Där Östersjön är Västersjön Seal, kus Läänemeri on Idameri Där Östersjön är Västersjön Seal, kus Läänemeri on Idameri Festskrift till Virve och Raimo Raag Pühendusteos Virve ja Raimo Raagile ROGIER BLOKLAND OCH RIITTA-LIISA VALIJÄRVI (RED.) 2020 © The Authors 2020 Cover image: © Wikimedia Commons Production: Graphic Services, Uppsala University Distributed by Uppsala University, Department of Modern Languages, Box 636, 751 26 Uppsala, Sweden www.moderna.uu.se [email protected] ISBN 978-91-506-2835-7 http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-416455 Printed by Kph Trycksaksbolaget AB, Uppsala Tabula Gratulatoria Rogier Blokland, Uppsala Renate ja Karl Pajusalu, Tartu Tünde Blomqvist, Uppsala Helen Plado, Helsinki & Tartu Eesti Instituut, Tallinn & Võru Eesti Keele Instituut, Tallinn Aivar Põldvee, Tallinn Eesti Vabariigi Suursaatkond Eva Pärt Enander, Uppsala Stockholmis Nicolaus Janos Raag, Uppsala Märit Frändén, Uppsala Heiki Reila, Tallinn Johan Gille, Uppsala Thomas Rosén, Göteborg Thomas Grub, Uppsala Kristiina Ross, Tallinn Satu Gröndahl, Uppsala Meeli Sedrik, Tartu Riho Grünthal, Helsinki Dessislava Stoeva-Holm, Uppsala Anders Gustafsson, Uppsala Lars-Göran Sundell, Uppsala Cornelius Hasselblatt, Zuidwolde Torbjörn Söder, Uppsala Mervi de Heer, Uppsala Tiina Söderman, Tallinn Institutionen för moderna språk, Kai Tafenau, Tallinn Uppsala Laura Talvineva, Uppsala Olena Jansson, Uppsala Tartu Ülikooli eesti ja Leelo Keevallik, Linköping üldkeeleteaduse instituut, Tartu Olle Kejonen, Uppsala Tõnu Tender, Tallinn Katrin Kern, Tartu Miriam Thegel, Leuven & Uppsala Birute Klaas-Lang, Tartu Gábor Tillinger, Uppsala Hans Kronning, Uppsala Udo Uibo, Tallinn Christina Kullberg, Uppsala Jaan Undusk, Tallinn Ingrid Maier, Uppsala Uppsala Eesti Selts Gun och Urpo Merila, Bryssel Lembit Vaba, Saku Iris Metsmägi, Tallinn Jüri Valge, Tartu Liliana Mitrache, Uppsala Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi, London Gernot Müller, Uppsala & Uppsala Julia Nielsen, Uppsala Jüri Viikberg, Tallinn Coco Norén, Uppsala Võro Instituut, Võro Miina Norvik, Tartu & Uppsala Karine Åkerman Sarkisian, Uppsala Małgorzata Anna Packalén Parkman, Uppsala Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................................... 9 Se tavallinen Niemi – Finskspråkiga efternamn i Sverige ................ 11 Märit Frändén Hundar som heter Seppo – Några reflektioner kring den litterära flerspråkigheten ................................................................... 25 Satu Gröndahl Töörändajate keelekeskkond ............................................................. 36 Leelo Keevallik On the development of some Saami kinship terms ........................... 43 Olle Kejonen Eesti keele õpetamisest välisülikoolides ........................................... 54 Birute Klaas-Lang Två okända brev av ryske residenten Andrej Chilkov under det Stora nordiska kriget ................................................................... 61 Ingrid Maier & Olena Jansson Die Multiperspektivität der Bühnentextübersetzung. Die Physiker von Friedrich Dürrenmatt in schwedischer Bearbeitung .................. 74 Liliana Mitrache På spaning efter ”det polska” som flytt… ......................................... 84 Małgorzata Anna Packalén Parkman Vabatahtlik sundgrammatisatsioon: nuks-i edulugu ......................... 95 Renate Pajusalu & Karl Pajusalu Ühest umbsõlmest eesti kirjakeele teel pastorite keelest talurahva eeleks ............................................................................... 105 Aivar Põldvee, Heiki Reila, Kristiina Ross & Kai Tafenau Living with elephants: Albanian and Estonian in their linguistic neighbourhoods ................................................................ 116 Thomas Rosén Frukostdags – när en måltid byter skepnad och funktion ............... 123 Dessislava Stoeva-Holm Ett franskt öga i 1930-talets Estland ............................................... 136 Lars-Göran Sundell Seriella adpositioner i sydsamiska .................................................. 147 Torbjörn Söder Kui Tiina Uppsala ülikooli jõudis olid Virve ja Raimo juba kohal ehk killukesi elust ........................................................................... 157 Tiina Söderman Suur tänu, Raimo Raag, 1989. aastal peetud loengute eest Universitas Tartuensises! ................................................................ 165 Tõnu Tender From obligation to volition: the diachronic development of necesitar ‘need to’ in the Spanish modal system ............................ 171 Miriam Thegel See viies viik ................................................................................... 184 Udo Uibo & Meeli Sedrik Vigala anomaalia ehk lisandus eesti sõnavara ajaloo uurimisse ..... 191 Lembit Vaba Raimo Raag ja Emakeele Selts ....................................................... 200 Jüri Valge Rootsi ja rootslased eesti keeles ning meeles .................................. 207 Jüri Viikberg Introduction The articles in the present volume have been written by colleagues, friends and students of Virve and Raimo, both in Sweden and Estonia, as a tribute to the couple on the occasion of Raimo’s retirement this year and Virve’s in 2021. Virve and Raimo have dedicated years of their lives to teaching Estonian at Uppsala University (Raimo since 1978, Virve since 1979), but also to changing the way how Estonian is taught. This is an important point, because in 2006 the teaching of Estonian switched from campus teaching to online teaching. At the time this was a completely new idea, beset by technical com- plications (of course), and a risky step, but due to the enormous efforts made Virve and Raimo (and by Leelo Keevallik) it worked out beautifully. Many colleagues interested in online teaching have gone to them for help, which, in the typical Raagian manner, was generously given, and in these COVID-19 times, many at the Department of Modern Languages have suddenly come to realize how useful it is to have had teachers with more than a decade of online teaching experience under their belts. University teaching is nothing without research, and, indeed, both Virve and Raimo have explored and worked on practically all aspects of Estonian. A few keywords must suffice here, but topics on which Virve and Raimo have published especially prolifically include Swedish Estonian, Old Written Esto- nian, Estonian morphology, Estonia and Estonians abroad, Swedish loan- words in Estonian, the languages of the Swedish Empire, Estonian syntax, South Estonian, Vote, Estonian neologisms, Estonian translations of 18th cen- tury Swedish cookbooks, etc. However, in addition to these occasionally very specific themes they have not forgotten learners of Estonian, for whom they have also written a number of textbooks and dictionaries. Also indicative of the Raags’ wide-ranging talents is the fact that Virve was asked multiple times to be Head of Department, a task which entails an enormous amount of work, and which she carried out for ten years expertly and conscientiously. Raimo, on the other hand, has been Professor of Estonian since 2001 and has received numerous awards for his pedagogical and scholarly achievements. Following the spirit of the title (of which the authors of the articles were not aware!), there are three articles on Swedo-Estonian topics, ranging from Estonians in Sweden (Keevallik) via Swedish loanwords in Estonian (Uibo & Sedrik) to uses of the word Rootsi, rootsi ‘Sweden; Swedish’ in Estonian (Viikberg). There are other articles on Estonian etymology (Vaba) and bor- rowed Estonian morphology (Pajusalu & Pajusalu), a theme dear to Virve’s 9 heart. Old Written Estonian, a field Raimo has been very active in, is also represented (Põldvee & Reila & Ross & Tafenau), as well aspects of teaching Estonian abroad (Klaas-Lang). Further afield, Finno-Ugric languages are rep- resented by articles on Finnish surnames in Sweden (Frändén), literary multi- lingualism (Gröndahl), kinship terminology in North Saami (Kejonen) and se- rial adpositions in South Saami (Söder). It is never easy for the editors of a Festschrift to present the contributions as a coherent whole. However, we specifically wanted the research being car- ried out on the languages and literatures of the Department of Modern Lan- guages to be widely represented, and the articles include the following themes: a comparison of Albanian and Estonian (Rosén), the life of a Frenchman in 1930s Estonia (Sundell), a comparison of the Swedish translation of a Swiss theatre play and its German original (Mitrache), the culture and language of breakfast (Stoeva-Holm), Polish literature in Sweden (Packalén), undiscov- ered Russian letters from the time of the Great Northern War (Maier & Jans- son), and the Spanish modal system (Thegel). Also included, and these are especially welcome, are personal reminiscences of the Raags (Söderman, Ten- der, Valge). An eclectic collection, but, after all, that is what makes a Festskrift a Pühendusteos. We would like to thank the Department of Modern Languages for its un- stinting support. In addition, we would also like to thank Martin Högvall (Uppsala University’s Graphic Services) who gave us swift help beyond the call of duty. In closing, we wish Virve and Raimo wonderful and active retirement years. Hakkame teist puudust tundma! Rogier Blokland, Uppsala Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi, London & Uppsala 10 Se tavallinen Niemi – Finskspråkiga efternamn i Sverige Märit Frändén, Uppsala 1. Inledning Virtanen är ett av Finlands vanligaste efternamn,
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