THE RESULT OF SURVEY OF DRUG ABUSE AND ILLICIT TRAFFICKING AMONG PUPILS AND STUDENTS IN 18 PROVINCES IN 2016 1. Preface. a. Number and Trend of Drug Abuse in the World. Since 2006 to 2013, drug prevalence in the world has been increasing (UNODC,2015). Despites of the flat chart, the number in total is relatively high. The drug prevalence in the world is estimated of around 4.9% or 208 million of drug users in 2006. The number then decreased in 2008 and 2009 into 4.6% and 4.8%. It increased again into 5.2% in 2011 and remained stable in 2013. It is estimated that there are 167 to 315 million of drug users from the world total population in the age group betwwen 15 to 64 years old using drug at least once in a year in 2013 (UNODC, 2015). Graphic 0.1 Global trends in the estimated prevalence of drug use and in the estimated number of drug users, 2006-2013 In the last five years, the use of ecstasy decreased about 15% worldwide, while the use of amphetamine reportedly remained stable. However, the use of methamphetamine has been increasing (158%) in the last five years (UNODC,2015). Besides that, several types of synthetic drug emerged and developed in drug trafficking. Furthermore, more countries are reporting every year. In 2014, new psychoactive substances (NPS) were reported in over 90 countries. The number of countries reporting NPS increases about 1.5 times than in 2009. These synthetic drugs emerge as ‘legal highs’ and replace stimulant such as cocaine and ecstasy. Journal of Data Center of Research, Data and Information Year 2017 1 The dealers sell their synthetic drugs through internet and particular shop (UNODC, 2015). The use of marijuana also increases in most countries. Marijuana users are the largest users demanding treatment. The use of ATS also increases globally since ATS is also used to overcome opiate use disorder (UNODC, 2015). b. Drug Use Among Pupils and Students The result research on drug among students aged 17 to 18 in Sweden and Italy shows that the number of drug use is about 15% and 43%¹. Meanwhile, the research in England (2006) among students aged 11 to 15 shows that 17% respondents ever used drug². The research in Canada in 2007 among students aged under 18 year old shows that 25.6% respondents ever used drugs³. In USA, the prevalence trend of marijuana abuse among teenagers since 2002 to 20134 in students of grade 12 and grade 10 was higher than general population above 12 years old. In 2013, the prevalence among students of grade 10 reached 29.8% and of the grade 12 was about 36.4%. Meanwhile, the prevalence among general population was 12.6%. Thus, the prevalence in a year among grade 10 and 12 students is three times higher than marijuana prevalence general population (UNODC,2015). In Pakistan, the trend of drug abuse occurred in 2009. It was estimated that there were 500 thousand heroin users and 125 thousand injected drug users in Pakistan. It means that there was a increase of prevalence of about 7% each year or it was predicted that one out of ten students in Pakistan was an addict5. Compared to other countries, the number of drug prevalence among teenagers in Indonesia tended to decrease from 2006 to 2011. Despite of that, the result of the first and the second research on drug abuse and trafficking among pupils/students in Indonesia by Puslitkes UI and BNN showed the increase of prevalence from 5.8% in 2003 to 8.3% in 2006. However, the result of research in 2009 showed that the number of drug abuse was relatively stable compared to in 2006, both for ever used (from 8.3% to 7.5%) and current use (from 5.3% to 4.7%). The number of drug abuse in 2009 and 2011 decreased in all study locations, both in municipal or in regency or in both two locations6 (BNN RI-PPKUI, 2011). The information in detail is shown below. 1 Andersson, et al. (Swedia). Alcohol and Drug Use Among European 17–18 Year Old Students. Data from the ESPAD Project; 2003 2 Fuller et al. (england). National report 2007 UK;2006 3 Addlaf&Paglia-boak (Canada). Drug use among Ontariostudents 1977-2007; 2007 4 Prevalenspenggunaan ganja tersebutsempatmengalamipenurunanantaratahun 2006 dan 2008 lalumeningkatlagiketitiksemula. 5 http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=184979 diunduh 14 Juli 2009 6 BNN dan Puslitkes UI, 2009. Survei Perkembangan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba pada Kelompok Pelajar di Indonesia. Journal of Data Center of Research, Data and Information Year 2017 2 Table 0.1 Number of Ever, Past Year Past Month Drug Users by Location, Status and Education Junior Senior High Senior Senior High College Number School School 2006 2009 2011 2006 2009 2011 2006 2009 2011 2006 2009 2011 Municipal and - 18704 16620 - 19136 15970 - 7313 6073 - 45153 38663 regency (N) Ever use 5.4 5.9 2.6 8.9 8.4 4.7 12.1 11.3 7.7 8.1 7.8 4.3 Current 4.0 3.7 2.0 6.0 5.8 3.3 6.2 6.6 4.5 5.2 5.1 2.9 use Past 2.6 1.3 1.8 3.5 3.0 2.8 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.1 2.3 2.5 month use Source: BNN RI-PPKUI, 2011. The pattern of drug abuse on three surveys shows a similarity in which the number of male drug abusers are higher. The abuse tends to be higher in municipal than in regency. Drug abuse is also more risky in private school. The number of drug abuse increases when the level of the school is higher and the respondents grow older. Likewise, the number of drug abuse based on addiction stages in the three surveys decreased especially in the category of experimental and regular use, except in the category of addicts in which the number increases mainly in 2011. The finding of the three surveys shows that marijuana is the most consumed drug by its user within a year. Besides marijuana, users also consume inhaled glue (9%), dextro (6%), pain killer drug (6%), and nipam (5%). The pattern of first used drug is the same with type of drug used in the past year. Based on BNN’s survey among pupils and students in 2011, it was found that smoking, drinking alcohol and premarital sex contributed in the drug abuse. That survey showed that drug abusers among pupils/ students with smoking habit were three to four times in number. The number of pupils and students abuser with drinking habit was eight to nine times higher. Meanwhile, pupils and students abuser may conduct premarital sexual 4 or 7 times more often. c. The Needs of this Study Drug abuse among pupils and students becomes an essential study area in a research due to its implication on early dependency in their future (Atwoli, 2012)7. 7 Atwoli L, Mungla PA, Ndung’u MN, Kinoti KC, Ogot EM. 2011. Prevalence of substance use among college students in Eldoret, westn Kenyai. BMC Psychiatry 11:34. http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-244X-11-34.pdf Journal of Data Center of Research, Data and Information Year 2017 3 Despite that the trend of drug abuse in Indonesia among students since 2006 to 2011 tended to decrease, but the impact and loss were huge and involved many aspects of nation’s future. Regarding the huge impact of drug abuse, as a part of drug prevalence monitoring, data updating, and drug prevention program effectivity, BNN in cooperation with Health Research Center of Universitas Indonesia held the survey among students in 2016. d. Objective of Study Generally, this research is amimed at obtaining the number of drug abuse prevalence among pupils and students in 2016 and the tendency among pupils and students in Indonesia. Particulary, the objectives are as follow: 1) To find out the estimation of drug abuser prevalence among pupils and students by period and category of use. 2) To figure out the drug abuse among pupils and students by historical use, methods of use and drug trafficking pattern. 3) To find out the affecting factors to drug abuse among pupils and students. 4) To figure out the risky habit (smoking, drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse) upon drug abuse amog pupils and students. 5) To identify the level of knowledge on drug as well as the attitude on the danger of drug abuse among pupils and students. 6) To figure out the intervention of P4GN by governmental and private institution toward pupils and students 7) To find out trend of drug abuse, type of abused drug, pattern of abuse, knowledge about drug and response to drug dangers from 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2016 among pupils and students. 2. Methodology This reserach uses ross sectional as its study design which is aimed to measure particular variable in one particular spot by questioning respondent’s history or experience at some events related to the goal of the research. The approaches are quantitave and qualitative methods. a. Quantitave Method, held to collect data among pupils and students at selected school or college. Data is collected through structured questionnaire with list of questions. Respondents are required to fulfill the questionnaire independently altogether in particular place provided under guidance of the officers. Journal of Data Center of Research, Data and Information Year 2017 4 b. Qualitative Method, held to collect data of selected students and stakeholders to support the qualitative data adequacy. The qualitative approach is conducted through observation, in depth interview, and focus group discussion with respondents having the capacity to meet the research need.
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