Friday, July 13, 2001 Ready for finals? Use the How’s George’s knee? Read TECHNIQUE finals schedule to plan your the feature on the starting “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” cramming and pass. quarterback to find out. ONLINE http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/technique COMICS page 12 SPORTS page 16 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 87, Issue 4 • 16 pages Opinions␣ 4 · Campus␣ Life␣ 7 · Entertainment␣ 9 · Comics␣ 12 · Sports␣ 16 Cyberbuzz unveils Independence Day Tech Tower new look, design Parking shortage The Cyberbuzz team re- cently finished up eight months of work with the un- expected for fall veiling of its revamped web site. The new site allows in- By Nasir Barday need repairs, and the contrac- dividual students to person- Senior News Staff tors and consultants who worked alize the Cyberbuzz site by to build the deck will propose creating customized accounts According to the Department plans for the deck’s repairs in and allows student groups to of Parking and Transportation, the middle of this month. schedule events on a public approximately 1,900 students The plans are expected to in- calendar. and faculty who applied for Fall clude the distribution of the costs campus parking spaces could not of the repairs over those involved be provided with permits be- in the deck’s construction as well Pearson named cause of a shortage in the num- as a projected schedule for the new HTS chair ber of spaces available. completion of the repairs. The Of the approximately 10,500 Georgia State Finance Commis- Last Tuesday, Dean Sue students and faculty who applied sion () will officially own the Rosser of the Ivan Allen Col- online for campus parking spac- deck until the repairs are com- lege named Willie Pearson, a es, only 8,600 received permits. pleted and Georgia Tech com- Professor of Sociology and The remaining 1,900 applicants pletes repayment of the bonds an adjunct Professor of Med- were placed on a waiting list that allocated for the funding of the icine at Wake Forest Univer- will be served as Parking deter- deck. The repayment of the bonds sity, the new chair of the mines usage patterns of each of has already begun in order to School of History, Technol- the lots. reduce the interest that accrues ogy, and Society. Pearson is a Part of the reason for the short- on the bonds. renowned scholar in the so- age is the delay of the opening of “There were 850 total spaces ciology of science and has re- the North Parking Deck on State in the North deck, of which 650 ceived national praise for his Street, which was slated to open would be permit spaces and 200 work. last spring. The opening was de- would be visitor spaces,” said layed when cracks were discov- Rod Weis, Director of Parking By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ered throughout the parking and Transportation. But the delay Carlson leaves for Students were treated to a show last week. Fireworks from the Fourth of July structure. According to Bob of the North deck’s opening was celebration at Centennial Park were visible from several campus locations. Harty, Executive Director of UT-Knoxville Communications, the deck will See Parking, page 3 Dan Carlson, Assistant Dean of Students and Direc- tor of Disability Programs, finishes his stay at Tech to- FASET adds separate GALA social to schedule day. After three years in his position, the Knoxville na- By Mary DeCamp winter with several ideas for pro- campus for GLBT students and that allies will be a part of the traditional tive heads home to his alma Senior News Staff grams and services to offer to fresh- if FASET wanted to help make all FASET SAC social. However, at least mater, the University of Ten- men that are GLBT. incoming students feel comfortable for its first year, the GLBT social will nessee. In response to a request by the “We believe that by providing a that this was a niche that we were be held in a separate location at Un- “I’m really going to miss Gay and Lesbian Alliance, members school-sponsored program, Georgia leaving out,” said Amy Stalzer, FASET der the Couch. the quality of students that I of the FASET cabinet and its direc- Tech would not only live up to it’s coordinator. “Everyone will know that both work with everyday,” said tor Amy Stalzer have added a new statements on human relations and FASET gets many proposals for socials exist and will have the oppor- Carlson. program to this year’s orientation diversity, but also would finally ac- new programs to add every year, but tunity to go to either one. We’re schedule for incoming students, the knowledge the existence of GLBT due to time constraints, few of them trying our best to de-stigmatize the first of which starts this Sunday. students and the needs of GLBT can be added to the schedule. This whole thing. My expectation is that Georgia cancels In addition to the many other freshmen, which include finding a particular proposal went to the FASET we’re going to be open about the activities that are part of FASET week- group or mentor who can guide an Cabinet, who worked to make it a GLBT social and protect students GLOW program end, there will now be a social for incoming student through life as a part of the weekend. who go to that session just as we The Georgia Department gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgen- member of the Tech community, Many of Tech’s peer institutions, would protect students who assert of Public Safety has cancelled der (GLBT) students and their al- while preventing the loneliness and including Stanford and M.I.T., al- any beliefs that others might not agree the Georgia License on lies. isolation possibly experienced by in- ready provide many programs simi- with,” Stalzer said. Wheels program, which was Mike Handelman and Stacie coming students,” said Handelman. lar to the GLBT social at orientation “This will be beneficial to the schedule to come to Tech on Jaynes, co-presidents of GALA ap- “I think that they felt that in gen- sessions. August 17. proached FASET advisors this past eral we don’t offer a lot of services on The social for GLBT students and See FASET, page 3 Student Center service programs move to Student Affairs By Jody Shaw a number of other service activities. is service. Our intention is to pro- ponents to existing courses and pos- office is, according to Meyers, still News Editor David Prophitt, Associate Program vide all undergraduates the oppor- sibly even creating some new cours- in the discussion phase. Director for Community Services, tunity to work on these components es. “The student leaders on the pro- In a recent administrative deci- acts as adviser to all of the pro- in and out of the classroom,” said “We want to connect students’ grams board who are currently in- sion, President G. Wayne Clough grams. Wilcox. experiences in community service volved in community service decided to transfer the community “I see any combination of lead- The idea, according to both Wil- and the classroom and enrich both,” activities will finish out their terms. service office, previously located in ership and service to be a great op- cox and McMath, is to build mod- said McMath. As part of that, they will be working the Student Center Programs Board portunity to build these programs. ules based on the six components Over the next months, Prophitt, with Student Affairs on issues relat- under the jurisdiction of Auxiliary I do not see a lot of differences as to into the curriculum and supplement McMath, and Wilcox will work on ed to community service,” said Mey- Services, to the Student Affairs di- where it’s housed,” said Prophitt. the in-classroom learning with out- ways to further integrate co-curric- ers. vision. Part of Clough’s motivation in of-the-classroom experiences that ular service activities with the aca- The administrative move should The community service compo- triggering the move is to allow build on that knowledge. demic curriculum, but in the be in place for the fall, but any phys- nent of the programs board consists Prophitt to work more closely with “Community service is and has immediate future, issues of reorga- ical move of the community service of the Mobilizing Opportunities for Vice President of Student Affairs been a strength for Georgia Tech; it nization structure must be dealt office will occur over a longer peri- Volunteer Experiences (MOVE) Lee Wilcox, who is overseeing Tech’s is very successful. There is already with—a task Clough charged to od of time. Office, three tutoring programs— leadership initiative along with Rob- some link between community ser- Rosalind Meyers, Vice President of “We are going to move some Partners in Education (PIE), Tech ert McMath, Vice Provost for Un- vice and the curriculum,” said Mc- Auxiliary Services, who currently things around and find a place for Enhancing Atlanta Community dergraduate Studies. Math. oversees the Student Center and its them in the Student Center where High schools (TEACH), and Tech- “The leadership initiative includes The leadership initiative will build programs board. The specific struc- wood Tutorial Project (TTP)—and six major components, of which one on the link by adding service com- ture of the new community service See Service, page 3 NEWS Technique • Friday, July 13, 2001 • 3 legal permits. “We look at occupancy from 10 Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! Parking from page 1 He also attributed the increase a.m.
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