The Reno Rotarian The Rotary Club of Reno • www.renorotaryclub.org • District 5190 Chartered August 1, 1916 || Volume 29, No. 27 || February 1, 2016 The Rotary Club of Reno meets at Harrah’s Reno at Noon on Monday seasons, including a career-high 15 with the Find us on Facebook - Monday’s Program Rotary Club of Reno Oakland Athletics in 2000. Reno Aces Bob Gebhard enters his 12th season with the Hot Stove Luncheon Diamondbacks in 2016 as the Vice President Rotary International Matt Williams, Gil Heredia and Bob Gebhard & Special Assistant to the General Manager. K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, President In 2012, Gebhard received the Roland He- Bradford R. Howard, RI Director Following a two-year stint as manager of the mond Award from the Society of American Gail “Virus” Ellingwood, District Governor Washington Nationals, Matt Williams was Baseball Research (SABR) in recognition of re-hired by the Diamondbacks as their third- his contributions to the community of profes- sional scouts. In 2011, he was named the re- Rotary Club of Reno base coach in November of 2015. Williams guided the Nationals to a 179-145 record in cipient of the Sheldon “Chief” Bender Award, Curt Chapman, President two seasons, including a 2014 playoff appear- as announced by Minor League Baseball. The Craig Wesner, President Elect ance which helped him in earning NL Man- award recognizes an individual with distin- Bill Boon, President Nominee ager of the Year. His coaching career began in guished service who has been instrumental Harvey Fennell, Past President 2010 when he was tabbed as Arizona’s fi rst- in player development, has established good Carl Fuetsch, Secretary relationships with their organization’s af- Harvey Fennell, Treasurer base coach. He was then re-assigned to the third-base coaches box from 2011-13. Wil- fi liates and is well respected in the baseball Directors: liams starred on the diamond and gridiron at community. Gebhard joined the D-backs prior Kris Wells (2013-2016) Carson High School in Carson City, NV. He to the 2005 season after a fi ve-year stint in a Sheila Hlubucek (2014-2017) later played baseball at the University of Ne- similar role with the St. Louis Cardinals. Geb- Phil Mahoney (2014-2017) hard had an 11-year playing career as a pitcher Kurt Mische (2014-2017) vada, Las Vegas before being selected by the San Francisco Giants as the third overall pick that included big league stints with the Min- Maria Sheehan (2015-2018) nesota Twins and Montreal Expos. A native Diana Hoffman (2015-2018) in the 1986 amateur draft. Williams spent 17 of Lamberton, Minn., Gebhard starred at the Gary Warren (2015-2018) years in Major League Baseball, totaling 378 home runs and 1,218 RBIs in 1,866 games University of Iowa where he played baseball and basketball. Reno Rotary Foundation played. Williams’ accolades include being a fi ve-time National League All-Star, four-time Jim Pfrommer, President, Reno Rotary Foundation Gold Glove Award winner, four-time Sil- Carl Fuetsch, Secretary ver Slugger Award winner and World Series Save the Dates Harvey Fennell, Treasurer Champion with the D-backs in 2001. John Spears, Investments For more information Curt Chapman, Ex-officio In 2016, the Aces will feature a new pitch- or to register online, go to: Craig Wesner, Ex-officio ing coach for the fi rst time in franchise his- tory with former pitching coach Mike Parrott www.renorotaryclub.org Trustees: being assigned to Short-Season A Hillsboro. Reno Mardi Gras Brian Armon Gil Heredia was offi cially named as Reno’s Ted Fuetsch February 9, 2016 pitching coach on January 5, 2016. This year Steve Kent Laurie Leonard will mark Heredia’s fi rst at the Triple-A level Tahoe City Rotary Clubs Kevin LeVezu and eighth overall in the Diamondbacks or- Annual Ski Race Tom Taelour ganization. He held the same role with Short- March 11, 2016 Season A Yakima (2009), Rookie-Advanced Missoula (2010-12) and Single-A Advanced Upcoming Meetings Visalia (2013-15) the previous seven years. Heredia pitched collegiately at the University Feb. 1: Reno Aces of Arizona from 1986-87 and was a teammate Hot Stove Luncheon of Arizona manager Chip Hale on the 1986 Feb. 8: NO MEETING Wildcats’ National Championship team. He Mardi Gras in on Feb. 9th was selected in the ninth round of the 1987 amateur draft by the San Francisco Giants and Feb. 15: NO MEETING was teammates with Williams from 1991-92. President’s Day Heredia earned 57 wins over 10 Major League “Now you’re talking about changing the world!” Summer Lewis, Rotary Peace Fellow Last Meeting Volunteers If you read this month’s The Rotarian Not all of us can be hands-on involved in Scanner: Kristen Kennedy magazine, you probably noted the inspi- world-wide projects, but we can support Greeter: Anne Flanzraich rational interviews with several Rotary the work done by Rotarians and alumni Greeter: Kristen Kennedy Peace Fellows, including Summer Lewis, such as Summer and our own Peace Fel- Raffl e Tickets: Cathy Delionback Invocation: Kurt Mische founder of True Roots Consulting, work- low Aimal, now studying in England. Pledge: Lindsey York ing with family garden projects in Mexico. Joining the Paul Harris Society is one way Sgt. At Arms: Bud James “People sometimes ask me how one little to provide this support. A Paul Harris So- Sgt. At Arms: Charlie Santiago project in one little community makes a ciety member pledges to donate $1000 to Photographer: Kevin LeVezu The Rotary Foundation during the Rotary Piano: Genie Mathews difference,” Summer told author Steve Almond. “But you can’t think of it like year. The Rotary Club of Reno had 24 Honor Roll that. You have to consider the thousands, Paul Harris Society members last year, Diana Hoffman......................... $200 if not millions, of projects all over the and we hope to do even better this year. Tom Young ..............................$200 world. Then you have to consider all the If you’d like more information on the Dick Gammick ......................... $100 Pat Horgan .............................. $100 Rotary Peace Fellows working on projects Paul Harris Society or are ready join this Mark Meich ..............................$100 like this. Then think about all the Rotary group of generous Rotarians, contact Paul Linda Powers ...........................$100 clubs carrying out projects in communi- Harris Society member Gary Bullis or Craig Wesner........................... $100 ties. Now you’re talking about changing club TRF chair Anne-Louise Bennett for the world.” a pledge form. We hope to meet our goal by the end of March in order to qualify for District club recognition. The Rotary Club Board Club of Reno Club Board Meeting – February Presents 11, 4:30 pm, Sunshine Reporting Reno Services, 151 Country Estates, Reno. All members are welcome to attend. Foundation Trustees Food, Wine & Spirits Foundation Trustees Meeting Enjoy the area’s finest Mardi Gras celebration - Tuesday, February 23, 8:00 with Food, Wine & Spirits, Silent Auction, am, Rounds Bakery, 294 East Raffles, Live Music and more! Moana Lane #10, Reno. All members are welcome to attend. Fat Tuesday February 9, 2016 District 5190 6–9 p.m. Newsletter Link: $75/ person http://www.rotarydistrict5190.org/ Reno Events Center 400 N. Center St. To purchase tickets visit www.RenoMardiGras.com The 24th Annual Food, Wine & Spirits is a fundraiser, benefitting many local programs helping to educate & train our youth & improve the quality of life in our community. Rotary Club of Reno APPLY RotaryTODAY FOR THE DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNT: ELIGIBILITY: Eligible students include high school seniors $3,000 and undergraduate level students who attend a trade school, community college, or a university located in District 5190. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Scholarship money is available for one year and can be used for tuition, books, supplies, $35,/ and other educational needs. For more information or to fill out the scholarship application visit: ZZZURWDU\GLVWULFWRUJ FOLFN)RXQGDWLRQWKHQFOLFN*OREDO 'LVWULFW6FKRODUVKLSV (PDLOFRPSOHWHGDSSOLFDWLRQVDQG5HYLHZ'LVWULFW *OREDO*XLGHOLQHV,GHDO&DQGLGDWH 'LVWULFW&ROOHJHVDQG8QLYHUVLWLHVUHTXLUHGGRFXPHQWDWLRQWR Loretta Bonilla OERQLOOD#IURQWRIILFHVWDIIFRP 5RWDU\¶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¶VPHPEHUVKLS PROFILE OF THE IDEAL SCHOLARSHIP CANDIDATE In order to assist Rotary club and district selection committees in selecting outstanding Global and District Scholarship candidates, the Rotary Foundation has identified the following traits (in no particular order) that should be considered standard for any Rotary “ambassador of goodwill”. Each candidate does not need to possess all of the traits below to be a successful scholar, but those who possess more of the traits than other candidates are likely to be more successful “ambassadors”. The ideal Global and District Scholar candidate: Possesses excellent leadership skills and potential Understands
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