<p>Team Building for Anarchists</p><p>INT. CHURCH BASEMENT. DAY.</p><p>SARAH is leading a group of people, all in a circle, in a trust fall. There is a sign that says “Team Building for Anarchists” beside them.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>So, we’re going to do a trust fall, so If I can have a volunteer to go first… Ok, good, go ahead and get in the center of the circle. Now, in a moment you are going to close your eyes and fall in a direction, any direction really, ok? Go.</p><p>Police siren goes off outside, distracting the anarchists. ANARCHIST BOY in the center falls and hits the ground, and is whining in pain</p><p>ANARCHIST BOY</p><p>Ow.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Great, so, this is an important lesson. It’s really important to retain your autonomy. You have to be autonomous, and learn how to support yourself, because the system is not going to hold you up. Now theoretically, if we all fall at the same time, we should hold each other up, so let’s give that a try, ok? Ready?</p><p>The whole group falls in different directions and lands in a giant pile</p><p>Well, alright.</p><p>INT. THEATRE. NIGHT.</p><p>AMY is on stage, her back turned, with two other people, with a screen in the backdrop saying June, 1979. They are wearing white leotards and pouring some sort of black liquid over their heads chanting “Ixtoc”-like the ticking of a clock.</p><p>PERFORMER 1</p><p>June 1979, the Ixtoc 1 oil well blows in the Gulf of Mexico. It would only be a matter of time until the human race drowned in oil.</p><p>Amy turns around to reveal she is wearing a clown nose.</p><p>AMY I’m sorry, stop. Sorry… I know it’s really inappropriate to give another performer notes, but I feel like this art piece is my brain child and I put the $300 down for the theater, so whatever, uhm. I don’t believe you at all. </p><p>PERFORMER 1</p><p>Ok? How can I make it better?</p><p>AMY</p><p>I don’t know. Grow a heart? You can’t just put on the costume, and say the words, and do the act, and expect people to believe you actually give a damn about what was happening to the world in June of 1979. You have to actually believe it, and feel it, or you’re basically just another fraud. A lot happened in June of 1979. The oil spill, the nine days that changed the world, and I just feel like you don’t care about any of those things. And you know what, that hurts me personally. GAH, I just feel like I’m surrounded by charlatans.</p><p>Amy walks off stage.</p><p>OPENING CREDITS</p><p>INT. APARTMENT. DAY.</p><p>Amy enters through apartment door, Sarah is lying on the couch.</p><p>AMY</p><p>What are you doing? We have to go to that thing I said we’d go to with that guy I met that one time. </p><p>SARAH</p><p>Oh yeah, I forgot that was today.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Come on, you have to dress me. Now, should I wear Mark Jacobs? Or Alexander McQueen?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Eh, McQueen is so over. Like six feet under over.</p><p>AMY Yeah, you’re right…And I feel like this Mark Jacobs really speaks to the June 1979 aesthetic that has really been resonating with me lately.</p><p>Amy changes and primps.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Come on, we have to go to that thing you said we’d go to with that guy you met that one time.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Done. Ok. Go.</p><p>EXT. ROOFTOP. DAY.</p><p>A couple of clips showcasing the hipster nature of the party. Amy and BEN are talking. And Rich and Sarah are talking, going in and out of their conversations</p><p>BEN</p><p>So what do you do, then?</p><p>AMY</p><p>Well, I’m a performance artist. I’m working on a piece right now titled “June, 1979,” something about that era really resonates with me, it’s really amazing how many parallels there are between June of 1979 and our modern world…</p><p>BEN</p><p>So you can make a living doing that? Performance art?</p><p>AMY</p><p>Well, performance art is how I live, so yeah, yeah that’s how I make my living.</p><p>BEN</p><p>That’s so cool, so few people can really make a living out of their art.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I guess art is just in my blood, I mean my mom is a documentary film maker, and my Dad is some fashion photographer in New York…</p><p>BEN Your mom makes films?! I make films! What’s her name.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Jean Rothenbaur.</p><p>BEN</p><p>Jean Rothenbaur is your MOM?! I LOVE her! I read this editorial about her in Film Journal…Man, she looks really good for her age…Is it true that her and her husband have an open marriage?</p><p>AMY</p><p>Her husband, my dad?</p><p>BEN</p><p>Yeah, I was reading they had this open marriage, because she said they were both such sexual animals whose carnal desires couldn’t be satisfied any other way…Or she put it better, in the editorial…What was that like, growing up, knowing that was going on…</p><p>AMY</p><p>Well, they are never really in the same place, and they weren’t really home much…</p><p>BEN</p><p>And there was this whole thing about how the two of them were into some freaky shit too, Jean said it creatively and spiritually inspired her… like weird shit like Japanese bondage….anal beads….</p><p>AMY</p><p>Yeah I’m going to stop paying attention to you now.</p><p>RICH and Sarah are talking</p><p>SARAH</p><p>So well, I guess, I mean, my Dad is a chief executive for Exxicon Oil, and he’s responsible for the mass choking of baby seals, and creating these septic pools of polluted water pouring into the drinking water of lower income school children, and that’s just why I feel it’s my job to make right in the world. RICH</p><p>That’s really cool you think about things on a global scale like that, and you know, sometimes it’s just about baby steps too- like for example I teach English to these highschoolers on the southside, and they come from such an impoverished area but these kids are so bright and just need someone…</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Yeah- it’s great that you recognize that I’m doing work on a Global scale, because I’ve been running these team building for anarchists seminars, and I really feel like my disciples are going to do the kind of work responsible for global change.</p><p>RICH</p><p>Yeah, I’ve always believed you should focus on the area that you’re in, and like you do with your anarchists, if I can just make one child realize that a better life is possible.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Yeah- with team building for anarchists we’ve just been working on these human knots, where I have all my anarchists hold hands and tie themselves in a knot, representing the knot that capitalism has entangled us in, and we always get out of it.</p><p>RICH</p><p>Ok….</p><p>AMY and SARAH</p><p>I’m just doing really important work</p><p>INT. STORE. DAY.</p><p>Amy is at a register buying ridiculous props for her performance art piece</p><p>CLERK</p><p>It looks like you have quite the project going on.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Oh yeah, I’m doing a performance art piece revolving around themes and ideals of June, 1979, and for the nine days that changed the world, when the pope visited communist Poland for the first time, I thought we’d wrap the entire theatre in different shades of red fabric and then I’d hang from the ceiling with rafia and a ping pong ball in my mouth.</p><p>CLERK</p><p>Ok….</p><p>AMY</p><p>I know, I thought about that too, it’s a little “hammer over the head,” but I just thought that visual was essential for getting my point across.</p><p>CLERK</p><p>Ok well Mam, do you have another form of payment? This card is declined?</p><p>AMY</p><p>What?!</p><p>EXT. STREET. DAY.</p><p>Amy dials her phone to call her mother</p><p>AMY</p><p>Mom? So I just tried to buy some props for June, 1979, and my card was declined. Then I called the bank and they told me my account was closed? What’s going on?</p><p>CUT TO</p><p>EXT. WILDERNESS. DAY</p><p>MOM</p><p>Oh yeah, sweetheart, Your father and I decided it was best for your personal development as an adult and an artist if you learned how to survive on your own, so we closed the account.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Best for me as an adult and an artist? Mom, I just put $300.oo down to secure a space for my show, if no one comes to that, I won’t have any money. I’ll have negative dollars. How is that best for me? MOM</p><p>Well, sweetie, when I was your age I was in Australia on the film crew for Genocide interviewing concentration camp survivors, and I didn’t have any support from my parents.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I’m doing important work here.</p><p>MOM</p><p>Baby, you’re 27, you’re an adult. It’s really time for you to take care of yourself. I feel like I’ve hurt you by holding your hand this long. Look, babe, I have to go, the grizzly bears are confused by my use of technology, and reception is terrible here in Alaska.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Mom, no! </p><p>MOM</p><p>Can’t hear you….</p><p>AMY</p><p>Mom? UGH. </p><p>Amy dials her phone again</p><p>AMY</p><p>DAD?</p><p>CUT TO</p><p>INT. STUDIO. DAY.</p><p>DAD is balancing cell phone while taking photos of a model</p><p>DAD</p><p>Hey punk’in, I’m working right now…</p><p>AMY</p><p>I have no money, why did you cut me out of your account. DAD</p><p>Oh, yeah…you’re gorgeous…</p><p>AMY</p><p>Well, I know I could be capitalizing off my looks and sexuality, but right now is a terrible time</p><p>DAD</p><p>Oh no, babe, you’re not gorgeous, I told you, I’m working. You’re mother and I thought it would be best if we cut your off of our account.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Best? Best for who?</p><p>DAD</p><p>Don’t look at this is such a bad thing, it could be really good for you artistically. You know, Beck was homeless before he had his big break.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I don’t want to be Beck, I want to be Amy, the artist, your daughter, that you love and support, and I can’t be that if I don’t have any money! I’m doing good work here.</p><p>DAD</p><p>You say that, punk’in, but if you really were, wouldn’t something have come of it by now? Maybe you’re not really an artist, maybe you should start setting your sights to a more practical career path…</p><p>AMY</p><p>I hate you!</p><p>DAD</p><p>I love you too, punk’in, I gotta go, ok? I’m working.</p><p>Amy closes her cell phone and starts to cry.</p><p>CUT TO</p><p>INT. CHURCH BASEMENT. DAY. Sarah is giving another “Team building for Anarchists” seminar</p><p>SARAH</p><p>So this net represents capitalism. Now you all have to make it through the net. Now, I we do have some props here, that I encourage the use of. This bike, for example, is also a pipe bomb…</p><p>Sarah pulls out a bike that is actually a pipe bomb</p><p>Now I’m not saying suicide is the best weapon against capitalism, but it’s important to know your options.</p><p>Amy comes in, in the midst of this speech, obviously very distraught. Sarah walks towards her</p><p>I’m sorry, you’ll have to excuse me a minute. Roy? Roy, go next store to the starbucks and get me two black coffees.</p><p>ROY</p><p>Starbucks? Weren’t you just talking about capitalism and all it’s evils?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Don’t argue with me, just do it. Hey? What’s up?</p><p>ROY</p><p>Cream and sugar?</p><p>AMY</p><p>I’m a vegan!</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Just two tall black coffees…can you handle that?</p><p>ROY</p><p>Yes mam.</p><p>Roy exits.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>What’s going on?</p><p>AMY My parents cut me off. I’m going to throw up.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>What?</p><p>AMY</p><p>My parents…they closed my bank account. They said I’m too old…I’m really going to throw up, like right now.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>HEY SOMEONE! Get me a garbage can</p><p>An anarchist brings over a garbage can.</p><p>Here. You just puke- cry it out.</p><p>Amy leans over the garbage can, puke-crying while talking</p><p>AMY</p><p>I have no job. I have no money. I have no idea what to do. Do you have string cheese?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Amy, you’re vegan.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I know, but I’m upset, it doesn’t count. I just want string cheese.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>We don’t have any string cheese.</p><p>AMY</p><p>UGH OH MY GOD MY LIFE IS OVER!</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Hey, hey, hey, we’ll figure something out. We always do. Maybe my dad’ll be ok paying both our rents this month until you find a job, or something…you’re ok…</p><p>Roy returns. AMY</p><p>A job? I’ve never had a job! I have no real life skills, I’m worthless to society!</p><p>ROY</p><p>Hey, I’m sorry to bother you guys, but Sarah, do you have cash? The Starbucks said your card was declined.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>What?</p><p>Sarah and Amy share a meaningful look</p><p>CUT TO</p><p>INT. APARTMENT. DAY.</p><p>Sarah screaming at her father on the phone. Amy is sitting in the kitchen mope-ily doing some craft.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Dad, I can’t believe you think the work I’m doing with team building for anarchists is a childish stunt! Well, you know, not all of us want to grow up to be evil oil tycoons like you. You withdrawing your financial support from me, you’re only daughter who actually wants to make this world a better place to live in, just proves how heartless you really are.</p><p>Sarah hangs up her phone angrily.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I can’t believe this is happening to us.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>We’re probably going to have to move. We can’t afford the 1200 a month here we’ve been splitting.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I don’t want to move. I painted this whole place myself, and I still have dreams of what it could be. It would be like an artistic miscarriage to leave it now.</p><p>SARAH But you love unpacking…</p><p>AMY</p><p>I do love unpacking. It’s like painting a room with shades of me.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Yeah you do….Ok, so, I’m just going to search craigslist to see what we can find</p><p>Sarah opens her laptop and searches craigslist</p><p>Here’s something. It’s a two bedroom for 600 off the 47th street stop on the red line. We can maybe swing that?</p><p>AMY</p><p>Ew, no, I don’t want to live down there. That’s a really…black…area.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Amy you can’t say things like that.</p><p>AMY</p><p>It’s not about racism, it’s about safety.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Amy…THAT’S racist.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Whatever, tomatoes tomahtoes, what else is there?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>There’s a 2 bedroom in on Devon and Kimball for 800…</p><p>AMY</p><p>Indians, Jews, and Middle Easterns…</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Ok…is THAT about safety too?</p><p>AMY No, I just hate beards.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Ok…well here’s something for $950 in Ukie village…Ukranians are white</p><p>AMY</p><p>I think that Ben guy lives out there</p><p>SARAH</p><p>So that Ben guy an you seemed to really hit it off at that party.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Ugh. I hate beards. Plus, he was like really into my mom. </p><p>SARAH</p><p>Yeah, I know…I think his roommate, that Rich guy, was really into me- which is so unattractive….</p><p>AMY</p><p>Speaking of, he just texted me now. Hey rich and I are at The Hunger Cafe want to join? Eh do you want to go?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Eh no. no</p><p>AMY</p><p>No, yeah, no</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Yeah, no, we should go.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Yeah, we’re not really doing anything.</p><p>CUT TO</p><p>INT. CAFÉ. DAY.</p><p>Ben and Rich are sitting in the café, Amy and Sarah join them over the top forlorn, and whining with their bodies and expressions RICH</p><p>What’s up with you two?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Our lives are over.</p><p>AMY</p><p>We are devoid of life…</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Amy and I are going through some financial difficulties.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Our parents cut us off…</p><p>RICH</p><p>Why don’t you guys just get a third roommate?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>We live in a two bedroom.</p><p>RICH</p><p>Ben and I share a one bedroom.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Well we’re both small…It would be better than moving…</p><p>RICH</p><p>This is not the end of the world, guys, surely you guys have jobs and have some money saved to get you through the next month…</p><p>AMY</p><p>I’ve never had a job. I don’t know what that means.</p><p>RICH</p><p>You’ve never had a job?</p><p>SARAH Well I’m sorry Mr. “Give into being a slave to the global economy,” but what do you do for a living?</p><p>RICH</p><p>I told you this at the party, I teach English at Hermitage High School at 5200 S Hermitage, it’s a Chicago public school</p><p>SARAH</p><p>I’m sorry, I don’t usually listen to guys I talk to at parties…</p><p>AMY</p><p>5200 S Hermitage? Aren’t you worried about your safety?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Amy!</p><p>AMY</p><p>It’s a legitimate concern!</p><p>SARAH</p><p>I’m sorry, Amy’s a racist.</p><p>AMY</p><p>I’m not a racist, I dated a black guy in college.</p><p>BEN</p><p>So do you ever date non- black guys now?</p><p>RICH</p><p>Ben!</p><p>BEN</p><p>What? You know what they say? Once you go black…It’s a legitimate concern!</p><p>Big long awkward pause.</p><p>RICH</p><p>So…I think a third roommate would be a good idea… AMY</p><p>I’m not a racist.</p><p>WAITRESS enters.</p><p>WAITRESS</p><p>Alright, what can I get you guys?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Are you guys hiring?</p><p>WAITRESS</p><p>Well, we’re fully staffed right now, in fact a lot of us aren’t even getting the hours we need.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Well, I would be like, really good.</p><p>WAITRESS</p><p>Well, you’re always welcome to fill out an application</p><p>SARAH</p><p>I mean it took a pretty long time for anyone to come serve us…and I think I could fix that problem.</p><p>WAITRESS</p><p>Uhm, alright. What do you guys want to order?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>And, I mean, I watch what you guys do, and it doesn’t look that hard… So, if I showed up tomorrow in an apron, could I just start?</p><p>WAITRESS</p><p>Coffee? Waters? Anyone want food?</p><p>AMY</p><p>I’ll have a water.</p><p>RICH I would like some coffee, please.</p><p>BEN</p><p>Can I get a spinach pie?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Well, I want a job, but whatever.</p><p>WAITRESS</p><p>Ok, coffee, water, spinach pie, be right back.</p><p>Waitress exits</p><p>SARAH</p><p>God what crawled up her butt?</p><p>AMY</p><p>I don’t know, I thought you were being totally reasonable…</p><p>RICH</p><p>Ok, well, first of all, you guys should find some jobs…Then, I would seriously consider getting a third roommate. It’s got to be better than, what? Pouting and feeling sorry for yourself and hoping a million dollars just spontaneously falls out of the sky?</p><p>AMY</p><p>That was my plan…is that not a good plan?</p><p>RICH</p><p>Guys, just grow up…be adults…this is hardly apocalyptical. Anyway, I gotta head out.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Why, Rich? The night is young.</p><p>RICH</p><p>I gotta turn in early, I have to wake up at five and walk five miles tomorrow. SARAH</p><p>Ew, why?</p><p>RICH</p><p>I’m doing a charity walk for Autism speaks.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Oh, I have a car, I’ll just drive you…</p><p>Pause…</p><p>RICH</p><p>Yeah…I’m out.</p><p>INT. APARTMENT. DAY.</p><p>Amy and Sarah sit in their kitchen, contemplating the lessons of the day.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>So, I think Rich is right…</p><p>AMY</p><p>I don’t think it’s impossible to believe money could fall out of the sky.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>We should probably get jobs.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Oh yeah that…Sarah?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Yeah?</p><p>AMY</p><p>How do we do that?</p><p>SARAH Well, there is this thing called and “interview,” and so you have to get an “interview,” but once you get that “interview,” you just start working.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Oh. Ok…Lets go get an interview.</p><p>INT. COFFEE HOUSE. DAY.</p><p>Sarah sits down at the “interview” for an independent coffee house.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Thank you so much for this “interview”</p><p>TIFFANY</p><p>Yeah sure, whatever. So why o you want to work here?</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Well…(deep breath).</p><p>INT. BANK. DAY.</p><p>Amy sitting at interview at Bank</p><p>AMY</p><p>Special skills? I can do a headstand…. for like…. two minutes.</p><p>INT. COFFEE HOUSE. DAY.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>And then there are these kids in sweatshops, bleeding out of their eyeballs…</p><p>INT. BANK. DAY.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Rhythmic gymnastics, breathing under water…</p><p>INT. COFFEE HOUSE. DAY.</p><p>Sarah is acting out a passion play between a lighter and a coffee cup.</p><p>INT. BANK. DAY. AMY</p><p>I’m pretty sure…I can talk to animals.</p><p>INT. COFFEE HOUSE. DAY.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>And that’s how I feel about corporate America.</p><p>TIFFANY</p><p>Yeah sure, you can work here.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Really?</p><p>TIFFANY</p><p>Yeah, see you Monday.</p><p>INT. APARTMENT. DAY.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Hey, I got a job! I’m going to be working at the coffee house down the street.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Eh, the corporate world wasn’t for me, but I think I found a modeling gig on craigslist.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Amy, that’s how people get raped and killed.</p><p>Sarah exits, CONNIE enters kitchen making a bowl of cereal</p><p>AMY</p><p>No, this seems legit. Nude model needed for portfolio…besides, it’s about time I capitalize off my sexuality. That’s what my dad thinks anyway, he just went on and on about how beautiful I am and how I’m really cheating myself by not taking advantage of my natural talents…</p><p>Amy notices Connie AHHHHHHHH!</p><p>Sarah pops back in.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Oh, that’s our new roommate Connie, she lives here now</p><p>Connie salutes</p><p>And don’t do that craigslist ad, it sounds totes sketch.</p><p>INT. GAY KID’S HOUSE. DAY.</p><p>GAY KID</p><p>Thanks so much for helping out with this...The only thing is we have to make sure we get done before my parents get home, because they are super conservative and they don’t know I’m applying to art school. My dad is like…the alderman…So…Oh my god, do you want like…a beer? Or Something? I just want to make sure you are totally comfortable…</p><p>INT. BEDROOM. NIGHT.</p><p>Amy is cuddling her blankets in bed, comfy as a clam. Sarah walks in after work, and crawls into bed.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Ew, you smell like milk. My vegan senses are agitated, you probably shouldn’t touch me.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>It’s my new job, working is hard…</p><p>AMY</p><p>But it’s good right? </p><p>SARAH</p><p>I don’t know, I almost quit today. And you really don’t get paid that much. I worked so hard and I still don’t think I’m going to be able to make rent this month.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Don’t worry about it, I got it covered. That modeling gig really paid off. INT.GAY KID’S HOUSE. DAY.</p><p>Amy is nude modeling, while Gay Kid is scribbling away. KID’S MOM and KID’S DAD walk in.</p><p>KID’S DAD</p><p>What the hell is going on in here?</p><p>AMY</p><p>He raped me.</p><p>KID’S DAD starts pulling out the check book.</p><p>KID’S DAD</p><p>What do you need?</p><p>AMY</p><p>$1167.00…none of this gets out</p><p>Mom sighs and starts writing out the check.</p><p>KID’S DAD</p><p>That’s an oddly specific amount</p><p>AMY</p><p>Well, my roommates and my rent would be 800 together, I just put down 300 to secure a theater, and I live pretty cheaply so, I feel pretty confident $67 could be a realistic stipend for the week.</p><p>GAY KID</p><p>Mom, Dad, this is ridiculous, nothing happened here, I’m gay…</p><p>KID’S MOM and DAD</p><p>What?!?!</p><p>AMY</p><p>Tack on another 500 and I won’t say a word…</p><p>KID’S MOM</p><p>Again, we’re so sorry about all of this…. Kid’s parents and Gay Kid go to leave, Amy stops Gay Kid.</p><p>AMY</p><p>Uhm, you still owe me $60 for that two hours….</p><p>Kid pulls out a wad of cash.</p><p>CUT TO</p><p>INT. APARTMENT. DAY.</p><p>Amy and Sarah lying in bed.</p><p>SARAH</p><p>Sweet….Goodnight.</p><p>LIGHTS OUT</p><p>THE END</p>
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