1916 C] TODAY’S WEATHER Controversial Shotwell, Poly football team to High 68 musician releases new album face UC Davis Low 48 IN SPOTLIGHT, 8 IN GAME DAY, 3-6 Volume LXX, Number 21 Friday, October 6, 2006 www.niiistangdaily.net Engineers discuss power of the sun Nicole Small to speak after the film and answer bility,” said attendee Kelly Seiler. MUSIANt. DAIIY questions. The (?al Poly movie pre­ The fifth year electrical engineer­ miere event took place in the Fisher ing student spoke about how some­ Many great minds have studied it. Science building Oct. 4 as part of the thing as simple as a redesigned light -J It powers our cell phones and terror­ Institute of Electrical and Electmnics bulb, light emitting diodes (LED) that ;•***♦# ist cannot touch it. C!ive up? It’s the Engineers (IEEE) monthly meetings uses half the w.ittage of a regular light sunlight. series. Annind lOU people attended. bulb, helps the save energy. The movement is on to equip The .S6-minute documentary The element silicon has replaced cities with the ability to operate using covered early light theories and dis­ the old energy resource coal. their own generated electricity. cussed the latest in solar technology Perlin said that within the last 10 Professor David Braun invited John used in the United States and abroad. years silicon has seen a .50 to 40 per­ NICK CAMACHO Ml'SIANc. [MII V Perlin from the Universiry of Santa “1 always felt that solar power could cent increase in demand. John Perlin, a professor at UC Santa Barbara, co-produced his docu­ Barbara physics department and co­ help the environment if technologs’ “The beauty of silicon is that it’s mentary on solar power which was shown Wednesday night. producer of “The Power of the Sun,” improved enough to make it a possi- see Documentaiy, page 2 Nonprofits convene to Pay It Forward Liza Maiiion Ml SIAM. DAIIY “We aa‘ all born good to do gooil.” said C Catherine Hyde, director of the P.iy It Forward Foundation. Anyone who does not do this, she s.iys.“h.is unlearned it.” The P.iy It Forward Foundation, based in San Luis t)bispo C\nint>’. was established in 2( K K) ui inspire students to change the world, and give them opportunities to do so. : ¥ With the moa- than 20<» people in attendance Thursday at their first meeting for “The Economic Impact of Nonpaifit C?orporations in SLO txiunty,” Pay It Forwaal is ala*ady influencing the communify. NICK CAMACHO MUSTANo OAllY Thea* aa* moa* than 1,(MKI non- Calvary Baptist Church, located at 51 Foothill Blvd., fell victim to a felony vandalism early Wednesday morning. paifit organizations in San Luis Obispo C?ounty. A survey- done by the Nonpmfit Economic Impact Study C'ommittee found that a a-ported 1.6 million people aa* being helped by SLO church graffitied volunteers within the county. C')n •iverage. $1,400 is .ilkxated to each Sara Hamilton about 8 a.m. when he arrived at his office. Reis person. MUSTANC DAIIY said. Moa* than 20,000 volunteers have According to the press release, the case is con­ contributed almost one million hours The San Luis Obispo Police Department is sidered a hate crime because the vandalism was of their time. Thea* aa* almost 4,1 KM) investigating a felony vandalism, which included targeted at a place of worship and because of the employees, making a combined total gralTiti and broken lights, that occurred at the type of statements the vandals made. of $61.9 million in salaric*s. C?alvary Baptist C'.hurch early Wednesday morn­ Though authorities wouldn’t release the exact Nonpaifit organizations in San ing. wording of those statements, the church’s Web Luis Obispo County spent about A police department press release stated that site posted a brief announcement Wednesday $135 million in 2(K)5. “the vandalism was extensive and involved the regarding the vandalism; “Last night the church San Luis Obispo County spray painting of derogatory comments on a was spray painted with messages such as ‘You R Supervisor Jim Patterson, emphasized number of walls and buildings on the property. dumb...if your (sic) still going to church,’ ‘If U that the numbers aa* “an absolute The comments were anti-Christian in nature. think Christians R saved their (sic) not.They kill. minimum estimate.” since only 21 There were also negative statements about They go to Hell,’ ‘Christians have killed more peaent of the organizations answered President Bush.” than anyone else,’ and ‘U think U R better then the survey. “I can’t understand why people think we’ll ... (sic) other religions. They R all the same.’” “You a*ally do figua* out who stop believing what we believe,” C?al Poly instruc­ The church’s Web site also stated that a num­ needs to be served, and that’s pa*tty tor Kathi Reis said. “We’re not going to change ber of obscenities had been spray painted onto incredible,” said Betsey Nash, owner anything.” Reis, 50, has attended Calvary Baptist the church as well, but didn’t not list any because NICK CAMACHO MUSTANi; DAIIY of Nash HR Services. Church since 1983. “much of (the vandalism) is unfit to print.’ Anti-Christian and political comments Even with the staggering number Pastor Randall Shanks discovered the graffiti at see Church, page 2 w®*’® spray painted on church walls. see Nonprofits, page 2 News editor: Kristen M;irscliall • nìmtauyiiiaiì)nmi>s(ayimail.am M u s t a n g D aily Friday, October 6, 2006 www.imistanudaily.net = N e w s= MUSTANG DAILY option than having children Documentary breathe in kerosene fuels while contitinerl from pnyie I they try to do their homework. Ciraphic Arts Building, Suite 226 every wlierc.” t'ountries Japan and (¡ermany ( ialitornu I’o Ku v Iiiik Sute UimviMtx Start lip eoiiipaiiies dedicate all lead the w.iy in encouraging the Sail I Ills ( >liis}X), ( ‘1341 r tiieir resources to produee better use ol I’V. japan operates entire pliotovoltaies (I’V). Solar lells are factories and .ipartment buildings (S(b) 75()-1746 editoriid used 111 eoiijuiietion with I’V in ofl of solar pow er. (S( )3) 75()-1143 advertising Flach year there is a step forward (S( In) 73(>-t)7S4 fax order to produee electricity. in making solar power- more iiuistanm.inlyfi/ giiuil.e'oni e-mail C7il I’olv is one of the few GSU canipiises to experinient with I’V affordable, companies like Shell and Sharp are among the big I DITORS & STAH panels when it installed 1,(•<••• on editor in cliief Linily ILaiu er top of the [aigineering West huild- names investing in this venture. An idea a Mass,ichusetts compa­ iiianaging editor leiirnkT I lall ing. ny is e.xperimenting with is placing news editor Kristen Marsc lull Other local places in C'alifornia that are using I’V technology is solar cells on a texture similar to assistant news editor Raelielle Saimu ei PATRICK TRAUTFIELD MUSiANi; daiiy the Santa .Monica I’ier to power its photographic film so that develop­ San Luis Obispo County is home to more than 1,000 nonprofit sports editor Install Aird ers can coat or print the photo­ Ferris wheel and San Franciscos organizations and 20,000 volunteers. assistant sports editor 1 rank Stranzl .Moscone Clenter. where 3nd)()(l voltaic material on any item. The spotlight editor Katlirene l idiii I’V panels were installed that, s.iv- idea is to make clothing, handbags, assistant spotlight editor Jeniina Wilson ing the city S2(l<l,<)<MI a year. pretty much anything that has the “Cdianging lives and improving p h o to editor Slieila Sobeliik Both cities and rural areas can ability to turn into electricity’ capa­ Nonprofits lives” is the bottom line, not the design editor Moiiiea Yinunioto benefit from solar technology. ble of doing so. continued from page I dollar, said Jenifer Rhynes, assistant design editor jessiea The film highlighted an organi­ “What’s interesting is th,it elec­ of nonprofits in San Luis ( )bispo Executive Director of San Luis ( ireemvalt zation called Light Up the World, trical engineering, materials man­ Ciounty, Ckilifornia still has a low Obispo ('ounty’s Y.M.C7A. copy editor ('iiana Magnoli who provides solar-powered bat­ agement, control systems, design rate of volunteers, 27 percent, For further information, and to copy editor Angel l*aelieeo tery flashlights to families in circuits, those all across the board compared to the rest of the coun­ view the economic report online, try. visit www.iinitedwayslo.org . online editor Ryan ( 4iartraiul countries such as Nepal in order h.ive an opportunity in this indus­ ad director laigaYoting to give people a better life. Solar try," electrical engineering transfer powered equipment is a better Tim Gerrits said. ortice m anager Jenniter Veneina ad design director Jessiea seemed to have defaced the outside Church of the church, according to the tireenwalt continued from page 1 police department’s press release, ad designers Sliay Sweteeli, Russel Three hallw.iy lights were bro­ which stated; “it does not appear Sliinpo ken, which Reis speculates was the suspects entered the building." advertising representatives Aslilev BREAKING NEWS necessary to make the area dark No estimated damage costs are SingiT. Meyjui Kos.ika. Ikn I l.inild, UPDATED AT THE SPEED OE COLLEGE LITE enough for the vandals to pmceed available at this time. /bigniew ( iarlsien. 11/ t i.inno undetected as they spray painted I’olice are asking anyone w'ith ad layout manager Jenelle Howard wwWoimimsltaimgdlaiMyoiiiKgtt the main sanctuary and surround­ inkirination regarding the vandal­ classified ad manager Jenelle Howard ing buildings with green and gray ism to call Detective Russ Cìriflìth faculty adviser (ieorge Ramos paint.
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