- CRollsifle" iRolleicoTd BURLEIGH BRooES INC. PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS A UNlTEIJ STATES lMPORTERS AND NIKOR MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS FOR W RoLLEIFLEX & RoLLEICoRD CAMERAS JoS. SCHNEID ER & CO . LE NSES NIlioR PROD UCTS VEIGEL ENLARGERS FLASHFLEX FLASHGUN U. S. HEA n[J UAHTERS FOR ROLLEl SEHVI CE 19 5 5 10 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORI1 36, N. Y. Activities at the Franke and Heidecke Rollei Plant BURLEIGH BROOKS INC. PAGE INDEX BURLEIGH BROOKS INC. STAFF BUSINESS TERMS R OLLE I SCRIPT SALES AIDS SECTION Rollei Co meras ______________ _____ _____ __ _________________________ ________ . __ .......... _.. .... ___ .. A Rollei Accessories _.. .... _..... _............ .. ... .... _. __ ... .............. _........ _........ ___ ... A Rolleifla sh ____ .. __ ... __ ._._ .. ____ ... __ ..... ......... __ .. .... _._ ...... ____ ..... __ ... ______ ..... .. __ ... _A Flashflex __ ............. .. ______ _........ ___ ... ____ . ______ .. __ ..... _.... ................ __ .......... _. A Sch neider len ses __ ..... ... ..... _... .. _. ......... _. .. .. _.. _..... ... ............. __ .... _.. ___ ..... B Continental Gadget Bags ............................................... ___ ....... ___ .... __ .... B Nikor Tanks and Trimmers ... _... _. .. .... __ ... _._._. _.. ____ .. __ _... ....... _...... _....... ___ .. C Veigel En 10 rgers ___ .. _. _.. __ _._ .... ... __ ._ ... _______ ... _.. __.. _. __. __ .... __ ..... _. ... _._ .. __ . _. ___ D Miscella neous ______ .... __ ... ________ ... ______ ... _________ . __ .. _.. ___________ ._. __ . __ ...... _..... __ _D Back Cover Page: Condensed Rollei Price List BU R LE I G H B R OO K SIN C. BURLEIGH BROOKS IN C. IMPORTER AND PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS MANUFACTURERS ' AGENT Ca ble Address, LENSMAN codes: TELEPHONE lOWEST 46th STREET W. U. 5 LETTE R 4955 r BEN TlEY JUds on 6-14956 NEW YORK 36, N. Y. l4957 JACK D. CALLAHAN FRANK J. RIZZATTI ARNE OGLAEND General Manager Sales and Advertising Manager General Correspondent JAMES ANDERER SIDNE Y J. FALEK Credit & Order Department Service Department TERRITORIES AND SALESMEN ARTHUR V. HOLT -W* Califor nia 3183 Weldon Ave. Arizona, Nevada Los Angeles 65, Calif. Cleve land 7·3222 BOB RELLE W ashington 707 W. Prospect 51. Oregon, Idaho Seattle 99, Wash. A!der 2904 SAM C. McAFEE -W* A laska 3704 East Howe Seattle, Wash. Bob Sam CANTY SALES CO. -W* Colorado, Utah STEVE CANTY New Mexico 1229 California St. Wyoming Denver 4, Colorado Monta na Acoma 2·9567 * Denotes Warehouse BURLEIGH BROOKS INC. HERBERT VOGel Pennsylvania 1597 Rosewood Ave. Ohio, Michigan Cleveland, Ohio lakewood 1-1434 Herb RICHARD HIRSCH New Yor k State 205 Pinehurst Ave. New York City Apartment 3 l (except Manhattan) New York 33, N. Y. lorraine 8-7764 New Jersey BEN ARKES Illinois, India na 7824 S. Pa xton Minnesota Dick Chicago 49, Ill. Wisconsi n Bayport 1·1103 Ben GEORGE A . PIERSOL New York City 10 W. 46 th 5t. (Manhattan only) New York 36, N. Y. TOM W . O ' CONNELL Missouri, Iowa 1029 lark Nebraska st. Loui s 22, Mo. George Yorktown 5·1292 MAURICE WOLF (RED) Massach usetts Tom 35 lakewood Rd. Con necticut Newton Hi g!onds 61, Ma ss. Rhode Island Bigelow 4· 8450 Vermont, Maine New Hampshire ''-..J GEORGE W, MAXWELL Tennessee 3688 Philwood Alabama Memphis, Tenn. Kentucky Red 33·6558 Mississippi SCHROEDER North Dakota George GENE 2625 Fenton South Da kota Den ver 14, Colo. ROBERT DORINSON - W * Texas 112 S. Poydros Kansas Dollas, Texas Oklahoma Riverside 6837 Louisiana RlcrlARD MANTZ Arkansas 6709 Lake Circle Drive Dollas, Texas 5Y KESS LER 7707 Robin Rood Sy Dick Bob Dallas, Texas CAMERA SERVICE CO. W* Georgia, Florida CHAS. S. SMITH, JR . No. & So. Carolina DAN WATKINS Washington, 0 , C. 2257 Ca scade Rd. SW Maryland, Virginia At lanta, Go . W. Virgi nia Amherst 2626 Delaware Dan Charlie * Denotes Warehouse B U RL E IGH BROOKS IN C. TERMS ORDERS Describe each item fully. When ordering accessories indicate camera model. Telephone or telegraph orders must be confirmed. Collect tele­ grams and telephone calls will not be accepted. All merchandise not shipped will be back-ordered unless otherwise instructed. Please use code on telegraph orders where possible. Orders requesting future dat­ ing will not be considered until billing period is open. Fair traded prices must be strictly adhered to. CREDIT All orders will be filled on a C.O.D. or cash in advance basis where credit has not been established. Returned merchandise will not be accepted for credit, unless written authorization has been obtained in advance. All transportation charges are at consignee's expense. DELIVERY Specific shipping instructions must appear on orders or on confirma­ tions. No goods will be delivered to messenger without pick-up order. PAYMENT All bills are due and payable NET on the 10th of the following month. If your remittance reaches us on or before the 10th of the month, you may deduct 2% cash discount. Any items shipped after the 26th of the month will be dated as of the coming month. DISCOUNT As per schedule to established photographic dealers only. GUARANTEE All Burleigh Brooks Inc. products are warranted free from defects either in workmanship or materials. SHIPPING AND All shipments valued up to $200.00 are sent parcel post where postal INSURANCE regulations permit. Otherwise railway express except where specific instructions are given. Every shipment is fully insured. SERVICE AND Repair estimates are made without charge. Labor charges are net, REPAIR parts less 25 %. We do not proceed with repairs until specific a~thor i­ zation is received. Completion date is specified at time of estimate. All repairs are guaranteed for one year. SALES AIDS Display signs and pictures, retail price list, brochures, mats, cu ts, and glossy prints available upon request. B U R LEIG H B R O O K S I NC. L COOPERATIVE ADVERTISING PLAN Effective January 1 st Burleigh Brooks will issue Rollei-Scrip with each invoice covering Rollei Camera or accessory sales to enable you to enjoy lowest possible cost in your local advertising on Rollei products. Yes! Rollei-Scrip is the same as $ $ $ and it means even more $ $ $ since the plan will automatically increase your high -profit Rollei volume. In the beginning Rollei-Scrip will be used for the introduction of the Rolleicord V in your local newspapers - but watch for our special bul­ letins as we enlarge the scope of Rollei-Scrip to include other business­ producing media such as Spot TV and Spot Radio, etc. J/-ow Rolli-Scrip Workj SIMPLE! A. To save time, we will send ready-to-run Rolleicord V ad mats right off to you, free of charge with your first shipment of the new cameras. Later we'll send you samples of a more complete selection of mats to choose from. EASY! B. After each ad has appeared, send us 3 tearsheets of the ad, and the invoice from the newspaper with space charges clearly marked. Enclose, with the in­ invoice and 3 tearsheets, Rollei-Scrip for one-half the bill (to the nearest dollarl. GENEROUS! C. We'" promptly give your account a merchandise credit in the amount due upon receipt of the above. IMPORTANT - Rollei-Scrip covers half of space charges only - not production or other costs. Space will include provision for one inch logo, the width of the ad. Rollei-Scrip sponsored ads must be separate, not included as part of larger store ads, and must not mention any product other than Rollei cameras and accessories. In order to qualify, your ad must run in local newspapers and be charged for at the lowest local rate. If you make up your own ads, they must be approved by Burleigh Brooks, Inc. before running. Burleigh Brooks reserves the right to refuse payment when, in their judgment, improper use has been made of Trade Marks or Fair Trade prices. B U RL E I G H BROOK S INC . New ROLLEI Sales Aids Here are the new sales aids ... display stands, window streamers, descriptive literature and accessory display racks . available to help you cash-in on ROLLE!'s broad and consistent advertising campaign in photographic and national consumer magazines. Order by the identifying numbers. #215-New Rollei literature .. covering Rollei comeros­ #214-Set-up Rollei camera display, Rollei accessories - and the attractive colors, for window use - underwater Rolleimarin. 12 " x 14". # 219 - Rollei trade-mark display for window or counter use, or wall hanging . # 212-Rollei camera dis­ play stand with rich black base. Only 4" high . # 224 (left) - Rolleicard V string of eight pennants. Total length 25 feet. Orange, white and black. He""... ~ # 217-Rollei neWs house or· ~@UU@U~@lf@ V ___ gan, and literature, describing exclusive Rollei features. ni •.•:ii;I.:I'1:- - Small Rollei # 223 - Ralleicard day-g low windo w stickers for use on letter­ streamer. Orange and black. heads, bills, etc. :# 221-Electros or mots of all Rollei cameras for 1 or 2 column use. (Specify whether for newspaper or magazine. ) # 213 - Handsome Rollei enlargements, assorted subjects, available in three # 222-Rallei trade-mark # 211 - Rollei accessory display rack, 18" x 24", mount sizes ... 16" x 20" - 19" X logotypes furnished in supplied with brackets and tees (Accessories not 24/1 or 28" x 35" . any size. wpplied.) BURLEIGH BROOKS INC. Rolleicord v $134.55 with Schneider Xenar 3.5 case extra $14.95 rr ... I~ . ",oJI wl·jllly «JIlJ c ,.~Jil t'n" in f~e p~olo9,.ap~lc worlJ: "Taken with a ROLLEr j The Amateur's Universal Camera With Schneider Xenar f:3.5/ 75 mm lens in Synchro- Com pur shutter (1 / 500th to 1 second, Time expos­ ures) with light value scale and self-timer. Viewing lens Heidosmat f:3.2/ 75 mm. Double bayonet rings around lenses for attaching optical lens accessories and lens hood.
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