Published on the 300th anniversary of the passage to eternal life of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Stanislaus of Jesus Mary Papczynski, the beloved Founder of the Order. Dedicated to His Holiness, John Paul II, a great Pole who was born on May 18, the same day as Fr. Stanislaus. — The Marians of the Immaculate Conception of the St. Stanislaus Kostka Province Lumen Marianorum Stanislaus Papczynski (1631-1701) Founder of the Order of Marians and Inspirer of the Marian School of Spirituality Tadeusz Rogalewski, MIC Marian Press Marians of the Immaculate Conception Stockbridge, Massachusetts 2001 Copyright © 2001 Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception All rights reserved. Imprimi Potest for original Polish text: Very Rev. Andrew Pakula, MIC Provincial Warsaw, April 19, 2001 With Ecclesiastical Permission for English translation Library of Congress Control Number: 2001119629 ISBN 0-944203-62-0 Project Coordinator and art selection for cover: Andrew R. Maczynski, MIC Translation and editing from Polish into English: Paul and Ewa St. Jean Editing and proofreading for English edition: David Came and Marina Batiuk Index of Personal and Geographical Names: Mary Ellen McDonald Typesetting: Patricia Menatti Cover Design: William Sosa Front Cover: The image of Fr. Papczynski is from an 18th century painting which is in the Marian monastery at Puszcza Marianska, Poland. The artist is unknown. The inset is the miraculous image of Our Lady of Gozlin. Printed in the United States of America by the Marian Press, Stockbridge, Massachusetts 01263 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...........................................................11 PREFACE..........................................................................................17 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................27 CHAPTER I: STANISLAUS PAPCZYNSKI’S CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH..........................................................37 The Family Nest .......................................................................37 The School Years......................................................................51 Adolescence..............................................................................54 CHAPTER II: AT THE PIARIST FATHERS................................77 The Order of the Pious Schools...............................................77 The Path of Vocation................................................................80 Christ’s Priesthood....................................................................94 CHAPTER III: AT THE CROSSROADS....................................129 Misunderstandings..................................................................129 A Thorny Path.........................................................................133 Departure from the Piarists ....................................................146 CHAPTER IV: FOUNDATION OF A NEW RELIGIOUS ORDER .....................................................193 Birth of the Congregation of Marian Fathers........................193 Development of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate .....207 Efforts to Obtain Approbation from the Holy See............... 235 CHAPTER V: THE END OF FATHER STANISLAUS’S LIFE...................................................279 Papal Approbation ..................................................................279 Solemn Profession..................................................................301 Last Moments .........................................................................305 CHAPTER VI: POSTHUMOUS CULT ......................................321 Spiritual Profile.......................................................................321 Charismatic Figure .................................................................328 Awaiting Beatification............................................................334 KALENDARIUM OF [I] FATHER PAPCZYNSKI’S LIFE AND [II] THE BEATIFICATION PROCESS................................359 DECREE ON HIS HEROIC VIRTUES........................................363 THE WRITINGS OF FATHER STANISLAUS PAPCZYNSKI......................................369 Surviving Writings..................................................................369 Lost Writings ..........................................................................371 Documents and Records Included or Referred to in Positio..............................................................373 BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................................................................381 Works Listed in Chronoligical Order ....................................381 Works Listed in Alphabetical Order ......................................404 Related Works.........................................................................429 INDEX OF PERSONAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES..........................................................437 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS General Abbreviations ca. circa about ed. editio issue, edition ffolio current page number pp. paginae pages of a book r recto the page of a manuscript to be read first v verso the reverse page of a manuscript, to be read after recto vol. volumen volume Bibliographical Abbreviations AAP — Archives of the Archdiocese of Poznan: collection: APS (Acta Processuum Sacrorum). ACMC — Archives of the Cracow Metropolitan Curia, Liber Actorum Notariatus, Sebastiani Francisci Mitrzynski, Notarii Apostolici, 1668- 1672. ADL — Archives of the Diocese of Lublin. AFP — Posnanien. Beatificationis et Canonizationis Servi Dei Stanislai a I. M. Papczynski [...], Animadversiones R.P.D. Fidei Promotoris Super Dubio An sit signanda Commissio Introductionis Causae [...], manuscript, AAP: APS 9, pp. [1-74]. AJR — Archives of the Jesuits, Rome, Via Borgo S. Spirito. Annot — C. Wyszynski OIC, Quaedam Annotationes ad Positiones et Articulos super Processum Venerabilis Servi Dei Nostri Institutoris, manuscript, AAP: DW, Ann. 3. APC — Archives of the Piarists, Cracow, Pijarska Street. Apologia — Stanislaus a I. M. Papczynski, Apologia pro egressu e Scholis Piis, ca 1671, Scripta 31-73. 11 12 Stanislaus Papczynski APostMIC — Archives of the Marian Postulate, Rome, Via Corsica 1. APPM — Archives of the Polish Province of the Marians, Warsaw, 9 Sw. Bonifacego Street. APS — See: AAP. ARC — Archives of the Reformati, Cracow. CAP — Central Archives of the Piarist Fathers, Budapest, VIII, Miksztath Kalman-ter 1. Caputi — Giovanni Carlo Caputi SP, Notizie Historiche, manuscript, ca.1675, GAP: Hist. bibl. 5. Choynacki — [Dominicus Choynacki SP], Brevis Collectio. De introductis Scholis Piis in Poloniam, et earum incremento, tam in hoc, quam in inclyto Hungariae Regno, manuscript, 1775, APC. CLS — Connotatio Librorum et Scriptorum extraditorum pro Commissione Romana a Sacra Rituum Congregatione demandatorum, manuscript, ca. 1773, AAP: APS 5. ConstSP — Constitutiones Congregationis Pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum, in: Clericorum Regularium Scholarum Piarum I. Constitutiones cum Notis. II. Regulae et Ritus Communes. [...], p. 1. 1768. DeVen — Scripsit manu propria ARP Casimirus Wyszynski de Venerabili Patre Stanislao Papczynski, manuscript, 1738/1750?, copy 1753-57 ?, AAP: APS 5. DSE — Decretum super examine, revisione, et approbatione Operum typis editorum, et Manuscriptorum Servi Dei, AAP: APS 9. DW — Protokoly czynnosci w Rzymie slugi Bozego Kazimierza Wyszynskiego oraz notaty jego i listy w sprawie kanonizacji slugi Bozego Stanislawa Papczynskiego [Records of the Servant of God Casimir Wyszynski’s Activities in Rome and His Notes and Letters in the Matter of the Canonization of the Servant of God Stanislaus Papczynski], manuscript, (1751-1755), AAP: APS 7/D. It is divided into three “Annales” (Ann). The abbreviation “DW/2” designates the last part of the Diary (1752-1755), [35 pp.], GAM: Doc. Hist. Wysz., M2/2. ECat — Enciclopedia Cattolica I-XII, Citta del Vaticano, 1948-1954. EK — Encyklopedia Katolicka [Catholic Encyclopaedia] I-VII, Lublin, 1973-1997. EKosc — Encyklopedia Koscielna [Church Encyclopaedia] I-XXXIII, ed. Abbreviations 13 M. Nowodworski et al., Warsaw, Plock, Wloclawek, 1873-1933. EncOrg — Encyklopedia Powszechna S. Orgelbranda [S. Orgelbrand’s General Encyclopaedia] I-XXVIII, Warsaw, 1859-1868. EphCal — Ephemerides Calasanctianae, comment. bimestre Edit. Calas., Roma, 1931, pp. Estreicher — K. Estreicher, Bibliografia polska [Polish Bibliography] I- XXXIV, Cracow, 1872-1951. FamDom — Liber XXV. Collegii Podoliniensis Scholarum Piarum. In quo continentur Familiae Domus, in Annos singulos descriptae ab Anno 1642. Conversio ad Fidem Orthodoxam ab Anno 1775. Sacri Ordines Nostris collati ab Anno 1684 /?/, manuscript, CAP Hung., For. 0-6, No. 36. Friedreich — E. Friedreich SP, Zycie Jana Franco [The Life of John Franco], Vác 1907-1908, APostMIC. Fundatio — Stanislaus a I. M. Papczynski, Fundatio Domus Recollectionis., ca 1675, Scripta 75-96. GAM — General Archives of Marian Fathers, Rome, Via Corsica 1, Documenta Historica (Congregationis) = Doc. Hist. The abbreviation TrDM designates a typewritten copy (in three volumes) kept in a folder “Transcripta” and entitled: Copies of the Documents Associated with the Life and Deeds of the Ven. Servant of God Fr. Stanislaus of Jesus Mary Papczynski, Founder of the Order of Marian Fathers; Ven. Servant of God Fr. Casimir Wyszynski, a Marian, and with the History of the Congregation of Marian Fathers, by the efforts of Fr. Sydry, Rasna, 1933. GAP — General Archives of the Piarist Fathers, Rome, Piazza dei Massimi 4. HierCat — C. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica
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