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Fascinating new Game! fun ... thrills ... adventure 011 a RaDIO TOUR Throw out old, worn-out radio tubes . .. re-tube with new Cunningham or RCA Radiotrons - get in the game! ERE'S a chance to get in on the greatest game ever devised for H radio set owners! Don't confine yourself to five or six stations .. ..there are more than 650 to choose ftom .. Go on a Radio Tour! AC,"ff A " FirS! N igh!" in Hollywood- g<t the thrill o{ it A turn of the dial and you're touring North America! Drop in on a Radio T our! on Miami, hear a dance under a warm tropic moon . join a barn dance out in Indiana .. get the thrill of the Mardi Gras in New Orleans ... a .. First Night" in Hollywood ... hear those powerful sta­ tions in Mexico .. From Maine to California, the game is on-get in it! Here's all you need to start playing: A good radio set, with a good antenna system-pillS a new set of Cunningham radio tubes or RCA Radiotrons. Don't be held back by worn, "stick-in-rhe­ mud" rubes. Step out tonight with the world's finest-the onlJ tubes guaranteed by RCA ... built with 5 great new improvements undreamed of when most people bought their tubes. To make it easy for you, we'll send you a large, 4-color "Radio Tours" map showing at a glance all the radio stations in the Unit.ed States, Canada and Mexico, with call letters and kilocycles ... And the remarkable new "Radio Set Performance Yardstick" devised by RCA and the Cunningham engineers. It tells you whether your set is in excellent, good, fair or poor operating condition. What a help you'll find it! Get this exciting booklet "Radio Tours" with the new Wide Wor ld "Ringside" at Madison Square Garden .. be there {o r the "Radio Set Performance Yardstick" from your big fi g hts-on a Radio Tou.r I dealer or send tOc in stamps to cover handling and mailing to RCA Radiotron Company, Camden, New Jersey._ Please send your iJlusrrated {older " Radio Tours" with sra· rion ma p and "radio yar dstick" , Ride your radio to the Mardi Gras . " get its glamour and III I lim enclosing 10<: in stamps AJJrm color touring via Radio! {or postage anJ handl ing. (COllpOII mllJlb, wlI ro RCA RuJioJron Co.• CamJ,". N. ).! 23 " - .. H VOl. 1 NO. 3 JANUARY. 1934 J U L I A SHAWELL • EDITOR BE LLE LANDESMAN • A SSIST ANT ED ITOR WALLACE HAMILTON CAMPBELL . ART DIRECTOR . s p e c I a f e a t u r e 5 Editorial . • . 3 Our Headliners Me and My " Raddlo" Hot and Airy ..... .. ... ........... ... By Mercury 4 S. l. Rothofel (RoX'! to you), who's been on the air long enough to know Latest News and Gossip of the Broadcasters everything about broadcasting, tells What's Wrong With Radio-According to Roxy .. By Maris "What's Wron:! With Radio" in on Anne Lane . ..... .. .. ..... ....... .. ..... .... .6 interesting and revealing interview The Famous Aicman Analyzes the Industry for this month's RADIO MIRROR. Whether you agree with him or not Vass You D.ere Sharlie? ... ..... By Herb Cruikshank 8 you'll admit he knows his subject and The Real Jack Pearl Presented to You in this article gives food for serious How I Keep Bing Straight. .. .. ... By Dixie Lee Crosby 10 thought to broadcasters and fans. M rs , Crosby Tells All . When Bing Crosby persuaded beautiful Dixie Lee to Roses and Drums ............ .. ... By Rhoda Hague 12 give up a movie career and become Mrs. Crosby he gave his lovely wife a full-time job. So the cameras The Romance of a Drama Hour haven't seen her for a long time, whot with taking core Mike's Happiest Couple . .. ... .. By R. H , Rowan 14 . of her baby and managing Bing. In a fascinating story They 're May Singhi Breen and Peter De Rose she has written herself, Mrs. Crosby tells his public Women In Radio .. ... .. ... By Mary Margaret McBride 16 "How I Keep Bing Straight". If Dio genes lived today and met A Famous Woman Executive Speaking Boron Munchausen he'd throwaway The Ole Maestro . .. .......... ... By Camilla Jordan 18 his lantern and give up, for Jock Meet Ben Bernie as He Is Pearl has mode the famouS character Turning Poi'nts In -Their Lives ........... .. .. ..... , 20 the most daring and amazing fabri­ cator of the era. But Mr. Pearl and Strange Moments that Made Things Different his radio career are a thrilling story You. Ask Her Another. .... ... .. .. .. ....... ......... .. 22 which Herb Cruikshank tells in "Voss Lulu McConnell Still Crazy You Dere Sharlie?" The Ole Maestro, Ben Bernie, who's been 9dding to the amusements of Chicago these Radio Mirror's Gallery of Stars post several months comes, in for a bit of airing in a Harriet Hilliard. 23 Ethelyn Holt . ., . 26 personality sketch of the popular radio leader who Po,trO II I» Ray I.u Jach ol< Po,l,oit by Jou ,.. At,'ri. M eEJ /ioll mixes gags and blue notes all in the couse of foamy John McCormack . 24 Ru ss Columbo 27 libations. P,,,tra,' by Ray Lt, Jack.toN Pnrlroj/ by l nittd A , t".:fj May Si nghi Breen a nd Peter De Rose, who met and Genia Fonarjova .
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