<p>Unit I Ancient World: Civilizations and Religions (4000 BC – AD 500)</p><p>Section 1: Early Peoples and River Civilization Key People and terms: state the significance of these key people and terms</p><p>1. Nomad</p><p>2. Cultural diffusion</p><p>3. Neolithic</p><p>4. Technology</p><p>5. Civilization</p><p>6. Polytheistic</p><p>7. Fertile Crescent</p><p>8. Dynasty Early Peoples (Paleolithic Era)</p><p>How did they gather How did they adapt to What were their Describe their patterns food? their environment? spiritual beliefs? of migration.</p><p>The Neolithic Revolution: Causes: 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>How did the Neolithic Revolution Change people’s lives?</p><p>5 Characteristics of Early Civilizations</p><p>Cities and Central Government Traditional Economy System of Writing</p><p>Job Specialization and Social Art and Architecture Classes Early River Valley Civilizations Egypt</p><p>Geographic Setting Religion Government</p><p>Social Structure Contributions</p><p>Mesopotamia Sumerian Civilization Geographic Setting Religion Government</p><p>Social Structure Economy Contributions</p><p>Code of Hammurabi: What is its significance? Indus River Valley Geographic Setting Important Cities</p><p>China Geographic Setting Government Social Structure</p><p>Religion Contributions</p><p>How did trade, warfare, and migration spread ideas among early civilization?</p><p>What geographical features of the Fertile Crescent helped civilization to grow and ideas to spread between cultures? Section 2: Classical Civilizations Key Peoples and Terms 1. Mandate of Heaven</p><p>2. Bureaucracy</p><p>3. Asoka</p><p>4. Polis</p><p>5. Aristocracy</p><p>6. Direct democracy</p><p>7. Hellenistic</p><p>8. Republic</p><p>9. Senate</p><p>10. Patrician</p><p>11. Plebian</p><p>12. Pax Romana</p><p>13. Laws of the Twelve Tables 14. Aqueduct</p><p>15. Silk Road</p><p>China (BC 1027-AD220) Geographic Setting:</p><p>Zhou Dynasty (1027 BC-221BC) How does a dynasty lose the Mandate of Heaven?</p><p> Contributions</p><p>Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC) How did Shi Huangdi centralize his power?</p><p>The Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220) Government: How did Wudi strengthen the government?</p><p> Describe the effect of Confucianism on Han Society</p><p> What were their contributions?</p><p>India (1500 BC – 185 BC) Geographic Setting: 3 major geographic regions and describe them 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3. What was the Aryans impact on India?</p><p>Maurya Empire (321 BC – 185 BC) How did the Mauryans organize their government?</p><p> Who was Asoka? Why is he important?</p><p> List the Contributions of the Mauryan Empire</p><p>Greece (1750 BC – 133 BC)</p><p>How did the geography of Greece affect both its economic activity and its political divisions?</p><p>Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens</p><p>What effect did Alexander the Great’s conquests have on the Mediterranean world?</p><p>List and describe Greek and Hellenistic Contributions in the following areas: Philosophy”</p><p> Literature: Art and Architecture:</p><p> Science:</p><p> Mathematics:</p><p>How does Greek civilization affect us today? List at least three.</p><p>Rome (509 B.C. – A.D 476)</p><p>How did the geography of Rome contribute to its development as a power?</p><p>Section 3: Rise and Fall of Great Empires The Han Empire</p><p>Military Power Government Economy and Trade</p><p>The Roman Empire Military Power Government Economy and Trade Geographic Setting Extent of the Han Empire Extent of the Han Empire</p><p>Causes of Decline The Han Empire Political Causes Economic Causes Military Causes</p><p>The Roman Empire Political Causes Economic Causes Military Causes Social Causes Section 4: Emergence of Belief Systems</p><p>Key People and Terms: 1. Animism</p><p>2. Brahman</p><p>3. Reincarnation</p><p>4. Karma</p><p>5. Dharma</p><p>6. Upanishads</p><p>7. Buddha</p><p>8. Nirvana</p><p>9. Monotheistic</p><p>10. Torah 11. Messiah</p><p>12. Bible</p><p>13. Hijra</p><p>14. Quran</p><p>15. Sharia</p><p>16. Missionary</p><p>17. Diaspora</p><p>Hinduism Terms to know: Brahman, karma, dharma, reincarnation, Upanishads Describe the process by which a Hindu reaches “salvation”?</p><p> Explain how the caste system is an important part of the Hindu religious experience.</p><p>Buddhism: Terms to know: Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, Tripitaka Founder:</p><p> All life is ______ What are the Four Noble Truths? What are their purposes? 1. 2. 3. 4. How does one achieve salvation?</p><p> How did this religion spread?</p><p>Compare and Contrast Hinduism to Buddhism</p><p>Two Philosophies of China</p><p>Confucianism: List the Key ideas of Confucianism 1. People need to ______their place in ______2. These places were expressed in the 5 ______3. None of these ______are equal 4. Every person had ______and ______that depended on his ______5. People are naturally______6. ______is the road to ______in society 7. to ensure social ______, the individual must find and ______his proper ______in society Taoism: Goal:</p><p> How do you achieve salvation? What is the importance of the yin and yang?</p><p> What are the sacred texts?</p><p>Judaism List the important aspects of Judaism</p><p> How did this religion spread?</p><p>Islam Who was the Founder?</p><p>Major Beliefs Rules of conduct are called the ______1. 2. 3. 4. 5.</p><p> Sacred Text is called the</p><p> How did this religion spread? Unit 2: Expanding Zones of Exchange (500-1200) Section 1: The Gupta Empire in India</p><p>Key People and Terms Gupta Dynasty</p><p> Pataliputra</p><p> Untouchables</p><p> Joint family</p><p> Patriarchal</p><p> Decimal system</p><p> Arabic numerals</p><p> Stupa</p><p>Geography: How did geography benefit the Gupta Empire?</p><p>Gupta Government: List the Characteristics of Gupta Rule and describe</p><p>Hinduism and Gupta Society: How did Hinduism influence the following aspects of Gupta Society? Caste System</p><p> Organization of Village Life</p><p> Organization of Family Life</p><p> o Patriarchal Structure</p><p> o Children and Marriage o Role of Women</p><p>Scientific and Artistic Contributions Mathematics Medicine Architecture Literature</p><p>Section 2: Tang and Song Dynasty</p><p>Key People and Terms Tang dynasty</p><p> Tributary state</p><p> Song dynasty</p><p> Gentry</p><p> Calligraphy</p><p> Pagoda</p><p> Porcelain</p><p>Government and Society: What was the guiding principle of Chinese government? How did this principal affect Chinese government? Be specific!</p><p>Chinese Society What was the status of Women in Chinese Society?</p><p> How did the Tang and Song rulers help the economy to flourish?</p><p>Achievements of the Tang and Song Government Economy Art</p><p> How did China influence Japan. Be specific!</p><p>Section 3: The Byzantine Empire and Russia</p><p>Key People and Terms Justinian</p><p> Autocrat</p><p> Justinian’s Code</p><p> Icon</p><p> Mosaic</p><p> Patriarch</p><p> Schism Czar</p><p>The Byzantine Empire Geographic Setting Achievements in Art, Justinian’s Code The Orthodox Christian Capital City: Architecture Why important? Church Describe the split</p><p> Greatest Extent:</p><p> How was the Byzantine empire able to preserve and spread Greek and Roman knowledge and culture?</p><p>Russia and Eastern Europe How did the Byzantine empire affect Russia in the following areas? o Language</p><p> o Religion</p><p> o Government</p><p> o Art and Architecture</p><p>Section 4: Islamic Civilization List the lands and peoples that came under Muslim rule Why was trade important in the Muslim empire?</p><p>Islamic Achievements Mathematics Art Literature Medicine Economics</p><p>Section 5: Medieval Europe and the Crusades Key people and Terms 1. Medieval</p><p>2. Charlemagne</p><p>3. Chivalry</p><p>4. Manorialism</p><p>5. Serf</p><p>6. Secular</p><p>7. Excommunicate</p><p>8. Pope Innocent III</p><p>9. Monastery</p><p>10. Anti-Semitism</p><p>11. Gothic</p><p>What is the significance of the reign of Charlemagne?</p><p>Why did the feudal system develop? Create a chart of the feudal system: Include the duties and responsibilities of one class to another</p><p>Describe the manor system and how it provided for people’s basic needs.</p><p>The Church: What spiritual role did the Church play in the Middle Ages?</p><p>What were the secular powers of the church</p><p>What role did monks and nuns play in preserving Greco-Roman culture?</p><p>Describe the relationship between religion and art in medieval Europe</p><p>List the contributions of medieval Europe in</p><p> Literature Art and Architecture</p><p>The Crusades Key people and terms 1. Crusades</p><p>2. Urban II</p><p>3. Council of Clermont</p><p>4. Holy Land</p><p>5. Saladin</p><p>6. Richard the Lion-Hearted</p><p>List the reasons for the Crusades</p><p>List two ways in which the Crusades had an impact on each of the aspects of medieval life Global Economy 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>European interest in learning 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>Christian Church 1.</p><p>2. How did the Crusades affect the feudal system</p><p>Unit 3 Global Interaction (1200-1650) Section 1: Early Japan and Feudalism Key People and Terms 1. Shinto</p><p>2. Kami</p><p>3. Zen Buddhism</p><p>4. Shogun</p><p>5. Daimyo</p><p>6. Samurai</p><p>7. Bushido</p><p>8. Kabuki</p><p>9. Haiku</p><p>Describe two effects of geography on the development of Japanese culture. 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>List three ways in which China influenced Japan 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>Why did feudalism develop in Japan?</p><p>Feudal Japan Describe each class Emperor:</p><p>Shogun Daimyo</p><p>Samurai</p><p>Other classes The Tokugawa Shogunate: How and why did the Tokugawa Shogunate seize power?</p><p>How did the Tokugawa’s feel towards foreigners? Why did they do what they did?</p><p>Section 2: The Mongols and Their Impact Key People and Terms 1. Genghis Kahn</p><p>2. Golden Horde</p><p>3. Kublai Kahn</p><p>4. Yuan Dynasty</p><p>5. Mughal Dynasty</p><p>6. Akbar the Great</p><p>7. Pax Mongolia</p><p>8. Marco Polo</p><p>9. Ibn Battuta</p><p>List the reasons for Mongol Victories</p><p>The Mongol Impact How did the Mongols rule conquered territories?</p><p> What effect did Mongol rule have on Russia? Describe how Mongol rule encouraged trade between China and the west</p><p> List two reasons why Mongol power declined 1. 2.</p><p>Section 3:Global Trade and Interactions Key people and terms: 1. Zheng He</p><p>2. Canton</p><p>3. Mogadishu</p><p>4. Cairo</p><p>5. Venice</p><p>6. Trade fair</p><p>7. Hanseatic League</p><p>8. Bubonic plague</p><p>9. Epidemic</p><p>Describe how the following led to an increase in Trade Crusades</p><p>Italian City States</p><p>Trade fairs and the Growth of cities</p><p>The Hanseatic League</p><p>Portugal and the Spice Trade</p><p>List and describe the three major trade routes 1. Across the Indian Ocean 2. Overland between East and West</p><p>3. Across the Mediterranean Sea</p><p>The Bubonic Plague: Describe its impact. Political Social Economic</p><p>Section 4: The Resurgence of Europe Key people and Terms 1. Guild</p><p>2. Apprentice</p><p>3. Capitalism</p><p>4. Commercial revolution</p><p>5. Renaissance</p><p>6. Humanism</p><p>7. Michelangelo</p><p>8. Leonardo da Vinci</p><p>9. 95 Theses</p><p>10. Protestant Reformation</p><p>11. Ignatius Loyola</p><p>12. Common law</p><p>13. Magna Charta</p><p>14. Parliament</p><p>The Commercial Revolution: Factors that led to a growth in trade Guilds Capitalism New Business Practice Towns and the Middle Class How did the Commercial Revolution change society?</p><p>The Renaissance What were the causes of the Renaissance?</p><p>Pick any 5 Renaissance artists or writers and describe an achievement of each. Also, describe how each was a humanist thinker</p><p>1.Michelangelo</p><p>2. da Vinci</p><p>3. Dante</p><p>4. Shakespeare</p><p>5. Machiavelli</p><p>What impact did the Printing Press have of society? 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3. Causes of the Reformation 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>How were Lutheranism and Calvinism different from Roman Catholicism? Lutheranism</p><p>Calvinism</p><p>What was the Counter-Reformation?</p><p>What changes were made in the Roman Catholic Church as a result of the Counter-Reformation?</p><p>Effects of the Reformation 1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>4.</p><p>How did the governments of France and England differ as they moved toward a stronger sense of nationhood? Section 5: African Civilizations</p><p>Key People and Terms 1. Ghana</p><p>2. Mali</p><p>3. Mansa Musa</p><p>4. Songhai</p><p>Describe how he geography of Africa led to diverse civilizations</p><p>Why did the Kingdoms of sub-Saharan Africa flourish?</p><p>Describe why trade was important to the Kingdoms of sub-Saharan Africa</p><p>Why was the hajj of Mansa Musa a significant event in the history of the world? </p><p>What impact did his hajj have on Mali? Unit 4 The First Global Age: (1450-1770) Section 1: Mesoamerican Civilizations Key People and Terms 1. Olmecs</p><p>2. Mayas</p><p>3. Aztecs</p><p>4. Incas</p><p>5. Terraces</p><p>Mesoamerican Civilizations Mayas Incas Aztecs Geographic Location</p><p>Religion</p><p>Social Structure</p><p>Contributions</p><p>Unit 2 The Ming Dynasty in China</p><p>Why did China choose to isolate itself drom foreign trade after 1433?</p><p>What impact did China have on other societies in Asia? Section 3: The Ottoman Empire</p><p>What was the consequence to Europe of the growth of Ottoman power?</p><p>What contributions did the Ottoman’s make in the areas of art and literature</p><p>Section 4: Exploration, Encounters and Imperialism</p><p>Key terms and people Imperialism</p><p>Columbian exchange</p><p>Encomienda</p><p>Reconquista</p><p>List the reasons for Spanish expansion in the Americas</p><p>List the reasons why the Spanish were so successful in the Americas</p><p>Social Structure of the Spanish Colonies: describe</p><p>Peninsulares:</p><p>Creoles</p><p>Mestizos</p><p>Mulattoes Triangular Trade and Slavery What is triangular trade?</p><p> What is the Middle passage?</p><p> What were the causes of the slave trade?</p><p>What were the effects of the slave trade?</p><p>Section 5: Absolutism and the Puritan Revolution Key People and Terms 1. Absolutism</p><p>2. Philip II</p><p>3. Divine Right</p><p>4. Louis XIV</p><p>5. Peter the Great</p><p>6. Puritans</p><p>7. Oliver Cromwell</p><p>8. Glorious Revolution</p><p>9. English Bill of Rights</p><p>10. Limited Monarchy</p><p>How did monarchs in India, Spain France and Russia work to increase their political power in the 1500s and 1600s? Global Absolutism India</p><p>Spain</p><p>France Russia</p><p>What ideas did absolute monarchs use to justify their power?</p><p>England In what ways did James and Charles assert their absolute power? 1. 2. 3. 4.</p><p>What were the causes of the English Civil War?</p><p>What choices did the English Parliament make to assure a check on absolutism?</p><p>Describe the English Bill of Rights, its significance and what it did Significance</p><p> What it did ( 4 things)</p><p>What was the Toleration act and why was it important?</p>
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