SUBJECT INDEX. Abbot, l'be, 470. Apology for Poetry, 111, 133. Absalom and Acbitopbel, 255, lL Appeal from the New to the Old 261, 262. Whigs, 387. Absentee, The, 466. Arcades, 230, 231. Account of the Greatest English Arcadia, The, 110, lll, 134, 168. Poets, 286, 287. Areopagitica, 234, 235, 292. Adam Bede, 406, 407. Ar$Ument against abolishing Chris- Adonais, 439. tianity, 281. Advancement of Leat•ning, 115, Arraignement of Paris, 145. 116. Art of English Poesie, 111. Agnes Grey, 503. Artevelde, Philip van, 475. Alastor, 437, 438. Asolando, 479. Alchemist, The, 181, 182, IS.?. Assignation, The, 262. Alexander and Campaspe, 144. Astrea. Redux, 253. Alexander's Fea.st, 258. Astrophel (Spenser's), 139. All's Well tbatEndsWell,157 ,166. As You Like It, 147, 163, 164. Alma, 309. Atalanta in Calydon, 488. Alton Locke, 504. Atom, Adventures of a.n, 372. Atnboyna, 262. Augustan Age, 277 ff. Amelia, 370. Aurung-Zebe,262; Prologueto,265. Amphityon, 263. Aurora Leigh, 480. Anacreontics, Cowley's, 223. Autobiographic Sketches, 461,465. Anarchy of Mixed or Limited Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, 456. Monarchy, 274. Autobiograpby, Trollope's, 508. Anatomy of Melancholy, 210. Autumn (see The Seasons). Ancient Mariner, 430. Autumn, Ode to, 444. Ancren Riwle, 27, 28, 45. Ayenbite of lnwyt (Remorse ol Andrews, Joseph, 368. Conscience}, 38, 45. Andromeda, 504. Animated Nature, 345. Balade of Charitie, 331. Anne of Geierstein, 470. Ba.laustion's Adventure, 479. Annus Mirabilis, 253, 254. Balder Dead, 482. Antiquary, The, 468, 470, 514. Ballads, Kingsley's, 504. Antony and Cleopatra, 154, 170, Barbary, West, 286. 171; Dryden's adaptation of, Barchester Towers, 509, 510. 262. Bard, The, 365, 366. 523 524 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. Barnaby Rudge, 500. Catriona, 512. Barry Lyndon, 497. Cecilia, 377. Barsetshire Novels, 509. Cenci, The, 438. Bartholomew Fair, 182, 185. Century of Roundels, A, 488. Bastard, The, 318. Changeling, The, 197. Battle of the Books, 278 f., 283. Character of Holland, 226. Beaux' Stratagem, The, 391. Characters of Shakspere's Pla.ys, Beggar's Opera, The, 311, 392. 451. Belinda, 466. Charity, 396. Bells and Pomegranates, 479. Charters, 9. Beowulf, 1, 3 ff., 10. Cba.rtism, 493. Beppo, 441. Chastelard, 488. Betrothed, The, 470. · Childe Harold, 441, 442. Bible, Translations of the, 107,108, Child's Garden of Verse, 513. 109. Choice Collection of old Scotch Bickerstaff, Isaac, 290. Songs, 335. Black Dwarf, The, 470. Chollerton, 508. Bleak House, 500. Christ, The, 10. Blessed Damozel, The, 483, 484. Cbl'ist's Victory and Triumph, 204. Border Minstrelsy, 435. Christabel, 331, 430 f., 437. Borough, The, 409. Christian Hero, The, 289. Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson, 318. Christmas Eve, 479. Bothwell, 488. Chronicle, Anglo-Saxon, The, 13, Bowge of Court, 96. 16, 24. Brennoralt, 214. Chronicle of Edward the First, 145. Bride of Abydos, The, 441. Chronicle of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Bride of Latnmermoor, 470. 19. Bridge of Sighs, 472, 475. Chronicle, Holinshed's, 168. British Magazine, 343. Chronicles, 159. Broken Heart, The, 199 f. Church History of Britain, 212. Bronte, Charlotte, Life of, 512. Citizen of the World, 343, 344, Bruna.nburh, Battle of, 16. 347, 348. Brut, 25, 26, 45, 92. Cleomenes, 263. Clerke's Tale, 50, 70 . Cadzow Castle, 436. Clinker, Humphrey, 371, 372. Ca.in, 441. Cloister and the Hearth, The, 511 .. Caleb Williams, 437. Crelebs in Search of a Wife, 466. Ca.lidore, 443. Colin Clout (Skelton's), 97. Caligula, 392. Colin Clout's Come Home Again, Caroilla, 377. 137. Ca.mpaigt1, The, 288. Comedy, 142. Canon's Y eoma.n's Tale, 74, 81, 82. Comedy of Errors, 151, 157, 185. Can You Forgive Her? 510. Comical Revenge, The, 388. Captain Ja.ck, 298. Commedia. {Dante's), 89, 230, 231. Captain Singleton, 298. Complaint of Rosamund, 159. Castle of Indolence,. 321, 322. Compleat Angler, The, 212. Castle Rackrent, 466. Compleynt to his Empty Purse, Castle Spectre, The, 466. 83. Catherine, 497. · Comus, 145, 230 ff. Cato, 288 f., 392. Conduct of the Allies, 283. SUBJECT INDEX. 525 Confederacy, 390. Decamerone, 166. Confessions of an English Opium Defence of Guenevere and other Ea.ter i 462, 464, 465. Poems, 487 •. Conquest of Granada., 261. Denis Duval, 497. Conscious Lovers, The, 289. De Quincey Memorials, 465. Consolation of Philosop by, 13, 50, Deserted Village, The, 346, 350, 52. 354. Constance, Story of, 50, Despondency and Aspiration, 474. Constant Couple, The, 391. Deth of Blaunche tbe Duchesse, Constitutional History, Hallam's, 47, 49. 490. Devil is a.n Ass, The, 182. Contention of Ajax an(l Ulysses, Diana, Hymn to, 191. 201. Dictionary {Dr. Johnson's), 338, Contests and Discussions between 339. the Nobles and Commous in Difference between Absolute and Athens and Rome, 280. Limited Monarchy, 85. Contrat Socia~ 416, 417. Discourse concerning Government, Controversies of the Church, Trea- 274 f. tise on, 115. Dispensary, The, 308. Con versa.tion, 396. Doctor, The, 434. Cook's Tale, The, 72. Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 513. Cooper's Hill, 225. Dombey and Son, 500. Coriolanus, 154, 172. Don Quixote, 196. Cornhill Magazine, 497. Don Roderick, 433. Corn Law Rhymes, 472. Don Sebastian, 263: Corsair, The, 441. Double Dealer, The, 390. Cotter's Saturday Night, The, 402. Douglas, 892. Count Robert of Paris, 470. Domestic Manners of tbe Am'eri· Country Mouse and the City Mouse, cans, 508. The, 309. Drama-- Country Wife, The, 389. Early History of the, 140, 141. Country World, The, 324. Second Stage of the, 142-144. Curse of Kehama., 433. · Fina!Developmentof the, 144 fl'. Cursor Mundi, 34, 36, 37, 38, 45, Stages from ~ackville to Shirley, 160. 202. Cranford, 5ll. Last Days of the, 387·392. Critic, The, 392. Drama of Exile, The, 480. Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Dramatic Literature of the Age of 493, 495. Elizabeth, 452, 454. Cry of the Children, 472. Dramatic Poesy, Essay on, 259, Cymbe1ine, 154, 174 ff. 265. Cymon and lpbigenia., 259. Dra.matis Personre, 479. Cynthia's Revels, 179, 184, 185. Dra.pier's Letters, 2t:l3. Dream of the Rood, 11. Daniel Deronda, 506, 508. Dreme, 'l'he, 101. David and Bethsabe, 145. Duchess of Malfi, 197. })avid Copperfield, 500, Duellist, The, 329. Da.videis, 'l'he, 223. Duke of Guise, 263. Death of Pan, TM, 480. Duke of Milan, 199. Death of Marlowe, Thq, 475, Dunciad, aoo, 303. 526 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. Earthly Paradise, The, 487. Evergreen, The, 325. Easter Day, 479. Every-Day Characters, 473, 474. Eastward Ho! 181. Every Man in His Humour, 153, Ecclesiastical Polity, Laws of, 112, 179. 113. Every Man out of His Humour, Edinburgh Review, 489. 179,189. Edward tbe Second, 148, !59. Examiner, The, 282, 295, 309. Edward Drood, 501. Excla.macion of the Dethe of Pite,. Elegy written in a. Country Church- 49. yard, 361, 363. Excursion, The, 420,421 ff. Elene, II. Exeter Cook, 10. Elia, Essays of, 445 ff., 450. Expostulation, 396. Elia, Last Essays of, 446 f. Emma., 469. Fables, Dryden's, 258, 259. Empress of Morocco, The, 392. Fables, Dryden's Preface to, 266. Endymion, 331, 442, 444. Fables, Gay's, 311. English Bards and Scotch Re· Faerie Queene, The, 104, 123, 130 viewers, 440, 441. ff., 196, 442. English Comic Writers, 452. Fair Maid of Perth, The, 470. English Hnmourists of the Eigh· Faithful Shepherdess, 195. teenth Century, 497. Falls of Princes, The (Boccaccio's)1 English Poets, 452, 454. · 104. Enquiry concerning the Principles Falls of Princes (Lydga.te's), 90. of Morals, 379. Fates of the Apostles, ll. Epicene, or the Silent Woman, 181. Faustus, 148. Epipsycbidion, 193. Fears in Solitude, 428. Epistle tn Dr. Arbuthnot, 305 ff. Felix Holt, 506. Epistle to Hogarth, 328. Ferrex and Pollux (see Gorboduc): Epistle to the Whigs, 266. Festus, 475. Epistles, Gay's, 311. Fifine at the Fair, 479. Epithalamion, 137. Fight at Finnesburg, 1 ff. Erechtheus, 488. First of April, The, 333. Esmond, 288, 497, 498, 514. Flaming Heart, The, 220. Essay on Criticism, 299, 301, 302. Fleece, The, 324. Essay on Man, 300, 303, 304;, 412. Flowers of History, 89. Essayists, Later, 444-465. Former Age, The, 83. Essays, Bacon's, 115, 117, 118.. Fortunes of Nigel, 470. Essays, Hume's, 378, 379. Framley Parsonage, 509, 510. Essays, Macaulay's, 489, 490. Frederick the Great, History of, Essays on Men, Manners and 493, 495. Things, 325. , Freeholder, The, 289. Euphues, 110. Frost at Midnight, 427. Eurydice, 482. Funera.l, The, or Grief 3.-la-Mode, Eve of St. Agnes, 3.11. 289. Eve of St. John, 436. Eve of St. Mark, 444. Game of.Chess, The, 197. Evelina, 376 ff.. Gamester,; The, 201. Evening, Ode to, 359. Genesis and Exodus, 45. Evening's Love, or the Mock Gentilesse, 83. · Astrologer, ~0, 261. Gentle Shepherd, The, 325, . SUBJECT INDEX. 527 Germ, The, 483. Hesperides, 218. "Ghost, The, 329. Hind and Panther, The, 258. Giaour, The, 441. Historia Novella, 19. Giles, Overreach, Sir {see New Historical Poem, Essay on the, Way to pay Old Debts). 265. Gilpin, John, 397. History of Animated N a.ture, 342, Glenfinlas, 436. 352. Goblin Market, 485. History of Charles the Fifth, 380. Golden Legend, 50, 92. History of Decline and Fall of Golias, ConfeSsion of, 21. the Roman Empire, 380, 382- Good-Natured Man, 'l'he, 345, 385. 392 f. History of Ed ward the Fifth, 93. Gorboduc (Ferrex. and Pollux), History of the Earth, 345. 142, 143, 245. History of England (Smo!lett's), Government, Locke's Treatises of, 371 ; (Hume's), 379; (Mac­ 274, 276. aulay's), 489, 490. Graal, Holy, Quest of the, 22. History of the English Church Graal, Holy, Romance of the, 21. (Bede's), 9, 13. Grandison, Sir Charles, 367.
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