University Grants Commission, New Delhi Recognized Journal No. 41311 ISSN: Print: 2347-5021 www.research-chronicler.com ISSN: Online: 2347-503X Addressing a Generation in Transition A Reading of Babu Brajakishore Prasad’s Presidential Address Bihar Students’ Conference, Chapra, 1911 Sunny Kumar Research Scholar, Department of History, B.R.A.B.U. Muzaffarpur, (Bihar) India Abstract The presidential address of Babu Brajkishore Prasad at the 1911 session of the sixth Bihar Students’ Conference—which took place annually during Dasahara1 period-- needs to be seen in its transitional, historical context. First of all, the speech takes place in 1911, when one of the most important missions of Babu Brajkishore Prasad’s public life and that of his other eminent contemporaries from Bihar, was about to become a reality. The mission, of course, was the carving out of Bihar from Bengal and making it a separate province. The issue of Bihar was settled with the Delhi Durbar proclamation in December 1911, cancelling the Partition of Bengal as announced in 1905. The separation of Bihar from Bengal was a great historical feat as it freed the Hindi-speaking areas of Bengal from one layer of colonial and cultural subjugation and allowed for them a socio-political identity and space in the newly emerging national consciousness under the one geographical, economic, social and cultural entity called Bihar, then written as Behar. Key Words : Generation, Transition, Province, Consensuses, Subjection However, the movement for the creation of Readers of Bryce’s American Bihar was not an easy task for its leaders. Commonwealth are no doubt aware that In fact, those espousing the cause of Bihar there exists in the United States a strong were seen to be moving in the opposite state patriotism, which subsists side by direction of the clarion call for national side with federal patriotism. This was unity that was gradually enveloping the precisely our ideal, but it was unfortunately not at all appreciated in Indians, in general, and educated Indians, in particular. No wonder, Sachidanand Bengal—then the predominant partner in Sinha, in his article on Mahesh Narayan, the Lower Provinces—as its practical another pioneering leader of the Bihar effect was the setting up of now well- Movement, rather painfully recorded how known cry for ‘Bihar for Biharees’. In the leaders of the Bihar movement were some other provinces, too, this ideal was considered almost ‘anti-national’ by the regarded by some as ‘anti-national’, but intelligentsia of Bengal as well as of other such a view was not at all well-founded. parts of the country for espousing their As a matter of fact, the intense excitement, cause. It may be instructive to quote him to some years later on Bengal having make out the moral dilemma that was sundered by the Curzonian partition (under posed before them and how they which scheme two-thirds of the Bengalese successfully held their ground: shared, as its result, a common administration with the Assamese, and the remaining one-third with the Biharees and Volume V Spl. Issue II: November 2017 (98) Guest Editor: Dr. Md. Irshad University Grants Commission, New Delhi Recognized Journal No. 41311 ISSN: Print: 2347-5021 www.research-chronicler.com ISSN: Online: 2347-503X the Oriyas) conclusively established that some quarters. It is doubted by some our ideal of linguistic provinces in India whether a conference of students like based on a common language, and also on yours is of any real utility. It is easy historic traditions and territorial to doubt and criticize work. I would patriotism, was absolutely right.2 like to tell those gentlemen, who One can very well understand the pain and seem to know very little of the aims dilemma which Sinha underlines above and object, as also of the workings, because the perception that Bihar of your Conference, that of all the movement did not have support at the public associations or conferences in national level has percolated down to our province, or in any other contemporary history writings too and province of this country, if there is much of it can be attributed to the lack of one which, more than others, serves research about the Movement at the micro a really useful purpose, it is your Conference. It has given a new life level. One can refer to the following observation to illustrate this: to the students of Behar. It has infused a new spirit in them. The The birth of politics in Bihar, in the overflowing enthusiasm, the robust proper sense of the term, is optimism, the mutual sympathy and connected with a cause, which, fellow-feeling, the organized co- although it was not popular, was operation, and above all, the spirit sponsored by the intellectuals. This de-corps which I see in you today all was the issue of separation of Bihar the works of the Conference. You, 3 from Bengal. (italics added) gentlemen, who are the further hopes It is, thus, no coincidence that in the of the country, are receiving very present address, Babu Brajkishore Prasad good and valuable training through first of all takes up the issue of the your Conference; and when you rationale of having such a students’ have left off your student-life and conference. This is certainly the direct entered the world, you will find result of the questioning which he and yourselves more fitted, more other leaders of Bihar had had to undergo equipped, more ready and more as indicated above. At the same time, willing to fight the battle of the however, his address seems to be infused country than the present generation with a sense of optimism for the future of which is engaged in it did actually his province, mainly because of the find itself at the same stage. You imminent separation of Bihar from Bengal. will make better citizens of the The main starting para of the address, British Empire and be better capable following the introductory one in which he of doing good to your country and to comes out as a very humble personality yourself than we have been. By the before the students, needs to be quoted in time you finish your student career full to appreciate these conflicting you will have learnt much which emotions that seemed to have guided his those who have gone before you had address: to learn for many a year after they Gentlemen, the necessity and had entered life. What can be a advisability of holding a students’ better justification than all for the conference has been questioned in existence of your Conference? Let Volume V Spl. Issue II: November 2017 (99) Guest Editor: Dr. Md. Irshad University Grants Commission, New Delhi Recognized Journal No. 41311 ISSN: Print: 2347-5021 www.research-chronicler.com ISSN: Online: 2347-503X those who doubt open their eyes, and the youth of Bihar and the nation. And, in examine the thing more closely and fact, the tone of the address shows him to they will be satisfied that yours is a be almost cautioning the students to not very useful institution. become avowedly political and remain The exhortation of Babu Brajkishore focused as his following words show: Prasad to the students of the Conference to Gentlemen, but yours is purely a ‘become better citizens of the British student’s conference, and I hope you Empire’ is in line with the general belief will always keep it in mind and among the contemporary intelligentsia handle those matters only which about the British rule being the harbinger concern you as students. of modern and progressive education and Rather, towards the end of the address, he ideas, and it is not at all odd that he uses touches upon the issue of students and expressions like: politics directly as the ‘last matter’ and Thanks to the British Government quite obliquely conveys how getting which has kept us alive! All praise to ‘sound education’ in itself should be seen the English people who have as the most important political ‘dharma’, educated us! All honour to the so to say: British statesmen who have given us The last matter to which I wish to peace and made the realization of draw your attention is the question our future hopes possible! of students and politics. I have given In fact, if we compare these expressions to my most careful consideration to this the ones used by Bishan Narayan Dhar matter and am in a position to tell during his Presidential Address of the you that I quite agree with those who Indian National Congress at Calcutta in ask you not to mix yourself up in the 1911 itself, we would be able to better active politics of the day. It is very understand the mood and expectations of harmful to students. But this does the intelligentsia from the British not mean that you should shut your educational system at the time: eyes to what is going on around you. English education and a closer Rather I would like to see you get a contact with the West have raised sound education in the principles of our intelligence and expanded our politics so that you may be able to vision; the example of English play your part and play it well when enterprise has given us new ideals of the time arrives. citizenship and inspired us with new However, in order to understand this rather conception of national culture.4 de-political line of argument adopted by an eminent politician before a conference of ‘De-political’ Message of the Address young students trying to acquire a new Another factor that needs to be underlined political identity in the form of Bihar and is the rather complete absence of political Biharee, we need to go to the genesis of message to the students in terms of any the Bihar Students’ Conference which was anti-colonial content.
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