Southern Adventist University KnowledgeExchange@Southern Southern Accent - Student Newspaper University Archives & Publications 1989 Southern Accent September 1989 - April 1990 Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists Follow this and additional works at: https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent Recommended Citation Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists, "Southern Accent September 1989 - April 1990" (1989). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 61. https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/southern_accent/61 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Publications at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Southern Accent - Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Scplember 7, 1989 Southern's enrollment exceeds 1 expectations By Warren Downs s for I liL- cnraUmcni of Souihem College Accoitling lo Dr. in the rise. Green- programs hope to insure the Vice-presidenl for Academic f. ihe of the students on academic fiiirs. the sludeni increase is due lo a . In addition to limiting the factors. couple of number of hours permitted, there is the s pariiaHy resulianl from the many increased freshmen orientation, and stu- [changes made in recruiting . Some of dents may also take advantage of the it of publicizing the new counseling center and the tutorial > of attending I Souihem College versus other Adventist The justification for Ihe admission of |insiilulions, increasing recruitment of students on academic probation does not Advendsi students in non-Adventisl come from the increased funds received high schools, and improving the struc- from tuition or from the prestige of ture and awareness of scholarship op- having more students. According to Dr. I portunities. Greenleaf, the justification comes from r less understood component ihepurposeofChristianeducaiion. The of the increased enrollment is the admis- purpose of Christian education is not sion of siud.enls on academic probation. only academic but evangelical. I These students either have a deficiency Dr. Greenleaf assures thai Ihe accep- in one or more areas, as determined by tance of students on academic probation the ACT exam, or have a poor high will in no way endanger Ihe school's school academic record (all of these academic reputation as no student will lints e final judgment of I placed on him Students ai n his acceptance to Souihem College. Cafeteria, dorms crowded by new arrivals worried about crowding. Dean Hobbs. speaking of the By Tim Burrill men's dorm remarked, "We only have 2 rooms left in 12:05. Lunchtime. As S.C. students begin lo form a Talge Hall that are not in use. We were expecting a long cafe line ihey set their books on shelves, on the larger student body but not quite this large!". Harvey Hillyer, S.A. Social Vice President, when floor, or on whatever stationary object offers its sur- Thatcher Hall is facing a similar situation with locat- asked what he thought of the student growth said, "I face. Reluming siudenls may ask Ihemsclves if there ing new residents. The Conference Center had to be think it is terrific! Wiih more people, wecan have more are more books in the lobby than in previous years, and opened to students to accommodate an overflow of ihean.sweris"YES!". approximately 18 women. The number of full time students has risen by 100, The increased enrollment has been panially credited 70'* for the Collegedale campus and 30% for Ihe For the past three years, enrollment at S.C. has 10 the dramatic growth in sludentscoming from outside Orlando campus. Also, the percentage of female stu- steadily risen. As of registration, Souihem's enroll- the Southern Union. This year has seen an increase of dents to male students is 53% to 47% respectively, with ment has Elementary Education, Nursing (A.S.), increased to 1 ,403—that's 85 over last year! 49 of these students over last year. increases in This History majors. increase in students is making Ihe dean, a little "This is a blessing from God. He is blessing us." said Biology. Social Work, and Preliminary Fall 1989 Registration Statistics Colleyedale Campus + 19 Freshman +18 Transfer Siudenls Union Head Count 1988 1989 -8 Special Students 1 Southern +49 U.S. Unions +8 Iniemaiionul Students Number started 1241 1298 +39 Reluming and Former Students Number finished 1233 1291 +31 Caucasian +2 Blacks +14Hispanics + 10 Asians +1 American Indian Full-Time Equivalency 1167 *37Me„ +21 Women Hours EarnpH 18,095 •nie ne«. and final, c mparativc figures will be compiled as of the do c of Iwo weeks of classes. " extent, about God's plan state of being fired by repetition of this to some By John Caskey _ advantage of the moment for us. inis mokes taking advan- or tediousness. To put if another fake tage of the present all time we wish we were the more can stand olmosl any- way. boredom is what hoppens every "A mon important. By failing to else or that the situ- do so, we except succession of ordi- somewhere thing a may miss out on something ation were different in the place God nary days.'—Johann von ond over and college is full of this tobe. Perhaps things had planned for us. Enjoy the repetition. we happen Goethe present. You will never 'better" if conditions have the On a recent, rainy afternoon College students go to the could be opportunity to enjoy if different: however, in dwell- again. someone said to me. 'This place were for the future, So next time you ore tempted listen fc3 the ing on our wishes sure is boring, I can't wait until fellow students and the present. to say. "Ttiere's nothing to do December.' some teacher teaching the we rob ourselves of think here—I'm bored.' take a "I never " Albert Einstein said. mo- What' s going to happen in De- same subject on the same days to ask yourself. if comes soon ment "What is il for weeks on end. If of the future, cember?' I asked, of the week that I'm. missing out on light all of us should be enough "School will be out and I can go would seem If 1/ the fu- now?' you can't think of any- at victims of terminal ennui. As Chfistions. home. I never get bored friend. 'You holds for us more joy than will thing, ask a will have Why is it, then, that some of us ture something ever possible here on earth. done different (and hove all experienced bore- profess to be bored more fre- be We alleviated actions in the present pre- perhaps your bore- dom at one time or another in our quently than others? Theonswei Our dom)bysimplv asking, iffhisstrot- requires a better pare us for the future. But, God lives, But, I imagine very few of us to this question on this earth to egy doesn't help, ask your Friend have ever taken the time to con- definition of boredom. did not put us witti boredom. He In- In Heaven. He has the answers sider the cause of this creeping For me, the definition of bore- torture us tends that we enjoy life to the and con make your ordinary days malaise. dom is failure to take advantage e>ctraordinafy- fullest. living a full and exciting something Strictly defined, boredom is the of the moment. We are all guilty By Bits and pieces federate and Union officers on his wall. Hobbs is rarly iniheyear. I'v : decided lo iry H nton a Civil War enthusiast, and if you ask him, he'll be By David De logue all 1 le differences belwt glad to tell you all about the Battle of Chattanooga. Education Faculty. Sieve Jaecks is He can even name all of the officers pictured on his So. another year is upon us. Well, great! Welcome beloved Physical of physical fitness wall. Impressive, huh? back, and all thai. Those of you who aie reluming newly slim and irim after a summer There are reports that the fashion fairy visited students may have noticed some of thcchangesaround mania. Wedon'lhaveafullreport.buirumorhasitthai did last year Happy Valley over the summer. No one saw her, campus this year. You new sludenLs probably don'i Mr. Jaecks wcighsjustabouthalfwhal he visited the Beckett I it was just a rumor). but according to sources, she care. But since I could think of nothing else to write (Don't get mad. Jaecks. said glasses with In Talge hall. Dean Qualley demonstrated home one night and replaced his old plastic his solution lo the problem of size. He built a new pair of high fashion, frame spec- glasses a bigger office. Now.Idon'i see why there tacles, ll is still not known whether the old should be any problem with a head dean of had bc«n placed under Mr. Beckett's pillow. The Southern Qualley's stature having an office he can be reaction of the general public has been favora just that 1 can't help My opinion is that Mr. Beckett and his new gla Q[ comfonable in, it's thinking of all those poor guys who live in really look sharp! (lomi rooms that are half the size of Qual- There's at least one new math teacher this > ley'soffice, I guess the guys can take con- I met him and his wife briefiy and learned that solation in the basketball court which Qual- is their first trip south. So all ya'tl folks drop in Editor the shore it'll make "em feel right ley installed in his office. Now, when say "howdy!" Ah'm | Caskey John gym IS closed, they can pick up a game right o some new joumalis 1 teachers I've Associate Editor thing with that tacky 1 and a new history teacher whom I've not met.
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