Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-59090-7 — Prosperity and Plunder Derek Beales Index More Information INDEX Aa, the, Jesuit brotherhood, 148 Albert, prince, of Saxe-Teschen, 216, 219, Abbaye-aux-Bois see Paris 226 abb´e, definition, 19 Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, 51–2 ‘abb´e’, article by Voltaire, 236 Alcobac¸a, Cistercian monastery, Portugal, 124, abbess(es), 5, 21, 33–4, 59, 86, 99, 240 153, Ill. 20 abbeys, definition, 18 Alembert, Jean d’, philosophe, 103, 145, 156, 167, abbot(s), 5 177 authority challenged, 174, 182, 233 Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek,71 in Belgium, 210, 211, 219, 221–3, 297 Allio, Donato Felice d’, 54 commendatory, 33, 89, 104–6, 174, 204, 219, Alps, the, 112 250, 253, 314 Alsace, 87, 93 definition, 18–19 altars, 40, 78 elections, 33–4, 104 Altbayern, 74 as enlightened rulers, 81 Altenburg, Benedictine monastery, Lower Austria, in France, 107 15 grand state, 235, 236, 238 America, 116 of humble origin, 78, 293 ancien r´egime, nature of, 13 imperial, ch. 2; 59 Angelico, Fra, 135, 294 of Melk, 45–6 Angers, 14 power of, 74–6, 174, 294 Anjou, 86 see also Estates, generals, monasteries, monks Apology for Womankind, 182 Acta sanctorum, 90, 221 appel comme d’abus, 171 Afflighem, Belgian abbey, 213 Aquinas, St Thomas, 80 Africa, north, 115, 116, 150 Aragon, 112 Aftalion, Florin, historian, 304 Aranda, count of, 159, 164, 167 afterlife, 120 Aranjuez, 159 agriculture, monastic, 87–8, 96, 213 archangels, 120 see also landownership, wine archbishop(s) see bishop(s) 371 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-59090-7 — Prosperity and Plunder Derek Beales Index More Information index architecture and buildings, 4, 56 compared with France, 169 church, beauty of, 268 constituent parts, 179 French Revolution and, 70–1, 84–5, 264, 265–7 and Counter-Reformation, ch. 2; 181 neo-classical, 70–1, 95 education reform, 190, 225, 226 survival of monastic, 294 and Jesuit suppression, 161–6 see also Baroque, and under individual countries monasteries, monks and nuns, numbers of, 86, Aretin, Freiherr J.C. von, 308 130, 180, 185, 316; in nineteenth century, 226; Aretin, Freiherr K.O. von, 309 rebuilding and Baroquisation, ch. 2; 181–2; aristocracy see nobility reform, ch. 8, compared with France, 169; Arles, 89 suppressions, ch. 8; 8, 161–6; consequences, armies 306, number, 194–7; surviving, 226, 228, 306, of France, revolutionary, 272, 274 307 monastic, 59 population, 180 Arnaud, Baculard d’, 111, 238 rulers’ power over the Church, 7 Arnauld, Ang´elique, 89, 104 Turkish war (1787–91), 225 Arr´abidas, Portuguese Order, 122 variations between provinces, 180, 184 Arras, abbey of St Vaast, 87, 232, 307 and Weingarten, 66 Artois, 87, 232, 235 see also Belgium, Bohemia, Galicia, Hungary, Asam brothers, 294 Jesuits, Josephism, Lombardy assassination Austrian Netherlands see Belgium attempts, 151, 154 Austrian Succession, War of the (1740–8), 103–4, Jesuits alleged to approve, 148, 155, 160 144, 181 Assembly of Notables in France (1787), 239 Aveiro, duke of, 151 assignats, 259, 304–5 Averbode, Premonstratensian abbey in Belgium, Assisi, 126, 294 293 Augsburg, 72 Avignon, 162, 270, 271 Augustine, St, 21, 35, 36 Augustinian Orders, 4, 12, 21, 29, 35, 46, 72, 87, Bacon, Francis, 156 88, 115, 159, 163, 164 Balkans, 18, 54 Augustinus,35 ballets, 52, 98 Augustus, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, 27 balloon ascents, 73, 215 Austria (the Austrian duchies/modern republic), Barnave, 255 8–9, 14–15, 16, 18, 22–3, 30, 33, 39–57, 195, Barry, Mme du, 101 197 Baroque, 13, 143 dioceses, 45 criticised, 69, 95, 294 historians, 181 decline of, 69, 70–3, 143, 181 Lower, 42, 82, 180 fine examples of monastic, 294 monasteries, 39–57, 58, 74, 84, 87, 179, 180, French, 39, 93, 94–6 181, 226, 227, 307 German and Austrian, 39–41, 49–68, 76–9, Upper, 51, 66, 78, 183, 202 181–2 Austrian Empire (after 1804), 8 Italian, 39, 60 Austrian Monarchy, ch. 8; 2, 27, 34, 58, 73, 78–81, and popular culture, 76–9, 81 82, 127 Spanish and Portuguese, 118, 122, 123 alliance with France, 162 Basel, Treaty of (1795), 280, 284 area, 179 Basilian monasteries, 316 Babenberg rulers of, 42, 54 Batthy´any, count Joseph, cardinal archbishop of central provinces, 180, 185, 226 Esztergom, 209 372 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-59090-7 — Prosperity and Plunder Derek Beales Index More Information index Baudeau, abb´e, 295 Revolution in, 219–25 Bavaria, 3, 7, 14–15, 28, 33, 45, 51, 58, 66, 74, 79, and treaties, 211 80, 284, 285–6 United Republic Academy, 80, 106 and the Vienna government, 211, 212 exchange proposal, 217 wealth, 212 and Jesuits, 162 see also Brabant, Flanders, Hainaut, Luxembourg monastic wealth, 82, 289 bells, 96, 153, 183–4, 215, 264, 273, 309 suppressions, 58, 285, 286, 289–90; state’s Benedict, St, 126, 237 gains from, 289, 290; views on, 308–10 Benedict XIII, pope 1724–30, 7 Bayle, Pierre, 28 Benedict XIV, pope 1740–58, 36–7, 129, 148, 151, Bazin, Germain, 49–68, 94 155 B´earn, 87 Benedictine Order(s), Benedictines, 4, 7, 12, 14–15, Beaumont, Christophe de, archbishop of Paris, 19–21, 29–30, 37, 46, 49, 63, 74–82, 88, 89, 153–4 115, 126, 159 Bec, abbey, Normandy, 92, 105, 251, Ill. 15(a) and brotherhoods, 78 and (b) Cluniac branch, 86 Beccaria, marchese Cesare, 187 English congregation, 76 Beckford, William, 120, 153 Exempt, Order of, 174–5 Vathek, 313 history, 90 B´edos, dom, 94, Ill. 9 in Hungary, 207, 208 Beer, Michael, architect, 60 learning and scholarship, 89–91; see also beer, production by monasteries, 4, 50–1, 213, 218 Maurists Beethoven, Ludwig van, 52, 272 under Napoleon, 268 Bel´em, Portuguese monastery, 115 Portuguese reform, 122 Belgium, 8–9, 30, 35, 90, 179–80, 204, 217, 260, in Spain, 156, 159 277, 283, 316 in towns, 134 clergy, numbers in relation to population, 212 Benediktbeuren abbey, 14–15 comparison with France, 231 Benevento, 162 constitutions, 210, 211 Bentley, Thomas, 87 and Enlightenment, 212 Berlin, 71, 312 and Francis II, 226 Bernard, St, 90 French invasions, 226 Bessel, Gottfried, abbot of Gottweig,¨ 55 French rule, 226, 231; comparison with Bianchi, Isidoro, 139 Germany, 289 Bible, 35, 36, 52, 68, 113, 163 inaugurations: Joseph II, 213, 216; Leopold Birnau abbey, 78–9 II, 226; Francis II, 226 bishop(s), archbishop(s), 5, 7, 21, 30, 31, 33 and Jansenism, 181, 212 aristocratic, 78, 97, 104 and Joseph II’s policies, 143, 219–21, 222 as commendatory abbots, 104, 105 and Leopold II, 225–6, 260 in Estates, 96, 209 monasteries, monks and nuns: criticised, 213; and French education, 169 defended by bishops, 213, by Estates of and French Revolution, 241, 259, 264 Hainaut, 213; landholding, 213; lifestyle, 213; and Jansenists, 153–4 numbers, 212, 231, 348, in relation to and monasteries, monks and nuns, 89, 97, 109, population, 180; popular support for, 226; 170, 172–5, 182, 213 suppressions by Joseph II, 216, reversed, 226; prince-, 58, 78, 284 suppressions by French, 226; wealth, 213 seminaries, 31, 132, 194 population, 212 Blanchard, 215 373 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-59090-7 — Prosperity and Plunder Derek Beales Index More Information index Blanning, T.C.W., historian, 14 on French monasticism, 256, 257, 313–15 Blickle, Peter, historian, 60–2 Reflections on the Revolution in France, 13, 88, 219, Boaga, G., historian, 128 256–7 Bohemia, 30, 33, 39, 57, 181, 203 Burney, Dr Charles, historian of music, 69, 139 ratio of regulars to population, 180 Busenbaum, Hermann, Jesuit canonist, 148, 165 Boisgelin, archbishop of Aix, 253 Byzantine monasteries, 131 Bolland, Jean, 90 Bollandists, 221 Caen, abbeys of, 92, 234, 294 Bologna, Concordat of (1516), 103 Caff`e, Il, 139, 187 and monasteries, 131 cahiers de dol´eance, 240, 264 Bonaparte see Napoleon attitudes to monasteries in those of the clergy, Bondorf, duchy of, 69 240–1; of the nobility, 242; of the Third Bonneval abbey, 251 Estate, 241–2; overall, 242 Bordeaux, abbey of Ste-Croix, 94 reliability as evidence, 240 Born, Ignaz von, 202 Cahors, 242 Monachologia, 202 Calais, 87 Bosher, J.F., historian, 19 Calas, Jean, 146 Boskovic, Rudjer, Jesuit scientist, 147, 295 Calasanz, Jos´e, 128 Bourbon dynasty, Spanish, 114, 157, 208 calendar, Christian, replaced by revolutionary, Bouteville, French minister in Belgium, 272–3 264–5, 282 Brabant, duchy of, 210 Calonne, French minister, 239 Council of, 210, 219, 221 Calvin, Calvinism, 10, 73, 181, 199 Estates of, 210, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, Camaldoli, 134, 136, 276 225, 226 Order of, 139 revolutions: little (1787), 219; major (1789), 215, Cambre, La, Cistercian nunnery, Belgium, 213 226 Cambridge, colleges, 13–14, 91, 296, 315 Brandenburg, 59 Campoformio, Treaty of (1797), 284 Brantome,ˆ Maurist abbey, 92 Campomanes, Pedro de, 159–60, 167 Brazil, 122, 149, 150, 151, 281 canonesses, 101 Brest, 241 of Ste-Waudru, Mons, 226 Brewer, Bede, 76 canons, 17, 21, 22, 78, 226 Brienne, archbishop and cardinal Lom´enie de, cantatas, 52 103–6, 170, 173, 177, 193, 239, 246 Caprara, Cardinal Giovanni Battista, papal nuncio Britain, 9, 12, 113, 221, 257, 264, 271, 281 in Vienna, 201, 202 British monasteries abroad, 74 Capuchins, 7, 21, 29, 31, 37, 39, 94, 107–8, 280, Brittany, 156 296 brotherhoods, 28, 30, 78, 80, 88, 108, 114, 155, characteristics, 107 179, 183, 197, Ill. 28 numbers, 108, 147, 236 Brothers of the Christian Schools, Christian ‘poverty’ criticised, 187 Brothers, 109, 111, 268 reluctant to leave cloister, 258 Broutier, Premonstratensian monk, property, 91 some support revolutionary governments, 275 Bruckner, Anton, 307 vocations, 144 Brussels, 11, 112, 219, 225, 272 cardinals, 7, 34 Coudenberg monastery, 220, 221, Ill.
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