Neil Jeffares, Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 Online edition SHARPLES, James Reference Library file, attr.; olim attr. Ellen Lancashire 1752 – New York 1811 Sharples, olim identified as of Mrs George Part II: Sitters L–Z; other items Washington Lafayette; damaged by damp and excessively restored J.675.405 George Washington LAFAYETTE (1779– J.675.422 ~cop. Felix Sharples (Van Bibber 1849), soldier, pstl/ppr, 23.5x18.4, 1797–99 Sanders, Gloucester Court House, Virginai) (Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association W-2019. J.675.423 General Benjamin LINCOLN (1733– Acqu. 1955). Exh.: Mount Vernon 1974 1810), pstl, 23x18 (Bernard & S. Dean Levy, J.675.406 M. [George Washington] de Inv., New York, 1977). Lit.: Antiques, LAFAYETTE, pstl/ppr, 22.9x17.7, 1795–97 .VIII.1977, p. 168 repr. (Bristol City Art Gallery inv. K1021. Acqu. J.675.424 Sir Robert LISTON (1742–1836), 1931). Lit.: Gidley 1974 diplomat; & pendant: J.675.425 spouse, née J.675.407 John LANGDON (1741–1819), pstl/ppr, Henrietta Marchant (1752–1828), pstl, 24.1x19, c.1790–1800 (Smith College, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol City Art Gallery). Lit.: Museum of Art, 1975:52-3. Legs Alice Gidley 1974 Rutherford Erving) J.675.426 Samuel LIVERMORE (1732–1803) J.675.427 J.675.408 ~version, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, J.675.415 Mr LECHER, m/u ~version, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 11910. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; J.675.416 ~cop. Ellen Sharples, crayons (3), 1804 INDE 11935. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1876). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. J.675.417 LEFEVRE, olim ??Cipriano Ribeiro Freire Harrison; acqu. 1876). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 199 repr. ϕ (1749–1825), wearing the star of the order of 207 repr. ϕ Christ and the Santiago, pstl/ppr, 22.5x17.8 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 11920. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1876). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 139 repr. ϕ J.675.429 John R. LIVINGSTON (1755–1851), J.675.41 François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de LA brother of chancellor Robert Livingston, ROCHEFOUCAULD-LIANCOURT (1747–1827), pstl/br. ppr, 24.1x18.7, c.1810 (New-York pstl/ppr (Bristol City Art Gallery). Lit.: Gidley Historical Society, inv. 1967.16. Acqu. Watson 1974 ϕ J.675.419 Mrs Lawrence LEWIS, née Eleanor Parke Fund) [?attr./?date] Custis (1779–1852), pstl, 24x19 ov. J.675.43 Robert R. LIVINGSTON (1746–1813), (Woodlawn Public Foundation, Inc. Mabel pstl/ppr, 22.7x17.7, c.1790–1800 (Amherst Storer Decatur, Kittery Point, Maine, College, Mead Art Museum, 1945.69. Legs a.1941).:Lit.: Massachusetts historical records Herbert L. Pratt) ϕ survey, 1941 ϕ J.675.412 Thomas LAW, pstl, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol City Art Gallery). Lit.: Gidley 1974 J.675.413 Colonel Tobias LEAR (1762–1816), secretary to George Washington, pstl, 23.5x18.4, 1798 (Mrs Anna Decatur Wright, J.675.432 ~version, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, Chestnut Hills, Pennsylvania). Exh.: INDE 11896. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Alexandria 1956, no. 29 repr., attr. James or J.675.421 Mrs Lawrence LEWIS, née Eleanor Parke Harrison; acqu. 1961). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. Ellen Sharples. Lit.: Raymond Brighton, The Custis, pstl, 25.4x20.3 (George Washington; ϕ checkered career of Tobias Lear, Portsmouth, NH, desc.: sitter’s niece, Mary Ann Rabdolph 209 repr. 1985, det.repr. cvr ϕ Custis, Mrs Robert E. Lee; desc.: Dr George Bolling Lee ( –1948), New York; his widow; dep.: Virginia Historical Society 1949–60; desc.: her children, Robert Edward Lee IV & Mrs A. Smith Bowman). Lit.: Frick Art www.pastellists.com – all rights reserved 1 Updated 4 August 2021 Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 J.675.434 Katherine LODGE, pstl, 25x20, inscr. “J. J.675.453 ~version, rect., m/u, not located; repr. Sharples Katherine Lodge Bath” (Warsaw, ?James MADISON (Princeton University PP170), v. web ϕ Desa Unicum, 23.VIII.2001, Lot 28 n.r., est. American sch. zł3000, b/i) [?attr.] ϕα J.675.445 [??]James MADISON as a young man, Louis-Philippe, v. d’Orléans pstl/ppr, 22.2x17.8 [?c.1790] (Washington PC J.675.437 John LOWELL II, pstl, 24x20 (n/k) ϕ 1950; desc.: Long Island PC; New York, Christie’s, 25.IX.2013, Lot 37 repr., as by Sharples, of Madison, est. $6–8000; withdrawn) [?attr.] ϕα?δν J.675.447 Mrs James MADISON, née Dolley Payne Todd (1768–1849), 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 10052. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1973). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 219 repr. ϕ J.675.455 James MCHENRY (1753–1816), 23x18, c.1795 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 11904. J.675.439 Captain David LYDIG, pstl, 24x19 Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. ([Erskine Hewitt]; New York, Parke Bernet, 1876). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 214 repr. ϕ 18–22.X.1938) J.675.44 James MADISON (1751–1836), pstl, 23x18, c.1797 (Amherst College, Mead Art Museum, 1945.68. Legs Herbert L. Pratt). Lit.: Knox 1930, p. 96 repr., unknown subject; Bolton 1951, pp. 30, 41 n.r. ϕ J.675.449 ??Dolley MADISON, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 11936. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1875). Lit.: Antiques, CXIII/1, .I.1978, p. 22 repr.; Diethorn 2001, p. 343 repr. ϕ J.675.457 Thomas MCKEAN (1734–1817) J.675.458 ~version, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 11931. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1876). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 216 repr. ϕ J.675.442 ~version, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 10053. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1973). Lit.: Antiques, CXIII/1, .I.1978, p. 22 repr.; Mazzei 1983, I, fig. 57; Diethorn 2001, p. 221 repr.; West 2004, p. 47 repr. clr ϕ J.675.451 Alexander MARTIN (1740–1807), governor of North Carolina, 23x18 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 12606. Felix Sharples 1811; Winder; Harrison; acqu. 1982). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 224 repr. ϕ www.pastellists.com – all rights reserved 2 Updated 4 August 2021 Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 J.675.46 Alexander MCWHORTER (1734–1807), J.675.471 Antoine-Philippe d’Orléans, duc de Morse, pstl, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol City Art DD, Presbyterian minister, pst/br. pprl, MONTPENSIER, pstl, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol City Gallery). Lit.: Gidley 1974 24.8x19.4, c.1795 (New-York Historical Art Gallery). Lit.: Gidley 1974 J.675.484 Mr MUNFORD; & pendant: J.675.485 Mr Society, inv. 1895.6. Desc.: George C. J.675.472 Clement Clarke MOORE (1779–1863), Munford, pstl, 23x18 (sale n/k, Lot 536/2) ϕ McWhorter, great-grandson; don 1895) ϕ American writer, pstl, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol City Art Gallery). Lit.: Gidley 1974 J.675.473 Médéric-Louis-Élie MOREAU de Saint- Méry (1750–1819), pstl, black chlk/ppr, 24x18.4, 1798 (New York, MMA, inv. 24.109.89. Legs Charles Allen Munn, 1924). Lit.: Bolger 1989, repr. ϕ J.675.462 Mrs Alexander MCWHORTER, née Mary Cumming (c.1737–1807), pstl/br. ppr, 24.4x19.4 (New-York Historical Society, inv. 1895.7. Don George C. McWhorter) McWhorter, v.q. Ogilvie J.675.464 Stephen MILLER, pstl, 25.4x20, 1799 J.675.475 Mrs MORGAN, pstl, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol (desc.: sitter’s: great-great-nephew, Charles City Art Gallery). Lit.: Gidley 1974 Cordier; his son; acqu. c.1947 Ginsburg & J.675.476 Gouverneur MORRIS (1752–1816), Levy, New York; Mr & Mrs Broaddus pstl/ppr, 25.4x20.9 (Washington, Smithsonian Johnson, Jr, 1976. =?Childs Gallery, Boston, Institution. Don Miss Ethel Turnbull). Lit.: ϕ 1986) American heritage, XII/5, 1961, p. 13 repr. ϕ J.675.488 William Vans MURRAY (1761–1803), lawyer and politician, pstl, 24x19, c.1800 (Maryland Historical Society). Lit.: Maryland historical magazine, XLI, 1946 J.675.489 Dr John NEILSON (1775–1857), pstl, 22x16.5 ov., 1794 (Mrs Philip Van Rensselaer Schuyler) ϕ Daniel MINET (London, Christie’s, 14.V.1926; Cox. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Northeast Auctions, J.675.478 Gouverneur MORRIS, pstl/ppr, 22–24.II.2008, Lot 1754) [v. British sch.] 24.2x18.8 (Boston, MFA,inv. 57.275. Maxim J.675.467 James MONROE (1758–1831), 5th Karolik (1893–1963), Newport; don 1957). president of the USA Lit.: Karolik 1962, no. 836 Φ J.675.468 ~version, pstl/ppr, 22.6x17.5 (Philadelphia, INHP, INDE 7.024. Acqu. 1874). Lit.: Diethorn 2001, p. 231 repr., attr. Felix Sharples, c.1807 ϕ J.675.491 William NEILSON, pstl, 23x18 (desc.: Louis Neilson) ϕ Photo ©2006 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston J.675.481 Mrs Gouverneur MORRIS, née Anne “Nancy” Cary Randolph (1774–1837), pstl, 24x18.3, 1810 (desc.: London PC 2000) FARL J.675.47 Antoine-Philippe d’Orléans, duc de J.675.482 ~cop., pstl, gch./ppr, 25.4x19.7 (New- MONTPENSIER (1775–1807), pstl, 24x21, New York Historical Society, inv.1949.72. Don Mrs York 1797 (d’Orléans, Palais-Royal 1838). Lit.: Gerald Hughes) Vatout 1826, no. 258 quater J.675.483 Rev. Jedidiah MORSE (1761–1826), US clergyman and geographer, father of Samuel www.pastellists.com – all rights reserved 3 Updated 4 August 2021 Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 J.675.493 General William NORTH (1755–1836), justice, pstl/ppr, 22.9x17.5, c.1785–95 (US pstl, 22.9x17.7 (Bristol City Art Gallery). Lit.: Supreme Court G961.1. Acqu. 1961) Gidley 1974 J.675.508 Robert PATTERSON, pstl, 23x18, s J.675.494 Hugh Smithson Percy, 1st Duke of (Washington, Weschler’s, 19.IX.1976, Lot NORTHUMBERLAND (1715–1786), 1365, $1100) philanthropist, FRS 1736, half-length profile, J.675.509 Mr PEART pstl, ov., 1779, =? Royal Academy 1782, no. J.675.51 ~cop. Ellen Sharples, crayons, 1805 168 (London, Christie’s, 9.IV.1991, Lot 48). J.675.511 ?George PEEL, pstl, 23x18 (Shrewsbury, Lit.: Knox 1930, p. 111f; Ingamells 2004, p. Halls, 10.XI.2004, Lot 377 attr., £600) 365 n.r.
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