Minimum Standards for Firefighting Personnel NYCRR Part 426 (Rev. 9/08) State of New York Firefighting and Code Enforcement Personnel Standards and Education Commission New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Fire Prevention and Control PART 426 Minimum Standards for Firefighting Personnel in the State of New York (Statutory Authority, Section 159-d) Section 426.1 Purpose 426.2 Standards for certification of fire training programs 426.3 Facilities and equipment required for fire training programs 426.4 Minimum qualifications for instructor certification 426.5 Basic training, time completion requirements 426.6 Minimum basic fire training for probationary and nonpermanent firefighters 426.7 In-service fire training 426.8 Advanced in-service training 426.9 Promotional/supervisory qualifications and training 426.10 Exemptions; revocation § 426.1 Purpose. (4) be conducted at facilities and with equipment complying with section 426.3 of this Part; and The purpose of this Part is to establish uniform mini- mum State training standards designed to increase (5) provide a recordkeeping system that will attest competency and reliability of fire service personnel; to the fact that the student has completed the required improve and expand the professional training available number of hours of this Part, and has attained that to paid fire service personnel by developing uniform level of performance established by the municipality minimum standards for basic, in-service, advanced for its firefighting personnel. in-service and promotional supervisory training pro- © To receive certification, an in-service fire training grams, with emphasis on proper subject content and program shall be certified by the State Fire Administra- better instruction; encourage the active participation tor and shall: of local governments in the fire service training stan- dards process; develop training criteria that will enhance (1) contain subject matter that meets or exceeds the each local government’s fire prevention and life safety knowledge/skill content criteria prescribed by section activities. 426.7 of this Part; (2) meet or exceed the minimum hours of instruction §426.2 Standards for certification of fire prescribed in section 426.7 of this Part; training programs. (3) be conducted by instructors certified by the State (a) Fire training programs may be certified in four Fire Administrator; areas: basic fire training, in-service fire training, ad- (4) be conducted at facilities and with equipment vanced in-service fire training, and promotional/super- complying with section 426.3 of this Part; and visory training. (5) provide a recordkeeping system that will attest (b) To receive certification, a basic fire training to the fact that the student has completed the number program shall be certified by the State Fire Administra- of hours required by this Part, and has attained that tor and shall: level of performance established by the municipality for its firefighting personnel. (1) contain subject matter that meets or exceeds the knowledge/skill content criteria prescribed by section (d) To receive certification, an advanced in-service 426.6 of this Part; training program shall be certified by the State Fire Administrator and shall: (2) meet or exceed the minimum hours of instruction prescribed in section 426.6 of this Part; (1) contain subject matter that meets or exceeds the (3) be conducted by instructors certified by the State knowledge/skill content criteria prescribed by section Fire Administrator; 426.8 of this Part; Minimum Standards for Firefighting Personnel NYCRR Part 426 / Page 1 (2) meet or exceed the minimum hours of instruction components may be included in a structure to be prescribed in section 426.8 of this Part; burned as part of the training if not a part of the (3) be conducted by instructors certified by the State regular training complex); Fire Administrator; (3) hydrant and/or drafting facilities of sufficient (4) be conducted at facilities and with equipment capacity to accomplish minimum training require- complying with section 426.3 of this Part; and ments; (5) provide a recordkeeping system that will attest (4) facilities for live fire training that will, where to the fact that the student has completed the number required, permit the use of breathing apparatus in of hours required by this Part, and has attained that an enclosed structure, flammable liquid firefighting, level of performance established by the municipality liquid propane and natural gas firefighting, and for its firefighting personnel. automobile firefighting; (5) classroom with adequate lighting, heating, plumb- (e) To receive certification, a promotional supervi- ing, ventilation and seating facilities; sory training program shall be certified by the State Fire Administrator and shall: (6) pumper, ladder and other necessary apparatus in proper operating condition, suitably equipped, to (1) contain subject matter that meets or exceeds the accomplish the minimum training required; knowledge/skill content criteria prescribed by section (7) extinguishers, ropes, ladders, nozzles, tools, 426.9 of this Part; appliances and such other equipment deemed neces- (2) meet or exceed the minimum hours of instruction sary for fulfilling minimum training requirements; prescribed in section 426.9 of this Part; and (3) be conducted by instructors certified by the State (8) representative demand, oxygen-generating or Fire Administrator; other self-contained breathing apparatus, in sufficient (4) be conducted at facilities and with equipment numbers to enable use by firefighters engaged in complying with section 426.3 of this Part; and training evolutions where hazardous atmospheres (5) provide a recordkeeping system that will attest are encountered. to the fact that the student has completed the number of hours required by this Part, and has attained that §426.4 Minimum qualifications for level of performance established by the municipality instructor certification. for its firefighting personnel. (a) There shall be two categories of instructor certifi- cation: standard and special standard certification shall §426.3 Facilities and equipment be further subdivided into level I and level II. required for fire training programs. (b) To receive standard certification—level I, a fire (a) The facilities and equipment prescribed in this instructor shall: section need only be provided where specific training tasks require. Any facility or item of equipment avail- (1) have three years experience as a firefighter; able to the municipality, and which meets the intent (2) be assigned instructor responsibilities by the chief of this section, may be utilized. fire official of the entity offering training; (b) Facilities and equipment required for conducting (3) possess the physical ability to carry out instruc- fire training programs shall include: tion assignments; and (4) complete the following courses of study: (1) a tower or similar structure not less than two stories in height, and suitable for use with ladders (I) Firefighting Essentials; or 39 hrs. and rescue equipment, which permits the raising and (ii) Basic Firefighter; and 42 hrs. lowering of hose lines and other equipment; Initial Fire Attack; or 18 hrs. (2) facilities which allow forcible entry and ventila- (iii) Intermediate Firefighter; and 36 hrs. tion drills, including a means of practicing on doors, Pump Operator or Ladder windows, roofs, floors, ceilings and partitions (such Company Operations; and 18 hrs. Page 2 / NYCRR Part 426 Minimum Standards for Firefighting Personnel Preparing for Command; and 24 hrs. (d) To receive special certification, fire instructors Educational Methodology 1; or 40 hrs. shall: (iv) Fire Service Instructor 1; or 48 hrs. (1) have special skills, knowledge or abilities which (v) Training Officer Workshop qualify them to teach designated subjects relating levels I and II; or 24 hrs. to their special field; and (vi) Fire Service Instructor II 40 hrs. (2) submit application for special certification to the (5) complete in lieu of the knowledge/skill criteria State Fire Administrator by the chief fire official of prescribed in paragraph (4) of this subdivision, the entity offering training. equivalent topics completed while attending the New York State Field Delivery Courses, Firefighting §426.5 Basic training, time completion Essentials; Initial Fire Attack; Pump Operator Course or Ladder Company Operations; Preparing for Com- requirements. mand; Educational Methodology; or Training Officer Temporary, probationary and nonpermanent firefighters Workshop level I and II; scheduled to be on duty an average of more than 20 (6) complete in lieu of the knowledge/skill criteria hours per week shall successfully complete a certified prescribed in paragraph (4) of this subdivision, basic training program within 18 months of initial equivalent topics while attending federally-sponsored appointment. Temporary, probationary and nonperma- courses or recognized college level courses, provided nent firefighters scheduled to be on duty an average such equivalency shall be deemed acceptable by the of between 10 and 20 hours per week shall successfully State Fire Administrator when submitted with ade- complete a certified basic training program within 24 quate documentation regarding course criteria and months of initial appointment. Temporary, probationary attendance. and nonpermanent firefighters scheduled to be on duty an average of less than 10 hours per week shall success-
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