INDEX Aaron Burr ... /75<5-/<ft?5', by Lomask, rev., Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly: The Standard 259-260 Oil Cases, by Bringhurst, rev., 125-127 Abbot, W. W., rev. of Jackson's Lachlan Architecture: biog. of John Notman, 265; Me Into shy 116-117 Dorsey's Gothic mansion, 3-38 Actors, biog. of Geo. Frederick Cooke, 526 Arlegui, Juan de Dios, 76 Adams, Abigail, 511 Arnold, Joseph L., rev. of Brooks and Adams, John, 508, 511; Papers of, vols, 3-4, RockePs A History of Baltimore County, Taylor ed., rev., 117-119 398-399 Adams, John Quincy, 451 Arrow War, in China, 204 Adams, Nemiah, 209 Arsenal of Democracy, 58 Adams, Paul K., "James P. Wickersham on Artisans of the New Republic, by Rock, rev., Education and Crime in Nineteenth- 133-134 Century Pennsylvania," 411-433 As We Saw Them, by Masao Miyoshi, rev., Aigleville, 504 396-397 Aigster, Dr. Frederick, 6, 31 The Astors, by Virginia Cowles, rev., 394-396 Aitken, Hugh G. F., rev. of Chandler and Asylum, Bradford Co., 7, 20 Salsbury's Pierre S. du Pont, 403-405 Atlantic and Pacific Transportation Com- Alcott, Bronson, 4377 pany, 45^459 Alden, John R., rev. of Fowler's The Baron Audibert, Aim6, 505-506 of Beacon Hill, 260-261 Audibert, Ang61ique Thibeau, 50677 Alexander, James Waddel, 4777, 48, 50, 51 Audibert, Louis-Francois, 50672 Alexander Hamilton: A Biography, by Auld, George F., 22377, 234 McDonald, rev., 257-258 Aurand, Harold W., "The Anthracite Miner: Allen, Joseph, 70 An Occupational Analysis," 462-473 Allentown, Pa., as center for homeopathy, Authors. See Writers 475 Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross, M.D., by Allentown Academy, 475 Gross and Gross, rev., 130-131 Allentown State Hospital, 487 Azilum, Bradford Co. See Asylum, Bradford Ambacher, Bruce I., rev. of Brock's Parties Co. and Political Conscience, \ii-\i\ American Institute of Homeopathy, 481 American Line, 67 American Mechanics, 81, 82 Bacon, Delia, 44 American Medical Association, 474, 478 Bacon, Ezekiel, 441, 442 American Party. See Know-Nothing Party Bacon, Francis, 44 American Revolution: Continental Army in, Bacon, Margaret Hope, Valiant Friend, rev., 406; Liberty's Daughters, by Norton, rev., 526-528 517-519; making of in N. Y., 519; Dr. Badollet, Albert Gallatin, 162 Jonathan Potts in, 254; Quakers in, 251; Badollet, Frances, 19177 Scotch mercenaries in, 508-513; The Urban Badollet, John (1757-1837), journal of, Crucible, by Nash, rev., 385-386; Gen. 1793-1794, 162-199 Geo. Weedon in, 256 Badollet, Margaret Hannah (Mrs. John Anderson, Richard, 451 Badollet) 162, 183, 198 Anglo-American relations, Jefferson's English Badollet, Sarah, 198 Crisis, by Spivak, rev., 120-122 Bailey, W. H., 22377 Ankeny, Christian, 182 Baldwin, Matthias, 70 Ankeny, Peter, 170, 172, 173, 176, 182 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 69 "The Anthracite Miner: An Occupational Baltimore, U.S.S., 74 Analysis," by Harold W. Aurand, 462-473 Baltimore Affair (1891-1892), 74-85 Antislavery movement, Quaker origins of, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 66 382-383 Baltimore County, history of, 398 537 538 INDEX October Bank of Pittsburgh, 228, 237 Biddle, Edward (d. 1800), 334 Bank of the United States, 2nd, 63, 64; Biddle, Eric, 100 St. Louis branch of, 333, 343 Biddle, Commodore James, 333, 336 Banking, 63, 64; Farmers and Drovers Biddle, Maj. John, 329W National Bank of Waynesburg, Pa., Biddle, Mary (Mrs. John G. Biddle,) 343 failure of, 221-239 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 10, 63, 453, Baptist Theological Seminary, Bristol, Eng- 459; and Maj. Thos. Biddle, 328 passim land, 19 Biddle, Richard, 453 Barbon, Nicholas, 368 Biddle, Maj. Thomas (1790-1831): life and Bard, Richard, 314 death of, 326-344; memorial vases of, Barker, James N. 58 340, 344 Barlow, Joel, 35 Biddle, William S., 327, 330, 331, 342 Barnard, Henry, 411 Bigler, William, 212 Barnett, George I., 344 Binney, Horace (1780-1875), 240; selfishness Barns, of Pa. Germans, 184 of, 66 The Baron of Beacon Hill, by Fowler, rev., Biographical Dictionary of American Science^ 260-261 by Elliott, rev., 112-114 Barrett, Judge G. R., 356 Bird, Robert Montgomery, 46?* Barrett, Lawrence, 39 Bishop, A. H., 242, 243 Barton, Benjamin, 20 Bittinger, Rev. Joseph B., 417 Bauduy, Mimika, 23, 25, 3$ Bittner, Dr. A. J., 485 Bauman, John B., "Depression Report," Black, Charles A., 221 96-109 Blaine, James G., 74, 80, 81 Baumann, Roland M., 134; rev. of Rakove's Blanco, Richard L., Physician of the American The Beginnings of National Politics, Revolution, rev., 254-256 3*9-39* Blodget, Lorin, 69, 70 Bear, 177, 186 Blood Relations, by Mosley, rev., 529-531 Beaumont de la Bonniniere, Gustave Bloody Island, St. Louis, 340 Auguste de, 62 Bockelman, Wayne, 36^ Beaver, Indian chief, 310, 318 Boinod, Daniel, 297, 298 Becker, Robert, 366 Boker, Charles S., 39 Beecher, Catherine, 38 Boker, George Henry: biog. of, 40; career of, Beeson, Henry, 17iny I8I« 39; letters of to John S. Hart, 39-57 Beeson, Jacob, 167, 181, 183, 185, 190, 191, Bolivar, Simon, 452 199 Bonaparte, Charles J., 231, 232 Beeson Town, Pa., 171, 190, 191, 192, 198, Bonar Land Company, 225 199 A Book for a Sixpence, by David Kaser, rev., The Beginning of National Politics, by 383-385 Rakove, rev., 389-391 Bouquet, Col. Henry, 323 Beidelman, William, 86, 87 Bowlby, C. H., 223^, 233 Bell, John, 216, 217 Bellamy, Madge, 88 Braddock Expedition, 313, 321 Belohlavek, John M., "A Philadelphian and Bradford, Andrew, 152 Bradford, William, IV (1755-1795), attorney the Canal: The Charles Biddle Mission to general, 289, 290, 291, 294, 306 Panama," 450—461 Bradford, William (/. 1810), 5 Bement? William W. & Son, 69, 70 Benjamin Harrison Memorial Home, 80 Bradley, Edward Sculley, 40, 41 Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, by Bradstxeet, Lt. Col. John, 325 Brown, rev., 520-522 Breckinridge, John C, in election of i860, Benton, Thomas Hart, 335 212-217 Berlin, Pa., 164, 172, 182 Brethren in Christ, story of, 132 Bethlehem Steel Company, 103, 105 Brevost, Antoinette, 4, 33, 3\n Bible, reading of in schools, 426,427,428, 430 Brevost, John, 20, 3$ Bible Society of Philadelphia, 19 Brewer, George W., 214 Biddle, Ann Mullanphy (Mrs. Thos. Biddle), Bridenbaugh, Carl: Jamestown, 1544-1699, 33*y 331, 343 rev., 381-382; rev. of Webb's The Gover- Biddle, Charles (1745-1821), 327, 453 nor* s-General, 514—515 Biddle, Charles (1787-1836), 332; character Bringhurst, Bruce, Antitrust and the Oil of, 453; mission to Panama of, 450-461 Monopoly, rev., 125-127 Biddle, Col. Charles J. (1819-1873), 326?/; Brinner, Peter, 192 humor of, 240-244 Broadhurst, Mrs., 31 1980 INDEX 539 Brock, William R., Parties and Political Carey, Mary, 19 Conscience; rev., 122-124 Carey, Mathew, 5 Bromley, James, 70 Carey, Mrs. Mathew, 19 Bronner, Edwin B., rev. of Mekeel's The Carey & Lea, 62 Relation of the Quakers to the American Carey Vespers, 4577 Revolution, 251-252 Carosso, Vincent P., More Than a Century of Brookhouser, Frank, 73 Investment Banking, rev., 124—125 Brooks, Neal A., A History of Baltimore Carr, Benjamin, 20 County, rev., 398~399 Carter, Katherine D., "Isaac Norris IFs Brooks, Preston, 209, 210 Attack on Andrew Hamilton," 139-161 Brothers Valley (Somerset County), 167, 171 Cary, John, 367, 368 Brown, Ira V.: rev. of Bacon's Valiant Casey, Alice, 40 Friend, 526-528; rev. of Frost's The Castries, Marechal de, 298 Quaker Origins of Antislavery, 382-383 Cather, Willa, in Pittsburgh, 1896-1906, Brown, R. H., 448 534-535 Brown, Ralph Adams: rev. of O'Connor's Catherine the Great, 510 William Pater son, 261-262; rev. of Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 87 Taylor's Papers of John Adams, vols. 3-4, Cavalry, in Union Army in Civil War, 268 117-119 Cemeterio de los Disidentes, Valparasio, 78 Brown, Robert, 434, 443, 444 Centennial Exposition, 59 Brown, Dr. Samuel, 501 Central America, Am. interests in, 203 Brown, Sanborn C., Benjamin Thompson, Central American Republic, 451-461 passim Count Rumford, rev., 520-522 Central High School, Phila., 39 Bruff, Capt. James, 9 Chambers, Charles, 342 Brumbaugh, Martin G., 60 Chambers Artillery Company, 219 Brunhouse, Robert, 36$ "The Chambersburg Valley Spirit, 1850- Bryan, George (1731-1791), and Marbois- 1861," by Richard H. McDonnell, 200-220 Longchamps Affair, 280, 282, 292, 294 Champ d' Asile, 504 Buchanan, James, 201,203,208, 212, 213, 215 Champagne, Raymond, Jr., "Jonathan Bull, Capt. John, 322, 323 Roberts and the 'War Hawk' Congress of Burckher, George, 164, 187, 190, 191, 193 181 ITI 812," 434-449 Burgin, George H., 70 Champion, Walter T., Jr., "Christian Fred- Burnside, Judge James, 359 erick Post and the Winning of the West," Burr, Aaron, 44; from Princeton to Vice 308-325 President, 259-260 Chandler, Alfred D., Pierre S. du Pont, rev., Burt, Nathaniel, 59; rev. of Cowles' The 403-405 Astors 394-396 Chandler? George, 359 Butler, Jon: rev. of Nash's The Urban Charity, in Pa. during Depression, 96-109 Crucible, 385-386; rev. of Wittlinger's Chase, John M., 357, 359 Quest for Piety and Obedience, 132-133 Cherokee Indians, 313, 315, 316 Byers, Abraham, 359 Cherry, Ralph, mill of, 17077, 180 Byrne, Kathleen D., Chrysalis, rev., $34.-53$ Cherry bounce, 183, 184 Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron, 27, Chestnut St. Theatre, 58 28,29 Cheves, Langdon, 440 Byrd, Col. William (1674-1744), 145 Chew, Benjamin (1722-1810), 18777 Chicago, pop. of, 58 The Chicago Tribune, by Lloyd Wendt, rev., 399-401 Cachapoal, ship, 81 Children, labor laws for, 420 423 Cadoret sisters, 24 Chile, U. S. relations with, 74-85 Cadwalader, John, rev. of Cooling's Gray China, Phila. trade with, 62, 67 Steel and Blue Water Navy, 401-402 Chiropracty, 479 Calhoun, John C, 209, 447; and the Mexican "Christian Frederick Post and the Winning War, 528 of the West," by Walter T.
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