A M A G Y A R K Ö Z T Á R S A S Á G H I V A T A L O S L A P J A Budapest, TARTALOMJEGYZÉK Oldal 2001. április 3., 2001: IX. tv. A nemzetközi közúti fuvarozást végz´´o járm´´uvek személyzetének kedd munkájáról szóló Európai Megállapodás (AETR) kihirdeté- sér´´ol . 2483 49/2001. (IV. 3.) Korm. r. A vizek mez´´ogazdasági eredet´´u nitrátszennyezéssel szembeni vé- delmér´´ol . 2518 50/2001. (IV. 3.) Korm. r. A szennyvizek és szennyvíziszapok mez´´ogazdasági felhasználásá- nak és kezelésének szabályairól . 2532 39. szám 51/2001. (IV. 3.) Korm. r. A doktori képzésr´´ol és a doktori fokozatszerzésr´´ol . 2544 52/2001. (IV. 3.) Korm. r. Az egyetemi és f´´oiskolai hallgatók részére nyújtható támogatások- ról és az általuk fizetend´´o díjakról és térítésekr´´ol szóló 144/1996. (IX. 17.) Korm. rendelet módosításáról . 2553 53/2001. (IV. 3.) Korm. r. Az igazságügyi szakért´´oi névjegyzék számítógépes nyilvántartásá- ról . 2553 Helyesbítés . 2555 Ára: 812,– Ft Megállapodást (AETR), valamint annak módosításait egy- II. rész JOGSZABÁLYOK séges szerkezetben e törvénnyel kihirdeti. (A Magyar Köz- társaság csatlakozási okmányának letétbe helyezése az Egyesült Nemzetek F´´otitkáránál 1999. október 22-én megtör- Törvények tént.) 2. § A Megállapodás eredeti angol nyelv´´u szövege és 2001. évi IX. hivatalos magyar nyelv´´u fordítása a következ´´o: törvény ,,EUROPEAN AGREEMENT CONCERNING a nemzetközi közúti fuvarozást végz´´o járm´´uvek THE WORK OF CREWS OF VEHICLES ENGAGED személyzetének munkájáról szóló IN INTERNATIONAL ROAD TRANSPORT (AETR) Európai Megállapodás (AETR) kihirdetésér´´ol* AND PROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE 1. § Az Országgy´´ulés a nemzetközi közúti fuvarozást This text comprises the original European Agreement végz´´o járm´´uvek személyzetének munkájáról szóló Európai Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) done at Geneva on * A törvényt az Országgy´´ulés a 2001. március 27-i ülésnapján fogadta el. 1 July 1970, protocol of signature, the original agreement 2484 M A G Y A R K Ö Z L Ö N Y 2001/39. szám and the consolidated text revised by Amendments 1 to 3., Rules governing the operations of services or prepared by the UN, ECE secretariat on 7 May 1999) documents taking the place thereof, approved by the competent authorities of Contracting Parties and EUROPEAN AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE published by the carrier before coming into operation, WORK OF CREWS OF VEHICLES ENGAGED IN shall specify the conditions of carriage and in particular the INTERNATIONAL ROAD TRANSPORT (AETR) frequency of services, timetables, faretables and the obligation to accept passengers for carriage, insofar as such The Contracting Parties, conditions are not prescribed by any law or regulation. Being desirous of promoting the development and Services by whomsoever organized, which provide for improvement of the international transport of passengers the carriage of specified categories of passengers to the and goods by road, exclusion of other passengers, insofar as such services are Convinced of the need to increase the safety of road operated under the conditions specified in the first traffic, to make regulations governing certain conditions of subparagraph of this definition, shall be deemed to be employment in international road transport in accordance regular services. Such services, in particular those with the principles of the International Labour providing for the carriage of workers to and from their Organisation, and jointly to adopt certain measures to place of work or of schoolchildren to and from school, are ensure the observance of those regulations, hereinafter called ,,special regular services’’; Have agreed as follows: j) ,,driver’’ means any person, whether wage earning or not, who drives the vehicle even for a short period, or who is carried on the vehicle in order to be available for driving Article 1 if necessary; k) ,,crew member’’ means the driver or either of the Definitions following, whether wage earning or not (i) a driver’s mate, i.e. any person accompanying the For the purposes of this Agreement: driver in order to assist him in certain manoeuvres and a) ,,vehicle’’ means any motor vehicle or trailer; this habitually taking an effective part in the transport term includes any combination of vehicles; operations, though not a driver in the sense of paragraph j) of this article; b) ,,motor vehicle’’ means any self propelled road vehicle which is normally used for carrying persons or (ii) a conductor, i.e. any person who accompanies the goods by road or for drawing, on the road, vehicles used for driver of a vehicle engaged in the carriage of passengers the carriage of persons or goods; this term does not include and is responsible in particular for the issue or checking of agricultural tractors; tickets or other documents entitling passengers to travel c) ,,trailer’’ means any vehicle designed to be drawn by on the vehicle; a motor vehicle and includes semi trailers; l) ,,week’’ means the period between 00.00 hours on d) ,,semi trailer’’ means any trailer designed to be Monday and 24.00 hours on Sunday; coupled to a motor vehicle in such a way that part of it rests m) ,,rest’’ means any uninterrupted period of at least on the motor vehicle and that a substantial part of its one hour during which the driver may freely dispose of his weight and of the weight of its load is borne by the motor time. vehicle; e) ,,combination of vehicles’’ means coupled vehicles which travel on the road as a unit; Article 2 f) ,,permissible maximum weight’’ means the maximum weight of the laden vehicle declared permissible by the Scope competent authority of the State in which the vehicle is registered; 1. This Agreement shall apply in the territory of each g) ,,carriage by road’’ means any journey made on roads Contracting Party to all international road transport per- open to the public of a vehicle, whether laden or not, used formed by any vehicle registered in the territory of the said for the carriage of passengers or goods; Contracting Party or in the territory of any other Contrac- h) ,,international road transport’’ (,,international ting Party. carriage by road’’) means road transport which involves the crossing of at least one frontier; 2. Nevertheless, i) ,,regular services’’ means services which provide for a) if, in the course of an international road transport the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along operation one or more crew members do not leave the specified routes, passengers being taken up and set down national territory in which they normally exercise their at predetermined stopping points. occupational activities, the Contracting Party for that 2001/39. szám M A G Y A R K Ö Z L Ö N Y 2485 territory shall be free not to apply to him or them the Contracting Party to this Agreement, provisions not less provisions of this Agreement; strict than those laid down in articles 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of b) Unless the Contracting Parties whose territory is this Agreement. used agree otherwise, this Agreement shall not apply to the 2. It shall be open to any Contracting Party, in the case international road transport performed by: of a vehicle registered in a State which is not a Contracting 1. Vehicles used for the carriage of goods where Party to this Agreement, merely to require, in lieu of a the permissible maximum weight of the vehicle, including any trailer or semi trailer, does not control device conforming to the specifications in the exceed 3.5 tonnes. annex to this Agreement, daily record sheets, completed 2. Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers manually by the driver. which, by virtue of their construction and equip- ment are suitable for carrying not more than nine persons, including the driver, and are inten- Article 4 ded for that purpose. 3. Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers on General principles regular services where the route covered by the service in question does not exceed 50 kilomet- Each Contracting Party may apply higher minima or res. lower maxima than those laid down in articles 5 to 4. Vehicles with a maximum authorized speed not 8 inclusive. Nevertheless, the provisions of this Agreement exceeding 30 kilometres per hour. shall remain applicable to drivers, engaged in international 5. Vehicles used by or under the control of the road transport operations on vehicles registered in another armed services, civil defence, fire services, and Contracting or non Contracting State. forces responsible for maintaining public order. 6. Vehicles used in connection with the sewerage, flood protection, water, gas and electricity servi- Article 5 ces, highway maintenance and control, refuse collection and disposal, telegraph and telepho- Crews ne services, carriage of postal articles, radio and television broadcasting and the detection of ra- 1. The minimum ages for drivers engaged in the dio or television transmitters or receivers. carriage of goods shall be as follows: 7. Vehicles used in emergencies or rescue opera- a) for vehicles, including, where appropriate, trailers or tions. semi trailers, having a permissible maximum weight of not 8. Specialized vehicles used for medical purposes. more than 7.5 tonnes, 18 years; 9. Vehicles transporting circus and funfair equip- b) for other vehicles: ment. 21 years, or 10. Specialized breakdown vehicles. 18 years provided that the person concerned holds a 11. Vehicles undergoing road tests for technical de- certificate of professional competence recognized by one velopment, repair or maintenance purposes, of the Contracting Parties confirming that he has and new or rebuilt vehicles which have not yet completed a training course for drivers of vehicles intended been put into service. for the carriage of goods by road. Contracting Parties shall 12. Vehicles used for non commercial carriage of inform one another of the prevailing national minimum goods for personal use.
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