ƑPROJECT INDICATOR 10 United Nations Development Programme Project title: “Towards the transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) of the Sixaola River Basin shared by Costa Rica and Panama”. PIMS ID: 6373 Country(ies): Implementing Partner (GEF Execution Modality: NGO Executing Entity): Implementation Costa Rica Organisation for Tropical Studies (OET) Contributing Outcome (UNDAF/CPD, RPD, GPD): Output 1.4.1 Solutions scaled up for sustainable management of natural resources, including sustainable commodities and green and inclusive value chains UNDP Social and Environmental Screening UNDP Gender Marker: 2 Category: High risk Atlas Award ID: 00118025 Atlas Project/Output ID: 00115066 UNDP-GEF PIMS ID number: 6373 GEF Project ID number: 10172 LPAC meeting date: Latest possible date to submit to GEF: 13 December 2020 Latest possible CEO endorsement date: 13 June 2021 Planned start dat 07/2021 Planned end date: 07/2025 Expected date of posting of Mid-Term Expected date of posting Terminal evaluation Review to ERC: 30 November 2022. report to ERC: 30 September 2024 Brief project description: This project seeks to create long-term conditions for an improved shared river basin governance, with timely information for the Integrated Water Resources Management in the Sixaola River Binational Basin between Costa Rica and Panama, and will contribute to reducing agrochemical pollution and the risks associated with periodic flooding in the basin. The project will allocate GEF resources strategically to (i) develop a participatory process to generate an integrated diagnosis on the current situation of the binational basin (i.e. 1 Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis - TDA) and a formal binding instrument adopted by both countries (i.e. Strategic Action Programme - SAP), (ii) implement three pilot projects to generate learning on key issues (sustainable agricultural practices, restoration of banks to reduce erosion, multistakeholder platform to reduce pollution in the river basin), (iii) build a binational early warning and monitoring system, with innovative approaches and citizen participation to strengthen the capacity of local communities and organizations to respond to flood risks on the banks of the basin, and (iv) generate IWRM-relevant information to all stakeholders. Without a coordinated multinational management framework, Panama and Costa Rica will continue to manage their resources and activities without considering global environmental benefits and/or adaptation benefits, leading to an increased loss of biodiversity and climate- related risks. In the longer term, the project will contribute to integrated soil and water management, such as by advancing the nexus approach in watersheds and drainage basins, contributing to reducing water pollution, reducing land-based sources of marine pollution and contributing to ecosystem-based adaptation of vulnerable human populations. The overall benefits will be demonstrated through (i) increased regional cooperation, (ii) enhanced protection of globally important biodiversity, (iii) reduction of transboundary and terrestrial pollution of marine ecosystems, and (iv) flood risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. • Financing Plan (only cash transferred to UNDPs bank account and included in the TBWP for this specific GEF project should be included under this section (1), all others should be included under section (2). GEF Trust Fund USD 4,386,210 (1) Total Budget administered by UNDP USD 4,386,210 Confirmed Co-Financing (all other co-financing that is not cash co-financing administered by UNDP) Comisión Nacional de Emergencia (CNE) de USD 5,000,000 Costa Rica; Costa Rica’s National Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Management Agency Instituto Nacional de Acueductos y USD 5,000,000 Alcantarillados (AyA) de Costa Rica / Costa Rica’s National Institute for Acueducts and Sewerage Municipalidad de Talamanca, Costa Rica / USD 1,000,000 Municipal Government, Talamanca Costa Rica Sistema National de Protección Civil USD 558,151.44 (SINAPROC)/ National Civil Protection System of Panama Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá, USD 1,295,440 (MiAmbiente) / Environmental Ministry, Panama 2 Municipal Government, Changuinola, USD 1,000,000 Panama (2) Total confirmed co-financing USD 13,853,591.44 (3) Grand-Total Project Financing (1)+(2) USD 18,239,801.44 SIGNATURES Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: within 25 days Government of GEF CEO endorsement Development Coordination Authority Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: within 25 days Implementing of GEF CEO endorsement Partner Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: within 25 days UNDP of GEF CEO endorsement Key GEF Project Cycle Milestones: - Project document signature: within 25 days of GEF CEO endorsement - First disbursement date: within 40 days of GEF CEO endorsement - Inception workshop date: within 60 days of GEF CEO endorsement - Operational closure: within 3 months of posting of TE to UNDP ERC - Financial closure: within 6 months of operational closure 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAUD National Sanitation Authority (Autoridad Nacional de Aseo, in Spanish) ABS Access and Benefit-sharing Agreements ACBTC Biological Corridor Association of Talamanca (Asociación Corredor Biológico Talamanca- Caribe in Spanish) ACODAAC Artisanal and Cultural Agricultural Development Conservation Association ACOMUITA Talamanca Indigenous Women's Commission Association ADITIBRI Indigenous Development Association of the Talamanca Bribri Territory ADITICA Indigenous Development Association of the Talamanca Cabecar Territory ADIKEKÖLDI Indigenous Development Association of Kéköldi ADITELIRE Indigenous Development Association of the Telire Territory AECID Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation ANTAI Panama’s National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information APPTA Association of Small Producers of Talamanca (Asociación de Pequeños Productores de Talamanca in Spanish) AYA Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarrillados) CBCRS Binational Commission for Sixaola River Basin (Comisión Binacional de Cuenca del río Sixaola) BMU Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety BMWP Biological Monitoring Working Party CABEI Central American Bank for Economic Integration CATIE Center for Tropical Agricultural Research and Teaching (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza in Spanish) CCAD Central American Commission for Environment and Development CIGEFI-UCR Centro de Investigaciones Geofisicas Universidad de Costa Rica CLME Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem CNE National Emergency Commission COCABO Artisanal Fishermen Union from Bocas del Toro(Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples y Cacao de Bocatoreño IN Spanish) COMCURE Commission for Planning and Management of the Reventazón River Basin CONAVI National Road Council CONCUTEM Comprehensive Management of the Tempisque River Basin COONAPIP National indigenous organization CORBANA National Banana Corporation DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EbA ecosystem-based adaptation ECADERT Cooperation Project to support the Central American Strategy for Rural Area-based Development 2010-2030 ECG-UNA Escuela de Ciencias Geograficas EIA environmental impact assessment ENCC Costa Rica's National Climate Change Strategy ENCCP Panama's National Climate Change Strategy ERDS Regional Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Binational Sixaola River Basin (Estrategia Regional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Cuenca Binacional del río Sixaola) 4 ETESA Electric transmission company (Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica en Panamá) EWS Early Warning Systems FONAFIFO National Fund for Forest Financing (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal) FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent GCP Green Commodities Program GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility (Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial) GEFTF Global Environment Facility Trust Fund GIZ German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH IBA Important Bird Area IMN National Meteorological Institute of Costa Rica (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, in Spanish) IPCC Indigenous Peoples Consultative Commission ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites IDAAN National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (Instituto de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Nacionales in Spanish IDB Inter-American Development Bank IDIAP Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias de Panamá IKI International Climate Initiative ILO International Labor Organization IMN National Meteorological Institute of Costa Rica NDC Intended Nationally Determined Contribution INDER Institute of Rural Development INEC National Statistics and Census Institute IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management JAPDEVA Administration and Economic Development Board of the Atlantic Coast KBA Key Biodiversity Area LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging o Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging MAG Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica (Ministerio de Agricultura de Costa Rica) MAREA USAID Regional Program for Aquatic Resources Management and Economic Alternatives MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MiAmbiente Ministry of Environment of Panama MIDA Ministry of Agricultural and Livestock Development of Panama (Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario de Panamá IN SPANISH) MINSA regional offices of the Ministry of Health MINAE Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (Ministerio de Ambiente
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