Published Bi-Weekly for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska • Volume 42, Number 25, Saturday, December 20, 2014 Whirling Thunder Hoops It Up Bago Bits… Tis the Season…to cut down trees at Edu- care? I don’t know about that, shameful. The Whirling Thunder Wellness Program sponsors a number of elementary & middle school boys & girls teams in basketball leagues in nearby Sioux City, Iowa. Here is the 4th grade boys team playing at Hayworth Hoops on the eastside, with Coach Randy DeCora. The boys & girls get some good physical conditioning and get some game time experience. Indianz.com… Defense bill approves transfer of military site to Ho-Chunk Nation The Diabetes Program Staff close up the 24 hour Awareness Walk. nition Plant since 1997. The Bureau of “It is not often that native nations Indian Affairsbalked at the transfer but have their ancestral lands returned. the bill overrides those concerns. This land transfer signifi es a great ef- “This has been almost two decades of fort between many parties and many effort to reclaim that particular piece of years of work and could not have been property,” President Jon Greendeer told achieved without the work from Senator The Wisconsin State Journal. Baldwin and her offi ce,” Susan Waukon, a tribal council member, said in a press Monday, December 8, 2014 The transfer is found in Section 3078 release. An aerial view of the Badger Army of the 1,648-page package. It requires Get the Story: Ammunition Plant in Wisconsin. Photo the BIA to place 1,553 acres in trust for Ho-Chunk to finally get 1,500 by Tom Thomas, Badger History Group the tribe and it declares that the land "shall be a part of the reservation of the acres at closed Badger plant (The Wisconsin State Journal 12/7) The controversial National Defense Au- Ho-Chunk Nation." The tribe credited Sen. Tammy Ho-Chunk to receive ammo plant thorization Act includes a transfer of land (The Baraboo News Republic surplus military land to the Ho-Chunk Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) for inserting the language into the bill. It passed 12/8) Nation of Wisconsin. For this and more stories from around the House last week and is expected to The tribe has been trying to acquire Indian Country visit us at www.indianz. pass the Senate this week. land at the former Badger Army Ammu- com Well, if you can’t win at the WinnaVegas Casino, you can win at the Pony with these gas prices. Visit us at www.winnebagotribe.com Page 2 — Winnebago Indian News, Saturday, December 20, 2014 I Was Thinking Thoughts from Facebook… by Lance Morgan either. I didn’t choose to like or comment on any of the latest drama on Facebook, but I was just as guilty as everyone else of reading the latest rant. I started to question all the negativ- ity and how I got caught up in reading about it and even being a victim of it. But something positive happened to me and I thought I would use Facebook for some good. I snapped a picture of the Ho-Chunk, The Tribe has been going crazy on Inc. board meeting and decided to post it. Facebook the last few weeks. Lots of I am not an emotional business person, drama and social media seems to be a but the picture choked me up a bit. The big way to play it out. People say things picture was taken in the corporate board- on Facebook they would never say in real room on the 8th fl oor of the Ho-Chunk life to a person. It is like when a person Centre and shows nothing but Natives drinks too much sometimes they get sitting and working around a giant table. brave and start talking smack. Social media makes you brave. When you mix Our fi rst board meeting 20 years ago actual alcohol with the “bravery” of social was on a small plastic table in a small media then you really have a recipe for room at the tribal building. I said on something you will regret the next day. Facebook that the big building and big ta- I was recently subjected to one of ble are nice, but what is really impressive the craziest and meanest rants I have is that the room was 100 percent fi lled ever experienced or even seen happen with Native professionals and most of to anyone else. I was shocked by the them were Native women too. No posing. nature of it and the vehemence of the Just Native’s doing their corporate job. whole episode. I couldn’t imagine let- ting someone talk to me who wasn’t my The meanest posts regarding the lat- mother like that in real life. But on social est drama got around 100 likes or com- media somehow it is acceptable behavior ments, but that one picture showing and people actually enjoy reading it. Native professionals doing their thing I like Facebook. I have over 1,000 to create opportunity for the Tribe got “close friends.” I put up funny pictures over 300. In the end, it felt good shar- or videos of me or my kids. I like to ing that picture and what it stands for post interesting articles. I get local gos- on social media and obviously a lot of sip from there and like to make slightly people agreed. We are a positive and sarcastic/funny comments to other progressive people and social media has people’s posts. a role, but we need to be careful that it doesn’t change who we are at our core. But I watched and read like everyone I think we should have a simple rule: If else in our community, things “blowing you won’t say it to their face, then don’t up” on facebook. That is the phrase I type it on Facebook, especially if you have Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year believe to use when an issue is liked or been drinking! commented on a lot. I don’t like being From the Winnebago Indian News “blown up” and I doubt anyone else does Contact me at [email protected] The next issue of the WINNEBAGO INDIAN NEWS will be published on January 3, 2015. DEADLINE for this issue will be December 29, 2014. The Mission of the WIN is to inform and to ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The reproduc- Yearly Subscription Rates educate the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska tion of editorial or photography content Nebraska Residents ....................$12.50 Winnebago Tribal Council of issues that affect them, and to be a without permission is prohibited. Out-Of-State ................................$15.00 vehicle in which stresses positive and CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send Overseas .....................................$35.00 John Blackhawk......................Chairman —————————————————— benefi cial concerns and points of view. change of address with old mailing label to: Darwin Snyder ................Vice-Chairman Postmaster Send Address Changes To LETTER POLICY: Signed editorials, let- Winnebago Indian News Advertising Rate Louis Houghton, Jr. ................ Secretary Per Column Inch ............................$7.00 Winnebago Indian News ters and articles appearing in the WIN P.O. Box 687 Thomas E. 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Member Jerome LaPointe, Sr. ....................Editor bi-weekly for the Winnebago Tribe of be signed and addressed. Letters may be “Offi cial Newspaper of V.J. Wolfl eader...............Offi ce Manager Nebraska. edited for language and length. the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska” Winnebago Indian News, Saturday, December 20, 2014 — Page 3 In My Opinion MY LITTLE REFLECTION JESUS OUR SAVIOR Pastor Ricky Jacob Right now we are enjoying mild ‘I was asking God to give me a pair of LUTHERAN OUTREACH weather. I do not know what we did to shoes,’ was the boy’s reply. deserve it, but it is a free gift and we want The lady took him by the hand, went “You are the Reason for the Season” Mighty One has done great things for to enjoy it and be grateful. into the store, and asked the clerk to get All of us have heard that Jesus is the me—holy is his name.’ [Luke 1:46-47 The other evening, we had our all- half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She reason for the season. This re-focusing is NIV] Mary’s song, sometimes called the school Christmas program at St. Augus- then asked if he could give her a basin of necessary due to the effective marketing Magnifi cat, reminds us that it is God tine’s Mission School. It was an exciting water and a towel. He quickly brought campaigns where one is caught up in the who does the actions. Mary is on the day for all the students. During the them to her. spirit of buying and receiving gifts. Re- receiving end of God’s blessings. Each She took the little fellow to the back day, they were anticipating the evening’s cently I saw a little boy on facebook lying and every believer around the world is part of the store and, removing her gloves, program.
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