<p>Chapter 16 (Lessons 2 & 3) </p><p>Growth and Development</p><p>Male Reproductive System</p><p>- external and internal organs that, with the help of______, allow physically ______males to produce children</p><p>- 2 main functions: produce and store ______(male gametes or reproductive cells) and ______of sperm to female’s body during sexual intercourse</p><p>- usually reaches maturity (puberty) between ages ___ and ___</p><p>- hormones in pituitary gland stimulate production of ______– male sex hormone </p><p>- testosterone causes physical changes:</p><p> o broadening of ______</p><p> o development of ______</p><p> o ______and body ______</p><p> o deepening of voice</p><p> o production of sperm (after puberty, a male can produce sperm for the rest of his______)</p><p>External Reproductive Organs</p><p> ______(testicles)</p><p>- two small glands that secrete ______and produce ______</p><p>- located in the scrotum</p><p> ______</p><p>- an external skin sac</p><p> penis</p><p>- tube-shaped organ that extends from the trunk of the body just above the testes</p><p>- composed of spongy tissue that contains many blood vessels</p><p>- erection</p><p>. penis becomes enlarged and erect when blood flow ______</p><p>. normal body function . occur easily and more frequently during puberty</p><p>. can occur for no reason</p><p>. ______(thick fluid containing sperm and other secretions from the male reproductive system) can be ejected from body when erection occurs</p><p>. ______</p><p>- a series of muscular contractions that occur at the height of sexual arousal</p><p>- if it occurs during ______it may result in ______</p><p>. ______– thin, loose skin that covers the tip of the penis at birth</p><p>. ______– surgical removal of the foreskin (often chosen for cultural or ______reasons)</p><p>- sperm cannot live in temperatures higher than _____ degrees (normal body temp.)</p><p>- scrotum ______sperm by keeping testes slightly below normal body temperature</p><p> o body temperature ______→ muscles attached to scrotum relax, causing testes to lower away from body</p><p> o body temperature ______→ muscles tighten, moving testes closer to body for warmth</p><p> o ______clothing may interfere with sperm ______</p><p>- ______</p><p> o an ejaculation that occurs when sperm are released during ______</p><p> o a ______occurrence to relieve buildup of ______as sperm begin to produce during ______</p><p>- sperm is produced in the ______and mature and are stored in the ______→ then travels through the ______(tubes that extend from each epididymis to the urethra) combining with secretions produced by the prostate and Cowper’s glands to form ______→ they also pass through the seminal vesicle combining with fluid that ______the sperm and make them more ______→ semen then exits the body through the ______</p><p>Maintaining Reproductive Health</p><p> bathe regularly (wash under ______if uncircumcised) </p><p> wear protective equipment during physical activities ______</p><p> perform regular ______(follow guidelines on page 450 for a testicular self-exam)</p><p> get regular checkups</p><p>Male Reproductive System Problems</p><p> ______</p><p>- part of the intestines push through a tear in the ______wall</p><p>- may be caused by straining abdominal muscles or lifting heavy objects</p><p>- symptoms: lump in groin near thigh, pain in groin or blockage of the intestine</p><p>- surgery may be needed to repair</p><p> Sterility </p><p>- inability to ______</p><p>- result of ______sperm or sperm of ______quality</p><p>- causes: exposure to ______or other radiation, toxic chemicals and lead, ______imbalances, mumps contracted during adulthood, using certain medications or drugs like ______and STDs</p><p> Testicular cancer</p><p>- occurs most often between ages of _____and _____, but can occur at any age</p><p>- with early detection, most testicular cancer is ______with surgery, radiation or ______</p><p> Prostate problems and prostate cancer</p><p>- gland becomes enlarged as a result of ______, tumor or ______</p><p>- ______of prostate cancer increases survival rates</p><p>Female Reproductive System</p><p> functions: ______female sex hormones, storing ______(female gametes – ova), prepares a place for possible ______</p><p> ______</p><p>- store ova (egg) and produce female sex hormones (estrogen) - located on each side of the ______(hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ that nourishes and protects a fertilized ovum until birth)</p><p>- females have more than ______immature ova at ______</p><p>- at ______, pituitary gland produces hormones that cause ova to mature</p><p>- ______– process of releasing a mature ovum into the fallopian tube each month</p><p> fallopian tubes</p><p>- pair of tubes with ______</p><p>- mature ovum is released into one of two fallopian tubes from ______</p><p>- lined with tiny hair like structures called ______that help move the ovum with the help of muscular contractions</p><p>- if ______are present, sperm cell and ovum may unite resulting in ______</p><p>- fertilized egg is a ______</p><p> uterus</p><p>- zygote enters the uterus after leaving the ______</p><p>- zygote attaches itself to ______wall</p><p>- uterine wall thickens with blood to ______zygote as it grows</p><p>- fetus remains here until ______</p><p> ______</p><p>- muscular, elastic passageway that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body</p><p>- place sperm enter the female reproductive system</p><p>Menstruation</p><p> the shedding of the uterine lining</p><p> after ______, uterus prepares each month for possible pregnancy</p><p> if pregnancy ______occur, the thickened lining of the uterus (endometrium) breaks down into blood, tissue, and fluids</p><p> tissues pass through ______(opening to the uterus) and into vagina</p><p> females wear sanitary pads or tampons to absorb blood flow</p><p> most females begin first menstrual cycle between ages of ____ and ____ cycle may be ______at first (not every month or the same length)</p><p> usually becomes more predictable as female matures</p><p> controlled by endocrine ______</p><p> also influenced by poor ______, stress, excessive exercise, ______body weight and illness</p><p> occurs from puberty until ______(end of reproductive years, usually between ages 45-55)</p><p>Maintaining Reproductive Health</p><p> bathe regularly</p><p>- change tampons/pads every few hours during menstrual period</p><p> have ______medical exams – may include (depending on age):</p><p>- Pap smear (tests for cancerous cells on the cervix)</p><p>- ______(tests for breast cancer)</p><p> practice ______</p><p>- helps to avoid unplanned pregnancy and ______</p><p> practice breast self-exams</p><p>- examine once a ______, right ______menstrual period</p><p>- ______detection is critical for successful treatment of breast cancer</p><p>Female Reproductive System Problems</p><p> menstrual cramps</p><p>- sometimes occur at ______of menstrual period</p><p>- light ______and applying ______to abdomen may help relieve</p><p>- OTC or prescription meds may sometimes be prescribed</p><p> premenstrual syndrome (PMS)</p><p>- disorder caused by ______changes</p><p>- symptoms: anxiety, irritability, bloating, weight gain, depression, mood swings and fatigue - regular ______and good ______may reduce severity of symptoms</p><p> toxic shock syndrome (TSS)</p><p>- rare but serious ______infection that affects immune system and liver</p><p>- can be ______</p><p>- to reduce risk, use tampons with ______absorbency and change them ______</p><p>- symptoms: fever, ______, diarrhea, rash, red eyes, dizziness, and muscle aches… see a doctor</p><p>Infertility and Other Disorders</p><p>*can have several causes</p><p> endometriosis</p><p>- ______tissue grows in ovaries, fallopian tubes or lining of ______cavity</p><p> sexually transmitted diseases</p><p>- spread during sexual contact</p><p>- gonorrhea and chlamydia, when left untreated, are associated with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which causes infertility</p><p>- ______from sexual activity until marriage is the ______way to avoid STDS</p><p> ______</p><p>- discharge, odor, pain, itching or burning</p><p>- two common forms: Candida (yeast infection) and bacterial vaginosis</p><p> ovarian cysts</p><p>- ______sacs on the ovary</p><p>- small, ______cysts may disappear on their own</p><p>- larger cysts may have to be removed ______</p><p> cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers</p><p>- early sexual activity and ______(like human papillomavirus- HPV) ______the risk of cervical cancer</p><p>- regular exams are important for early detection and treatment - approved ______can be given in ______to prevent infection from four strains of the HPV virus</p><p>Chapter 17 (Lessons 1 ONLY) </p><p>Prenatal Care and Development</p><p>The Very Beginning</p><p> human body begins as one microscopic cell formed through ______– union of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell (also known as conception)</p><p> cell that results is called a ______</p><p> zygote ______many times as it travels through the fallopian tube forming a cluster of ______by the time it reaches the ______</p><p> ______– process by which the zygote attaches to the uterine wall</p><p> after about ____weeks, zygote becomes an ______– cluster of cells that develops between the ______and ______week of pregnancy</p><p> referred to as a ______after about eight weeks</p><p>The Growing Embryo</p><p> two important structures form outside the embryo</p><p>- ______– thick fluid-filled membrane that surrounds and ______the developing embryo</p><p>- ______– ropelike structure that connects fetus with mother’s ______(thick, blood-rich tissue that lines the walls of the uterus during pregnancy and nourishes </p><p> the embryo</p><p>. embryo gets ______, ______and disposes of its ______through the umbilical cord</p><p> cells of embryo continue to divide until _____ layers of tissue are formed</p><p>- one layer becomes ______and digestive systems</p><p>- second layer develops into muscles, ______, blood vessels and ______</p><p>- third layer forms ______system, sense organs and ______</p><p> blood supply of mother and embryo kept ______ embryo’s waste is passed to mother’s ______and excreted from the mother’s body along with her own body wastes</p><p> substances that are ______to the embryo, like tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, can also pass through the ______</p><p> time from ______to ______usually takes about ______days, or nine months</p><p> divided into _____ trimesters</p><p>- major changes during first trimester:</p><p>. spinal cord grows, brain, ears, and arms begin to form, heart begins to ______</p><p>. develops human profile, sex organs, eyelids, fingernails, and toe nails develop</p><p>. by week _____ can make crying motions and may suck thumb</p><p>- major changes during second trimester:</p><p>. can blink and becomes more active</p><p>. eyebrows and eyelashes develop</p><p>. can ______conversations, has a regular cycle of waking and sleeping</p><p>. weight increases ______…about 12 inches long and weighs a little more than ______</p><p>. may survive if born after ______weeks with specialized care</p><p>- major changes during third trimester:</p><p>. uses all 5 ______</p><p>. begins to pass water from ______</p><p>. weighs approximately ______pounds when ready to be born</p><p>Multiple Births</p><p> multiple embryos are formed</p><p> identical twins </p><p> o ______zygote splits into two ______embryos</p><p> o identical traits, ______gender</p><p>- ______twins</p><p> o two eggs are released and fertilized by two ______sperm o can be ______genders</p><p>A Healthy Pregnancy</p><p>- ______– steps that a pregnant female can take to provide for her own health and the health of her baby</p><p>- a woman should seek prenatal care as soon as ______and then ______throughout the pregnancy</p><p> eat healthy</p><p>- pregnant females are encouraged to take prenatal ______to provide a balance of nutrients such as:</p><p> o calcium </p><p> o protein</p><p> o iron</p><p> o vitamin A</p><p>- to achieve a healthy weight gain during pregnancy most females need to consume only an additional ______calories per day</p><p>- average healthy weight gain is ______pounds</p><p>- gaining too ______→ can result in a small, undeveloped baby</p><p>- gaining too much → can result in ______delivery, risk of high blood pressure, ______and varicose veins</p><p> keep fit</p><p>- can help a female maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy</p><p>- before starting any exercise program an expectant mother should check with their ______</p><p> avoid tobacco use</p><p>- smoking accounts for up to ______of low-birth-weight babies, 14 percent of premature births, and 10 percent of all infant ______</p><p>- can affect growth, mental development and behavior</p><p>- exposure to repeated ______increases the risk of having a low-birth- weight baby avoid alcohol use</p><p>- a fetus breaks down alcohol more ______than the mother → alcohol level in the fetus’s blood is ______and it remains in bloodstream ______</p><p>- can lead to ______(FAS): a group of alcohol-related birth defects that includes both physical and mental problems</p><p>- infants born with FAS may have ______, memory, and ______problems, visual and hearing impairments</p><p> avoid ______</p><p>- prescription and over-the-counter medications should be used only with the ______of a doctor or health care professional</p><p>- illegal drugs pose a health risk to both the mother and fetus</p><p>- infants may have growth problems, respiratory or cardiovascular problems, mental impairments or birth defects</p><p>- can lead to ______birth, miscarriage or the baby may also be born with an addiction to the drug</p><p> avoid hazards in the ______</p><p>- lead</p><p>. can be found in paint of houses built before ______and in some glassware or dinnerware</p><p>- mercury</p><p>. pregnant females should avoid eating certain types of ______with higher levels of ______: shark, swordfish, king mackerel</p><p>- smog</p><p>. greatest risk is in 2nd ______of pregnancy because ______are </p><p> developing</p><p>- radiation</p><p>. found in X-rays</p><p>- use ______when using household chemicals and cleaning-products Complications of Pregnancy</p><p>- most pregnancies result in the birth of a ______baby</p><p>- 70 percent of births occur through ______delivery</p><p>- complications can result in a ______delivery made through an incision in the mother’s abdomen</p><p>- ______birth → takes place at least three weeks before the due date</p><p>- miscarriage → spontaneous expulsion of a fetus occurring before the ______week of pregnancy</p><p>- ______→ delivery of a fetus that has died after the twentieth week of pregnancy</p><p>- complications can be caused by a ______reason or ______use </p><p>- ______hypertension → high blood pressure during pregnancy usually occurs after the twentieth week of pregnancy</p><p>- ______→ high blood pressure, swelling, and large amounts of protein in urine</p><p> o can prevent placenta from getting enough ______to nourish fetus</p><p> o treatment: ______blood pressure through bed rest or medication</p><p>- ______→ results when a zygote implants not in the uterus but in fallopian tube, abdomen, ovary or cervix</p><p>- ______for fetus to receive nourishment and grow</p><p>- ______lead to birth of a healthy fetus</p><p>- number one cause of ______in women in the first trimester of pregnancy</p><p>Childbirth</p><p> Step 1: ______</p><p>- begins with “water breaking” or mild muscle ______</p><p>- contractions become regular, stronger and ______together</p><p>- causes cervix to ______, or widen</p><p> Step 2: ______</p><p>- begins when ______is fully dilated (10 cm./4 in.)</p><p>- mother pushes with contractions to help the baby through the birth canal and from the mother’s body - baby takes first breath and cries to clear its lungs of ______</p><p> Step 3: ______</p><p>- placenta still attached to baby….umbilical cord is cut</p><p>- ______contractions continue until the afterbirth (placenta) is pushed from the mother’s body</p>
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