American Association of Teachers of French NATIONAL BULLETIN VOLUME 33, NO. 1 SEPTEMBRE 2007 THE WORLD SPEAKS FRENCH AND SO SHOULD YOU The teaching of French continues to face als created thus far, links to that it is always a good thing to add other numerous challenges–tight budgets, teacher Top Reasons to Learn French,” a French/ languages to the curriculum, but never at the shortages, competition from other languages English “Mot du jour,” links to the AATF and expense of those that are already present. and subjects, a perceived lack of importance French Embassy Web sites, and will be aug- A national PR campaign is a very expen- of the French language in the world– sive project. Professionally pro- all combine to create a situation in duced documents and ad cam- which every French teacher must paigns cost, but it is the implemen- look for ways to promote his or her tation of the strategies--purchasing program at every opportunity, “sell” ad space, media time, printing and the study of French to prospective disseminating documents widely students and their parents, and de- that is truly costly. Without the sup- fend their programs to unenlightened port of the French Embassy, we administrators. could not have undertaken this ef- Beginning in 1999 under the lead- fort alone. ership of then AATF President Gladys We will depend on our chapter Lipton, the AATF instituted National officers, Executive Council mem- French Week in an effort to make bers, interested teachers, and French more visible outside the class- Commission Chairs, in particular room by organizing events and gen- the chairs of the AATF Commis- erating positive publicity for French sions on Advocacy and for the Pro- in the school and community. Now motion of French, to help get the approaching its ninth year, National word out. With nearly 10,000 mem- French Week has been a valuable mented with more text, links, arguments in bers, we can reach every state and most public relations tool in the preservation and favor of French, and other items as the cam- major locales. And remember, once is not promotion of French programs. paign progresses. enough! Decision-makers need multiple, A national PR campaign for French is the The AATF will begin distributing items periodic reminders of the importance of next logical step. We have worked toward through its chapters this fall, and the Em- French and the contributions of their French this goal since 1999, and in close collabora- bassy will distribute items through the local teachers and students. tion with the French Embassy, have under- consulates. We have a number of promo- taken a PR project which has been under- tional posters advertising the Web site (oth- Inside this issue page way since January 2007. It was launched ers will be produced at a later date), pen- Tribute to Outgoing EC Members .......p. 2 at the recent AATF convention in Baton cils, as well as preprinted postcards intended President's Message ............................ p.3 Rouge and at Bastille Day festivities at the to be mailed to local administrators (with a Baton Rouge Convention Highlights ......... French Embassy and French consulates specific local message added, if desired). ..................................................... p.4-5 around the country. The postcards carry the image reproduced Executive Council ................................p.6 The French Language Initiative has as above as well as the message: “Used by over AATF Small Grants .............................. p.8 its slogan “The World Speaks French.” 200 million people in more than 40 coun- Regional Reports ......................... p.11-12 There is now a Web site for the project tries around the world, French is a language National Commissions ...................... p. 13 [www.theworldspeaksfrench.org] where in- for international communication, culture, di- National French Week Contests ........p.15 formation will be posted as it is becomes plomacy and business. It improves test National French Week Materials ......p. 15 available. The site is still under construc- scores and reinforces English skills, mak- Telematics: The Growing “Net” Worth tion, but you can learn about the major as- ing French the language for today’s stu- of French ..................................... p.17 pects of the campaign and see some of the dents.” Mots Chassés ....................................p.19 visual elements developed thus far. In the coming months we will begin a print 2008 AATF Book Club ........................p.21 We will soon have available print ads, ad campaign targeting administrators and Classroom Activity ..............................p.27 Web banners, posters, promotional articles other decision-makers who determine when Salut Les Jeunes! ..............................p.29 such as pencils, as well as model letters to a French program will be supported or intro- Excellence in Teaching Awards .......... p.31 the editor to respond to negative articles in duced. Eventually, we would like to target AATF Administrator Award ................ p. 34 the press. We are also developing a strat- potential students and their parents. How- Materials Center ................................. p.38 egy for responding to immediate threats to ever, our initial research showed that the National Board Certification .... pp.33 & 43 a program, including letters, op-ed pieces, most imminent threat is to smaller programs French Immersion in NYC ................. p.45 flyers, and other items as appropriate. that are being eliminated or phased out to Convention in Liege ........................... p.49 The Web site [www.theworldspeaks be replaced with programs in another lan- Advocacy: French Moments in State french.org] contains samples of all the visu- guage. This is not acceptable. We believe History ...........................................p.53 TRIBUTE TO OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS SPONSORS DU CONGRÈS DE Barbara Ransford has served one term BATON ROUGE as Vice-President. Despite a number of per- sonal challenges, Barbara has undertaken several important tasks, including participat- Service culturel de l’Ambassade de France à ing regularly in sessions and workshops on Washington Advocacy, chairing the Nominating Commit- ♦ tee, and serving on the Steering Commit- FIAP Jean Monnet tee. She also served as Arkansas Chapter ♦ President. She will continue to be actively involved in the Leadership Project she is di- TV5 recting with Vice-President Ann Sunderland. ♦ We thank Barbara for her years of service Maison de la France to the AATF, and are sure she will remain ♦ active in AATF projects. Sharon Shelly has served one term as LSU Foundation Managing Editor of the French Review. This ♦ is an arduous and sometimes thankless task which nonetheless ensures that the French Intercultural Student Experiences Review continues to maintain its reputation ♦ as a high quality professional journal that it CERAN Lingua has long enjoyed. In addition, she has been ♦ an active participant on the Executive Coun- cil and at the annual conventions. We are Concordia Language Villages grateful to Sharon for her service to the AATF ♦ and look forward to continuing to work with Webster University (MO) her in the years to come. At our recent convention in Baton Rouge, Margot Steinhart was recognized after reaching the end of a five-year term as Presi- dent-Elect, President, and Past-President of the AATF. Prior to this, she had held various PLAN NOW TO CELEBRATE offices for AATF, including Vice-President, NATIONAL FRENCH WEEK Review Editor for the French Review, and Chicago/Northern Illinois Chapter President. NOVEMBER 5-11, 2007 & 2008 In addition, she cochaired the AATF com- mittee which developed the French adapta- tion of the National Standards. For many years she taught at Barrington High School Volume 33 Number 1 AATF NATIONAL BULLETIN September 2007 where she chaired the Foreign Language Editor: Jane Black Goepper, Cincinnati, Ohio ganization. Periodicals postage paid at the Department, and she is now on the faculty Carbondale, IL Post Office. Office of Publi- Reading Committee: Therese C. Clarke, Dept. at Northwestern University. During her ca- cation: AATF, Mailcode 4510, Southern Illinois of Modern and Classical Languages, Buffalo reer, she has always been a dedicated mem- University, Carbondale, IL 62901. ber of the Association and is an Officier dans State University, NY; S. Pascale Dewey, l’Ordre des Palmes académiques as well as Kutztown University, PA; Gisèle Loriot- All items published in the National Bulletin are serving as Vice-President of the American Raymer, Northern Kentucky University, High- the property of the American Association of Society for the French Academic Palms land Heights, KY; Elizabeth Miller, Crystal Teachers of French. They may be copied for (ASFAP). She has been instrumental in our Springs Uplands School, CA; Samia I. Spen- classroom or workshop use only if the source efforts towards the promotion and defense cer, Auburn University, AL. and date of publication are indicated on the of French. Last but not least, Margot copies. The AATF National Bulletin (ISSN 0883-6795) Postmaster: Send address changes to AATF, Steinhart has touched many lives through has its editorial offices at 2700 Ashland Av- her kindness and encouragement. During Mailcode 4510, Southern Illinois University, enue at Victory Parkway, Unit 22, Cincinnati, Carbondale, IL 62901. the banquet in Baton Rouge, she received Ohio 45206; e-mail: [[email protected]]. Corre- Deadlines for submissions of materials to the a standing
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