Modification to the Second Infantry Division Memorial The Second Infantry Division Association Memorial Foundation CFA SUBMISSION - NOVEMBER 19, 2020 Second Indianhead Division Association Memorials Foundation Aves Thompson, Chair Architect Beyer Blinder Belle Landscape Architect Oehme, van Sweden | OvS Structural Engineer Silman Geotechnical Engineer Geo-Concepts Architectural Lighting MCLA Civil Engineer Gordon DC SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 2 CONTENTS Introduction 4 Project Report 5 Proposed Design 12 SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 3 Introduction and Description structure to the National Mall Historic District, Proposed Design listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Located within the open lawn at the southwest The proposed design option maintains the design corner of the Ellipse facing Constitution Ave The pink granite walls and platform of the integrity of the memorial by emphasizing the NW, the Second Division Memorial was originally memorial create three distinct zones. The three zones. However, the central part of the constructed in 1936 to honor those of the central zone is defined by the monumental platform is extended and distinguished by two Second Army Division who gave their lives in tripartite granite panels that frame the sword and stone plinths aligned with the point where the World War I. The memorial was designed by commemorate lives lost in World War I. The east wing walls meet the central tripartite panel. renowned sculptor James Earle Fraser and and west zones are defined by the granite wing This maintains the hierarchy of the memorial architect John Russell Pope and consists of walls that commemorate lives lost in World War composition, provides more surface area for a monumental tripartite granite wall with a II (on the west wall) and the Korean War (on the inscriptions, and meets the full purpose and need rectangular opening that frames the central focal east wall). The wing walls express a welcoming of the project by extending the platform of the element: the flaming sword, an eighteen-foot- gesture and are punctuated by end granite memorial, creating a welcoming space for visitors high gilded bronze sculpture of a hand grasping pedestals with flagpoles. and an enlarged space to accommodate public a flaming sword designed by Fraser. The hilt ceremonies. of the sword is decorated with the insignia of In summary, the carefully designed memorial the Second Division, which features a head of a establishes a hierarchy between the central panel Native American chief on a star. The memorial framing the sword and the complementary wing In addition, this design provides an opportunity is most directly accessed from the path at the walls and flag poles that define the east and west to ensure the memorial is accessible for all corner of 17th Street NW and Constitution Ave spaces. visitors. The proposed path is a curvilinear design NW. that maintains the language of other curvilinear paths in the surrounding area. The path will be The architectural granite panels feature wreaths Purpose and Need constructed using the same materiality found on carved in relief and engraved V-cut recessed The Memorial Modification Project seeks to existing walkways adjacent to the memorial site. inscriptions filled with gold leaf listing the battles modify the existing memorial design to allow fought by the Second Division. The memorial is for future inscriptions that honor the courage elevated on a granite platform three steps above and sacrifice of the Second Division in military The selected design scheme would affect the grade. The tripartite wall is further distinguished campaigns since the Korean War. Currently, no existing planting beds in front of the memorial. by a stepped base and molded cornice above. panels are available for such inscriptions. The The 1975 NPS Landscape Development Plan for intention is to provide panels for the recognition the memorial calls for floral displays to be placed An addition to the memorial by architects Otto of three known military campaigns with the around the base of the monument, which may be Eggers and Daniel Higgins was completed in opportunity to accommodate inscriptions for recreated following the memorial modification. 1962. Eggers and Higgins designed two similarly future campaigns. There is also a need for an inscribed granite wing walls on either side of the expanded platform that can accommodate public central panel to honor the men of the Second ceremonies and encourage visitors to walk up Division who died in World War II and the Korean onto the memorial to view the inscriptions. War. Four design options are proposed that allow for additional inscriptions to be carved at two new The memorial is architecturally and historically plinth stones standing on the platform of the significant as a commemorative memorial memorial. designed by sculptor James Earle Fraser and architect John Russell Pope and is a contributing SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 4 Project Report Description of Agency/Mission: The NPS Historic Preservation and Natural Resources: is the applicant submitting the proposed The NPS will adhere to the National THE ELLIPSE project on behalf of the Second Indianhead Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Section Division Association Memorial Foundation. 106 of the National Historic Preservation The Association is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) Act (Section 106). The NPS is currently organization. developing design concepts and is determining the appropriate level of NEPA compliance. Description of Project Area: The Project Area The project will likely fall under a categorical surrounds the Second Infantry Division Memorial, exclusion for NEPA. Both the NEPA and Section located within the open lawn at the southwest 106 planning processes are anticipated to be corner of the Ellipse facing Constitution Ave NW. completed by spring 2020. The NPS initiated The area extends from the landscaping behind consultation with the DC SHPO on August the memorial to the sidewalk along Constitution 28, 2019. The NPS will hold a Section 106 Ave NW, representing the maximum extent of consulting parties meeting on October 15, 2019. area potentially effected by the modification The Second Division Memorial is listed as a project and accessible path options. contributing object in the National Mall Historic District nomination. Schedule: Completion Fall 2021 Flooding: The proposed project will not address Project Construction Cost Estimate: the Second Division Memorial’s resiliency to $1,100,000 flood impacts. The modification is to the existing memorial. Public Engagement: Public outreach occurred through the NEPA and Section 106 processes, as Stormwater Management: According on well as opportunities to raise issues or concerns the 2020 DOEE Stormwater Management at NCPC or the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. Guidebook, a major land-disturbing activity CONSTITUTION AVE Coordination with the local community, including triggers stormwater management. A major land- the relevant ANC and District agencies, occurred disturbing activity is one that disturbs 5,000 through the Section 106 consultation process. square feet or greater of land area and either or both: a) Any portion of the pre-project land Coordination with Federal, State, and Local cover is natural; and or b) 2,500sf or greater of Jurisdictions: The concept of the project was the post-project land cover is impervious or BMP approved by CFA and NCPC, and it undertook a area. Section 106 consultation. There is no pre-project natural land cover on this Second Infantry Division Memorial project N and the anticipated additional post-project PROJECT AREA impervious area will be less than 2,500 square feet, therefore the project will not trigger stormwater management requirements. SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 5 EXISTING CONDITIONS SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 6 SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 7 PROPOSED DESIGN - CURVILINEAR APPROACH Photo of current topographic conditions at the memorial. Land is fairly flat and would not require extensive landscape grading to accomplish an access route. SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 8 MEMORIAL CHRONOLOGY - ORIGINAL ELEVATION AND PLAN ORIGINAL MEMORIAL, 1936 SOUTH ELEVATION - NTS PLAN VIEW - NTS SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 9 MEMORIAL CHRONOLOGY - ADDITION TO ELEVATION AND PLAN MEMORIAL ADDITION, 1962 SOUTH ELEVATION - NTS PLAN VIEW - NTS SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 10 EXISTING MEMORIAL - PERSPECTIVE SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 11 PROPOSED DESIGN SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 12 PROPOSED DESIGN - EXPANSION CHRONOLOGY ORIGINAL MEMORIAL CURRENT MEMORIAL ADDITION PROPOSED EXPANSION SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 13 PROPOSED DESIGN - ELEVATION AND PLAN 29’-2” 12’-2” 23’-6 1/4” 14’-5” 8” 4’-10 3/4” 3’-3” 3’-3” 3’-11” SOUTH ELEVATION - NTS 70’-0” 5’-8 3/4” 2’-9” 14’-2” 20’-8” 10’-6 1/2” 5’-8 3/4” 6’ 4’-10 3/4” 7’-9” PLAN VIEW - NTS 29’-2 3/4 ” SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION MEMORIAL MODIFICATION 19 November 2020 Page 14 PROPOSED DESIGN - PLINTH ELEVATIONS CONCEPT 4’ - 10-3/4” 7’-9” 4’ - 10-3/4” 5” 8-3/4” TO OUR DEAD 2” TO OUR DEAD 6-1/2” TO OUR DEAD 2” 1950 2” KOREA 5-1/2” OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 2” 6-1/2” DEFENSE AND SECURITY 3’-3” 3’-3” 3’-3” 3-1/2” 1954 2” IRAQ 2003-2010 2” DEMILITARIZED ZONE / COLD WAR 6-1/2” 2” 1965–1991 1’-3 1/4” 6-1/2” EXISTING INSCRIPTION PHOTO 1 AEAST - EAST PLINTH PLINTH WEST WEST FACE FACE PROPOSED PROPOSED INSCRIPTION INSCRIPTION 2021 2021 7’-9” TO OUR DEAD OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM IRAQ 2003–2011 3’-3” EXISTING INSCRIPTION PHOTO 2 BWEST - WEST PLINTH PLINTH EAST EAST FACE FACE PROPOSED PROPOSED INSCRIPTION INSCRIPTION 2021 2021 All proposed inscriptions to match the font, size, and spacing depicted in Photo 2.
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