THE BEST_102-104_1062 12-04-2011 21:08 Pagina 102 the bestinRome CLASSICAL MUSIC ROCK Sunday 17th at Parco della Musica Inauguration concert on 16th in the Vatican America, return to the West Coast “Easter Festival” he iconic rock group, Ameri- Tca, stops off in Rome as part in Rome basilicas of its 40th Anniversary Tour, hurches and Basilicas in with original band members CRome come alive with music Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bun- during the Easter season thanks to nell. Much loved for its West a successful initiative created by Coast “light” rock sound, Ameri- stage, TV and film director Enrico ca was a permanent fixture of the Castiglione. The annual “Easter musical landscape of the 1970s Festival” is now in its 14th year and ‘80s. Mega-hits like “A Hor- and spans Holy Week with a top se with No Name,” “Sister Gol- class concert every evening in a den Hair” and “You Can Do America different city venue. The festival Magic” still resonate today. kicks off on 16th April with a cele- America charted 11 hit singles and 17 gold, platinum, and multi-platinum bratory birthday concert for Pope albums, making it one of the most successful bands of the era. This year’s Anniversary Tour sees Buckley and Bunnell accompanied by Richard Campbell on bass guitar, Michael Woods on piano and guitar, and William Leacox on drumset for a hit-filled show featuring a historic multi-media P presentation of the band’s history. America performs live in concert on D 17th April at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. S For booking and information tel. 892982. Tickets from 40 to 60 euros. d c F From Saturday 16th at Parco della Musica s CLASSICAL MUSIC f s d 102 Sokhiev-Sollima, “Winter Dreams” t ugan Sokhiev, the current Music Director at the Orchestre National N Tdu Capitole de Toulouse, is back in Rome to conduct the Orchestra F Sumiko of Santa Cecilia in all-Russian programme. Star cellist, Giovanni Solli- l ma, is the other welcome returning guest for a programme that opens t Benedict XVI at the Vatican’s E Auditorium Conciliazione. It is fol- with Borodin’s symphonic poem “In the Steppes of Central Asia”, com- g lowed by a concert for Palm Sun- posed in 1880 to mark the 25th anniversary of the reign of Tsar Alexan- E day featuring soprano Veronika der II. It is followed by Prokofiev’s “Symphony-Concerto in E minor for p Kralova in Liszt’s “Via Crucis”. A Cello and Orchestra op. 125”, dedicated to the composer’s friend, the l tribute to Italian Sacred music great cellist Mstislav Rostropovich. Finally, Tchaikovsky’s “Symphony celebrates the 150th anniversary of n. 1 in G minor” – also known as “Winter Daydreams”, composed in Italy’s Unity in the Basilica of St. 1866, is considered Lorenzo in Lucina. The festival Tchaikovsky’s earliest highlight is represented by a televi- notable work, the one – sed concert by the Orchestra Sinfo- according to his brother nica de la Juventade Zuliana featu- Modest – which cost him ring soprano Ines Salazar in the more labour and suffering Church of St. Andrea della Valle. than any other. On 16th, Other concert programmes feature 18th and 19th April at Verdi’s Requiem Mass and all of Auditorium Parco della Palestrina’s Sacred Motets. Entran- Musica, Viale P. de Cou- ce is free but booking is a must. bertin. Booking and infor- For information tel. 0664829220, mation tel. 068082058, www.festivaldipasqua.org Conductor Tugan Sokhiev www.santacecilia.it TROVAROMA THE BEST_102-104_1062 12-04-2011 18:18 Pagina 103 REGGAE ROCK The Original Wailers J Mascis he Original Wailers are a reggae band, which he leader of the American Alternative Rock TAl Anderson and Junior Marvin formed in 2008. Tband Dinosaur Jr, is in Italy to present his Both musicians are best known for their lead gui- album “Several Shades of Why”. It's J. Mascis’ fir- tar and backing vocal work while playing with st solo album of all original material and it's Bob Marley & the Wailers in the 1970s and early almost entirely acoustic. Mascis who was once 1980s. Continuing in their mission to keep the true dubbed "the first American indie rock guitar spirit of reggae music alive and convey their mes- hero" here relies on the collaboration of a few sage of “One Love”, trusted friends: Ben the band plays Bob Bridwell and Sophie Marley & the Wailers Trudeau of among songs and some them. The album is covers including an evocative collec- some from Peter tion of simple, ele- Tosh, as well as some gant campfire songs, original content off and critics claim it is their new album cal- proof that Mascis’ led “Miracle”. The appeal lies in solid Original Wailers are songcraft rather live in concert on than just raw power. Thursday 14th at On Monday 18th at Alpheus, Via del Circolo degli Artisti, Commercio 36, tel. Via Casilina Vecchia 065747826. The Original Wailers 42, tel. 0670305684. EXHIBITIONS gure. The exhibition “Nerone”, chronological sections, and in- until 18th September unfolds at cludes masterpieces by Tisch- POUSSIN AND MOSES. the Colosseum and other Nero- bein, Koch, Corot, Monet, De- DRAWING AND TAPESTRY nian sites such as the Roman gas, Renoir, Van Gogh, Cézan- Some forty works of art, inclu- Forum and the Palatine Mu- ne, Bocklin and Feuerbach, and ding tapestries, drawings, et- seum. An inclusive ticket costs then on up to Moreau, Redon, chings and paintings by the 12 euros. Open daily from Hodler, Munch, Beckmann, Ern- French painter Nicolas Pous- 8.30am to 5pm. For information st, Klee and Picasso. Until sin, are all dedicated to the li- tel. 0639967700, www.pierre- 17th July at Palazzo delle Espo- fe of the biblical figure Mo- ci.it sizioni, Via Nazionale 194, tel. the best ses. Until 5 June At Villa Me- ONE HUNDRED MA- 0639967500. 10am to 8pm. dici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1, STERPIECES FROM THE Friday and Saturday 10am to tel. 0667611. STADEL MUSEUM 10.30pm. Monday closed. 103 NERO The exhibition “One hundred Following the success of the Co- masterpieces from the Stadel losseum exhibition dedicated to Museum in Frankfurt. Impres- the monument’s builder, the sionism, Expressionism, Avant- Emperor Vespasian and his le- Garde” offers a rare opportu- gacy, now it’s the controversial nity to admire works of art from Emperor Nero’s turn, with a one of Europe’s most famous project that aims to shine new art collections. The show is di- light on a historically negative fi- vided into seven stylistic and DANCE At Teatro Palladium from Friday 15th “Southern Bound Comfort” his show is a real treat for fans of contemporary dance. The title, T“Southern Bound Comfort” includes the names of two intriguing duets by choreographers Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, a native of Belgium, and Gregory Maqoma, from South Africa who find humour everywhere, from unruly musicians to ungovernable partners. Maqoma dances the works with Shanell Winlock, also South African, in a drive to explore the ties that bind. They are accompanied by live music which is a mix of east and west. From 15th to 17th April at Teatro Palladium, Piazza B. Romano 8, tel. 0657332768. Info tel. A scene from the show “Southern 0645553050, www.romaeuropa.net/palladium Bound Comfort” TROVAROMA THE BEST_102-104_1062 12-04-2011 18:19 Pagina 104 MIKHAIL KOULAKOV collections. The core of the MOTORS The exhibition “Mikhail Kou- exhibition features paintings lakov. La spiritualità del se- by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Fuoriserie gno, opere dal 1960 al Edward Burne-Jones and Wil- 2010” features drawings, liam Morris. But curators al- ome’s ‘Fuoriserie’ vinta- collages, paintings, artefacts so explore the classicism of R ge and collectors motor and an installation by the artists such as Frederic Lei- show which draws crowds well known contemporary ghton and of other represen- of car and motorbike Russian artist Mikhail Kou- tatives of the Royal Academy. enthusiasts, shows some of lakov. Until 29th May at Mu- Until June 12th at Galleria the world’s most famous seo Hendrik Christian Ander- Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, one-off cars and specially sen, Via P. Mancini 20, tel. Viale delle Belle Arti 131, built vehicles. Vintage and 063219089. tel. 0632298221. 08.30- classic cars and bikes as well PORTRAITS. THE MANY 19.30. Mon closed. Tickets as modern examples, moto- FACES OF POWER 10 euros. ring art and memorabilia More than 150 precious ar- ALEKSANDR DEINEKA are on display and on sale is tifacts are on show, inclu- The exhibition dedicated to well represented, as is Rolls ding bas-reliefs, busts and the painter and graphic artist Royce, Bentley, Jaguar, statues on loan from major Alexander Deineka, “The So- Maserati and in the bike European museums. The viet master of modernity”, section Laverda, KTM, exhibition examines the ori- launches a year of cultural ex- Ducati and other protago- gins of Roman portraiture, changes between Italy and nists of the history of cars as well as the different te- Russia. It is also the first time and motorcycles. On 16th chniques used by Roman ar- a solo show has been dedica- and 17th April at Nuova tists ranging from the Repu- ted to the artist outside the Fiera di Roma, Via Portuen- blican era to the late-an- borders of his own country. se 1645/1647. Info at cient period. Until 25th Sep- Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via www.fierafuoriserie.it tember at the Capitoline Nazionale 194, tel. Museums, Piazza del Campi- 0639967500; until 1st May. doglio 1. Opening hours COLOURS OF THE WORLD TAMARA DE LEMPICKA 9am to 8pm.
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