Unit I Ancient World: Civilizations and Religions (4000 BC – AD 500)

Section 1: Early Peoples and River Civilization Key People and terms: state the significance of these key people and terms

1. Nomad

2. Cultural diffusion

3. Neolithic

4. Technology

5. Civilization

6. Polytheistic

7. Fertile Crescent

8. Dynasty Early Peoples (Paleolithic Era)

How did they gather How did they adapt to What were their Describe their patterns food? their environment? spiritual beliefs? of migration.

The Neolithic Revolution: Causes: 1.


How did the Neolithic Revolution Change people’s lives?

5 Characteristics of Early Civilizations

Cities and Central Government Traditional Economy System of Writing

Job Specialization and Social Art and Architecture Classes Early River Valley Civilizations Egypt

Geographic Setting Religion Government

Social Structure Contributions

Mesopotamia Sumerian Civilization Geographic Setting Religion Government

Social Structure Economy Contributions

Code of Hammurabi: What is its significance? Indus River Valley Geographic Setting Important Cities

China Geographic Setting Government Social Structure

Religion Contributions

How did trade, warfare, and migration spread ideas among early civilization?

What geographical features of the Fertile Crescent helped civilization to grow and ideas to spread between cultures? Section 2: Classical Civilizations Key Peoples and Terms 1. Mandate of Heaven

2. Bureaucracy

3. Asoka

4. Polis

5. Aristocracy

6. Direct democracy

7. Hellenistic

8. Republic

9. Senate

10. Patrician

11. Plebian

12. Pax Romana

13. Laws of the Twelve Tables 14. Aqueduct

15. Silk Road

China (BC 1027-AD220) Geographic Setting:

Zhou Dynasty (1027 BC-221BC)  How does a dynasty lose the Mandate of Heaven?

 Contributions

Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC)  How did Shi Huangdi centralize his power?

The Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220)  Government: How did Wudi strengthen the government?

 Describe the effect of Confucianism on Han Society

 What were their contributions?

India (1500 BC – 185 BC)  Geographic Setting: 3 major geographic regions and describe them 1.


3. What was the Aryans impact on India?

Maurya Empire (321 BC – 185 BC)  How did the Mauryans organize their government?

 Who was Asoka? Why is he important?

 List the Contributions of the Mauryan Empire

Greece (1750 BC – 133 BC)

How did the geography of Greece affect both its economic activity and its political divisions?

Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens

What effect did Alexander the Great’s conquests have on the Mediterranean world?

List and describe Greek and Hellenistic Contributions in the following areas:  Philosophy”

 Literature:  Art and Architecture:

 Science:

 Mathematics:

How does Greek civilization affect us today? List at least three.

Rome (509 B.C. – A.D 476)

How did the geography of Rome contribute to its development as a power?

Section 3: Rise and Fall of Great Empires The Han Empire

Military Power Government Economy and Trade

The Roman Empire Military Power Government Economy and Trade Geographic Setting Extent of the Han Empire Extent of the Han Empire

Causes of Decline The Han Empire Political Causes Economic Causes Military Causes

The Roman Empire Political Causes Economic Causes Military Causes Social Causes Section 4: Emergence of Belief Systems

Key People and Terms: 1. Animism

2. Brahman

3. Reincarnation

4. Karma

5. Dharma

6. Upanishads

7. Buddha

8. Nirvana

9. Monotheistic

10. Torah 11. Messiah

12. Bible

13. Hijra

14. Quran

15. Sharia

16. Missionary

17. Diaspora

Hinduism  Terms to know: Brahman, karma, dharma, reincarnation, Upanishads  Describe the process by which a Hindu reaches “salvation”?

 Explain how the caste system is an important part of the Hindu religious experience.

Buddhism: Terms to know: Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, Tripitaka  Founder:

 All life is ______ What are the Four Noble Truths? What are their purposes? 1. 2. 3. 4.  How does one achieve salvation?

 How did this religion spread?

Compare and Contrast Hinduism to Buddhism

Two Philosophies of China

Confucianism: List the Key ideas of Confucianism 1. People need to ______their place in ______2. These places were expressed in the 5 ______3. None of these ______are equal 4. Every person had ______and ______that depended on his ______5. People are naturally______6. ______is the road to ______in society 7. to ensure social ______, the individual must find and ______his proper ______in society Taoism:  Goal:

 How do you achieve salvation?  What is the importance of the yin and yang?

 What are the sacred texts?

Judaism  List the important aspects of Judaism

 How did this religion spread?

Islam  Who was the Founder?

Major Beliefs  Rules of conduct are called the ______1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

 Sacred Text is called the

 How did this religion spread? Unit 2: Expanding Zones of Exchange (500-1200) Section 1: The Gupta Empire in India

Key People and Terms  Gupta Dynasty

 Pataliputra

 Untouchables

 Joint family

 Patriarchal

 Decimal system

 Arabic numerals

 Stupa

Geography:  How did geography benefit the Gupta Empire?

Gupta Government:  List the Characteristics of Gupta Rule and describe

Hinduism and Gupta Society: How did Hinduism influence the following aspects of Gupta Society?  Caste System

 Organization of Village Life

 Organization of Family Life

o Patriarchal Structure

o Children and Marriage o Role of Women

Scientific and Artistic Contributions Mathematics Medicine Architecture Literature

Section 2: Tang and Song Dynasty

Key People and Terms  Tang dynasty

 Tributary state

 Song dynasty

 Gentry

 Calligraphy

 Pagoda

 Porcelain

Government and Society:  What was the guiding principle of Chinese government? How did this principal affect Chinese government? Be specific!

Chinese Society  What was the status of Women in Chinese Society?

 How did the Tang and Song rulers help the economy to flourish?

Achievements of the Tang and Song Government Economy Art

 How did China influence Japan. Be specific!

Section 3: The Byzantine Empire and Russia

Key People and Terms  Justinian

 Autocrat

 Justinian’s Code

 Icon

 Mosaic

 Patriarch

 Schism  Czar

The Byzantine Empire Geographic Setting Achievements in Art, Justinian’s Code The Orthodox Christian  Capital City: Architecture Why important? Church  Describe the split

 Greatest Extent:

 How was the Byzantine empire able to preserve and spread Greek and Roman knowledge and culture?

Russia and Eastern Europe  How did the Byzantine empire affect Russia in the following areas? o Language

o Religion

o Government

o Art and Architecture

Section 4: Islamic Civilization  List the lands and peoples that came under Muslim rule  Why was trade important in the Muslim empire?

Islamic Achievements Mathematics Art Literature Medicine Economics

Section 5: Medieval Europe and the Crusades Key people and Terms 1. Medieval

2. Charlemagne

3. Chivalry

4. Manorialism

5. Serf

6. Secular

7. Excommunicate

8. Pope Innocent III

9. Monastery

10. Anti-Semitism

11. Gothic

What is the significance of the reign of Charlemagne?

Why did the feudal system develop? Create a chart of the feudal system: Include the duties and responsibilities of one class to another

Describe the manor system and how it provided for people’s basic needs.

The Church: What spiritual role did the Church play in the Middle Ages?

What were the secular powers of the church

What role did monks and nuns play in preserving Greco-Roman culture?

Describe the relationship between religion and art in medieval Europe

List the contributions of medieval Europe in

 Literature  Art and Architecture

The Crusades Key people and terms 1. Crusades

2. Urban II

3. Council of Clermont

4. Holy Land

5. Saladin

6. Richard the Lion-Hearted

List the reasons for the Crusades

List two ways in which the Crusades had an impact on each of the aspects of medieval life Global Economy 1.


European interest in learning 1.


Christian Church 1.

2. How did the Crusades affect the feudal system

Unit 3 Global Interaction (1200-1650) Section 1: Early Japan and Feudalism Key People and Terms 1. Shinto

2. Kami

3. Zen Buddhism

4. Shogun

5. Daimyo

6. Samurai

7. Bushido

8. Kabuki

9. Haiku

Describe two effects of geography on the development of Japanese culture. 1.


List three ways in which China influenced Japan 1.



Why did feudalism develop in Japan?

Feudal Japan Describe each class Emperor:

Shogun Daimyo


Other classes The Tokugawa Shogunate: How and why did the Tokugawa Shogunate seize power?

How did the Tokugawa’s feel towards foreigners? Why did they do what they did?

Section 2: The Mongols and Their Impact Key People and Terms 1. Genghis Kahn

2. Golden Horde

3. Kublai Kahn

4. Yuan Dynasty

5. Mughal Dynasty

6. Akbar the Great

7. Pax Mongolia

8. Marco Polo

9. Ibn Battuta

List the reasons for Mongol Victories

The Mongol Impact  How did the Mongols rule conquered territories?

 What effect did Mongol rule have on Russia?  Describe how Mongol rule encouraged trade between China and the west

 List two reasons why Mongol power declined 1. 2.

Section 3:Global Trade and Interactions Key people and terms: 1. Zheng He

2. Canton

3. Mogadishu

4. Cairo

5. Venice

6. Trade fair

7. Hanseatic League

8. Bubonic plague

9. Epidemic

Describe how the following led to an increase in Trade Crusades

Italian City States

Trade fairs and the Growth of cities

The Hanseatic League

Portugal and the Spice Trade

List and describe the three major trade routes 1. Across the Indian Ocean 2. Overland between East and West

3. Across the Mediterranean Sea

The Bubonic Plague: Describe its impact. Political Social Economic

Section 4: The Resurgence of Europe Key people and Terms 1. Guild

2. Apprentice

3. Capitalism

4. Commercial revolution

5. Renaissance

6. Humanism

7. Michelangelo

8. Leonardo da Vinci

9. 95 Theses

10. Protestant Reformation

11. Ignatius Loyola

12. Common law

13. Magna Charta

14. Parliament

The Commercial Revolution: Factors that led to a growth in trade Guilds Capitalism New Business Practice Towns and the Middle Class How did the Commercial Revolution change society?

The Renaissance What were the causes of the Renaissance?

Pick any 5 Renaissance artists or writers and describe an achievement of each. Also, describe how each was a humanist thinker


2. da Vinci

3. Dante

4. Shakespeare

5. Machiavelli

What impact did the Printing Press have of society? 1.


3. Causes of the Reformation 1.



How were Lutheranism and Calvinism different from Roman Catholicism? Lutheranism


What was the Counter-Reformation?

What changes were made in the Roman Catholic Church as a result of the Counter-Reformation?

Effects of the Reformation 1.




How did the governments of France and England differ as they moved toward a stronger sense of nationhood? Section 5: African Civilizations

Key People and Terms 1. Ghana

2. Mali

3. Mansa Musa

4. Songhai

Describe how he geography of Africa led to diverse civilizations

Why did the Kingdoms of sub-Saharan Africa flourish?

Describe why trade was important to the Kingdoms of sub-Saharan Africa

Why was the hajj of Mansa Musa a significant event in the history of the world?

What impact did his hajj have on Mali? Unit 4 The First Global Age: (1450-1770) Section 1: Mesoamerican Civilizations Key People and Terms 1. Olmecs

2. Mayas

3. Aztecs

4. Incas

5. Terraces

Mesoamerican Civilizations Mayas Incas Aztecs Geographic Location


Social Structure


Unit 2 The Ming Dynasty in China

Why did China choose to isolate itself drom foreign trade after 1433?

What impact did China have on other societies in Asia? Section 3: The Ottoman Empire

What was the consequence to Europe of the growth of Ottoman power?

What contributions did the Ottoman’s make in the areas of art and literature

Section 4: Exploration, Encounters and Imperialism

Key terms and people Imperialism

Columbian exchange



List the reasons for Spanish expansion in the Americas

List the reasons why the Spanish were so successful in the Americas

Social Structure of the Spanish Colonies: describe




Mulattoes Triangular Trade and Slavery  What is triangular trade?

 What is the Middle passage?

 What were the causes of the slave trade?

What were the effects of the slave trade?

Section 5: Absolutism and the Puritan Revolution Key People and Terms 1. Absolutism

2. Philip II

3. Divine Right

4. Louis XIV

5. Peter the Great

6. Puritans

7. Oliver Cromwell

8. Glorious Revolution

9. English Bill of Rights

10. Limited Monarchy

How did monarchs in India, Spain France and Russia work to increase their political power in the 1500s and 1600s? Global Absolutism India


France Russia

What ideas did absolute monarchs use to justify their power?

England In what ways did James and Charles assert their absolute power? 1. 2. 3. 4.

What were the causes of the English Civil War?

What choices did the English Parliament make to assure a check on absolutism?

Describe the English Bill of Rights, its significance and what it did  Significance

 What it did ( 4 things)

What was the Toleration act and why was it important?