+and+nation+in+the+twentieth-century. </p><p>21 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Griffin, J. D., & Newman, B. (2008). Minority report: Evaluating political equality in America.</p><p>Chicago: University of Chicago Press.82 </p><p>Hardy-Fanta, C., & Gerson, J. (2002). Latino politics in Massachusetts: Struggles, strategies,</p><p> and prospects. New York: Routledge.83</p><p>Hattam, V. C. (2007). In the shadow of race: Jews, Latinos, and immigrant politics in the United</p><p>States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. </p><p>Henig, J. R., & Rich, W. C. (2004). Mayors in the middle: Politics, race, and mayoral control of</p><p> urban schools. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.84 </p><p>Hornsby, A. (2007). Zell, we hardly knew ye: Senator Zell Miller and the politics of region,</p><p> gender, class, and race, 2000-2005. Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books. </p><p>Horton, C. A. (2005). Race and the making of American liberalism. New York: Oxford</p><p>University Press.85 </p><p>Hunter, M. L. (2005). Race, gender, and the politics of skin tone. New York: Routledge. </p><p>Ifill, G. (2009). The breakthrough: Politics and race in the age of Obama (1st ed.). New York:</p><p>Doubleday. </p><p>82 +Evaluating+political+equality+in+America. 83,+strategies, +and+prospects. 84,+race, +and+mayoral+control+of+urban+schools. 85 </p><p>22 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Johnson, O. A. & Stanford, K. L. (2002). Black political organizations in the post-civil rights</p><p> era. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.86 </p><p>Justesen, B. R. (2008). Broken brotherhood: The rise and fall of the national Afro-American</p><p> council. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. </p><p>Karnig, A. K., & McClain, P. D. (1988). Urban minority administrators: Politics, policy, and </p><p> style. New York: Greenwood Press. </p><p>Karsten, M. F. (2006). Management, gender, and race in the 21st century. Lanham, MD:</p><p>University Press of America. </p><p>Kassanoff, J. A. (2004). Edith Wharton and the politics of race. Cambridge; New York:</p><p>Cambridge University Press.87 </p><p>Kelley, N. (2004). The head negro in charge syndrome: The dead end of black politics. New</p><p>York: Nation Books. </p><p>Kertzer, D. I., & Arel, D. (2002). Census and identity: The politics of race, ethnicity, and</p><p> language in national censuses. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press.88 </p><p>Kim, T. P. (2007). The racial logic of politics: Asian Americans and party competition.</p><p>Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.89 </p><p>86 87 88, +ethnicity,+and+language+in+national+censuses 89 +Asian+Americans+and+party+competition. </p><p>23 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Knowles, C., & Amit, V. (1996). Re-situating identities: The politics of race, ethnicity, and </p><p> culture. Peterborough, ONT: Broadview Press. </p><p>Lasch-Quinn, E. (2001). Race experts: How racial etiquette, sensitivity training, and new age</p><p> therapy hijacked the civil rights revolution. New York: Norton.90 </p><p>Lieberman, R. C. (2005). Shaping race policy: The United States in comparative perspective.</p><p>Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. </p><p>Lien, P. (2001). The making of Asian America through political participation. Philadelphia, PA:</p><p>Temple University Press.91 </p><p>Lowndes, J. E., Novkov, J., & Warren, D. T. (2008). Race and American political development.</p><p>New York: Routledge. </p><p>Marable, M. (2000). How capitalism underdeveloped black America: Problems in race, political</p><p> economy, and society. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.92 </p><p>Martin, W. E. (2005). No coward soldiers: Black cultural politics and postwar America.</p><p>Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.93 </p><p>Mayer, J. D. (2002). Running on race: Racial politics in presidential campaigns, 1960-2000.</p><p>New York: Random House. </p><p>90, +sensitivity+training,+and+new+age+therapy+hijacked+the+civil+rights+revolution. 91 id=AqV23hrYf5wC&pg=PP3&dq=The+making+of+Asian+America+through+political+participation. 92 +Problems+in+race,+political+economy,+and+society 93 +Black+cultural+politics+and+postwar+America. </p><p>24 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>McClain, P. D., & Stewart, J. (2002). "Can we all get along?”: Racial and ethnic minorities in</p><p>American politics (3rd ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. </p><p>McWhorter, J. H. (2005). Winning the race: Beyond the crisis in black America. New York:</p><p>Gotham Books. </p><p>Mendelberg, T. (2001). The race card: Campaign strategy, implicit messages, and the norm of</p><p> equality. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.94 </p><p>Miller, P. B., Steffen, T., & Schäfer-Wünsche, E. (2001). The civil rights movement revisited:</p><p>Critical perspectives on the struggle for racial equality in the United States. Hamburg;</p><p>Piscataway, NJ: Lit; Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers.95 </p><p>Mitchell, M. (2004). Righteous propagation: African Americans and the politics of racial</p><p> destiny after reconstruction. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.96 </p><p>Moore, N. M. (2000). Governing race. Westport, CT.: Praeger. </p><p>Morrison, M. K. C. (2003). African Americans and political participation: A reference</p><p> handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: Abc-Clio.97 </p><p>Nimtz, A. H. (2003). Marx, Tocqueville, and race in America: The "absolute democracy" or</p><p>"defiled republic". Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Group. </p><p>94, +implicit+messages,+and+the+norm+of+equality. 95 +Critical+perspectives+on+the+struggle+for+racial+equality+in+the+United+States. 96 +African+Americans+and+the+politics+of+racial+destiny+after+reconstruction. 97 +A+reference+handbook. </p><p>25 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Nobles, M. (2000). Shades of citizenship: Race and the census in modern politics Melissa</p><p>Nobles. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.98 </p><p>Ogbar, J. O. G. (2004). Black power: Radical politics and African American identity. Baltimore:</p><p>Johns Hopkins University Press.99 </p><p>Oswald, G. (2001). Race and ethnic relations in today's America. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. </p><p>Overton, S. (2006). Stealing democracy: The new politics of voter suppression (1st ed.). New</p><p>York: Norton. </p><p>Pacelle, R. L. (2003). Between law and politics: The solicitor general and the structuring of</p><p> race, gender, and reproductive rights litigation. College Station, Austin, TX: Texas A&M</p><p>University Press.100 </p><p>Pauley, G. E. (2001). The modern presidency & civil rights: Rhetoric on race from Roosevelt to</p><p>Nixon. College Station, Austin, TX: Texas A&M University Press.101 </p><p>Persons, G. A. (2003). Race and democracy in the Americas. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction</p><p>Publishers.102 </p><p>98 +Race+and+the+census+in+modern+politics+Melissa+Nobles. 99 +Radical+politics+and+African+American+identity. 100 +The+solicitor+general+and+the+structuring+of+race,+gender,+and+reproductive+rights+litigation. 101 +Rhetoric+on+race+from+Roosevelt+to+Nixon. 102 </p><p>26 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Persons, G. A. (2007). The expanding boundaries of black politics. New Brunswick, NJ:</p><p>Transaction Publishers.103 </p><p>Ratcliffe, P. (2001). The politics of social science research: 'race', ethnicity and social change. </p><p>New York: Palgrave.104 </p><p>Rich, W. C. (1996). The politics of minority coalitions: Race, ethnicity, and shared uncertainties.</p><p>Westport, CT; London: Praeger. </p><p>Salaita, S. G. (2006). Anti-Arab racism in the USA: Where it comes from and what it means for</p><p> politics today. London; Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press. </p><p>Schram, S., Soss, J., & Fording, R. C. (2003). Race and the politics of welfare reform. Ann</p><p>Arbor: University of Michigan Press.105 </p><p>Schultz, J. D. (2000). Encyclopedia of minorities in American politics. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx</p><p>Press.106 </p><p>Shulman, G. M. (2008). American prophecy: Race and redemption in American political culture.</p><p>Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.107 </p><p>Stokes, C., & Meléndez, T. (2003). Racial liberalism and the politics of urban America. East</p><p>Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press. </p><p>103 104 %27,+ethnicity+and+social+change. 105 +Edited+by+Sanford+F.+Schram,+Joe+Soss,+and+Richard+C.+Fording. 106 id=sfmPmrL0N3kC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Encyclopedia+of+minorities+in+American+politics. 107 +Race+and+redemption+in+American+political+culture. </p><p>27 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Streb, M. J. (2002). The new electoral politics of race. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.</p><p>Thernstrom, A. M., & Thernstrom, S. (2002). Beyond the color line: New perspectives on race</p><p> and ethnicity. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press. </p><p>Thompson, H. A. (2001). Whose Detroit?: Politics, labor, and race in a modern American city.</p><p>Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press.108 </p><p>Thompson, J. P. (2006). Double trouble: Black mayors, black communities, and the call for a</p><p> deep democracy. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.109 </p><p>Vickers, J. (2002). The politics of race: Canada, Australia and the United States. Kemptville,</p><p>ONT: Golden Dog Press. </p><p>Walsh, K. C. (2007). Talking about race: Community dialogues and the politics of difference.</p><p>Chicago: University of Chicago Press.110 </p><p>Walters, R. W. (2003). White nationalism, black interests: Conservative public policy and the</p><p> black community. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.111 </p><p>Walton, H., & Smith, R. C. (2006). American politics and the African American quest for</p><p> universal freedom (3rd ed.). New York: Pearson Longman. </p><p>108,+labor, +and+race+in+a+modern+American+city. 109, +black+communities,+and+the+call+for+a+deep+democracy. 110 +Community+dialogues+and+the+politics+of+difference. 111,+black+interests: +Conservative+public+policy+and+the+black+community. </p><p>28 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Ware, V., & Back, L. (2002). Out of whiteness: Color, politics, and culture. Chicago: University</p><p> of Chicago Press.112 </p><p>Welsh, J. F. (2008). After multiculturalism: The politics of race and the dialectics of liberty.</p><p>Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. </p><p>West, M. R. (2006). The education of Booker T. Washington: American democracy and the idea</p><p> of race relations. New York: Columbia University Press. </p><p>White, E. F. (2001). Dark Continent of our bodies: Black feminism and the politics of</p><p> respectability. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.113 </p><p>Wilkins, D. E. (2007). American Indian politics and the American political system (2nd ed.).</p><p>Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.114 </p><p>Winant, H. (2004). The new politics of race: Globalism, difference, justice. Minneapolis, MN:</p><p>University of Minnesota Press. </p><p>Yanow, D. (2003). Constructing "race" and "ethnicity" in America: Category-making in public </p><p> policy and administration. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.115 </p><p>112,+politics,+and+culture. 113 +Black+feminism+and+the+politics+of+respectability. 114 ILETpYUdgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=American+Indian+politics+and+the+American+political+system 115 %22+in+America:+Category-making+in+public+policy+and+administration. </p><p>29 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Women in the Public Sector</p><p>Carroll, S. J. (2001). The impact of women in public office. Bloomington: Indiana University</p><p>Press.116 </p><p>Centre for Research and Information on Canada. (2005). Women, public service, and politics.</p><p>Montréal, QC: Centre for Research and Information on Canada. </p><p>Clark, L. L. (2000). The rise of professional women in France: Gender and public</p><p> administration since 1830. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press.117 </p><p>Felbinger, C. L., & Haynes, W. A. (2004). Outstanding women in public administration:</p><p>Leaders, mentors, and pioneers. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.118 </p><p>Glover, J., & Kirton, G. (2006). Women, employment, and organizations. Abingdon, England;</p><p>New York: Routledge. </p><p>Guy, M. E. (1992). Women and men of the states: Public administrators at the state level.</p><p>Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. </p><p>Han, L. C., & Heldman, C. (2007). Rethinking madam president: Are we ready for a woman in</p><p> the white house? Boulder, CO.; London: Lynne Rienner. </p><p>116 117 +Gender+and+public+administration+since+1830. 118, +mentors,+and+pioneers. </p><p>30 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Kunin, M. (2008). Pearls, politics, & power: How women can win and lead. White River</p><p>Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Pub. </p><p>McDonagh, E. L. (2009). The motherless state: Women's political leadership and American</p><p> democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.119 </p><p>Parker, P. S. (2005). Race, gender, and leadership: Re-envisioning organizational leadership</p><p> from the perspectives of African American women executives. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence</p><p>Erlbaum.120 </p><p>Prindeville, D. (2004). On the streets and in the state house: American Indian and Hispanic</p><p> women and environmental policymaking in New Mexico. New York: Routledge.121 </p><p>Rhode, D. L. (2003). The difference "difference" makes: Women and leadership. Stanford, Calif.:</p><p>Stanford Law and Politics.122 </p><p>Riccucci, N. (1990). Women, minorities, and unions in the public sector. New York: Greenwood </p><p>Press. </p><p>Ruíz, V., & DuBois, E. C. (2008). Unequal sisters: An inclusive reader in U.S. women's history</p><p>(4th ed.). New York: Routledge.123 </p><p>119 %27s+political+leadership+and+American+democracy. 120,+gender,+and+leadership:+Re- envisioning+organizational+leadership+from+the+perspectives+of+African+American+women+executives. 121 +American+Indian+and+Hispanic+women+and+environmental+policymaking+in+New+Mexico. 122 +Women+and+leadership. 123 %27s+history </p><p>31 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Samuels, C. (1975). The forgotten five million: Women in public employment: A guide to</p><p> eliminating sex discrimination. New York: Women's Action Alliance. </p><p>Shetreet, S. (1998). Women in law. London; Boston, MA: Kluwer Law International.124 </p><p>Stivers, C. (2000). Bureau men, settlement women: Constructing public administration in the</p><p> progressive era. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. </p><p>Stivers, C. (2002). Gender images in public administration: Legitimacy and the administrative</p><p> state (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.125 </p><p>124 125 +Legitimacy+and+the+administrative+state </p><p>32 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Issues in Affirmative Action Programs</p><p>Anderson, T. H. (2004). The pursuit of fairness: A history of affirmative action. Oxford; New</p><p>York: Oxford University Press.126 </p><p>Babkina, A. M. (2004). Affirmative action: An annotated bibliography (2nd ed.). New York:</p><p>Nova Science Publishers.127 </p><p>Bacchi, C. L. (1996). The politics of affirmative action: 'Women,'equality and category politics</p><p>Sage. </p><p>Ball, H. (2000). The Bakke case: Race, education, and affirmative action. Lawrence, KN:</p><p>University Press of Kansas. </p><p>Bean, J. J. (2001). Big government and affirmative action: The scandalous history of the small</p><p> business administration. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.128 </p><p>Beckman, J. A. (2004). Affirmative action: An encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. </p><p>Boston, T. D. (2003). Affirmative action and black entrepreneurship. London: Taylor &</p><p>Francis.129 </p><p>126 +A+history+of+affirmative+action. 127 128 +The+scandalous+history+of+the+small+business+administration. 129 </p><p>33 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Cohen, C., Sterba, J. P. (2003). Affirmative action and racial preference. Oxford; New York:</p><p>Oxford University Press. </p><p>Fair, B. K. (1997). Notes of a racial caste baby: Color blindness and the end of affirmative</p><p> action. New York; London: New York University Press.130 </p><p>Farron, S. (2005). The affirmative action hoax: Diversity, the importance of character and other</p><p> lies. Seven Locks Press. </p><p>Fobanjong, J. (2001). Understanding the backlash against affirmative action. Huntington, N.Y.:</p><p>Nova Science Publishers.131 </p><p>Glazer, N. (1987). Affirmative discrimination: Ethnic inequality and public policy. Cambridge,</p><p>MA: Harvard University Press. </p><p>Graham, H. D. (2002). Collision course: The strange convergence of affirmative action and</p><p> immigration policy in America. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.132 </p><p>Katznelson, I. (2005). When affirmative action was white: An untold history of racial inequality</p><p> in twentieth-century America. New York: W.W. Norton.133 </p><p>Kellough, J. E. (2006). Understanding affirmative action: Politics, discrimination, and the</p><p> search for justice. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.134 </p><p>130 +Color+blindness+and+the+end+of+affirmative+action. 131 132 +The+strange+convergence+of+affirmative+action+and+immigration+policy+in+America. 133 +An+untold+history+of+racial+inequality+in+twentieth-century+America. 134, +discrimination,+and+the+search+for+justice. </p><p>34 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Kennedy-Dubourdieu, E. (2006). Race and inequality: World perspectives on affirmative action.</p><p>Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Pub. Co.135 </p><p>Lipson, H. D. (2006). Talking affirmative action: Race, opportunity, and everyday ideology. </p><p>Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.136 </p><p>Mosley, A. G., & Capaldi, N. (1996). Affirmative action: Social justice or unfair preference?</p><p>Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.137 </p><p>Orfield, G., Marín, P., & Horn, C. L. (2005). Higher education and the color line: College </p><p> access, racial equity, and social change. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Education Press. </p><p>Peterson, J. S. (2005). Affirmative action: Federal laws, regulations and legal history. New</p><p>York: Novinka Books. </p><p>Roberts, P. C., & Stratton, L. M. (1995). The new color line: How quotas and privilege destroy</p><p> democracy. Washington, D.C.; Lanham, MD: Regnery Pub.; distributed to the trade by</p><p>National Book Network. </p><p>Robinson, J. A. (2001). Affirmative action: A documentary history. Westport, CT: Greenwood</p><p>Press. </p><p>Rubio, P. F. (2001). A history of affirmative action, 1619-2000. Jackson, MS: University Press of</p><p>Mississippi.138 </p><p>135 +World+perspectives+on+affirmative+action. 136,+opportunity, +and+everyday+ideology. 137 138,+1619-2000. </p><p>35 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Salinas, M. F. (2003). The politics of stereotype: Psychology and affirmative action. Westport,</p><p>CT: Praeger.139 </p><p>Sowell, T. (2004). Affirmative action around the world: An empirical study. New Haven, CT; </p><p>London: Yale University Press.</p><p>Stohr, G. (2004). A black and white case: How affirmative action survived its greatest legal</p><p> challenge. Princeton, NJ: Bloomberg Press. 140 </p><p>Urofsky, M. I. (1997). Affirmative action on trial: Sex discrimination in Johnson v. Santa Clara.</p><p>Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. </p><p>Wise, T. J. (2005). Affirmative action: Racial preference in black and white. New York:</p><p>Routledge. </p><p>Yogev, A., & Tomlinson, S. (1989). Affirmative action and positive policies in the education of </p><p> ethnic minorities. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. </p><p>Yuill, K. L. (2006). Richard Nixon and the rise of affirmative action: The pursuit of racial</p><p> equality in an era of limits. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.141 </p><p>139 +Psychology+and+affirmative+action. 140 +How+affirmative+action+survived+its+greatest+legal+challenge. 141 +The+pursuit+of+racial+equality+in+an+era+of+limits. </p><p>36 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Issues in Graduate Public Policy and Administration Education</p><p>Bardach, E. (2005). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More</p><p>Effective Problem Solving, 2nd ed. CQ Press.</p><p>Bowman, J. S. & Menzel, D. C. (1998). Teaching ethics and values in public administration</p><p> programs. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.142 </p><p>Davies, M. R. (1998; 2000). Serving the state: Global public administration education and</p><p> training. Aldershot, UK; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate. </p><p>Dunn, W. (2008). Public policy analysis: an introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice </p><p>142 id=wA03wPFRzIMC&pg=PP1&dq=Teaching+ethics+and+values+in+public+administration+programs. </p><p>37 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Hall.</p><p>Geva-May, I. (2005). Thinking like a policy analyst: Policy analysis as a clinical profession.</p><p>New York; Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. </p><p>Huque, A. S., & Vyas, L. (2004). Public service in a globalized world: Central training</p><p> institutes in India and Hong Kong. Aldershot, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.143 </p><p>Nagel, S. S. (1999). Teaching public administration and public policy. Commack, N.Y.: Nova</p><p>Science Publishers. </p><p>Nagel, S. S. (2000). Training public administrators around the world. Westport, Ct.: Quorum</p><p>Books.144 </p><p>Starr, J. R., & United Nations. Public Administration Branch. (1966). Handbook of training in</p><p> the public service. New York: United Nations. </p><p>Stewart, W., Honey, J. C., & United States. Office of Education. (1966). University-sponsored</p><p> executive development programs in the public service. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Health,</p><p>Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. </p><p>Van Wart, M., Cayer, N. J., & Cook, S. (1993). Handbook of training and development for the</p><p> public sector: A comprehensive resource. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. </p><p>143 +Central+training+institutes+in+India+and+Hong+Kong. 144 id=hI8yf1vN9QAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Training+public+administrators+around+the+world. </p><p>38 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Wankel, C., & DeFillippi, B. (2006). New visions of graduate management education.</p><p>Greenwich, CT: IAP.145 </p><p>Weimer, D., & Vining, A. (2005). Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practice. (4th ed.). Upper</p><p>Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. </p><p>145 id=N16nD9X17ZEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=New+visions+of+graduate+management+education. </p><p>39 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Trends in Minority Involvement in Higher Education</p><p>American Association of State Colleges and Universities. (1988). Minorities in public higher </p><p> education: At a turning point. Washington, D.C.: AASCU Press. </p><p>Astin, A. W. (1982). Minorities in American higher education (1st ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-</p><p>Bass. </p><p>Banks, J. A. (2006). Race, culture, and education: The selected works of James A. Banks. </p><p>London; New York: Routledge. </p><p>Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. (2005). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives (5th</p><p> update ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. </p><p>Bronstein, P., & Quina, K. (2003). Teaching gender and multicultural awareness (1st ed.).</p><p>Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. </p><p>Brown-Glaude, W. R. (2008). Doing diversity in higher education: Faculty leaders share</p><p> challenges and strategies. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.146 </p><p>Clauss-Ehlers, C. S. (2006). Diversity training for classroom teaching: A manual for students</p><p> and educators. New York, NY: Springer.147 </p><p>146 +Faculty+leaders+share+challenges+and+strategies. 147 +A+manual+for+students+and+educators. </p><p>40 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Gasman, M., Baez, B., & Turner, C. S. V. (2008). Understanding minority-serving institutions. </p><p>Albany: State University of New York Press.148 </p><p>Grace, S., & Gravestock, P. (2009). Inclusion and diversity: Meeting the needs of all students.</p><p>New York; London: Routledge.149 </p><p>Hale, F. W. (2004). What makes racial diversity work in higher education: Academic leaders</p><p> present successful policies and strategies. Sterling, VA: Stylus Pub.150 </p><p>Jones, L. (2000). Brothers of the academy: Up and coming black scholars earning our way in</p><p> higher education. Sterling, VA.: Stylus Pub.151 </p><p>Jones, L., & West, C. (2002). Making it on broken promises: Leading African-American male</p><p> scholars confront the culture of higher education. Sterling, VA: Stylus.152 </p><p>Lupi, M. H., & Martin, S. M. (2005). Special women, special leaders: Special educators and the </p><p> challenge of leadership. New York: Peter Lang. </p><p>McCarthy, C. (2005). Race, identity, and representation in education (2nd ed.). New York, NY:</p><p>Routledge.153</p><p>148 149 +Meeting+the+needs+of+all+students. 150 id=YS8hx__Q7V8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=What+makes+racial+diversity+work+in+higher+education: +Academic+leaders+present+successful+policies+and+strategies. 151 +Up+and+coming+black+scholars+earning+our+way+in+higher+education. 152 +Leading+African-American+male+scholars+confront+the+culture+of+higher+education. 153,+identity, +and+representation+in+education </p><p>41 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Nahari, S. G., Lopez, E. C., & Esquivel, G. B. (2007). Multicultural handbook of school</p><p> psychology: An interdisciplinary perspective. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.154 </p><p>Ogbu, J. U. (1978). Minority education and caste: The American system in cross-cultural </p><p> perspective. New York: Academic Press. </p><p>Skutnabb-Kangas, T., & Cummins, J. (1988). Minority education: From shame to struggle. </p><p>Clevedon, Avon, UK; Philadelphia, PA: Multilingual Matters. </p><p>Smith, W. A., Altbach, P. G., & Lomotey, K. (2002). The racial crisis in American higher</p><p> education: Continuing challenges for the twenty-first century State University of New York</p><p>Press. </p><p>Swail, W. S., Redd, K. E., & Perna, L. W. (2003). Retaining minority students in higher</p><p> education: A framework for success. San Francisco: Wiley Subscription Services. </p><p>Tanaka, G. K. (2005). The intercultural campus: Transcending culture & power in American</p><p> higher education. New York: P. Lang. </p><p>Valverde, L. A. (2003). Leaders of color in higher education: Unrecognized triumphs in harsh</p><p> institutions. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.155 </p><p>154 +An+interdisciplinary+perspective.+\ 155 +Unrecognized+triumphs+in+harsh+institutions. </p><p>42 Reference List: Under-represented Populations</p><p>Verma, G. K., Bagley, C., & Jha, M. M. (2007). International perspectives on educational</p><p> diversity and inclusion: Studies from America, Europe and India. London; New York:</p><p>Routledge.156 </p><p>Witmer, J. T. (2006). Moving up!: A guidebook for women in educational administration (2nd</p><p> ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education. </p><p>Wolverton, M., Bower, B. L., & Hyle, A. E. (2009). Women at the top: What women university</p><p> and college presidents say about effective leadership (1st ed.). Sterling, VA: Stylus. </p><p>156 id=BQEHk20u5rMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=International+perspectives+on+educational+diversity+and+inclusion: +Studies+from+America,+Europe+and+India. </p><p>43</p>

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