Index A Abū’l‐Qāsim al‐Ka ʿbī, 2067 Aagjuuk, 1027 Abū’l-Ṣalt, 14 Abacus, 1–3, 4595. See also Yupana Abū’l-Wafā˒,14–16, 4327 Al-˓Abbās al-Jawharī, 2067 Abū Ma˓shar, 11–12 ˓Abd ar-Raḥmān II, 2837 Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī, 3218 Abdul-Hameed, 430 Abu Qoreh, 4348 Abelomschus diversifolius,4 Abu Sari gold mining site, Sudan, 3257 Abe Motoaki, 2610 Abyssinian loom, 4430 Abenaki people, 855 Acacia spp., 3498 Abe Rakuho, 2610 Acano, 2737 Al-Abharī, Athīr al-Dīn, 278 Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Corea and Abhāva, 3415 the Great Loo-Choo Island (Hall), 4274 Ablaq Acharis, 3294 cladding and inlay, 364 Acheulian stone beads from Bedford, England, 866 joggled stone, 363–364 Achillea millefolium, 1733 monochrome, 364 Acidity, 2193 muqarnas vaulting over portals, 364 Acllas, 2474–2475 polychrome geometric interlace, 364 Acumoxology. See Acupuncture sculpture, 364 Acupuncture, 2979, 4611, 4617–4618 Aboriginal art, 2747 biomedicalization, 27–28 Aboriginal Australians traditions and Chinese herbal medicine, 27 comet and meteorite, 1388–1391 historical development of, 25–26 knowledge, 2444–2445, 2448 internationalization, 26–27 Aboriginal health workers (AHWs), 3074, 3075 limitations of therapy, 28 Aboriginal people and moxibustion, 27 ecology in, 1688–1691 sociohistorical evolution of, 24–25 environment and nature in, 1663–1667, 1681–1688 terminology, 24 firestick farming, 1665 treatment, 28 Abortifacients, 4 vs. Western conventional medicine, 27 Abortion, 3–6 Acyuta Piṣāraṭi, 29–30 Abraham bar Ḥiyya, 6 Adab, 2910 Abraham Ibn Ezra, 7 Adab al-ṭabīb (Practical Ethics of the Physician), 2901, Abreh, 968 2991 Abū al-Barakāt, 8–9 Adam’s Peak (Sri Pada), 1977 Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, 2067 Addition on yupana, 4596 Abū Ja˓far al-Khāzin, 9 Adhatoda vasica Nees, 3501 Abū Kāmil, 10–11, 3411 Adhika masa, 3489 Abu’l Abbas al-Ma’mūn ibn Muhammad II, 169 The Admonitions of Ipuwer, 4545 Abū’l-Barakāt, 3533 Advaita philosophy, 3417 Abū’l-Faraj, 3220 Adze, woodworkers, 4302, 4305, 4307, 4308, 4310 Abū’l-Fidā˒,13 Afar depression, 1711 Abū’l-Ḥāshim al-Jubbā, 2067 (I arrow should come) Afarnu, 971 Abul Qāsim, 2077 Afrasiab, water supply, 2378–2380 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016 4631 H. Selin (ed.), Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7747-7 4632 Index Africa. See also Northern Africa; West Africa salt in, 3824 agriculture, 30–33, 1620, 1623, 1624 textiles in, 4211–4213 agroforestry, 126–127 time in, 4240–4242 architecture, indigenous Akan building construction, weights and measures in, 4432–4435 379–383 African Copper Plc, 3572 Asian Green Revolution in, 31 African medical thinking, paradigms in, 2947–2950 basketry, 819–824 African San People, cosmologies, 1450–1457 bone technology, 954–960 African Societies, medical ethics, 2902 bread-baking technologies, 963–966 Against Method, 3712, 4172 brewing in, 974–977 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, 1743 building construction in, 998–1005 Agaṇita-grahacāra, 2426, 2591 calendars of, 1622 Aganthuka in Āyurveda, 3035 ceramics Aggabodhi I, 4380 clay extraction, 1076–1077 Al-Aghdhīyyah (On Dietetics), 2337 clay processing, 1077–1079 Al-Aghdiyyah, 2337 decoration, 1081–1083 Agnives´atantra, 295 drying, 1083 Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, 1360 firing, 1083–1086 Agricultural encyclopedia, 1678 manufacturing process, 1075–1087 Agricultural revolution, 4025 postfiring, 1086–1087 Agricultural technology, 4186–4188 preforming, 1080–1081 Agricultural time keeping, by astronomy, 756–761 roughing out, 1079–1080 Agriculture shaping, 1079 Africa, 1620, 1623, 1624 social background, 1075 America, 66–85 colonialism and science, 1358–1359 ancient methods culture, 1559–1561 construction of cities, 114–115 East and West, 1559–1562 continental transfer of crops, 116–117 environment and nature in, 1619–1625 evidence for, 112–113 food crops, 1562 food production terminology, 112 food production, 1623–1624 origins of, 113–114 food technology, 1920–1924 recent developments, 118–119 gender relations in, 1622 rise and development, 114 geometry, 2035–2036 soil fertility management, 118 horn, 968–970 terracing, 118 indigenous knowledge, 2501–2503 water management, 117–118 and critics, 2503–2504 Ancient Near East ecosystem, 2506–2507 complex systems, 92–96 philosophy, 2504–2506 emerging, 86–89 social organization, 2507–2508 established societies, 89–92 maps and mapmaking in, 2625–2628 perspectives, 96–97 material culture in, 4488–4490 Andes, 1660–1661 mathematics in, 2751–2755, 2755–2759 Brazil, 120–124 medicine in, 2937–2954 China, 33–45 metallurgy in, 3098–3103 Egypt navigation in, 3331–3335 bread and wine, 3469–3471, 3473 number theory in, 3404–3407 crop plants, 3461–3463 rainfall in, 1620–1622 cultivation technology, 3464–3466 rainforest crop production, 4158, 4173 gardens and ornamental horticulture, 3473–3477 rice harvest and post harvest technology, 3465–3468, consumption variation, 3741 3470 future, 3745 irrigation and drainage technology, 3463–3465 history, 3741, 3743–3745 pest control, 3469 introduction, 3745 plant exploration, 3471–3474 Oryza glaberrima Steud., 3741 ripening induction, 3467–3469 Oryza sativa L., 3741 viticulture, 3467 production rate in 1961, CAGR, 3741 India, 47–48 research, 3745 Indonesia, 49–52 rice cultivation, 1562 Islamic World, 98–101 Index 4633 Japan halls, 162 climate, 53–54 pillars, 163–164 development of farming system in ancient, 55–58 porches, 162 influential trends of geography, 53–54 porticoes, 162 medieval ages, 55–58 prākāras, 162 modernization, 60–62 rock-cut, 156–161 paddy rice, delayed start, 54–55 shrines, 164 premodern age, 58–60 staircases, 161–162 remarkable growth from very beginning, 54–55 geology, 164 transfiguration, 62–65 paintings, 164–166 origins, Indian subcontinent, 3543 Ajima Naonobu, 166–167 Pacific Islands Ajoujos, 3363 origin and evolution, 102–104 Akan building construction, 379–383 traditional, 104–105 Akan gold weights, 4432–4435 Southwest Asia, rise and development, 114 Akan timber framework construction elements, 1004 Agri-silviculture, 131–136 Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu, 705–706 Agri-silvipasture, 153 Akhet, 3400 Agroforestry Akhmim Wooden Tablet, 2779 Africa, 126–127 Akira Yoshizawa, 3458 agri-silviculture, 131–136 Akkadians, 3222 agri-silvipasture, 153 Akranda, 2424 api-silviculture, 151–152 Akrandasara, 2424 aqua-silviculture, 150–151 Akṣasūkta, 3587 field-and-grove systems, 137–141 Akuttujuuk, 1027 field-and-interstitial support trees Al-āla al-jāmi ˒a (the universal instrument), 2301 spatially interstitial trees, 142–144 Al-A’lāq al-nafīsah (The Book of Precious Things), 2003 temporally interstitial trees, 144 Alaska harmonic swiddens, 145–150 ethnobotany of, 1778–1793 Pacific Islands, 128–130 food plants, 1784–1785 silvipasture, 152–153 medicinal plant, 1786–1788 Agroforestry rotation, 137 Al-Barq al-Yamānī fī’l-fatḥ al-˓U ṭmānī (The Yemenite Aguardiente,66 Lightning on the Ottoman Conquest), 2315 Aguja, 4129, 4130, 4133 Albategni, 2124 Ahargaṇa (number of days elapsed in an era), 4342 Alchemy, 1571 Ah Balam yal Na Chan (Sir Jaguar is the child of Lady China, 177–180, 1567 Sky), 4573 Islam, 180–182 Ahba^llū’lû and bughmalu’lû, 2404 Alcohol fermentation Ahiṃsā, 2900 kambuda, 187–190 Ahindr-yoˆbwê (proverb stone), 4432 mangaitch, 186–187 Aḥmad ibn Mājid, 3352, 3353, 3354 way-a-linah, 184–186 Ahmes papyrus, 2017, 2745 Alcoholic rice beverages, 191–196 Ahur Hamar Dafira, for accounts of stables and horses, Al-Dābid, 3482 4347 Alexander Wylie, 2555 Aida yasuaki, 153–154 Alfonso X, 199–200 Ain-i-Akbari, 3341 Al-Futūḥāt al-makkiyya (The Meccan Openings), 2284 Air-blast apparatus, 2897 Algebra, 10. See also Abū Kāmil Aïr Region of Niger (West Africa), 1074 Abū Kāmil, 3411 Aitareya Brāhmana, 1993 with arithmetic, 1019 ‘Ajā’ib al-buldān (The Wonders of the Lands or China, 200–204 Geography), 2003 India, 204–206 `Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt (The Wonders of Creation or in Islam, 2786 Cosmology), 2003 Islamic mathematics, 207–211 Ajanta caves, 154–166, 1065–1068 Malay World, 211–215 architecture surveyors, 215–220 cells, 162–163 Algebraic barbarism, 3870 door fittings, 163 Algorithms, 204 frontcourts, 162 Al-Ḥajar, 2389 gates and doorways, 162 Al Hāwī, 2192 4634 Index Alhazen’s problem, 3522 Amenhotep III, 897, 2146 Aligarh Scientific Society, 1361 Amennakhte, 2632 Al-Kulliyāt (The Collection), 2337 America Al-urashī, 4455–4460 agriculture, 66–85 Allium cepa L., 3501 colonialism and science, 1363–1379 Allographs, 4572–4573 eclipses in, 1591–1594 Alloys geometry Mesopotamia, 3188–3190 archaeoastronomy, 2024–2025 techniques of, 3131 building technology, 2024–2025 Al-madqal (place of entry), 2315 ceremonial centers of Mesoamerica, 2025–2034 Almagest, 255–256, 1019, 1576, 1600, 2143, 2171, 2387, ceremonial centers of Peru, 2022–2023 2397, 2399, 2578, 2783, 2785, 3322, 3540 pre-Euclidean geometry, 2024–2025 Al Majusi, 2994–2995 knowledge systems Almanac, 2333 experience and imagination, 2455–2456 Almanach Perpetuum, 4600 first words, 2452–2453 Al-Masālik al-Mamālik (Roads and Kingdoms), inherency of, 2453–2454 2313–2314 international resolutions and declarations, Almonds (Prunus dulcis), 326 2462–2468 Al-Muhadhdhab fi `l-Kuḥl al-Mujarrab (The Polished Khipu (Quipu) knowledge transmission, 2461 Book on Experimental Ophthalmology), 2296 Mayan Hieroglyphic writing, 2460–2461 Al-mustanba ṭ, 2389 relatedness, 2453–2454 Al-Naasi, 1045 resistance and recovery, 2456–2458 Alnus nepalensis, 132 sovereignty, responsibility, and respect, 2454–2455 Alphabet, 265–269 transmission, 2458–2462 Middle East,
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