THE ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND ANNUAL REPORT O F TH E American Poarb of Commisisüoncrsi for Jforetgn jHtsstons TOGETHER WITH THE MIXI TES OF THE MEETING HELD AT PORTLAND, MAINE OCTOBER 8- 11, 1912 ::::::::: PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD CONGREGATIONAL HOUSE BOSTON Contents PACK Organization of th e A m erican B o ard ........................................... x M in u tes of th e A n n u al M e e t in g ................................................................... 3 Corporate Members present.............................................................................. 2 Missionaries Present........................................................................................... 4 Male Honorary Members Reported as Present............................................. 5 Organization......................................................................................................... ^ Committees Appointed. 5,6,7 Letters of Excuse................................................................................................. 8 Committee on Nominating New Members.................................................... 9 New Members...................................................................................................... 10 Place and Preacher for Next Meeting...................................................... .... 10 Election of Officers............................................................ u Case of Rev. James Sm ith............................................................................... 12 Final Report of Business Committee........................ 12 H ome D epartm en t N ew Laborers for the Harvest. 18 The Year’s Finances............................... 20 The Rising Generation............. 22 The Help of the Women. 23 As to Publications............................. 23 District Offices....................................................................... .... 25 Changes in the New York Office.............................................. 26 Committee Meetings................ 27 Necrology........................................................................... 29 Possible Changes in the Constitution of the Board.................................... 29 The Next Meeting............................................................................... 32 The Middle District (Mr. Beard’s Report).................................................... 32 The Interior District (Dr. Hitchcock’s Report)................................... .. 34 The Pacific Coast District (Dr. Tenney's Report).... 37 T h e F ield s Africa Missions..................................................................................................... 41 Turkey Missions.................................................................................................. 70 China Missions..................................................................................................... 106 Missions in India and Ceylon........................................................................... 135 Japan Mission....................................................................................................... 162 Missions in the Islands and Papal Lands....................................................... 179 Tabular View of the Missions of the A. B. C. F. M. for the Year 1 9 1 1 - 1 2 ........ 195 T h e T r ea su r y The Treasurer’s Report for the Year ending August 31, 1 9 1 2 ..................... 196 Pecuniary Accounts............................................................................................ 203 Summary Donations........................................................................................... 227 iv Contents PAGE S t a t i s t i c s Receipts of the Board........................................................................................... 235 Places of Meeting and Preachers....................................................................... 236 Missionaries of the Board.................................................................................... 238 Corporate Members of the Board.................................................................... 244 Corporate Members whose Service has Ceased............................................... 249 Officers of the Board............................................................................................. 250 -Honorary Members.................... 252 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions President.—S a m u e l B. C a p e n , LL.D. Vice-President,—E d w a r d D. E a t o n , D.D. Prudential Committee.— The President and Vice-President, ex officis. H e r b e r t A . W i l d e r , R e v . E d w a r d M. N o y e s , E d w a r d C . M o o r e , D .D ., R e v . G e o r g e A. H a l l . Terms expire 1913. H o n . A r t h u r H . W e l l m a n , H e n r y H a r r is o n P r o c t o r , L u c i u s H . T h a y e r , D.D., Rev. W illard L. Sperry. Terms expire 1914. Arthur Perry, John C. Berry, M.D., Raymond Calkins, D.D., Hon. James Logan. • Terms expire 1915. Corresponding Secretaries.—J a m e s L . B a r t o n , D.D., C o r n e l iu s H. P a t t o n , D .D ., E d w a r d L in c o l n S m it h , D.D. Treasurer.—F r a n k H . W i g g i n . Recording Secretary.—H e n r y A . S t im s o n , D .D . Assistant Recording Secretary.—E d w a r d X. P a c k a r d , D.D. Editorial Secretaries.— E . E . S t r o n g , D.D., Emeritus; W il l i a m E . S t r o n g , D.D. Associate Secretaries.— Rev. E n o c h F. B e l l , Rev. D. B r e w e r E d d y . Auditors.—E d w in H . B a k e r , W i l l i a m B . P l u n k e t t , H e r b e r t J . W e l l s . Publishing and Purchasing Agent.—J o h n G. H o s m e r . S e c r e t a r y S m it h in charge, United Charities Building, 4th Ave. and 22d St., New York. District A . N. H it c h c o c k , D.D., 19 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Secretaries.— H. M e l v i l l e T e n n e y , D.D., Mechanics Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal. W oman’s Board of Missions W. B. M ., Boston.— Mrs. C h a r l e s H. D a n i e l s , President; Miss K a t e G. L a m - s o n , Foreign Secretary; Miss H e l e n B. C a l d e r , Home Secretary; Miss A l i c e M . K y l e , Editorial Secretary; Miss M a r y P r e s t o n , Secretary of Young People's Work; M is s S a r a h L o u is e D a y , Treasurer; Miss S. E m m a K e i t h , Assistant Treasurer. W. B. M . of the Interior.— Mrs. G eo r g e M . C l a r k , President; Miss M. D. W in ­ g a t e , Secretary; Mrs. S. E. H u r l b u t , Treasurer, 1454 Asbury Ave., Evans­ ton, 111. W. B. M. for the Pacific.— Mrs. R. B. C h e r in g t o n , President, Portersville, Cal.; Mrs. H. M. T e n n e y , Home Secretary, 37 Mesa Ave., Piedmont, Cal.; Mrs. W . W . F e r r i e r , Acting Treasurer, 2716 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 1 Resigned. Minutes of the Annual Meeting The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions commenced its One Hundred and Third Annual Meeting in the Williston Church of Portland, Me., Tuesday, October 8 , 1912, at 2.30 p.m . CORPORATE MEMBERS Thomas Weston, Newton. PRESENT Rev. William W. Jordan, Clinton. Rev. Charles H. Daniels, Wellesley. Rev. James L. Barton, Newton Center. Maine Rev. DeWitt S. Clark, Salem. Rev. William P. Fisher, Brunswick. Frank H. Wiggin, Boston. Galen C. Moses, Bath. Rev. Arcturus Z. Conrad, Boston. George H. Eaton, Calais. I Samuel Usher, Cambridge. Rev. Leavitt H. Hallock, Lewiston. Charles N. Prouty, Spencer. John M . Gould, Portland. Charles E. Swett, Winchester. Rev. Omar W. Folsom, Bath. John C. Berry, M .D., Worcester. Arthur H. Wellman, Malden. | Henry H. Proctor, Boston. New Hampshire ! Rev. Edward C. Moore, Cambridge. Rev. Lucius H. Thayer, Portsmouth. | Rev. Cornelius H. Patton, Newton, Charles C. Morgan, Nashua. i Rev. Edward M. Noyes, Newton Cen­ Rev. Charles H. Percival, Rochester. ter. Rev. Samuel H. Dana, Exeter. i Herbert A. Wilder, Newton. Rev. George H. Reed, Concord. Francis O. Winslow, Norwood. ! Rev. William E. Strong, Newtonville. Vermont ! Rev. Ambrose W. Vernon, Brookline. ! Rev. George A. Hall, Brookline. Rev. Henry Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. ! Rev. Clarence A. Vincent, Roxbury. Charles W . Osgood, Bellows Falls. ■ Alfred S. Hall, Winchester. Carl V . W?oodbury, Northfield. Arthur Perry, Boston. Rev. I. Chipman Smart, Burlington. | Rev. Brewer Eddy, Newtonville. Rev. BenJamin Swift, Woodstock. Rev. Raymond Calkins, Cambridge. Frank A. Morse, West Rutland. : Rev. Edward E. Bradley, Lincoln. Rev. Henry L . Ballou, Chester. I Walter K. Bigelow, Salem. | Rev. Harris G. Hale, Brookline. Massachusetts ; Rev. H. Grant Person, Newton. Rev. Elnathan E. Strong, Auburn- I Rev. John L. Kilbon, Springfield. dale. ! Rev. Enoch F. Bell, Newtonville. Samuel B. Capen, Boston. E. H. Bigelow, M .D., Framingham. Rev. Arthur Little, Dorchester. Rev. John Reid, Franklin. Rev. George A. Tewksbury, Concord. ; Rev. Stephen A. Norton, Woburn. Rev. Payson W. Lyman, Fall River. | Rev. Everett S. Stackpole, Bradford. Rev. Albert E . Dunning, Brookline. | Rev. George W. Andrews, Dalton. Rev. John R. Thurston, Worcester. ! William Shaw, Ballardvale. 3 4 Minutes of the Annual Meeting Connecticut Wisconsin Rev. Edward N. Packard, Stratford. Pres. Edward D. Eaton, Beloit. Rev. Azel W . Hazen, Middletown. John M . Whitehead, Janesville. Edwin H. Baker, Greenwich. John H. Perry, Southport. Minnesota Rev. William W. McLane, New Haven. Rev. Harry P. Dewey, Minneapolis. Rev. Watson L . Phillips, New Haven. David Percy Jones, Minneapolis. Rev. Joseph H. Seldon, Greenwich. Rev. Fred B. Hill, Northfield. Rev. William H. Woodwell, East Hampton. Iowa
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