In the Council of the District of Columbia s1

In the Council of the District of Columbia s1

<p> 1 1 ______2 Councilmember Mary M. Cheh 3 4 5 6 7 A BILL 8 9 ______10 11 12 IN THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 13 14 ______15 16 17Councilmember Mary M. Cheh introduced the following bill, which was referred to the 18 Committee on ______. 19 20To amend the Condominium Act of 1976 to include all condominiums created after adoption of 21 effective statute; to create a definition for electronic transmission and amend the 22 definition for unit owner in good standing; to adopt the business judgment rule to govern 23 decisions of condo boards; to allow for the relocation of unit boundaries unless prohibited 24 by the condominium instruments; to allow for the subdivision of units unless prohibited 25 by the condominium instruments; to provide that if an association provides notice of a 26 proposed amendment to the condominium instruments to the address of record of a 27 mortgagee and that mortgagee fails to respond within 60 days, such failure to respond 28 will be deemed to be a consent to the amendment; to require open meetings and authorize 29 electronic meetings; to clarify the association’s right to assess benefited members for 30 maintaining common elements; to allow the board to pledge as collateral for a loan or 31 otherwise assign the association’s assessment income; to amend requirements governing 32 insurance to require owners to purchase insurance, and to permits the association to 33 transfer responsibility for paying the deductible; to amend statutory lien requirements; to 34 require the association to maintain records and provide owners a right of inspection; to 35 allow for the issuance of a corporate surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit to secure a 36 deposit on a condominium unit; and to require declarants to record with the condominium 37 instruments an affidavit reflecting that a warranty bond has been posted. 38 39 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this </p><p>40act may be cited as the “Condominium Amendment Act of 2013”. </p><p>41 Sec. 2. The Condominium Act of 1976, effective March 29, 1977 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. </p><p>42Official Code § 42-1901.01 et seq.), is amended as follows:</p><p>2 1 (a) Section 101 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1901.01) is amended to read as </p><p>2follows: </p><p>3 “§ 42-1901.01. Applicability of chapter; corresponding terms; supersedure of prior law.</p><p>4 “(a) This chapter shall apply to all condominiums created in the District of Columbia; </p><p>5provided, that, except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter, any provision of this </p><p>6chapter that was adopted after the creation of any condominium, horizontal property regime or </p><p>7condominium project shall not invalidate any existing provision of the condominium instruments</p><p>8thereof.”.</p><p>9 (b) Section 102 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1901.02) is amended as follows:</p><p>10 (1) A new paragraph (12A) is added to read as follows:</p><p>11 “(12A) “Electronic transmission” means any form of communication, not directly</p><p>12involving the physical transmission of paper, that creates a record that:</p><p>13 (A) May be retained, retrieved, and reviewed by a recipient of the </p><p>14communications; and</p><p>15 (B) May be reproduced directly in paper form by a recipient through an </p><p>16automated process.”.</p><p>17 (2) Paragraph (32) is amended to read as follows:</p><p>18 “(32) “Unit owner in good standing,” unless otherwise provided in the governing </p><p>19documents, means a unit owner who is not delinquent for more than 30 days in the payment of </p><p>20any amount owed to the unit owners’ association, or a unit owner who has not been found by the </p><p>21unit owners’ association or its executive board to be in violation of the condominium instruments</p><p>22or the rules of the unit owners’ association.”.</p><p>23 (c) Section 209 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1902.09) is amended by adding at the </p><p>24end the following:</p><p>1 2 1 “The decisions and actions of the unit owners’ association and its executive board shall </p><p>2be reviewable by a court using the “business judgment” standard. A unit owners’ association </p><p>3shall have standing to sue in its own name for any claims or actions related to the common </p><p>4elements. Except as may be provided otherwise in the condominium instruments, the </p><p>5substantially prevailing party in any action brought by an unit owners’ association against a unit </p><p>6owner or by a unit owner against the unit owners’ association shall be entitled to recover </p><p>7reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs expended in the matter.”.</p><p>8 (d) Section 225(a) (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1902.25(a)) is amended to read as </p><p>9follows:</p><p>10 “(a)(1) Unless expressly prohibited by the condominium instruments, the boundaries </p><p>11between adjoining units may be relocated in accordance with:</p><p>12 “(A) The provisions of this section; and </p><p>13 “(B) Any restrictions and limitations not otherwise unlawful which the </p><p>14condominium instruments may specify.</p><p>15 “(2) The boundaries between adjoining units shall not be relocated if the </p><p>16condominium instruments expressly prohibit it.”.</p><p>17 (e) Section 226(a) (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1902.26(a)) is amended to read as </p><p>18follows:</p><p>19 “(a)(1) Unless expressly prohibited by the condominium instruments, units may </p><p>20be subdivided in accordance with:</p><p>21 “(A) The provisions of this section and other applicable law; and</p><p>22 “(B) Any restrictions and limitations not otherwise unlawful </p><p>23which the condominium instruments may specify.</p><p>1 3 1 “(2) No unit shall be subdivided if the condominium instruments </p><p>2expressly prohibit it.”.</p><p>3 (f) Section 227(g) (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1902.27(g)) is amended to read </p><p>4follows:</p><p>5 “(g)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, if the condominium </p><p>6instruments contain a provision requiring any action on the part of the holder of a mortgage or </p><p>7deed of trust on a unit in order to amend the condominium instruments, that provision shall be </p><p>8deemed satisfied if the procedures under this subsection are satisfied.</p><p>9 “(2) If the condominium instruments contain a provision described in paragraph </p><p>10(1) of this subsection, the unit owners’ association shall cause a copy of any proposed </p><p>11amendment to the condominium instruments to be delivered to the last known address of each </p><p>12holder of a mortgage or deed of trust entitled to notice. Absent notice of written instructions to </p><p>13the contrary, the association may reasonably rely upon the address of each holder as contained in</p><p>14the recorded mortgage or deed of trust.</p><p>15 “(3) If a holder of a mortgage or deed of trust that receives the proposed </p><p>16amendment fails to object, in writing, to the proposed amendment within 60 days from the date </p><p>17the proposed amendment is mailed or delivered to holder, the holder shall be deemed to have </p><p>18consented to the adoption of the amendment.”.</p><p>19 (g) Section 303 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.03) is amended to read as </p><p>20follows:</p><p>21 “Sec. 303. Meetings; electronic notice.</p><p>22 “(a) Meetings of the unit owners’ association shall be held in accordance with the </p><p>23provisions of the condominium instruments at least once each year after the formation of said </p><p>24association and shall be open to all unit owners of record in good standing. The bylaws shall </p><p>1 4 1specify an officer who shall, at least 21 days in advance of any annual or regularly scheduled </p><p>2meeting, and at least 7 days in advance of any other meeting, send to each unit owner notice of </p><p>3time, place, and purposes of such meeting. Notice shall be sent by United States mail to all unit </p><p>4owners of record at the address of their respective units and to one such other address as any of </p><p>5them may have designated in writing to such officer; or notice may be hand delivered by the </p><p>6officer, provided the officer certifies in writing that notice was delivered to the person of the unit </p><p>7owner; or notice may be sent by electronic means to any unit owner who requests delivery of </p><p>8notice in such manner and who waives notice by mail or hand delivery.</p><p>9 “(b)(1) Except as otherwise provided in the condominium instruments, all meetings of </p><p>10the executive board shall be open for observation to all unit owners in good standing. Minutes </p><p>11shall be recorded and shall be available for examination and copying by unit owners in good </p><p>12standing. This right of examination may be exercised: </p><p>13 “(A) Only during reasonable business hours or at a mutually convenient </p><p>14time and location; and </p><p>15 “(B) Upon 5 days’ written notice identifying the specific minutes </p><p>16requested.</p><p>17 “(2) Notice, including the time, date, and place of each executive board meeting, </p><p>18shall be furnished to any unit owner who requests such information and published in a location </p><p>19reasonably calculated to be seen by unit owners. Requests by a unit owner to be notified on a </p><p>20continual basis must be made at least once a year in writing and include the unit owner’s name, </p><p>21address, and zip code. Notice, reasonable under the circumstances, of special or emergency </p><p>22meetings shall be given contemporaneously with the notice provided to members of the </p><p>23executive board conducting the meeting.</p><p>1 5 1 “(3) Unless otherwise exempt as relating to an executive session pursuant to </p><p>2subsection (5), at least one copy of the agenda furnished to members of the executive board for a </p><p>3meeting shall be made available for inspection by unit owners.</p><p>4 “(4) Meetings of the executive board may be conducted or attended by telephone </p><p>5conference or video conference or similar electronic means. If a meeting is conducted by </p><p>6telephone conference, video conference, or similar electronic means, the equipment or system </p><p>7used must permit any executive board member in attendance to hear and be heard by, and to </p><p>8communicate what is said by all other executive board members participating in the meeting. </p><p>9 “(5) The executive board, upon a motion and an affirmative vote in an open </p><p>10meeting to assemble in executive session, may convene in executive session to consider </p><p>11personnel matters; consult with legal counsel; discuss and consider contracts, probable or </p><p>12pending litigation, and matters involving violations of the condominium instruments or rules and </p><p>13regulations promulgated pursuant thereto; discuss and consider the personal liability of unit </p><p>14owners to the unit owners’ association; or, discuss any other matter for which the executive </p><p>15board determines in good faith the need for confidentiality. The motion shall state specifically </p><p>16the purpose for the executive session. Reference to the motion and the stated purpose for the </p><p>17executive session shall be included in the minutes. The executive board shall restrict the </p><p>18consideration of matters during an executive session to those purposes specifically set forth </p><p>19herein. Any motion passed, or other formal action taken, in an executive session shall be </p><p>20recorded in the minutes of the open meeting, but this shall not require disclosure of any details </p><p>21that may be properly the subject of confidential consideration in an executive session. The </p><p>22action or actions authorized by any such motion shall be reflected in minutes available to unit </p><p>23owners in good standing. The requirements of this section shall not require the disclosure of </p><p>24information in violation of law.</p><p>1 6 1 “(c) Subject to reasonable rules adopted by the executive board, the executive board shall</p><p>2provide a designated period of time before or after each regularly scheduled meeting to allow </p><p>3unit owners an opportunity to comment on any matter relating to the unit owners’ association. </p><p>4During a meeting at which the agenda is limited to specific topics, or at a special meeting, the </p><p>5executive board may limit the comments of unit owners to the topics listed on the meeting </p><p>6agenda.</p><p>7 “(d) The executive board may take action without a meeting by written resolution having</p><p>8the unanimous written consent of the members of the executive board. A copy of such resolution</p><p>9shall be attached to the minutes of the executive board meeting following its adoption.</p><p>10 “(e)(1) Notwithstanding any language contained in the condominium instruments, the </p><p>11unit owners association may provide notice of a meeting or deliver information to a unit owner </p><p>12by electronic transmission if:</p><p>13 “(A) The executive board gives the unit owners’ association the authority</p><p>14to provide notice of a meeting or deliver information by electronic transmission;</p><p>15 “(B) The unit owner gives the unit owners’ association prior written </p><p>16authorization to provide notice of a meeting or deliver information by electronic transmission; </p><p>17and</p><p>18 “(C) An officer or agent of the unit owners’ association certifies in </p><p>19writing that the unit owners’ association has provided notice of a meeting or delivered material </p><p>20or information as authorized by the unit owner.</p><p>21 “(2) Notice or delivery by electronic transmission shall be considered ineffective </p><p>22if:</p><p>23 “(A) The unit owners’ association is unable to deliver 2 consecutive </p><p>24notices; and</p><p>1 7 1 “(B) The inability to deliver the electronic transmission becomes known </p><p>2to the person responsible for the sending of the electronic transmission.</p><p>3 “(3) The inadvertent failure to deliver notice by electronic transmission does not </p><p>4invalidate any meeting or other action.”.</p><p>5 (h) Section 305 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.05) is amended by adding a new </p><p>6subsection (g) to read as follows:</p><p>7 “(g)(1) Notwithstanding any language contained in the condominium instruments, the </p><p>8executive board may authorize unit owners to submit votes or proxies by electronic transmission </p><p>9if the electronic transmission contains information that verifies that the vote or proxy is </p><p>10authorized by the unit owner or the unit owner’s proxy.</p><p>11 “(2) If the condominium instruments require voting by secret ballot and the </p><p>12anonymity of voting by electronic transmission cannot be guaranteed, voting by electronic </p><p>13transmission shall be permitted if unit owners have the option of casting printed secret ballots.</p><p>14 “(3) The inadvertent failure to submit votes or proxies by electronic transmission </p><p>15does not invalidate any meeting or other action.”.</p><p>16 (i) Section 307(a) (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.07(a)) is amended to read as </p><p>17follows:</p><p>18 “(a)(1) Except to the extent otherwise provided by the condominium instruments, all </p><p>19powers and responsibilities with regard to maintenance, repair, renovation, restoration, and </p><p>20replacement of the condominium shall belong to: </p><p>21 “(A) The unit owners' association in the case of the common elements; </p><p>22and </p><p>23 “(B) The individual unit owner in the case of any unit or any part thereof. </p><p>1 8 1 “(2) Each unit owner shall afford to the other unit owners and to the unit owners' </p><p>2association and to any agents or employees of either such access through such unit owner's unit </p><p>3as may be reasonably necessary to enable them to exercise and discharge their respective powers </p><p>4and responsibilities. To the extent that damage is inflicted on the common elements or any unit </p><p>5through which access is taken, the unit owner causing the same, or the unit owners' association if</p><p>6it caused the same, shall be liable for the prompt repair thereof. Notwithstanding any provision </p><p>7of this section or any provisions of the condominium instruments, the unit owners’ association </p><p>8may elect to maintain, repair or replace specified unit components, or limited common element </p><p>9components for which individual unit owners are responsible, using common expense funds, if </p><p>10failure to perform the maintenance, repair or replacement could have a material adverse effect on</p><p>11the common elements, the health, safety, or welfare of the unit owners, or the income and/or the </p><p>12common expenses of the unit owners’ association. The maintenance, repair or replacement may </p><p>13be at the expense of the unit owners’ association or, in the reasonable judgment of the executive </p><p>14board, if a limited number of units are affected, at the expense of the unit owners affected. Such </p><p>15an expense will be considered for all purposes an assessment against any unit to which such </p><p>16limited common element appertains.”.</p><p>17 (j) Section 308(a) (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.08(a)) is amended as follows:</p><p>18 (1) Paragraph (14) is amended to read as follows:</p><p>19 “(14) Power to assign the unit owners' association's right to further income, </p><p>20including the right to future income or the right to receive common expense assessments, unless </p><p>21expressly prohibited by the condominium instruments;”.</p><p>22 (2) Paragraph (17) is amended by striking “.” at the end of the sentence and </p><p>23inserting “; and” in its place.</p><p>24 (3) A new paragraph (18) is added to read as follows:</p><p>1 9 1 “(18) Power to restrict the leasing of residential units. Unless expressly </p><p>2prohibited by the condominium instruments, this power may be exercised by the executive board</p><p>3of the unit owners’ association at a meeting properly noticed under this Chapter by the adoption </p><p>4of restrictions deemed reasonable in the business judgment of the executive board.”.</p><p>5 (k) Section 310 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.10) is amended as follows:</p><p>6 (1) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase “Commencing not later” and</p><p>7inserting “Unless the condominium instruments expressly provide otherwise, commencing not </p><p>8later” in its place.</p><p>9 (2) A new subsection (d-1) is added to read as follows:</p><p>10 “(d-1) To the extent reasonably available, each unit owner shall purchase </p><p>11condominium owner’s insurance coverage with dwelling (whether residential or commercial) </p><p>12property coverage at a minimum of $10,000.00 and condominium owner personal liability </p><p>13insurance coverage at a minimum of $300,000.00 or such other amount as may be determined by</p><p>14the executive board.”</p><p>15 (3) Subsection (e) is amended as by striking paragraph (5).</p><p>16 (4) Subsection (j) is amended by inserting the following at the end of the </p><p>17paragraph: “Unless the condominium instruments provide otherwise, if the cause of any damage </p><p>18to or destruction of any portion of the condominium originates from the common elements, the </p><p>19association’s property insurance deductible is a common expense. If the Bylaws do not indicate </p><p>20who shall be responsible for payment of any such deductible amount, if the cause of any damage </p><p>21to or destruction of any portion of the condominium originates from a unit, the owner of the unit </p><p>22where the cause of the damage or destruction originated is responsible for the association’s </p><p>23property insurance deductible not to exceed $5,000.00. If the owner is responsible for the </p><p>24association’s property insurance deductible or an uncovered loss up to $5,000.00, such amount </p><p>1 10 1shall be an assessment against the owner’s unit. Nothing herein is intended to nor shall it be </p><p>2construed to limit the rights of an Association to pursue its subrogation rights, if any, against a </p><p>3unit owner in whose unit the cause of the property or personal liability damage or destruction </p><p>4originated.”</p><p>5 (l) Section 313 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.13) is amended as follows:</p><p>6 (1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows:</p><p>7 (A) The lead in language to subsection (a) is amended to read as follows:</p><p>8 “(a) Any assessment levied against a condominium unit in accordance </p><p>9with the provisions of this chapter and any lawful provision of the condominium instruments, </p><p>10along with any applicable interest, late fees, expenses and legal fees actually incurred, costs of </p><p>11collection and any other amounts payable by a unit owner under the condominium instruments </p><p>12shall, from the time such amount becomes due and payable, constitute a lien in favor of the unit </p><p>13owners’ association on the condominium unit to which the assessment or other unpaid amount </p><p>14pertains. If an assessment is payable in installments, the full amount of the assessment shall be a </p><p>15lien from the time the first installment becomes due and payable.”.</p><p>16 (B) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase “to enforce the lien. </p><p>17The provisions of” and inserting the phrase “to enforce the lien or recordation of a memorandum </p><p>18of lien against the title to the unit by the unit owners’ association. The provisions of” in its place.</p><p>19 (2) Subsection (c) is amended as follows:</p><p>20 (A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase “past due, unless the </p><p>21condominium instruments provide otherwise. Any language” and inserting “past due. By </p><p>22accepting a deed to a condominium unit, the owner thereof shall be irrevocably deemed to have </p><p>23appointed the chief executive officer of the unit owners’ association as trustee for the purpose of </p><p>24exercising the power of sale provided for herein. Any language” in its place.</p><p>1 11 1 (B) Paragraph (3) is amended to read as follows: </p><p>2 “(3) The power of sale may be exercised by the chief executive officer of </p><p>3the unit owners’ association, as trustee, upon the direction of the executive board, on behalf of </p><p>4the unit owners’ association, and the chief executive officer of the unit owners’ association shall </p><p>5have the authority as trustee to deed a unit sold at a foreclosure sale by the unit owners’ </p><p>6association to the purchaser at the sale. The recitals in the deed shall be prima facie evidence of </p><p>7the truth of the statement made in the deed and conclusive evidence in favor of bona fide </p><p>8purchasers for value.”.</p><p>9 (3) Paragraph (f)(1) is amended by striking the phrase “for costs and attorneys’ </p><p>10fees.” and inserting the phrase “for reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees actually incurred by the </p><p>11unit owners’ association.” in its place. </p><p>12 (m) Section 314 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.14) is amended to read as </p><p>13follows:</p><p>14 “Sec. 314. Books, minutes and records; inspection.</p><p>15 “(a) The unit owners’ association, or, acting on behalf of the unit owners’ association, </p><p>16the declarant, the managing agent, or other person specified in the bylaws, shall keep detailed </p><p>17records of the receipts and expenditures affecting the operation and administration of the </p><p>18condominium and specifying the association’s expenses related to the common elements and any</p><p>19other expenses incurred by or on behalf of the association.</p><p>20 “(b) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c) hereof, all books and records kept by or </p><p>21on behalf of the unit owners’ association, including, but not limited to, the unit owners’ </p><p>22association membership list, mailing addresses of unit owners, and financial records, including </p><p>23aggregate salary information of the unit owners’ association employees, shall be available in the </p><p>24District of Columbia, or within 50 miles from the District of Columbia, for examination and </p><p>1 12 1copying by a unit owner in good standing or such unit owner’s authorized agent so long as the </p><p>2request is for a proper purpose related to the unit owner’s membership in the unit owners’ </p><p>3association, and not for pecuniary gain, commercial solicitation or other purpose unrelated to the </p><p>4unit owner’s membership in the unit owners association. This right of examination may be </p><p>5exercised only during reasonable hours on business days. The books shall be subject to an </p><p>6independent audit upon the request of unit owners of units to which 33 1/3 % of the votes in the </p><p>7unit owners’ association appertain or a lower percentage as may be specified.</p><p>8 “(c) Books and records kept by or on behalf of a unit owners’ association may be </p><p>9withheld from examination or copying by unit owners and their agents to the extent that they are </p><p>10drafts not yet incorporated into the unit owners’ association’s books and records or if such books </p><p>11and records concern:</p><p>12 “(1) Personnel matters relating to specific, identified persons or a person’s </p><p>13medical records;</p><p>14 “(2) Contracts, leases, and other commercial transactions to purchase or provide </p><p>15goods or services, currently in or under negotiation;</p><p>16 “(3) Pending or probable litigation. Probable litigation means those instances </p><p>17where there has been a specific threat of litigation from a party or the legal counsel of a party;</p><p>18 “(4) Matters involving state or local administrative or other formal proceedings </p><p>19before a government tribunal for enforcement of the condominium instruments or rules and </p><p>20regulations promulgated by the executive board;</p><p>21 “(5) Communications with legal counsel;</p><p>22 “(6) Disclosure of information in violation of law;</p><p>23 “(7) Minutes or other records of an executive session of the executive board;</p><p>1 13 1 “(8) Documentation, correspondence or management or reports compiled for or </p><p>2on behalf of the unit owners’ association or the executive board by its agents or committees for </p><p>3consideration by the executive board in executive session; or</p><p>4 “(9) Individual unit owner or member files, other than those of the requesting </p><p>5unit owner, including any individual unit owner’s files kept by or on behalf of the unit owners’ </p><p>6association.</p><p>7 “(d) The unit owners’ association may impose and collect a fee, reflecting the actual </p><p>8costs of materials and labor, for providing such access, prior to providing copies of any books </p><p>9and records.”.</p><p>10 (n) Section 316 (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1903.16) is amended as follows:</p><p>11 (1) Paragraph (e)(1) is amended by striking the phrase “sales price of comparable</p><p>12units in the condominium. The bond, letter of credit” and inserting the phrase “sales price of </p><p>13comparable units in the condominium. An affidavit signed by the declarant affirming the amount</p><p>14of the bond, letter of credit or other security satisfactory posted with the Mayor shall be recorded </p><p>15as an exhibit to the condominium declaration. The bond, letter of credit or other form of security</p><p>16shall be automatically renewed for a period of not less than 2 years. The bond, letter of credit” in </p><p>17its place.</p><p>18 (2) By striking paragraph (g)(1).</p><p>19 (o) Section 411(a)(2) (D.C. Law 1-89; D.C. Code § 42-1904.11(a)(2)) is amended to </p><p>20read as follows:</p><p>21 “(2) A statement of any capital expenditures approved by the unit owner’s association </p><p>22planned at the time of the conveyance which are not reflected in the current operating budget </p><p>23disclosed under subparagraph (4) of this paragraph;”.</p><p>24 Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement</p><p>1 14 1 The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact</p><p>2statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved </p><p>3December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(3)).</p><p>4 Sec. 4. Effective date</p><p>5 This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the </p><p>6Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review as </p><p>7provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December </p><p>824, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)), and publication in the District of </p><p>9Columbia Register.</p><p>1 15</p>

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